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  • Eh, w/e I'm really bored, and I don't feel like being on here much longer, and I really don't want to talk on the phone, and I just really don't want to do anything......except maybe cut...........I don't know why, cut I'm always in the mood to cut.......I told DP I would try to stop, and I haven't cut all day, but........idk
    Umm, geez savanah. It is kinna late and like I dun think I would get away with it.
    Yeah, me too. It tends to happen these days, and I really dislike it... a lot....

    Can you come over???
    *shrugs* My phone's back in my room, and I'm up at the clubhouse, and I am far too lazy to get up, and walk all the way back. I mean, it's not that far, but I really don't want to get up, 'cuz if I do, I'll want to sit down, then I'll want to lay down, then I'll end up going to sleep, and I don't wanna..... Sorry...
    Mind if I call you? It is late and I do not wish to sleep. It's okay if no....
    That sounds like fun. Wish I could come...... I DO need to get away from it all....... And spending time with Marwa would make everything better, ya know???
    I just wasn't sure if what I had typed was understandable or not........ I'm feeling really strange right now...... I kinda have been the past couple days, and I'm not really sure what's up. It's like, as soon as I'm not around people, or even when I am around people, I just feel shut-out from the entire world. It's almost as if I don't exist. I almost feel like I'm watching everything going on in my life from the outside, and just trying to push myself in the right direction, and it's really not working at all..............

    Were you able to make any sense out of that last post??? Now that I read it, I can't......
    Eh, there's not really much I can say about it.

    Basically, I didn't do something I should have done that I didn't do, and now it's going to haunt me until I tell that person what I need to tell them.........

    It's not as easy as it sounds, ya know?
    Naw, not really. At least, I don't think so. Can't really sleep atm, no matter how tired I might be. I have the means of getting a Mountain Dew, 'cuz, like you, I don't really want to sleep tonight.....
    Sounds like a plan to me; if all works out as planned, how long will you estimate this RP's lifespan to stretch?
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