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Space Cowboy
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  • ;A; A-alright

    I think... I think I'm over it now. It was just a moment of confusion. Kubo still sucks.
    Ohh. c: I actually watched YuYu Hakusho when I was little and it came on adult swim, and then later I figured I'd read it so this time I'd actually understand what was happening.
    It's interesting, to say the least. You might not like it so much if you didn't like YuYu Hakusho, since it really feels like that at times. And there's a lot of explaining going on. About everyone's abilities and what they're thinking and feeling. That might get irritating.

    But it does have likable characters and it's interesting to read. So, it might depend on whether or not you can deal with loads of explaining. And ambiguously gay characters. (I am not kidding. This is what happens when you don't include a female character into the main cast.)
    Well, Naruto at least as a somewhat decent shot of not completely sucking by the end (because unlike Bleach, it actually has, you know, a plot).

    As for Bleach, I don't know. Maybe it's because the lack of an actual plot makes each chapter only take about 2 minutes max to read.
    I try my best lol.

    Not gonna lie, even though I just started it, I'm liking One Piece, lol. I've never met a main character who is so innocent and yet already capable of delivering severe ownage.
    Yeah it was! The only problem I had with it was this:

    Since when were babies born with hair? o_O
    Thank you ~~ <3

    Pretty alright unis, only two of which I'm not keen on. My preferences go as such:

    - Salford University (BA Modern Languages with Translation and Interpreting Studies for French and Italian)
    - Lancaster University (French Studies)
    - Manchester University (French Studies)
    - Manchester Metropolitan University (French Studies)
    - UCLAN (BA Modern Languages with French and Japanese)

    Ew, Japanese.
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