Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
teehee. nice to meet a nother con for mist...
hey, check out my poetry. it's on my sig, and on my statistics(show all threads posted)
teehee, every random is a pattern.
Considering not many trolls..ogres, stay it will be hard getting used to being a serious member. Yes the internet isn't really serious business but it does have a structure that needs to be followed; at least forums do. However there is potential in you, so just keep up the good work of repairing the damage that you have already done and become a better member. I'm sure you'll do fine; compared to others I've talked with this turn around of demeanor was easy. In fact, turn around's are rare.
Depends on how you present yourself. It's ok to be funny and comical but just don't go over board with it. That's a large mistake most new members make, but you'll get the swing of things in due time.
mhm. there is no sense in the world. period.
it's a fractal. so am i...go with the flow.
can't read my, can't read my, no he can't read my pa-pa-po-po-poker face pa-pa-pa-poker face... XD