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  • Randomly found this on my old photobucket I saved years ago. Only later realized Dogen has an altered one lol.

    I've got (for PSN) Littlebigplanet, Warhawk, GTA IV and Team Fortress 2.
    But if I don't know, I don't know, and that makes me agnostic.

    What I choose to believe is a separate question entirely. The definition of agnosticism has nothing to do with what I believe.
    That is exactly what I'm thinking, but regardless of the fact I still believe this, I think krexia made a good point. Then again his point is easy to make because definitions like these change with time and become easier to intrepret in different ways. The entire Religious section only proves that.
    So despite agreeing with me earlier, you clearly do have a different definition of agnosticism from the one I posted. Because the definition I posted says nothing whatsoever about belief.
    But that's already included in the definition of agnosticism. An agnostic is someone who thinks that it's impossible to know whether or not god exists. And as I said, I think it's impossible to know whether or not god exists.

    You said you agreed with my definition of an agnostic. Again, how do I not fall under that definition?
    So you're saying that the definition of an agnostic that we both agree on is not what determines whether or not someone is agnostic?
    I think that it is impossible to know whether or not god exists. In what way is this not agnosticism?
    Okay, will you please explain to me, as precisely as possible, how your definition of agnosticism differs from the following:

    ag⋅nos⋅tic [ag-nos-tik]
    1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
    2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.
    3. of or pertaining to agnostics or agnosticism.
    4. asserting the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge.
    I suggest you read the dictionary definitions of the words. I've been discussing atheism on religious forums for over five years now, this is the first place where I've met people who are unwilling or unable tu understand that atheism and agnosticism are not mutually exclusive.
    Your understanding of both atheism and agnosticism is wrong. I've explained why several times, it seems you haven't listened to a single word.
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