Name: Xen Choco
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Ability: Darkness and Light
Appearance:long spiky silver hair, light dark brown skin, mako infused red eyes, occasionally changes to a mako infused multi colored mixed blue eyes, wears a first class solider uniform with a long black hooded cloak
Bio: Born in the Junon, aspired to be like his idol hero first class SOLIDER Zack Fair traveled to Midger and joined SOLIDER at the age of 16. Two years later after Zack and Cloud's disappeared, Xen became a first class SOLDIER. Three monthes later after taking down a Bethmoth Fury while protecting a wounded fellow SOLIDER member, Xen was heavily wounded and past out from his injuries, after back up finally came, Xen was handed to professor Hojo and was experimented on for 2 years. During the 2nd year, Xen was being put through yet another experiment when finally woken up from his long sleep, in a daze he overheard Hojo cackling about a black spiky haired SOLIDER member being killed near Midger. Xen, shocked by this bit of news, broke out of his pod and confronted Hojo asking him if that SOLDIER member's name was Zack. When Hojo told him that that SOLDIER member was indeed first Class SOLDIER Zack Fair, Xen threw Hojo against the wall and quickly ran out of the shinra building. One year later as Xen was wandering through the slums of Midgar, he met a man named Barret and decided to join his Organization "AVALANCHE", to get revenge for what Shinra did to him and what they did to Zack.
Personalty: Nice, Always happy, A bit goofy and a little shy
Weapon 1: Sword Called Neos Arcanum, more around the same size as cloud's buster sword, also has the two holes near the hilt like cloud's buster sword.
Weapon 2: Has Ultimate Dark materia and Ultimate Light materia infused in body, so he can control darkness and light.
Weapon 3: A little Bare hands and feet martial arts taught by Tifa Lockhart ^_^
Type: Mako and Jenova cell infused human
Other: Likes sweet food, taking care of his Chocobo Whirlwind and fighting