Yeah, definitely. I'm happy for her because her last girlfriend was pretty much a lying twofaced bitch.
I'd actually prefer them to pull away from Sora, in honesty. I know he's the hero and all, but he honestly hasn't had much development since I. Unless III fixes that, it gets tiring really quick. I'd love for Terra to finally come full circle. Maybe we won't hate him so damn much. Ven can grow up and be, well, mature. I'd love to see his abilities as a fully mature adult because in terms of fighting styles of everyone we've used, he's been my favorite. Now that you mention it, I wonder how Aqua has really felt over the last 11 years about everything that happened. LIke you said, it ended up being for naught. Makes you wonder if those wounds are still sore or if they finally healed into scar tissue. And... That'd be an awesome way to do the credits. Welcoming everyone back, Tidus being... Tidus? Wakka giving that sly smirk tossing and catching the Blitzball.
Being an adult sucks, though. It really, really does.
I can't completely speak because I never got to get very far in the game, at least not half way even, but I'd assume he gets some good abilities especially if you consider his appearance in the Dissidia games. ...I need to play those again. And damn right we do. We will bullshit our way out of any plot holes.
I was actually thinking. Regardless of how it's set up, they are severely outnumbered. This could open the door for, say, Roxas to come in and join. And maybe the other apprentices will help fight. (...which ones are still good? Ienzo, I can't imagine Eleaus being evil based on his personality as Lexeaus, and Even maybe? I honestly don't remember) That's a good point about Lea... If he remembers Roxas and still wants him back, he may be willing to even sacrifice Sora to do it. But they could, potentially, nab Xion too. Namine, well, I dunno how much of a help in fighting she could be. But, maybe she could, since Kairi can use a Keyblade. ...Dunno who else there could be to help even the odds. Basically, Eraqus would say "Damnit, Terra. You hecked up. Just... You hecked up so bad. I taught you better than this. Listen to Aqua more."
You'll probably meet a lot of stupid people, depending on which field you go into. xD You might also get some amazing stories and some sad stories.