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  • So, yeah, even if you paid Light for the account, please don't use any of the Admin powers. It's me and Light that Cy wanted to run the server. Who owns whose account is irrelevant.

    You ruined a lot of stuff with your not thinking over what you were doing. Orion's Observatory, SkyCity, the Amusement Park, all but one of my Sprite Arts, everything near spawn- it's all gone because of you. People put hard work and many hours into these things. To see it all gone makes me really angry.
    So, you know how you did some stuff with mobs and all that on the Minecraft server and crashed it?

    That happened a day after this was built.

    All that, dug out; the iron, stone and glass collected and fashioned as needed, and then put together.

    Because of what you did, what used to be a significant part of the server is now gone. Wiped. Utterly removed. That observatory was in it and it was complete for only a single day, less than that even. Now it's gone, along with the creations of at least a dozen other people.

    I hope you're happy, but in future think about what you're doing before you do it.
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