I is~ One of those simple platformer games you just keep playing. xD
I wasn't using my 3DS at all till Shantae and a few Smash hours. xD
lol I couldn't give you that either since we have two entirely different mail services.
I have got up at 4:30am before~ I rush for no one, if they can't wait till I'm conscious then diddly'em. xD
My family hasn't given up but the larger numbers don't gather like they used too anymore. Extended family means people like aunts, cousins and the like. Tbh the show is better than Alfiem was but still not as good as the first handful were before Kirito met Asuna. It stepped up but only barely. xD
Will later~
Nope to late for take backs! You said it was horrible therefore it was a good pun~
That's all I can manage. xD
I don't mind if snow disrupts me, I can always burn something if I get to cold. xD
My hair right now feels thick, it requires cutting.
You done none of it and we both know it~
I'm not sure if my snow ends up there. xD
You'll just drown. I bet you can't even swim~
The first two books aren't all about pairings but what parts of them that has it is done so horribly and has so much unnecessary focus that you want to shoot the writers. xD LoK though gets better after Book 2 cause they stop writing the shit.
That's your fault not mine. I just told you to try it not sit and watch the whole thing if you hated it. Besides I can't get wrong all the time, you liked DGray man~ RWBY never goes over 20min long, with only a few even reaching 15min, so it's not like you could sit through it in less than an hour.
Boring ending but preferred to what we got.