Barret? Lmao. Funny shit.
Gears of WOR! I played that game once with a friend in Ag class. Got into it to much. Lost track of time, and was late for class XD
As for this dude, well okay so "Fred" and I are partners in gym class, and its like torture cause he talks to me. And I used to have shaggy, long, layered hair, and back in 11th grade he flirted with me ALOT like, laying in between my legs, saying stuff like "Remember what we did last night? Dont tell anyone." And he tickled my sides and said some perverted stuff, and that was all when I had shaggy hair, and then this summer I got my hair cut short, cause I had an awful rash on the side of my right eye, going up to my forhead, and the Doctors had to cut it short, and now im fugly.
My shaggy hair was the only thing awesome on me. And now this year, he doesnt do shit. He looks at me from time to time and thats about it. BUT anyways, yesterday in gym, after gym anyways, I was going to go take a shower, like normal, seeing guys penis's etc..and well Fred was going to take a shower I didn't go for some reason ; A ;
I dont know why I didnt. But he was in there..and so I had to resist the urge to go in there and just PEAK at what he's got. In other words, you get the point.
At so he came out later with wet hair and OH BABY. He looooooked FFFIIIIIIIINE.
Im like always horny, and perverted when I think or talk about him.
Ive told several people on my msn (do you have msn messenger by the way?) about this, and I get different responses all the time. But I wont go into detail yet.
And im so sorry for your loss. Having found that out...ouch. My father was in the war over in Iraq for 4 years. I was about....between the ages of 4 through 8. I wouldn't have known what to think if my dad died. =\
But to actually experience someone you like or love to die, 11 DAYS before your birthday. I dont know what to say. Im good at cheering people up about things.
But nothing this bad. Im sorry.