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Embarrassing KH Moments.

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New member
Oct 18, 2009
i was in class one day complaining about how much i hate donald.

Me: "Gawd, Donald is such a loser, he's *blah blah blah*, if i see Donald, i'll choke him" (i was really riled up because of idunnowhat)
*me swings arm*
*i find that i actually hit something hard*
the guy i hit glared at me, because i hit him really hard. then my friend says:
"OMG that guy's name is Donald!"

btw i never actually specified that i hated donald DUCK.

obviously he sort of hates me now. he glared at me a lot.


The Blonde
Mar 13, 2009
Off with the faries
hahaah thats hilarious!!! ^^^^^^^^
and i was in class talking about kh and how i luv it and then the most loserific guy in our class who smells and is blonde long hair (we call him jesus) turned around and said so are you a fangirl of Riku (obviously i was talkin about how i love his hair) And then i was like... oh crackerz...

Then he wanted to talk tome bout kh and that and i was like... noooo


New member
Aug 26, 2009
DA/ KHI forum/ PF forum/ El Pueblo
hahaah thats hilarious!!! ^^^^^^^^
and i was in class talking about kh and how i luv it and then the most loserific guy in our class who smells and is blonde long hair (we call him jesus) turned around and said so are you a fangirl of Riku (obviously i was talkin about how i love his hair) And then i was like... oh crackerz...

Then he wanted to talk tome bout kh and that and i was like... noooo

The guy who is obsessed with KH is also well wouldnt want to be mean to him but people tease him alot xD


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Trying to reach the Second Star to the Right.
Im not rich, youre just independent.
And my driver isnt fancy and gentleman-ish like you see in movies xD

My dad is stingy anyway :x

That reminds me, I attempted to paint Twilight Town in Art Class today xD
Last year in one of my classes(forgot which one it was), I was supposd to make a post card(or something like that). So my design at the back was the Woods in Twilight Town with Mansion somewhere in the distance XD.
And also in another class last year(again, I forgot which one it was), I drew something and that something was Axel, Roxas and xion standing infront of a Paupu tree(backview).
And this year, one of my classmates saw the project I was working on and said "You know, you always draw that star thing(Paupu fruit) on every project you work on."
And one of my other classmates, saw the back of my matth notebook and said"Wow. Addict." You see, I have a drawing of a Heartless Emblem, an Unverrse symbol, Axel's chakrams, a Keyblade and a moogle at the back of my notebook XD


Cod 6 online profile (lizymans)
Jul 22, 2008
Well, i was at my grandmas place and i had kept on singing and dancing to the KH2 and Bleach opening, asterix (i played them both at once, awsomee). i thought i was alone and all of a sudden my uncle walks in and just looks at me. it was 5 seconds of awkwardness.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
DA/ KHI forum/ PF forum/ El Pueblo
Last year in one of my classes(forgot which one it was), I was supposd to make a post card(or something like that). So my design at the back was the Woods in Twilight Town with Mansion somewhere in the distance XD.
And also in another class last year(again, I forgot which one it was), I drew something and that something was Axel, Roxas and xion standing infront of a Paupu tree(backview).
And this year, one of my classmates saw the project I was working on and said "You know, you always draw that star thing(Paupu fruit) on every project you work on."
And one of my other classmates, saw the back of my matth notebook and said"Wow. Addict." You see, I have a drawing of a Heartless Emblem, an Unverrse symbol, Axel's chakrams, a Keyblade and a moogle at the back of my notebook XD

Its actually not the first time I drew KH stuff for Art class. I did a painting once with a keyblade, sora's crown thing, and then more crowns i forgot something like that xD then it was painting 3D and i tried to draw sea salt icecream and namine's lucky charm and yeah xD

Well actually i dont have a notebook (lol) i just use some loose leaf papers but to lazy to organise them xD and my papers/worksheets are FULL of doodles and drawings of KH xD i draw sorts of things xD rion, xion, namine, org members, chibis of kh characters, lucky charms, clocktower, etc

Now in my friend's notebook its a totally different thing, i said this before, but he drew keyblades, heartless/unversed/nobody emblems, KH characters, covers, worlds icons etc and kept them in the front of his notebook, he doesnt doodle like me he draws it xD even if he doodles it he erases them later lol i dont xD


New member
Feb 25, 2009
Well, there was this one time when I was drawing an art of Xion during art class. I had her picture on the table, and a LOT of girls thought that XIon was a GUY!



Cod 6 online profile (lizymans)
Jul 22, 2008
Well, there was this one time when I was drawing an art of Xion during art class. I had her picture on the table, and a LOT of girls thought that XIon was a GUY!


Man that must have been really embarrasing.

i never show any of my friends my kingdom hearts things, except for the 8 that know about KH, and actually like it.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Well my parents never stopped me from getting KH since i just got obsessed recently well not recently like a year or two ago but they never knew. But occasionally i do get scolded for playing games/internet instead of studying too much xD

KH keeps me from writing essays. My obsession is that bad.

Release your inner fangirl :D!
Or at least release it in here (forums) xD
My friend offered me his sora figure- didnt know what to say, i would say yes but no bah i dont know what to say xD
I need a girl friend who is obsessed with KH D: xD

I have never gotten over that...I think he has (or he has suppressed the memory) because he didn't even remember my name when I saw him (mind you I just graduated from the school less than a few months ago)

XD Lol! My inner fangirl comes out usually when I am tired which is usually when I get hyper.

lol, was it random that he offered or was it from a convo?

Xion's theme its stuck too :cry:

I have the battle theme in my head. I hum it every time I am walking to class. (and I usually get the gamer guys at my school to look at me like o_O)

i was in class one day complaining about how much i hate donald.

Me: "Gawd, Donald is such a loser, he's *blah blah blah*, if i see Donald, i'll choke him" (i was really riled up because of idunnowhat)
*me swings arm*
*i find that i actually hit something hard*
the guy i hit glared at me, because i hit him really hard. then my friend says:
"OMG that guy's name is Donald!"

btw i never actually specified that i hated donald DUCK.

obviously he sort of hates me now. he glared at me a lot.

DX That is scary. I would have rectified the situation by saying "DONALD DUCK, not you."

hahaah thats hilarious!!! ^^^^^^^^
and i was in class talking about kh and how i luv it and then the most loserific guy in our class who smells and is blonde long hair (we call him jesus) turned around and said so are you a fangirl of Riku (obviously i was talkin about how i love his hair) And then i was like... oh crackerz...

Then he wanted to talk tome bout kh and that and i was like... noooo

That is creepy...

Well, there was this one time when I was drawing an art of Xion during art class. I had her picture on the table, and a LOT of girls thought that XIon was a GUY!


Xion looks nothing like a guy! Not counting when she looks like Sora or Ven.

When I was in art class, all I would draw were Axel's eyes and one day my teacher said "Please, no anime and video game eyes. We are trying for realism." and she looked right at me. And my art notebook is covered in KH stuff. I have Kingdom Hearts written out and I was able to fit every main character's name to each letter and the enemies. Then I drew a heart and Cloud's head and some quotes.

Also all of my notes in every class (even my college notes) are covered in drawings of Namine's head.
Oct 12, 2007
Oh God. One time, for a project, I was supposed to create something out of paper-mache, based off of nature. I made a Graceful Dahlia, because Marluxia controls flowers. Here's how it turned out:
-I got 0% because it wasn't nature themed
-I got a referral because I brought a "weapon" to school
-I got in MAJOR trouble because there was a rumor I was gonna put someone in the hospital with it
-I ended up having to stay after school with the school counciler for a month to discuss why I would even joke about doing the above
-Got grounded for a month at home

Kingdom Hearts pretty much ruined my 6th grade experience. But I'm still an addict.
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