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Special Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Countdown!

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i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
The English trailer is where we heard Roxas, Axel, and Saix. A few of the other members (Xaldin and Xigbar?...) were in English gameplay previews on IGN. Larxene's was too, maybe.


New member
Jul 13, 2008
In your left shoe
The English trailer is where we heard Roxas, Axel, and Saix. A few of the other members (Xaldin and Xigbar?...) were in English gameplay previews on IGN. Larxene's was too, maybe.
I don't ever remember hearing Larxene's. Where was this? This is big news to me.


Don't you step out of line
Jun 13, 2008
I want the SAME VA's. Especially Demyx, because I pray that he says his famous line during his Limit. I dunno, it may be just me but it doesn't sound like Xigbar has his same VA, he sounds a little different when attacking than the grunts he made as a boss in KH2. I hope I'm just hearing wrong, because I don't want a change in VA's at all.

Let's all pray for "Dance, water! Dance!" in the same old Demyx glory.

Sadly, it isn't. Not in his limit breaks anyways...Unless they were to change the translation to something completely different...


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
I hope they don't change Marluxia's VA. I know alot of people did'nt like him but I thought the voice fitted him very well.

Anyways on topic, We get to see Saix today!


New member
Jul 13, 2008
In your left shoe
I hope they don't change Marluxia's VA. I know alot of people did'nt like him but I thought the voice fitted him very well.

Anyways on topic, We get to see Saix today!
I liked him. And I hope my Saix quote got picked.:lol:

Sadly, it isn't. Not in his limit breaks anyways...Unless they were to change the translation to something completely different...
I knew it wasn't that in Japanese, but they may do it for the English one, though I highly doubt it.

Oh my. I forgot about that one.


New member
Jul 23, 2008
here's my quote for 358/2 Days

I know that 358/2 Days is going to be amazing! Personally, I just can't wait to play against my friends without a stupid card battle system. Also, it will be so much fun playing as the members of Organization XIII, and I think I speak for everyone when I say I was sad to see the Organization leave. This is a great chance to dive deeper into the meaning of the Organization. Not to mention it is the first Kingdom Hearts game in four years! I am a bit worried for this site for the next month or so, because everyone on this site will be directing all of their attention to this game!


New member
Jul 13, 2008
In your left shoe
I am a bit worried for this site for the next month or so, because everyone on this site will be directing all of their attention to this game!
Well with more BBS and Coded trailers coming through TGS, there will be mixed attention among all of the three games. But I agree that Days will be in most of the spotlight.


Active member
Apr 27, 2006
I decided that I will play the translated one despite the English one coming out, I am had gotten used to subtitles in most of the anime I had watched anyway.


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
Hello everyone, it's Spyells with the next Organization member in our countdown. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days will be hitting American store shelves in only six days, and next up on our list is Saïx, the Luna Diviner.


What we know so far:
We first meet Saïx in Kingdom Hearts II as one of the main antagonists. He is number seven in Organization XIII and has an x-shaped scar on his face. Saïx wields a Claymore named, Lunatic, deriving all of his power from the moon. The Claymore actually does not resemble a real Claymore but it does indeed look like a very large, two handed bladed weapon, with many decorations that look like different variations of the nobody symbol in blues and yellows. He is one of the most powerful members of the Organization next to Xemnas and is one of the most “nobody like” members of the Organization. Saïx is cold and emotionless, although he claims to remember what it is like to have a heart.
As we have seen, when Saïx is not in battle he appears to be calm and collected never losing his composure. However, in battle Saïx is wild and a very dangerous opponent. When going into his “Berserk” mode, using the moon’s power, he enters a savage state where he attacks rapidly, inflicting a lot of damage. The Berserker nobodies are Saïx’s minions they follow his same attack style using brute strength and a large weapon. They also contain his same weaknesses. Saïx’s biggest weakness is when he drops or throws his claymore in battle; it then becomes available for Sora to attack him with it. Although, when Saïx is not fighting in his Berserker mode, he is still a powerful opponent. Saïx also spends a lot of time stretching his arms to the moon to gather more power.
The only thing that Saïx seems to care about is attaining a heart and of course Kingdom Hearts itself. Saix is one of the only Organization members who remain loyal to the Organization’s goal to, “truly, finally exist” by retrieving his heart from Kingdom Hearts. Saïx was aware of Xemnas plan to use Kingdom Hearts to gain more power. In fact, Saïx had been planning to overthrow Xemnas with Axel, to regain their hearts. Saïx is manipulative and controlling of others and seems to enjoy toying with their emotions. He has proven to be cruel, as seen when he makes Sora beg to see Kairi only to deny him.
After, Saïx is defeated by Sora in Kingdom Hearts II; Saïx sadly raises his arms up to Kingdom Hearts and says, "Why...Kingdom Hearts...where is my...Heart?" Saïx was focused until the end on the Organizations goal to reclaim their hearts.

His Role in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days:
Saïx appears to have a large role in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Saïx from what we’ve seen is the one who assigns Roxas his missions. We also know that Saïx was present when Xion joined the Organization. Also at some point in the game, Saïx even confronts Axel regarding his relationship with Roxas and Xion.

"True, we don't have hearts, but we remember what it was like, that's what makes us special."

What the fans think:
Many fans think of Saïx as cool and collected. Even though Saïx’s sinister personality emerges when he turns into his berserk mode as he utilizes the moon’s power. The fans also seem to love Saïx’s blue hair and his ability to follow orders quickly.
But to see what else the fans think, why not ask them? Forum members TrinityxLimit and Kitexa,

have given us quotes on what they think of the Luna Diviner:

TrinityxLimit said:
Saïx, the Luna Diviner, is a very powerful Nobody and Xemnas' right hand man. He has a calm demeanor, yet a sinister persona dwells on the inside, making him cunning and devious, truly living up to his Heartless name. And under the moon's power he turns into a savage beast, destroying all who get in the way of the plans of Organization XIII.
Saïx is one my favorites because of cold, almost uncaring personality and awesome blue hair. He is quick to follow orders, and to giving them to his juniors. He seems to assign Roxas missions in Days, giving him a somewhat of a secondary leadership position. He doesn't seem to have any compassion for his colleagues, especially Axel, for while discussing Axel's death with other members, he simply called him weak, as he tried to venture towards something he didn't have. He does seem to have his mind set towards obtaining a heart, as after he was defeated by Sora, he dropped his weapon, faced the "moon" and asked where his heart was, before fading away.

I'm really looking forward to playing as Saïx in Days. With a huge claymore and the power to go berserk, he seems like the type to quickly make waste of Heartless around him. As a powerhouse chararcter, he could help friends out if they are ever in a pinch.

Kitexa said:
Saïx is one of the most striking Organization members to me because of his duality. He appears to be a cool, calm and collected individual on the surface, focused on his goals and completely no-nonsense about his lack of a heart and emotionlessness. He's cold, hard logic, which serves as a sort of antithesis to Sora, who is led around by his heart and is a very emotional character.
But on the other hand, Saïx seems to be barely holding it together. His bestial battle style exhibits this perfectly, with his manner changing radically upon entering his berserk state. Whether this is his true nature, which he keeps hidden beneath his stone-cold mask is something we have yet to see. To me, this contrast makes Saïx more interesting than your run-of-the-mill villain by expanding the circumstances into which he could fit.
I'm looking forward to learning more about Saïx's influence on the Organization's other members in 358/2 Days. He seemed to be a pretty powerful figure in Kingdom Hearts II, despite being outranked by several of the other members. I'm also eager to learn more about his relationship with Xemnas, to whom he seems to serve as a sort of second-in-command. Well, all that and I'm looking forward to going berserk with that giant banana in Mission Mode.
Whichever side of Saïx shows itself in 358/2 Days, I'm definitely looking forward to delving deeper into his role in the series!

So in closing, we know that Saïx is one of the more powerful members in the Organization besides Xemnas. It is exciting just thinking about being able to fight with his large claymore and going berserk on all of his opponents. Hopefully we can now learn the Luna Diviner’s true name. With only six days left we do not have long to wait, but it still feels like a lifetime with all of this excitement.


For the deeds of today resonate....
Oct 14, 2008
Immersed in dreams of normality.
'K, here's my entry for Zexion.

From the time Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories first came out and to when it's PS2 remake was released, Zexion has been labeled an emo, a bookworm, and other such terms by the fans of the game. But what little we see of Zexion doesn't actually perpetuate these labels.

Zexion is an enigma. When we first see him, he's contemplative, and quiet. But he doesn't stay that way for long. In fact, he's quite talkative. Probably his most memorable line is, 'What? I don't get a hello?' which shows that he's even able to joke around a little bit.

It's definitely seen that there is more to Zexion than meets the eye. That's what interests me the most. Zexion's Somebody, Ienzo, was the youngest apprentice Ansem the Wise had. That means that Zexion is extremely smart. The fact that he was so much younger than any of the other apprentices probably influenced Ienzo's actions. After all, Ienzo was the one to convince Ansem the Wise to continue on with his research on hearts and to build the laboratory and it's purported that Ienzo was Ansem the Wise's favorite apprentice.

Zexion is cunning, sly, and manipulative. Completely loyal to the Organization, it puzzles many as to why Axel caused his death, since he couldn't be called a traitor by any means. He doesn't show much emotion, but what he does have shows a multi-faceted personality, one that most fans don't give him much credit for. This is most likely because most fans haven't actually played all the way through Riku's story, and thus haven't seen Zexion's side of Chain of Memories. I'm hoping that we'll be able to see more of Zexion's personality in the time that he's around in 358/2 Days, before his death at Castle Oblivion.


i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
Howdy, folks!

There is less than a week left until the release of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days! Do you know what that means? We’ve finally reached the original apprentices portion of our countdown! We make our beginning with number VI--Zexion.


What We Know So Far:
Zexion was one of the basement members at Castle Oblivion, featured in the Reverse/Rebirth segment of Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. Rather than dirtying his own hands, the Cloaked Schemer works from the shadows--sending others to perform menial tasks for him. Zexion prefers brain over brawn, and even went without a boss fight until Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories came along. He is the second youngest member in Organization XIII.

Zexion’s uncanny sense of smell picked up on Riku’s scent immediately. Well aware of Marluxia’s plot to control Sora using Naminé, the ever calculating Zexion concocted his own plan to use Riku. Marluxia’s defeat made Riku nothing more than a nuisance that had to be eliminated. When urged to take down the boy by force, violet haired Nobody responded by saying, “You know that’s not how I do things…”

Using the Destiny Islands card as bait, Zexion lured Riku into a psychological mind game. He used the power of illusion to disguise himself as Sora, taunting Riku by making him think that his best friend hated him for what he had become. Riku would have been lost forever had it not been for Naminé, posing as Kairi, convincing the fifteen year old that he needed both the light and the dark. Riku broke free from Zexion’s illusion bringing them both back to reality. In battle, he used his Lexicon to imitate the Soul Eater’s attacks, but Riku came out victorious. The clever Nobody barely escaped with his life.

Shortly after the battle, Axel and the Riku Replica ambushed Zexion. Convinced that the only way he could be different from the real Riku was to absorb Zexion, Repliku attacked. Zexion’s cunning was his undoing. “So sorry, Zexion, but you just found out way too much.”

"Then I shall make you see--your hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!"

His Role in 358/2 Days:
Like the other Organization members from Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Zexion seems to have a limited appearance in in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. He’s only been seen on one mission with Roxas in Twilight Town. Being one of the more mysterious members, many fans are hoping for a few questions to be answered. What is Ienzo’s back-story? Why was his weapon considered a spoiler? What is the purpose of Castle Oblivion?

He fights using a mastery over the power of illusion. His Lexicon serves well for powerful mid-air combos. Perhaps the secrets within the book will be revealed? Either way, Zexion looks to be lots of fun to play as!

What the Fans Think:
Most fans enjoy Zexion’s conniving ways. His evasive tactics made him the longest surviving member of the Castle Oblivion massacre (besides Axel, of course). Most would agree that Zexion was a missed opportunity--it would have been great to see such an interesting character interact with the other members.

His unique hairstyle has resulted in many people labeling him as an ‘emo’--and it is true that the Cloaked Schemer is not very forthcoming with his emotions. Zexy fan extraordinaire, Lifes.Lover, has this to say:

Lifes.Lover said:
From the time Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories first came out and to when it's PS2 remake was released, Zexion has been labeled an emo, a bookworm, and other such terms by the fans of the game. But what little we see of Zexion doesn't actually perpetuate these labels.

Zexion is an enigma. When we first see him, he's contemplative, and quiet. But he doesn't stay that way for long. In fact, he's quite talkative. Probably his most memorable line is, 'What? I don't get a hello?' which shows that he's even able to joke around a little bit.

It's definitely seen that there is more to Zexion than meets the eye. That's what interests me the most. Zexion's Somebody, Ienzo, was the youngest apprentice Ansem the Wise had. That means that Zexion is extremely smart. The fact that he was so much younger than any of the other apprentices probably influenced Ienzo's actions. After all, Ienzo was the one to convince Ansem the Wise to continue on with his research on hearts and to build the laboratory and it's purported that Ienzo was Ansem the Wise's favorite apprentice.

Zexion is cunning, sly, and manipulative. Completely loyal to the Organization, it puzzles many as to why Axel caused his death, since he couldn't be called a traitor by any means. He doesn't show much emotion, but what he does have shows a multi-faceted personality, one that most fans don't give him much credit for. This is most likely because most fans haven't actually played all the way through Riku's story, and thus haven't seen Zexion's side of Chain of Memories. I'm hoping that we'll be able to see more of Zexion's personality in the time that he's around in 358/2 Days, before his death at Castle Oblivion.​


The release of 358/2 Days will hopefully provide more insight on the mysterious Zexion. Can’t wait to get a chance to play as number VI? Buy Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on September 29th in the USA, and on October 9th in Europe.​



i'm nobody
Staff member
Mar 22, 2005
only 4 days left till days comes out. and that was a beautiful zexion post there.

I know! I'm so excited. It's been so long since we've had a real, new title to play.
And thanks~!

*applauds* Wonderful Zexion post; I loved reading it! And well done Lifes.Lover!

Haha. My favorite part is the purple around the YouTube video. :v
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