I'm so happy to see this silly thread I made still receive headcanons to this day, fills me with so much nostalgia.
I've got one that i've been wondering for a bit, remember the Villain's Vale?

you know, the crumbling fortress that Maleficent and Pete lived in during KH II. We never get to properly visit it, and the closest we can get is the darkest depths, the cliffside that overlooks the vale where Sephiroth is fought. Given that we are never told anything about it other than the fact Maleficent resided there, it's free real estate to speculate. Me personally? I believe it's a trash heap. Let me explain
-In KH 1, Hollow Bastion, as a world is composed primarily of two areas, the rising falls and the area that surrounds the base of the castle, and the castle itself. There is no town, nor any structure besides the castle itself, with the surrounding environment around the castle appearS to be an endless sea of water that is fed by the rising falls. Of course, during the year after Sora and co. sealed the DTD the worlds were restored, but that begs the question, how?
We don't know much about the day that Maleficent invaded except that most of the denziens of Radiant Garden either perished or somehow made it off world, but given the fact that only the castle remains, I think Maleficent simply flooded the world. This is the same evil fairy that would go on to commit interplanetary genocide and travels as a galaxy, what's one little flood to her? Radiant Garden in BBS makes it clear that water is an important (if not THE) resource that they pride themselves on, with fountains, ponds and aqueducts lining the town in every nook and cranny. Perhaps her magic took advantage of the liquid and buried the town and surrounding in a deep sea.
But when the worlds were restored, the water receded, and the FF crew were able to get to work making the world livable again. But all the parts of the world that were broken/destroyed ended up in a large pile somewhere. And that somewhere, is the Villains Vale.
Cross-referencing the images of the VV and Radiant Garden proper show that most of the VV is comprised of pieces of the old town and aqueducts, which means when the crew finally finished their reconstruction of the town, they destroyed whatever was left of the vale.