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Depends how old she is in the RP. If she's too young, I'm pretty sure Edward and Bella wouldn't let her anywhere near the fighting. But I can just picture Nessie and Bailey best friends XD
Really sweet and innocent, a klutz. I just think Bella and Edward would be so protective of her that Nessie would hate violence as well. There's heaps of things that see about Nessie.
It would be really nice if Stephanie wrote a small series about Nessie and Jacob =D In future, I mean.
Lol well for one thing Jacob has already turned his back on his pack.
Remember when Nessie was first born? He left Sam and the rest of the pack to go protect Nessie and Bella.
If Nessie is in the Rp I think Jacob would only protect her, not the rest of the vampires.