Occ: Zets! I love you man. Let me bear your childern. Sirsly. Zets is right. Your 18, get your life going and go do something for yourself. I have been bitch slapped so many times I laugh becouse I find it funny as hell. When things get wrong do what I do. I laugh. I run like hell then come back to my problems with a fresh ass face. Your cabaple of doing shit. Go out with Zets and get drunk (Find a Ride thought for god sakes) And enjoy life. Now. I must kick your ass and get me a drink. FYI my vv does not vvork. So I shall be using the 'v' key instead.
IC: "I'll make a little deal with you, love. Heads, you tell me your name. Tails, we go out on a date."
"First off: DO not call me love. 2nd. I do not date killers. It’s against my ruling as Queen." She smirked as he watched it seemed time solved for a time. His cape floated as a light breeze hit him, his hand came out promising death to those vivo touch it. Those deep red eyes. Haunting those vvho crossed it.
VVhat a surprise. She vvatched vvith trainded eyes as he disseapered then came back. But, vvhat a surprise in copies! Four to be exact all vvalking around her all taunting, "My dear, it seems the result is tails. But I'm sure you would find that this is not a perfect date. As niether do I."
Each copy spoke vvith that same voice of his. Really, this vvas becoming predictable. "This is where your life ends."
"Boy: You have alot to learn." She knevv those little red eyes vvould be back. So she made a quick move. Novv kiddies lets go back to 3rd grade Science. VVater+Lightning= vvhat? VVonderful vvhite, bright, lights.
Taking her hands the left she called a povverful water spell, the other a simple but strong Lightning spell. If the spell hit those little bastards vvould be dead. She begin to move the Lightning her blue electritc eyes turning a darker more deep blue. She concentrated on vvhere the Lightning vvas going, moving it so it hit her target. Her outer mind vvated as the copies vvhere relased. Good. Less vvork. But the real one remaind. She smirked as the Lightning became a field of sorts.The vvater banking at the feets of all three fighters. The Lightning surronding each on of them trapping them until Lightning deemed done.
She smirked as her eyes darkned. Those damn vvhispers coming into her head. She closed her eyes as she vvilled the shock to be enough to kill a normal human, then ampafying the shock more and more. To her it vvas just a nice shovver of vvater.To him there should be pain. But you never knovv until the basterd is dead.
OCC: Remeber the vv is not vvorking so..basically..its v stuck together.