Hello its me again and i'm here to tell you about MISTWALKER http://image2.sina.com.cn/gm/upload/20050225/610/1109316914/uploads/mediapool/mistwalker.jpg
This may be the new square-enix for x-box (P.S i translated this on google translator so it may be kinda screwed up so try to understand it looks like it was written by yoda
?? sorry
As admits reliably is, Hironobu Sakaguchi, the mental father that separated finally Fantasy row, some time ago from Square Enix, after he was pushed there increasingly into the background. It created its own company, muck Walker mentioned. Against earlier reports the separation from Square Enix did not fail nevertheless so apparent finally, because according to some Japanese magazines, Sakaguchi was to work also further as Executive producer of finally Fantasy titles. Some time later admits given that Kensuke Tanaka, a former Square Enix coworker, was likewise appointed the vice-president by muck Walker. Tanaka had been final a producer of the Anime series "Fantasy Unlimited" and further into the development by Square Enix ' on-line platform "PlayOnline" involved. In the meantime still further former "Squareler" is gone to muck Walker, i.e. Daisuke Fukugawa (final Fantasy Tactics, putting OF Mana), that than Director works and Hiroshi Arai (among other things final Fantasy VII and IX) than "Modeling designer". The small studio muck Walker worries mainly about concepts and monitoring of the play titles and work with the actual development with other companies together. So Sakaguchi can keep the costs small, which makes him economically relatively independent during the play development. Sakaguchi will function as a producer with its plays. It worries about the Scenario and the Gameplay Design. At present Sakaguchi works on three projects, with which it concerns without exception games of roles. PlayStation trailers will be disappointed; a strategy RPG will appear for the Nintendo DS, two further games of roles will become for the XBox 2 to appear exclusive. Sakaguchi justifies its decision with the fact that new Microsoft hardware would finally offer the possibilities to him of converting many of its ideas. In addition it was added by its personal relations with Microsoft employees such as Yoshihiro Maruyama and Hiroshi Kawai to develop for the Xbox successor. As it develops muck looks Walker within the range of the NEXT generation consoles thus for the time being exclusively for the XBox 2. The first project of Mistwalker advances allegedly well: The first part of the scenario is finished, the play system and the control takes likewise form. The title is to become "more deeply" and generally differently than finally the Fantasy plays; the characters are quite atypical. There is a kind level system, seems however more to an emotional development to refer. Instead of developing individual large events, Sakaguchi wants to constantly show the smallest changes of feeling. Exist nevertheless naturally large events, which affect the characters, since the same is in the reality the case. The other title is probably contained "deformed of character", which are to move with much energy. Hero is here a person, also with still so large emergency and bad distresses does not give up and "the teeth together-bitten". The effect of both plays becomes, then it believes to differentiate, strongly. Since this section cannot be always on the newest conditions, should look after it regularly into the muck Walker-news, which gives it new of Mr. Sakaguchi. Meanwhile muck Walker opened also its own web page. One finds there at present however only some information to the company and to Sakaguchi (on Japanese), as well as some barrier PAPERS.
yes its wierd.
This may be the new square-enix for x-box (P.S i translated this on google translator so it may be kinda screwed up so try to understand it looks like it was written by yoda

As admits reliably is, Hironobu Sakaguchi, the mental father that separated finally Fantasy row, some time ago from Square Enix, after he was pushed there increasingly into the background. It created its own company, muck Walker mentioned. Against earlier reports the separation from Square Enix did not fail nevertheless so apparent finally, because according to some Japanese magazines, Sakaguchi was to work also further as Executive producer of finally Fantasy titles. Some time later admits given that Kensuke Tanaka, a former Square Enix coworker, was likewise appointed the vice-president by muck Walker. Tanaka had been final a producer of the Anime series "Fantasy Unlimited" and further into the development by Square Enix ' on-line platform "PlayOnline" involved. In the meantime still further former "Squareler" is gone to muck Walker, i.e. Daisuke Fukugawa (final Fantasy Tactics, putting OF Mana), that than Director works and Hiroshi Arai (among other things final Fantasy VII and IX) than "Modeling designer". The small studio muck Walker worries mainly about concepts and monitoring of the play titles and work with the actual development with other companies together. So Sakaguchi can keep the costs small, which makes him economically relatively independent during the play development. Sakaguchi will function as a producer with its plays. It worries about the Scenario and the Gameplay Design. At present Sakaguchi works on three projects, with which it concerns without exception games of roles. PlayStation trailers will be disappointed; a strategy RPG will appear for the Nintendo DS, two further games of roles will become for the XBox 2 to appear exclusive. Sakaguchi justifies its decision with the fact that new Microsoft hardware would finally offer the possibilities to him of converting many of its ideas. In addition it was added by its personal relations with Microsoft employees such as Yoshihiro Maruyama and Hiroshi Kawai to develop for the Xbox successor. As it develops muck looks Walker within the range of the NEXT generation consoles thus for the time being exclusively for the XBox 2. The first project of Mistwalker advances allegedly well: The first part of the scenario is finished, the play system and the control takes likewise form. The title is to become "more deeply" and generally differently than finally the Fantasy plays; the characters are quite atypical. There is a kind level system, seems however more to an emotional development to refer. Instead of developing individual large events, Sakaguchi wants to constantly show the smallest changes of feeling. Exist nevertheless naturally large events, which affect the characters, since the same is in the reality the case. The other title is probably contained "deformed of character", which are to move with much energy. Hero is here a person, also with still so large emergency and bad distresses does not give up and "the teeth together-bitten". The effect of both plays becomes, then it believes to differentiate, strongly. Since this section cannot be always on the newest conditions, should look after it regularly into the muck Walker-news, which gives it new of Mr. Sakaguchi. Meanwhile muck Walker opened also its own web page. One finds there at present however only some information to the company and to Sakaguchi (on Japanese), as well as some barrier PAPERS.
yes its wierd.