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The D.S. (again)

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cameo lover
May 17, 2007
^ As I've said before, (but in other threads) Xemnas and Terra have a couple of similarities that seem a lil too coicendeintal. ( btw, no, I have not fought Terra, but I watch D do it. I tried twice, and suck horribly. ) But anyway, about xemmy-kins and Terra-poo. They have alot more similarities than Roxas and Sora who techinqily ARE the same person.

-Similar hair. Now I know you say its because of Nomu's style but c'mon. He must really running out of ideas if two characters in the same game have the same hair style and no connection. Cut xemmy's hair, dye it brown. Thar.
- Same eyebrows. I KNOW its NOT a big thing ( whoop-dee-do I know ) but I think it still counts.
- Similar body. Both are big guys with huge man boobs.
- Terra is a knight, Xemnas has a knight-like form. Also, in this knight-like form, his cape are the same colors as Terra's Armour. This must be hinting at some connection.
- Terra has hate for Xehanort. Strong hate that he wants to engrave into Sora's heart. Xemnas: The only feelings he remembers is hate and rage. "anger and hate are supreme" Sora: "heart isn't anger and hate, blah blah, don't you remember that?" Xemmy gives a sad-like look "no, I don't". Also, Xemnas apparently doesn't like Xehanort either and calls him a fool.
- They have similar attacks. When you first fight Xemnas with the tower thing, he puts this lil spell thing that follows you. Terra does the same thing but his doesn't have the nobody symbol. They also share the attack that shoots annoying lil beams at you >_>;; ( I dislike them so.very.much. )
- Terra is buddies with Ven and Aqua. Xemnas, who is trying to regain his memories, calls Aqua's armour old friend and is looking for Ven in the other room.
And thats basically it on Terra and Xemmy. If you click the first link in my sig theres a pic with xemmy, xeha and Terra comparison. with 3d and 2d pics. Theres an theory I have that explains this but, thats not what this thread is about.

What it IS about is the D.S. and yet no one is saying anything about that topic. D: And what does mentioning 13v and going darker have to do with the family idea? o.o

And it didn't occur to you that Xemnas might have been using sarcasm? I don't think they were friends...since, you know, Terra is Aqua and Ven's companion and Xehanort is someone he hates, possibly his enemy...I'm willing to admit there are a few ways around that, though...


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
i agree....they weren't friends, but Nomura wanted to show that they knew each other....or maybe not Xemnas that knew her, but Xehanort

Yes, that's what I think. I believe all the people in the secret ending are connected to Xehanort somehow, what with Xemnas calling Aqua's armor "friend", Terra's hatred of him, the UEM dressing like Xehanort's Heartless, the DS looking like Riku's dark mode...all of those things point that Xehanort is deeply involved in the new series.

Going back on the DS, anyone else think the DS might have been one of the knights at one point? Their helmet structure is similar, and he uses a keyblade...I don't know if it has a keychain or not, though, and recognize the fact that their helmets looking alike might just be because that's the way Nomura likes to design his helmets...


I keep hearing this "he was being sarcastic" thing. Its like you guys are in denial. Im willing to believe that Terra may not be some form of Xehanort but evidence proves otherwise and the whole "sarcastic" thing is weak because you cant tell. How the HELL can you tell if he's being sarcastic? And if its because "it the way he says it" doubt it because Xemnas ALWAYS talks slow like that in jap. Nomu even said that he wanted Xemnas to seem more like a romantic but the voice actor made him sound psycho. And if you say "because Xigbar said it in quotations" thats prolly because he thinks his higher up is crazy or he is making fun of him. We all know how Xigbar is. o_o;

As for the D.S.yes he does have a keychain, and yea, I think he may be one of the knights before. Someone had stated a while back that, ( copypasta: )

In the secret movie for the final mix, the helmets of the soldiers describe where they come from. It uses "solar symbolism" This is what i mean:

Terra Helmet: Pointed Up
Solar Symbolism: The Sun is up meaning Light

Ven Helmet: Half way up
Solar Symbolism: sun almost up meaning Dawn

Aqua: Helmet: Half way down
Solar Symbolism: sun almost down meaning Twilight

D.S. Helmet: Nothing
Solar Symbolism: No Sun. Meaning Darkness.

Ok but to that I wanted to add that it makes sence because each soldier picks up the Keyblade that coresponds with there Helmet.

The only thing wrong with that is Ven should be twilight, Aqua darkness, and D.S. nothing ( OR Present )


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Why should ven be twilight? I thought he picked up the dawn keybalde so that helmet pointing to dawn should be right.


New member
Jun 2, 2007
Before I could reply to my other thread, it dissapered while I was out with my friends ( gasp! I have friends! =O ) But anyway, I touched up my thoughts on the D.S. real quick. BTW, This is completely different than the theory I have in my siggy.


Blue = light
Red = dark

What if, Riku's heart was not pushed out?
What if his heart had been completely taken over by darkness?
Would his outfit turn red like it was going to?

UEM has control over his heartless. The heartless would have to posses someone completely. The person will become a part of UEM now.
Whoever the D.S., he is a keyblade master who has lost control. After the SE, he may have been freed from UEM's grip. Terra may have used a dark power that injured the UEM and separted him from the D.S. The D.S.'s memory has been wiped and all he remembers is his former posesser's name: Xeahnort. A bit of the UEM is still in Xehanort and breaks off as his heartless while what is remained, the nobody, is what is left of the D.S.; Xemnas.

The D.S., before he was possessed, was probably the brother of Terra. I know most dont like the family idea, (I dont either ), but Xemnas and Terra have alot of similarites that shouldn't be mere "coincedence". They must be connected in some way. Either the same person, or blood.

Note: The reason I call Riku's dark mode 'incomplete' is because his outfit is blue, but, his arms are red like the D.S. I'm guessing, that Riku's dark mode was possibly incomplete because his heart was not in his body while Ansem possessed it.

OK so you say a bit of UEM is left in Xehanort and breaks off as heartless, namely Ansem. But couldn't Ansem be the DS? I'm thinking because Riku had the outfit on, Ansem was remembering himself as the DS. I don't know I'm just saying stuff.


to your first post: Dawn is twilight.

2nd: Ehh...hmm. The D.S.'s body looks young and well toned. Ansem was slightly old and buff. Also tall.
prolly not, but your thinking on the right track...

Ansem Darkheart

New member
May 15, 2007
"Tied to the Darkness"
So VAT, what you are saying is UEM posessess Terra and creates the DS? Because if this is what I understand, how can Terra fight the UEM and DS at the same time? Maybe I'm just confused, reexplain please.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
I keep hearing this "he was being sarcastic" thing. Its like you guys are in denial. Im willing to believe that Terra may not be some form of Xehanort but evidence proves otherwise and the whole "sarcastic" thing is weak because you cant tell. How the HELL can you tell if he's being sarcastic? And if its because "it the way he says it" doubt it because Xemnas ALWAYS talks slow like that in jap. Nomu even said that he wanted Xemnas to seem more like a romantic but the voice actor made him sound psycho. And if you say "because Xigbar said it in quotations" thats prolly because he thinks his higher up is crazy or he is making fun of him. We all know how Xigbar is. o_o;

As for the D.S.yes he does have a keychain, and yea, I think he may be one of the knights before. Someone had stated a while back that, ( copypasta: )

In the secret movie for the final mix, the helmets of the soldiers describe where they come from. It uses "solar symbolism" This is what i mean:

Terra Helmet: Pointed Up
Solar Symbolism: The Sun is up meaning Light

Ven Helmet: Half way up
Solar Symbolism: sun almost up meaning Dawn

Aqua: Helmet: Half way down
Solar Symbolism: sun almost down meaning Twilight

D.S. Helmet: Nothing
Solar Symbolism: No Sun. Meaning Darkness.

Ok but to that I wanted to add that it makes sence because each soldier picks up the Keyblade that coresponds with there Helmet.

The only thing wrong with that is Ven should be twilight, Aqua darkness, and D.S. nothing ( OR Present )

We can't tell, yes, but I at least, think that they WEREN'T friends. Terra HATES Xehanort. Xemnas is technically Xehanort. He makes it sound as if they were ENEMIES. Why would Aqua and possibly Ven befriend an ENEMY of their comrade?

It makes no sense (although, I'm willing to admit there are ways around that). Yes, I was the one who speculated the DS might have been one of the knights.
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New member
May 10, 2007
I am not entirely certain I understand all of this, I will have to think about it for a time. However, with my current understanding, I think you theory is very interesting, and it makes some sense.
UEM has control over his heartless. The heartless would have to posses someone completely. The person will become a part of UEM now.
Whoever the D.S., he is a keyblade master who has lost control. After the SE, he may have been freed from UEM's grip. Terra may have used a dark power that injured the UEM and separted him from the D.S. The D.S.'s memory has been wiped and all he remembers is his former posesser's name: Xeahnort.

If my understanding of your theory is correct, the U.E.M.'s name is Xehanort. He controlled the D.S. After the events as showed in the secret ending, the D.S. was freed from the U.E.M./Xehnaort's control. However, all he remembered was the name of the man who controlled him, Xehanort. Thus, the D.S. is also name Xehanort, and he is the one we know of in KH1 and KH2. That would make two different Xehanorts, the original U.E.M. Xehanort and the D.S. Xehanort. If this is right, it kind of makes me wonder which one Terra was referring to when Sora fights him in KH2 Final Mix.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
I am not entirely certain I understand all of this, I will have to think about it for a time. However, with my current understanding, I think you theory is very interesting, and it makes some sense.

If my understanding of your theory is correct, the U.E.M.'s name is Xehanort. He controlled the D.S. After the events as showed in the secret ending, the D.S. was freed from the U.E.M./Xehnaort's control. However, all he remembered was the name of the man who controlled him, Xehanort. Thus, the D.S. is also name Xehanort, and he is the one we know of in KH1 and KH2. That would make two different Xehanorts, the original U.E.M. Xehanort and the D.S. Xehanort. If this is right, it kind of makes me wonder which one Terra was referring to when Sora fights him in KH2 Final Mix.

He might have meant both...or maybe just UEM Xehanort, since maybe the DS still remembered his name before the events of the secret ending...


It's like YOU'RE in denial. We can't tell, yes, but I at least, think that they WEREN'T friends. Terra HATES Xehanort. Xemnas is technically Xehanort. He makes it sound as if they were ENEMIES. Why would Aqua and possibly Ven befriend an ENEMY of their comrade?

It makes no sense (although, I'm willing to admit there are ways around that). Yes, I was the one who speculated the DS might have been one of the knights.

Honestly, we have a right to think what we want, as do you. I, among others, find it implausible that they were friends. You don't. Until the game comes out, neither of us can say we're right.
I said in my post "Im willing to believe that Terra may not be some form of Xehanort but evidence proves otherwise" and me posting this whole topic proves that Im thinking diffrently because, it would totally go against my other theory. And people disagree with it by mentioning one lil statement "he could of been sarcastic" which really cant be proven and thats usually the ONLY excuse I hear on that, which in turn, sounds like people refuse to take into consideration that Xemnas may not be all that bad. o.o Which I have no problem with, but to be honest, its a weak back-up.

And if you read my list before, even Xemnas doesn't like Xehanort. He calls him and Ansem a fool. And from the look of Xemnas and his goal, he doesn't want to be a nobody, and yet Xehanort got rid of his heart willingly. And Ansem(h) is perfectly fine with being who he is (cept he wants more darkness) . Don't you think theres something wrong with that picture?

Im not saying Im 100% correct, but I feel that theres something screwy going on with Xehanort, Ansem, and Xemmy.

And yes, people have the right to think want they want to, but we are also allowed to go and disagree with their disagreement and try to back it up with info. Its called debating and I have fun with it. D:


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
I said in my post "Im willing to believe that Terra may not be some form of Xehanort but evidence proves otherwise" and me posting this whole topic proves that Im thinking diffrently because, it would totally go against my other theory. And people disagree with it by mentioning one lil statement "he could of been sarcastic" which really cant be proven and thats usually the ONLY excuse I hear on that, which in turn, sounds like people refuse to take into consideration that Xemnas may not be all that bad. o.o Which I have no problem with, but to be honest, its a weak back-up.

And if you read my list before, even Xemnas doesn't like Xehanort. He calls him and Ansem a fool. And from the look of Xemnas and his goal, he doesn't want to be a nobody, and yet Xehanort got rid of his heart willingly. And Ansem(h) is perfectly fine with being who he is (cept he wants more darkness) . Don't you think theres something wrong with that picture?

Im not saying Im 100% correct, but I feel that theres something screwy going on with Xehanort, Ansem, and Xemmy.

And yes, people have the right to think want they want to, but we are also allowed to go and disagree with their disagreement and try to back it up with info. Its called debating and I have fun with it. D:

Okay. I'm willing to believe Xemnas isn't that bad.
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New member
Sep 28, 2007
Honestly, we have a right to think what we want, as do you. I, among others, find it implausible that they were friends. You don't. Until the game comes out, neither of us can say we're right.

I agree.

Everyone (especially VAT and HadesDragon) keeps going back and forth with their point of views. That is not a bad thing but it is a little annoying that none of your evidence is realy good. You guys are hanging on a ledge trying to prove your points to each other. Btw, what does it matter if Xeanort and Terra are friends? Would that have anything to do with the story? You have all gotten so off topic there is not even a point I can stand for/against. According to your original argument, your theory is off because The Dark Soldier is an apprentice of Master Xeanort. It is nice that we can debate on what we think, but I think it is better to wait and see what will happen. *Sigh* Oh well...
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