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Terra + Xehanort theory

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New member
Mar 9, 2009
I have no location, my location is all locations.
To start off, I will tell you the theory straight. I think Terra IS Xehanort. Not the Old man in Birth by Sleep , but of Xehanort after.

The reason I think Terra is Xehanort is from appearance. The crazy hair, (back and down), the body build and the youth in general. But the main appearance trait that they both share is the Yellow Bright Eyes. You must be thinking, "Wait, Terra has brown eyes," this is true, but during the end of the Birth By Sleep cinematic from KH2 FM+, Terra is seen on the ground with his newly Yellow-tainted Eyes glaring at the Old man Xehanort------>

Now heres what I think happened after the cinematic... Terra,(with his newly Yellowed Eyes), is taking by the dark side because of his hatred of The Old Man Xehanort and the death of Ven(tus). He gets so angery and goes beserk, killing Old Man Xehanort

Now back up, Why did he change from Good to Evil? Well, Melifecent (SP) qoutes that Terra is becoming evil, and many hints are given in the trailers to say he is evil. Terra also Ven's friend, which is a reason why he gets angry when Old Man Xehanort kills him.

Xemnas is also proof to say that he is Terra('s nobody), Xigbar has been hearing Xemnas talking in the Hall of Sleep(or awakening), and belief it or not, he is talking the the armor and keyblade of Aqua...

"My friend".


Im going to add a few things, OK, well, When Terra killed Old Man Xehanort and *fuses* (not the best word I could find) with DS and somehow, he falls to the ground and slept for 10 years from then pain he suffered... yadda yadda yadda...

he wakes up and all he remembers is the name Xehanort because of his past hatred to him. He meets Ansem and the story follows it's path.
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Mar 19, 2008
in a world of despair
this was said so many times....i tihnk its commmon knowledge now, that terra becomes the xehanort we know.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
But the main appearance trait that they both share is the Yellow Bright Eyes. You must be thinking, "Wait, Terra has blue eyes," this is true, but during the end of the Birth By Sleep cinematic from KH2 FM+, Terra is seen on the ground with his newly Yellow-tainted Eyes glaring at the Old man Xehanort------>

Actually, no. Xehanort the apprentice has brown eyes, and his heartless and Xemnas have orange eyes. Whatever you want to call their eye colors, the point is that it's certainly not the same color that Terra's eyes became.


New member
Oct 6, 2007
I like what you're thinking but I don't think so either. I like how you tied it all together but I highly doubt.


~*Youll be my Living Legacy~*KBL
Oct 15, 2008
Eternal Darkness
this was said so many times....Most tihnk its commmon knowledge now, that terra becomes the xehanort we know.
Im not one of the most.

To start off, I will tell you the theory straight. I think Terra IS Xehanort. Not the Old man in Birth by Sleep , but of Xehanort after.
Most people do.

The reason I think Terra is Xehanort is from appearance.

The crazy hair, (back and down), the body build and the youth in general. But the main appearance trait that they both share is the Yellow Bright Eyes. You must be thinking, "Wait, Terra has blue eyes," this is true, but during the end of the Birth By Sleep cinematic from KH2 FM+, Terra is seen on the ground with his newly Yellow-tainted Eyes glaring at the Old man Xehanort------>
Appearance doesnt exactly prove anything. The Lingering Sentiment looks like Terra but it doesnt mean it is him. Xion looks like kairi doesnt mean thats her nobody. So they may have similiar appearance but that just may show a connection.

Now heres what I think happened after the cinematic... Terra,(with his newly Yellowed Eyes), is taking by the dark side because of his hatred of The Old Man Xehanort and the death of Ven(tus).
Ven didnt die, the eyes just show he was sleeping into darkness.

He gets so angery and goes beserk, killing Old Man Xehanort and Aqua,
I doubt it when MX beat VAT badly.

(or Old Man Xehanort killed Aqua before then, but still got killed). He decides to change his name to Xehanort and to follow his steps to collect the 7 Hearts of Light. Terra (Xehanort) is completly evil at this moment.
What about the DS??? Xehanort had lost all his memories.

Now back up, Why did he change from Good to Evil? Well, Melifecent (SP) qoutes that Terra is becoming evil, and many hints are given in the trailers to say he is evil. Terra also Ven's friend, which is a reason why he gets angry when Old Man Xehanort kills him.
Why believe what maleficent and MX say. Maleficent may have been lieing which i expect.

Xemnas is also proof to say that he is Terra('s nobody), Xigbar has been hearing Xemnas talking in the Hall of Sleep(or awakening), and belief it or not, he is talking the the armor and keyblade of Aqua...
Xemnas says
Its been a long time...."My friend"
He may have been sarcastic.
Next Xigbar seems like he was egging Zexion on to listen to what he was saying making him interested so he may have been stretching the truth.

Please post :lol:
I did.:tongue:


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
To start off, I will tell you the theory straight. I think Terra IS Xehanort. Not the Old man in Birth by Sleep , but of Xehanort after.

That right there should be obvious. :v Who else would you be talking about?

The reason I think Terra is Xehanort is from appearance. The crazy hair, (back and down), the body build and the youth in general. But the main appearance trait that they both share is the Yellow Bright Eyes. You must be thinking, "Wait, Terra has blue eyes," this is true, but during the end of the Birth By Sleep cinematic from KH2 FM+, Terra is seen on the ground with his newly Yellow-tainted Eyes glaring at the Old man Xehanort------>

But Apprentice Xehanort has brown eyes. He doesn't get yellow/orange eyes until later.

Now heres what I think happened after the cinematic... Terra,(with his newly Yellowed Eyes), is taking by the dark side because of his hatred of The Old Man Xehanort and the death of Ven(tus). He gets so angry and goes beserk, killing Old Man Xehanort and Aqua, (or Old Man Xehanort killed Aqua before then, but still got killed). He decides to change his name to Xehanort and to follow his steps to collect the 7 Hearts of Light. Terra (Xehanort) is completly evil at this moment.

Ventus doesn't die.
Aqua does die.

And the thing is, Xehanort had no memories when AtW found him. So if Terra really does turn into Xehanort (which he will), he's not going to have any memories of his past, including being evil and the PoHs and whatnot.

Also, Terra = Xehanort does not explain Xehanort's tan skin and white hair. Now, if Terra had fused with MX to become Xehanort, then that question's easily answered, but in your theory he kills him so...

Now back up, Why did he change from Good to Evil? Well, Melifecent (SP) qoutes that Terra is becoming evil, and many hints are given in the trailers to say he is evil. Terra also Ven's friend, which is a reason why he gets angry when Old Man Xehanort kills him.

Ven doesn't die.

Also, I don't remember them ever saying Terra was turning evil. They said him turning to the darkness, but not evil. And Riku killed the whole conception of darkness = evil, so...

Xemnas is also proof to say that he is Terra('s nobody), Xigbar has been hearing Xemnas talking in the Hall of Sleep(or awakening), and belief it or not, he is talking the the armor and keyblade of Aqua...

"My friend".

That shows a connection between Xehanort and BBS, though not necessarily Terra. It could just so easily be the MX in him, saying 'my friend' in a sarcastic tone.

Hate or not to Hate, that is the question...

Please post :lol:

Jeez! Can you just wrap the whole font and size thing around the entire post and not every little part of it? You don't need to wrap the font and size codes around every other sentence, you know. It's annoying to try and quote this. /rant


Join Me
Dec 21, 2008
behind you... Go ahead look, i dare you...
To start off, I will tell you the theory straight. I think Terra IS Xehanort. Not the Old man in Birth by Sleep , but of Xehanort after.

The reason I think Terra is Xehanort is from appearance. The crazy hair, (back and down), the body build and the youth in general. But the main appearance trait that they both share is the Yellow Bright Eyes. You must be thinking, "Wait, Terra has blue eyes," this is true, but during the end of the Birth By Sleep cinematic from KH2 FM+, Terra is seen on the ground with his newly Yellow-tainted Eyes glaring at the Old man Xehanort------>

Now heres what I think happened after the cinematic... Terra,(with his newly Yellowed Eyes), is taking by the dark side because of his hatred of The Old Man Xehanort and the death of Ven(tus). He gets so angery and goes beserk, killing Old Man Xehanort and Aqua, (or Old Man Xehanort killed Aqua before then, but still got killed). He decides to change his name to Xehanort and to follow his steps to collect the 7 Hearts of Light. Terra (Xehanort) is completly evil at this moment.

Now back up, Why did he change from Good to Evil? Well, Melifecent (SP) qoutes that Terra is becoming evil, and many hints are given in the trailers to say he is evil. Terra also Ven's friend, which is a reason why he gets angry when Old Man Xehanort kills him.

Xemnas is also proof to say that he is Terra('s nobody), Xigbar has been hearing Xemnas talking in the Hall of Sleep(or awakening), and belief it or not, he is talking the the armor and keyblade of Aqua...

"My friend".

Hate or not to Hate, that is the question...

Please post :lol:

...This is a really dragged out theory.probably 90% of KHI loves this theory.. I dont agree with it at all.(though it is a possibility)
i personally like the MX+DS=Xehanort theory

and KBL did bring up a very good point! What about DS?

hmmm. and Xehanort has brown eyes, not yellow. False connection there

and ALOT, and i do mean ALOT of individuals in the KH universe look alike

but as for the part of what you think happened to MX, and AV....no. NO

too many people use appearace to connect characters, that is one of the main reasons i dont like this theory.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
...This is a really dragged out theory.probably 90% of KHI loves this theory.. I dont agree with it at all.(though it is a possibility)

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We do not like the Terra = Xehanort theory. We do like the Terra + MX = Xehanort theory. Don't get the two confused. :]

i personally like the MX+DS=Xehanort theory

You have nothing connecting DS to Xehanort. There's more connecting Terra to Xehanort, starting with them both sharing the same body build, facial build, height, age, and having similar hairstyles. So far, we don't have anything on DS, including what he looks like, how old he is, and even if he really is a being to begin with. The only reason people seem to think that he is Xehanort is because of that! Because we don't know anything about him! That doesn't seem like a very good thing to use as basis in a theory, imo. At least you can tell the similarities between Terra and Xehanort. You can't with DS.

and ALOT, and i do mean ALOT of individuals in the KH universe look alike

Don't you think there's a reason behind that?

Ven and Roxas. They are carbon copies of each other. Is there a secret meaning as to why that is? Yes, most likely there is.

Kairi, Xion, and Namine. They all look alike. Is there a reason behind that? Yes. Xion and Namine might just be Kairi's Nobodies. (Namine's confirmed to be already, but we're not sure about Xion.)

Terra and Xehanort. Do you think that there might be a reason that Terra looks so much like Xehanort? Pure coincidence or completely incidental on Nomura's part?

Them looking alike goes to show a connection between the two. It's not just for giggles and shits, you know.

but as for the part of what you think happened to MX, and AV....no. NO

After so many times I had to repeat myself of whether or not Terra could beat MX yesterday, I didn't feel like adding this in my post. =_= I'll add it now.

MX >>>>>>>>>>>> Terra.

too many people use appearace to connect characters, that is one of the main reasons i dont like this theory.

So DS, having completely nothing alike with Xehanort at all, is more plausible to you than Terra, who looks exactly like him?


New member
Mar 6, 2009
Well I've heard this many time but as you said he kills Aqua, she is still seen in the other trailers with Ven although the theory does sound relistic because of the yellow eyes. But in the game it was orange eyes so thats another thing.

My theory is that the three chasers/apprentices where guardians of each realm. Light, Dark, Between, Nothingness and Xehanort was the protector of one of those.

Not much back up though.


Join Me
Dec 21, 2008
behind you... Go ahead look, i dare you...
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We do not like the Terra = Xehanort theory. We do like the Terra + MX = Xehanort theory. Don't get the two confused. :]

You have nothing connecting DS to Xehanort. There's more connecting Terra to Xehanort, starting with them both sharing the same body build, facial build, height, age, and having similar hairstyles. So far, we don't have anything on DS, including what he looks like, how old he is, and even if he really is a being to begin with. The only reason people seem to think that he is Xehanort is because of that! Because we don't know anything about him! That doesn't seem like a very good thing to use as basis in a theory, imo. At least you can tell the similarities between Terra and Xehanort. You can't with DS.

Don't you think there's a reason behind that?

Ven and Roxas. They are carbon copies of each other. Is there a secret meaning as to why that is? Yes, most likely there is.

Kairi, Xion, and Namine. They all look alike. Is there a reason behind that? Yes. Xion and Namine might just be Kairi's Nobodies. (Namine's confirmed to be already, but we're not sure about Xion.)

Terra and Xehanort. Do you think that there might be a reason that Terra looks so much like Xehanort? Pure coincidence or completely incidental on Nomura's part?

Them looking alike goes to show a connection between the two. It's not just for giggles and shits, you know.

So DS, having completely nothing alike with Xehanort at all, is more plausible to you than Terra, who looks exactly like him?

looks can be a connection, but most throw it out of proportion, just because there are similarities doesnt automatically make them connected.
I think i used the wrong words
i meant that i like, and prefer that theory. I'm not saying that its anymore true than the MX=terra=xehanort
both are unconfirmed, both could be possible, the latter has more evidence.
i think that the MX+Terra=xehanort theory could be possible, very much so.
i just like the MX+DS=Xehanort theory better,not saying that its anymore plausible,just that it'd be a nice twist, ya know?

After so many times I had to repeat myself of whether or not Terra could beat MX yesterday, I didn't feel like adding this in my post. =_= I'll add it now.
MX >>>>>>>>>>>> Terra.

heck yea, MX pwns all!


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
Well I've heard this many time but as you said he kills Aqua, she is still seen in the other trailers with Ven

Those scenes take place earlier in the game. This fight scene takes place at the very end. Like, after that, BBS ends.

although the theory does sound relistic because of the yellow eyes. But in the game it was orange eyes so thats another thing.

Yellow and Orange eyes = closeness to darkness

It could be either or on that one.

My theory is that the three chasers/apprentices where guardians of each realm. Light, Dark, Between, Nothingness and Xehanort was the protector of one of those.

... No.

As it stands, the Inbetween Realm and the Nothingness Realm don't have Keyblades. Hence, I don't think they would have Guardians either.

Even if they did, I wouldn't think that this theory would be plausible.

looks can be a connection, but most throw it out of proportion, just because there are similarities doesnt automatically make them connected.

True. Like when some people first saw Sora's hair, they all screamed that he was a lovechild between Cloud and Leon. Is that right? No.

I think i used the wrong words
i meant that i like, and prefer that theory. I'm not saying that its anymore true than the MX=terra=xehanort
both are unconfirmed, both could be possible, the latter has more evidence.
i think that the MX+Terra=xehanort theory could be possible, very much so.
i just like the MX+DS=Xehanort theory better,not saying that its anymore plausible,just that it'd be a nice twist, ya know?

M. Night Shyamalan: "What a twist!"

heck yea, MX pwns all!

Damn straight.


Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2008
looks can be a connection, but most throw it out of proportion, just because there are similarities doesnt automatically make them connected.
I think i used the wrong words
i meant that i like, and prefer that theory. I'm not saying that its anymore true than the MX=terra=xehanort
both are unconfirmed, both could be possible, the latter has more evidence.
i think that the MX+Terra=xehanort theory could be possible, very much so.
i just like the MX+DS=Xehanort theory better,not saying that its anymore plausible,just that it'd be a nice twist, ya know?
even though that more ppl have the facts of MX + Terra than MX + DS...

now say you believe in the MX + DS theory, there's a couple of questions to ask.
1 - How did Apprentice Xehanort manage to get that kind of hair other than Terra [but since he's not in the picture...how is this even possible?]
2- The body figure..now MX does not have the body as Terra does with Apprentice Xehanort and neither does DS due to his young age probably around his teenage yrs and height, Terra is in the mix of Apprentice Xehanort.
3- His age. Xehanort looks to appear in his 20's but let's take a look at DS. We have not s een his face but due to the height he possibly looks to be Ven's age which means around 15-16 and he is Ven's height and now lets go to MX he is old..enough said. Terra is in the mix of Xehanort.

MX + Terra = Xehanort period

Terra = body & soul
MX = heart
= forming xehanort.

heck yea, MX pwns all!
yup for an old man he kicked their asses without even trying.


~*Youll be my Living Legacy~*KBL
Oct 15, 2008
Eternal Darkness
Well I've heard this many time but as you said he kills Aqua, she is still seen in the other trailers with Ven although the theory does sound relistic because of the yellow eyes. But in the game it was orange eyes so thats another thing.

My theory is that the three chasers/apprentices where guardians of each realm. Light, Dark, Between, Nothingness and Xehanort was the protector of one of those.

Not much back up though.
I just wanted to say the PoH or BWHoPL uphold the realm of light.

even though that more ppl have the facts of MX + Terra than MX + DS...

now say you believe in the MX + DS theory, there's a couple of questions to ask.
Ohh I'll answer them.

1 - How did Apprentice Xehanort manage to get that kind of hair other than Terra [but since he's not in the picture...how is this even possible?2- The body figure..now MX does not have the body as Terra does with Apprentice Xehanort and neither does DS due to his young age probably around his teenage yrs and height, Terra is in the mix of Apprentice Xehanort.
3- His age. Xehanort looks to appear in his 20's but let's take a look at DS. We have not s een his face but due to the height he possibly looks to be Ven's age which means around 15-16 and he is Ven's height and now lets go to MX he is old..enough said. Terra is in the mix of Xehanort.
MX and DS, I see Xehanort as a younger MX so DS fusing with MX could give Xehanort a younger appearance around his 20-30.

MX-Body and Soul

But this is my little fanfic.


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
But that wouldn't explain what the hell happens to Terra then, now would it?

And if you say Lingering Sentiment, I will slap you. >:I


Join Me
Dec 21, 2008
behind you... Go ahead look, i dare you...
even though that more ppl have the facts of MX + Terra than MX + DS...

now say you believe in the MX + DS theory, there's a couple of questions to ask.
1 - How did Apprentice Xehanort manage to get that kind of hair other than Terra [but since he's not in the picture...how is this even possible?]
2- The body figure..now MX does not have the body as Terra does with Apprentice Xehanort and neither does DS due to his young age probably around his teenage yrs and height, Terra is in the mix of Apprentice Xehanort.
3- His age. Xehanort looks to appear in his 20's but let's take a look at DS. We have not s een his face but due to the height he possibly looks to be Ven's age which means around 15-16 and he is Ven's height and now lets go to MX he is old..enough said. Terra is in the mix of Xehanort.

MX + Terra = Xehanort period

Terra = body & soul
MX = heart
= forming xehanort.

yup for an old man he kicked their asses without even trying.

1. hair gel? everyone can do it!
2-3. they could change his height!
DS is taller than ven!
Remember how they changed roxas' look? Well, they could do the same to DS. I still dont see as to how you guys got a 16 year old out of DS, or how you guys see him as ven's rival

But that wouldn't explain what the hell happens to Terra then, now would it?

And if you say Lingering Sentiment, I will slap you. >:I

he got pwned to death by MX
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you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
1. hair gel? everyone can do it!
2-3. they could change his height! he is taller than ven! remember how they changed roxas' look alot? Well, they could do the same to DS. I still dont see as to how you guys got a 16 year old out of DS, or how you guys see him as ven's rival

So, they could change DS' height from being the same as Ven's to being the same as Terra's? Even if it's a concept video in which we first saw them being the same height, we have actual footage from the game ie trailers that show DS and Ven being the same height. So I'd say "no" on that one.

he got pwned to death by MX



Bronze Member
Jul 20, 2008
1. hair gel? everyone can do it!
LOL...um i think there should be a reason why Xehanorts hair is white not because of hair gel....and DS as far as we know might not even have a face.

. they could change his height! he is taller than ven!
no..he's not. DS is Ven's height since have you seen the BBS secret ending trailer when Terra is about to attack Master Xehanort & DS go around 0:28-0:29 and see the big height difference....MX is about a head ft bigger than Dark Soldier and we can say the same for Ven since we've seen in a trailer that TAV all line up and we see how huge Terra is and about a ft head taller than Ven...also since Terra is mx's height and terra is 1ft head bigger than Ven while MX is 1ft head bigger than DS we can assume they are mostly the same height.
I still dont see as to how you guys got a 16 year old out of DS
he's ven's height, looks to be pretty young and is connected to ven and ven is like around 15-16 so yeah...DS is probably around that age. he's pretty young.
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