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Bronze Member
Aug 3, 2005
Weird, I just woke up after having a dream about finding boxes of condoms by my bed. Anyway! We had sex education when we were 10, and it carried on almost every year up until the age of 18. Yes, it got tiresome, but at least we had a decent teacher who knew when to crack a joke and when to be serious. Teenage pregnancy was pretty unheard of in my school, but the truth is it was a pretty weird standout place anyway. Sex education or not there's still culture to consider, and with so much underage everything going on here it's no surprise this is happening. A naive lack of responsibility, both on the parents' behalf and the children's, and perhaps even the government's and the retailer's. It's sad how children will do anything to get hold of alcohol. I've only ever had one issue with alcohol, and that was at a party where I passed out and woke up in my bed with no memories. WTF. I learnt my lesson. If that happened to a little kid, it could be a lot worse. I was lucky I had my friends there for me. Having a baby thrown into the mix.. well yes, the drinking definitely needs to stop, before something does happen. It's not cool, it's stupid. Wait until you're 18, go out and get drunk, but be sensible (somehow). Make the most of your younger years doing things you can actually do at that age that isn't illegal or stupid.


Apr 17, 2007
I agree 100% with what Nintandy has been saying. Sure she has made a mistake, I know it, you know it and ofcourse she knows it. She told us this so that we could give her advice, not say youre a dumbass. It's in the past and us critisizing her isn't going to help the situation at all, is it? Shes 15 and about to have a baby. Say something helpful or don't say anything at all.


` dragon dance
Jul 8, 2009
netflix probably
I agree 100% with what Nintandy has been saying. Sure she has made a mistake, I know it, you know it and ofcourse she knows it. She told us this so that we could give her advice, not say youre a dumbass. It's in the past and us critisizing her isn't going to help the situation at all, is it? Shes 15 and about to have a baby. Say something helpful or don't say anything at all.

That's all well and good, and sure, I'll give her advice, but the thing is, Angelic Symphony's post is merely an example of teenagers in England these days. I don't know if you live here or not but I'll presume you don't for now. The thing is, everyone pretty much says that the damage has been done and so we just have to move past it, but looking upon the statistics and the way England is, maybe this philosophy isn't working. I'll stress what I said before: England has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Western Europe, being twice as high as Germany, three times as high as France and six times as high as the Netherlands, and in particular, 500% higher than Holland. That's bad. To hear of 12- and 13- and 14-year-olds over here having babies is becoming a somewhat common thing to hear. When you think of 12-year-olds, you think of kids playing football/soccer outside, not going around, getting drunk, having sex and producing children when they are merely children themselves.

If we can tackle this issue, and maybe get Angelic Symphony to understand how bad this situation really is, maybe it'll change her decision and do what is best for herself. It's popular culture to do what is morally right; i.e. not have an abortion/be a murderer in harsher words, but sometimes, and I know it may sound cruel, you really have to do what's best for you. Of course there's going to be the argument that the baby didn't ask to be conceived, but sometimes you have to be cruel and look at this from all aspects. It's all good and well saying she'll be homeschooled and whatnot, but by the sounds of it, having a baby that is, and I'm sorry to say, the result of drunken behaviour, a hindrance to her life. I just hope she'll understand that and take that into consideration.

Chakolat Strawberry

caramel delight
Jan 2, 2009
Haven't you fucking kids ever heard of condoms?
a bit too late for that


Bronze Member
Aug 3, 2005
Little kids wearing condoms.. oh dear. I know I've seen people aged 15+ carrying them around, and 16 is the legal age for sex over here, but wow, it's shocking how we'll be seeing even younger people waddling around with condoms in their pockets stuck to sweet wrappers and comic books :p. Yes, I'm clearly not stereotyping. Whatever it is children are into these days. Other than sex and booze.

Oh, and I have to agree with~

That's all well and good, and sure, I'll give her advice, but the thing is, Angelic Symphony's post is merely an example of teenagers in England these days. I don't know if you live here or not but I'll presume you don't for now. The thing is, everyone pretty much says that the damage has been done and so we just have to move past it, but looking upon the statistics and the way England is, maybe this philosophy isn't working. I'll stress what I said before: England has the highest teen pregnancy rate in Western Europe, being twice as high as Germany, three times as high as France and six times as high as the Netherlands, and in particular, 500% higher than Holland. That's bad. To hear of 12- and 13- and 14-year-olds over here having babies is becoming a somewhat common thing to hear. When you think of 12-year-olds, you think of kids playing football/soccer outside, not going around, getting drunk, having sex and producing children when they are merely children themselves.

If we can tackle this issue, and maybe get Angelic Symphony to understand how bad this situation really is, maybe it'll change her decision and do what is best for herself. It's popular culture to do what is morally right; i.e. not have an abortion/be a murderer in harsher words, but sometimes, and I know it may sound cruel, you really have to do what's best for you. Of course there's going to be the argument that the baby didn't ask to be conceived, but sometimes you have to be cruel and look at this from all aspects. It's all good and well saying she'll be homeschooled and whatnot, but by the sounds of it, having a baby that is, and I'm sorry to say, the result of drunken behaviour, a hindrance to her life. I just hope she'll understand that and take that into consideration.

Nicely worded. At such a young age.. well, it's your childhood. Not to mention your education. Plus there's the father.


Angelic Symphony
Angelic Symphony is offline

Last Activity: July 23rd, 2009 05:52 PM



Apr 17, 2007
Maybe during her pregnancy she doesn't have time to come on a video game forum?
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