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Square isn't talking...

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Apr 4, 2005
In My House


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Apr 4, 2005
In My House
But in my computer Works
O kay i'll post it in

This is from the First Link:

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children has been confirmed to be released on September 14, 2005, thus making the release date for Kingdom Hearts between September and the end of the year.

Also from the press release below, it has been confirmed by Tetsuya Nomura himself that voice-acting for Kingdom Hearts 2 has begun for the english version.

The following is the full press release from Gamespot:

TOKYO--In the latest update of the official Web site for the movie Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Square Enix designer Tetsuya Nomura revealed that the movie will be released in Japan on September 14 and that it will retail for 4,800 yen ($45).

Nomura also intimated that a special edition of the film will be available as well, though he didn't elaborate.

Since Square Enix hasn't officially announced a PSP-compatible universal media disc release of Advent Children, it's believed that the September 14 release date is for the DVD version only.

Nomura commented that Advent Children is now 95 percent complete.

Nomura also revealed that the first overseas voice-acting sessions for Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts II (for localized versions) will be starting soon. Nomura added that the overseas casts for the two titles have yet to be finalized.

This is from the Second Link:

IGN.com says Kingdom Hearts 2 is their 3rd most anticipated game for E3, in front of Final Fantasy VII and Black but trailing behind Shadow of the Colossus and Okami.

The following is what IGN said about Kingdom Hearts 2 and why they look forward to it at E3:

Mixing up Square Enix with Disney resulted in the happiness on a stick that was Kingdom Hearts. So when the folks behind the Final Fantasy games decide to pair up once again with the internationally recognizable Disney character you know it's going to be good. With an improved camera system that uses the right analog stick there game will be easier to see and with an option to pair up Sora with another character there will be some interesting new powers to use. By building up his meter, Sora can now merge with another member in the group to form a powerful combination. And just like Square mixing with Disney, the pairing up is bigger than the sum of its parts.

Im sori if anyone already knew this.


I'm lost...
Apr 23, 2004
laath said:
Looks like Square isn't giving a release date yet. Saw it on G4, and one of the hosts said that the release date was not told. But they did say FFXII is probably coming out in 2006. Sorry guys. And sorry if you already knew that heh.
Not really.

KH2 has been set on a Winter 2005 release in the USA
FFXII has been set on a Winter 2005 release in Japan

So it's not true.


New member
Apr 4, 2005
In My House
hey i thought FFXII is at June 1st this year! i read about that somewhere in the official site but i don't remember what site it is........!!!!!!!!


New member
Dec 30, 2004
Cincinnati Ohio
Yea the winter release date has been confirmed, and it was confirmed in the press conference, i think by NOmura too. and mass other people have confirmed it. But ey, maybe if were lucky, something will happen to Advent children and they will switch ours to september, i would love that!


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Aug 8, 2004
where my feet walk me to.
Krimedog said:
Yea the winter release date has been confirmed, and it was confirmed in the press conference, i think by NOmura too. and mass other people have confirmed it. But ey, maybe if were lucky, something will happen to Advent children and they will switch ours to september, i would love that!

allright then.. i dont mean to sound like an ass.. but where is this proof that Nomura confirmed this? I would just like to see some proof plz...


Apr 28, 2005
They have confirmed that it will be release in winter 05 yes but I'm just saying it would be good if they released it right along side the PS3 because it will be close to when the PS3 comes out I mean it took them this long so might as well I'll be happy to buy a PS3 with KH2 beside it

oh thanks Krimedog also for that other thing and about the revealing too much thing also if you think about they've reveal over half of the Hercules Stage and Mulan Stage I mean we even know who the bosses!!! are come on I might not even feel like battling the bosses in both worlds really they've shown you how to beat them if you ask me I remember when they said that you have to break the two horns on top of the dragon's head and then start attacking him come on they act like the game has been released already it just pisses me off.

I can understand revealing that yes there's a new KH game and the release date but everytime they go into to much detail before you know it they'll have told us how to beat the Beauty and the Beast world Twilight town and what purpose BHK and Namine have in KH2 if you think about.

Think back to when KH1 was release no one really knew about it that much
you know what also too I believe this is why people get bored of games so quick is because they're constantly on a site like this (no offense this is a good site) always looking for new info like the new unknown member I wish that could have been a big surpirse cause it could have been also the Hydra I think that's the name of the monster from Hercules could have been a surpirse and Auron too just think about it.

Man I swear if this keeps going the game industry might just be out for good because most of you can't wait and reason being you look at to much info on this game why couldn't they have been like rockstar just release the new features that's on the game like they did with Grand Theft San Andreas and other past Grand Theft auto's :( But I guess I can't change anything oh well good bye gaming industry you might be gone soon because of things like this :(

Sorry for the very long post Peace out:)


New member
Feb 14, 2005
We might not see KH2 come out until maybe Mid-to-Late 2006, or even 2007! It might be due out by the next E3!


Apr 28, 2005
also I'm beginning to lose my faith in KH2 because of most of the people on here and other sites posting about what they've found what's the point I believe I know what the story is going to be like might as well write

How I think its going to start out

You are still in castle Oblivion just waking up after the little sence with donald and goofy and you find out about what happens because some unknown tells you don't know who it is and before you leave Namine gives you a brand new outfit and then you hear about what's going on with Hollow Bastion then you take off and go there then you get ambushed like in the trailer and fend off a hoard of heartless new and old then you get there and you find a couple of unknowns there they tell you what they want and Sora goes chasing after them then you meet with riku but at first you don't know its him because he hasn't pulled his hood off yet then he tells you something blah blah then you get to the Chapel where you fought Maleficent and you fight one of the unknown's then he vanishes then you go into the other room where you fought riku II you try to find out what's going on by walking inside of the big heart you find out that it leads to three new worlds and you go inside one and end of in Twilight town then you take the role of BHK and you follow that heartless into the same thing Sora did in KH1 then you do whatever it is in there and face that large nobody and then you wake up and see your new friends the ones that are with him then you go to the clock tower and figure out what happen and then you go out once again into the alley way and you hear something and you go looking then later you meet up with axel and face off with him meanwhile sora and company are in a tight spot trying to fend off the nobodies and King Mickey comes to beat the crap out of them then you're very surpirse and he tells you more about what the deal is with the Unknowns and what they plan to do and you now leave Twilight town with him

P.S I'm just kidding with this story its made up my point I'm trying to make by typing this is that I know so much information now that I can tell how the first two levels are going to be played out I could type up he storyline dealing with Mulan's and Hercules's world but I can't my arms are tired

Peace out :)


New member
Aug 8, 2004
where my feet walk me to.
crownmeking said:
also I'm beginning to lose my faith in KH2 because of most of the people on here and other sites posting about what they've found what's the point I believe I know what the story is going to be like might as well write

How I think its going to start out

You are still in castle Oblivion just waking up after the little sence with donald and goofy and you find out about what happens because some unknown tells you don't know who it is and before you leave Namine gives you a brand new outfit and then you hear about what's going on with Hollow Bastion then you take off and go there then you get ambushed like in the trailer and fend off a hoard of heartless new and old then you get there and you find a couple of unknowns there they tell you what they want and Sora goes chasing after them then you meet with riku but at first you don't know its him because he hasn't pulled his hood off yet then he tells you something blah blah then you get to the Chapel where you fought Maleficent and you fight one of the unknown's then he vanishes then you go into the other room where you fought riku II you try to find out what's going on by walking inside of the big heart you find out that it leads to three new worlds and you go inside one and end of in Twilight town then you take the role of BHK and you follow that heartless into the same thing Sora did in KH1 then you do whatever it is in there and face that large nobody and then you wake up and see your new friends the ones that are with him then you go to the clock tower and figure out what happen and then you go out once again into the alley way and you hear something and you go looking then later you meet up with axel and face off with him meanwhile sora and company are in a tight spot trying to fend off the nobodies and King Mickey comes to beat the crap out of them then you're very surpirse and he tells you more about what the deal is with the Unknowns and what they plan to do and you now leave Twilight town with him

P.S I'm just kidding with this story its made up my point I'm trying to make by typing this is that I know so much information now that I can tell how the first two levels are going to be played out I could type up he storyline dealing with Mulan's and Hercules's world but I can't my arms are tired

Peace out :)

whoa.. really long there.. but anyway.. its not all that bad. i understand what your saying.. but its not like there is anything spoiler specific that we wouldnt find out early on in the game anyway. If something spoiler-wise showed up.. then i could understand it.

I dotn mean to sound like an ass..but this is a place to discuss things like this.. if you dont want to hear stuff like that.. then why did u sign up here anyway?


New member
Dec 30, 2004
Cincinnati Ohio
YoshiAngemon said:
We might not see KH2 come out until maybe Mid-to-Late 2006, or even 2007! It might be due out by the next E3!

WTF!! where have u been during e3

2006 into 2007 are u serious..... Everyone has just said winter 2005, just as i did....Did you even bother to read any of the posts?


Apr 28, 2005
Thanks Nemises :) but I'm just trying to get at that if more and more info gets released then I could make out the story just like I did when I created that little first fake part I wouldn't even be surpirsed if that's how it went for real I know this is the place that you discuss these things I'm fine with that I'm not going to stop anyone I was just giving an opinon on what I think about the release of all this info :)

P.S if you want me to write out how I think the Fabled Country Side a.k.a Beauty and the Beast world and Mulan and Hercules go just PM me also I think the part with axel in an Alley way I should have put Abandon Warehouse :D

KH will come out this year if nothing goes wrong It will not come out in 2006 or 2007 and I don't know if someone said it on this forum or another I heard that someone said it was 90% done which I believe to be untrue cause then it would be out by August of this summer
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