KINGDOM HEARTS II play diary 1st.key
It is the play diary of KH2.
While memo taking, being not to be and to be state of the う ろ remembering please do not expect degree of completion; ;
As for title the ^^ which is the pas chestnut of 2ch;
Twilight town - 5th day
* Menu screen
The tear probably will put out became already in the menu screen... w
More and more, when you think... that you can do KH2.
Being arranged a little, it increased Dearly Beloved. This one is good, don't you think? is, -.
Degree of hardness chose the proud.
* OP
Don't you think? it is clean, -.
As expected it is the staff of Advent chilled ream!
* ロクサス
Don't you think? after all it was ロクサス.
When also this name is accustomed, it is very good, don't you think? is, -.
Voice just a little was insecure, it is, but at all problem it was not, -.
* Battle
It is the battle of after a long time KH2.
W which sliding turn use now is the chestnut
It meaning that just a little operation feeling is different from the previous production, don't you think? it is not accustomed yet....
Passing through also the habit of the cord/code age still or the ^^;
* Byte
"The て as for seeing it is" is funny, is, -.
In スケボー the hammer り w which it increases
* Development
Don't you think? among of the beginnings is development of puzzle.
When you think it goes out, that black coat appeared....
* Struggle battle
It was such a game, don't you think? it is.
Difficult kana - with you thought, but it was unexpected and simple.
* Number 13 ロクサス
Don't you think? ロクサス quickly it was beam No.13.
Memory is lost, we would like to see, don't you think? is. With as for the notion that where you say former times you were moving with your own will as a system member kana....
* As for first letter "the Soviet Union"!
Don't you think? ソラ was Soviet ラ... w
You felt at rest a little -.
* Nautical mile & セルフィ
Also two people thing of ソラ is not remembered, don't you think? it is....
Remembering, you thought nautical mile as the る, it is, but.... It probably is power of ナミネ?
* アンセム
Don't you think? suddenly it is アンセム appearance.
It seems that voice becomes the snake っ ぽ く...? W
The ^^ which is advanced at a stroke;
It passes through also the play diary rather and it thinks, that there is a part which has fallen....
Without understanding something is what to here, the shank....
When also the twilight town compilation it remains and on the 3rd, this ends, it probably is the ソラ compilation?
Here's The site Translation.