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Sora's Promise

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New member
Mar 30, 2007
Okay, so we know he kept his promise to Kairi, but what about Namine?

At the end of CoM he pinky-promised Namine and told her that he'd find her again after he woke up and they would become friends.

And I was hoping that in KHII they would become friends. I don't even think they spoke. It made me sad because I really wanted him to meet her again.

And the note that Jiminy left in his journal.. "Thank Namine"... did they even thank her in KHII?

I guess I'm just sad because I wanted more development between Namine and Sora (friend-wise) like there was in CoM.


New member
Apr 9, 2007
Peterborough, ON
Well, when Sora an Namine met in KH2, he was a little confused so he never really thanked Namine. I think that there might be a little more Namine and Sora bonding in KH3.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
I was also upset with the whole Sora/Namine situation. I was looking forward to him to thanking her and becoming friends. Hopefully in the next KH game -crosses fingers-, there will be more to that part of the story.


New member
Mar 23, 2006
Everywhere, Nowhere
Okay, so we know he kept his promise to Kairi, but what about Namine?

At the end of CoM he pinky-promised Namine and told her that he'd find her again after he woke up and they would become friends.

And I was hoping that in KHII they would become friends. I don't even think they spoke. It made me sad because I really wanted him to meet her again.

And the note that Jiminy left in his journal.. "Thank Namine"... did they even thank her in KHII?

I guess I'm just sad because I wanted more development between Namine and Sora (friend-wise) like there was in CoM.

Well Namine is part of Kairi but that wasnt given away until the end of Kh2. So they were friends all along. Its the same with Roxas, alot of people were expecting a alot more from him but who knows, such things may be delivered in the future.


New member
Apr 13, 2007
Well Namine is part of Kairi but that wasnt given away until the end of Kh2. So they were friends all along. Its the same with Roxas, alot of people were expecting a alot more from him but who knows, such things may be delivered in the future.

Well yeah that is also true. But I think people were expecting things more along the lines of the actual characters of Namine, and Roxas for that matter, to be more involved with the situation. But yes, they technically were friends all along. And again, we have to wait until the next KH project to see if anything happens.


New member
May 3, 2006
I really wanted Sora to remember Namine. ._. But I suppose he was a little bit too confused at the end of the game to remember the vague message "Thank Namine" from his journal. After all, we never see it again after Jiminy reads it. The message was probably just kept to maintain continuity. And they are kind of friends -- after all, Sora and Kairi are, right?


New member
Jan 8, 2007
Hiding. Who ever finds me first gets a cookie!
At the end of CoM Namine told Sora that if he chose to get his old memories back he would not remember anything from the castle so when he saw thejournal he had no idea watsoever who Namine was. I don't think anyone even told him at any point of KHII who she was. He only saw her at the end at TWTNW when her and Roxas saw each other again and i don't think either one of them said her name aloud so he could not have known.

Dawning Twilight

The Egotistical Bastard
Jun 6, 2005
Making Out With DT Cause He's So Damn Sexy!
How was Sora supposted to thank her or become friends or even remember the promise when she wiped away his 'fake memories'?
agreed how was Thank Namine even in the book shouldn't that have been erased? just like when the journal was erased?

Roxas thanked namine right? if he did then because Roxas is merely a part of Sora it would make sense technically that he in a way already thanked Namine indirectly.
Jan 12, 2004
In Sora's arms
True but as said before, fans like myself were waiting for the actual character, Namine, to recieve the Thank You from Sora. Yeah, yeah Roxas = Sora and Kairi = Namine and all but this was somewhat cold of Sora to not say anything...I'm no where near blaming Sora though because in the KH series by the time sora actually did meet Namine, it was already at the end and she was already talking to Roxas and Kairi. In fatc, I don't even think Sora knew that she was Namine...So as far as he is concerned, he has never met her....Poor Sora XD
But there is hope...KH3! lol


New member
Aug 26, 2006
twilight town
Okay, so we know he kept his promise to Kairi, but what about Namine?

At the end of CoM he pinky-promised Namine and told her that he'd find her again after he woke up and they would become friends.

And I was hoping that in KHII they would become friends. I don't even think they spoke. It made me sad because I really wanted him to meet her again.

And the note that Jiminy left in his journal.. "Thank Namine"... did they even thank her in KHII?

I guess I'm just sad because I wanted more development between Namine and Sora (friend-wise) like there was in CoM.

well sora did keep his promise in kh2 but they didnt bother to go into detail no point


Bronze Member
Dec 30, 2005
I understand, and I feel the same way too.

Seriously, what was the point of making that promise then, if it wasn't going to get anywhere? Nomura could have spared some Sora and Naminé friendship moments, I'm sure, and it would have been nice Sora thanking her in person, not to Kairi, or for Roxas to take that job. It just takes away the meaning to me.

I know Sora = Roxas, and Kairi = Naminé, but they're still separated beings with different personalities, and Sora made that promise to Naminé herself, not Kairi. She and Sora had their own separated pledge, of friends.

Plus, Sora's memories are forgotten, but not lost. Naminé just re-chained the links and the memory of Castle Oblivion was lost in the shadows, or darkness. It's still there. There could have been a moment in KH2, I'm positive, that some light incident could have taken place and bring those memories back. A good example would be Diz's light explosion with the machine. He even said anything could happen, and it returned Riku back to normal. That would be perfect timing and be explainable.

I just wonder what's the reason for Nomura to make Sora forget Castle Oblivion? I know COM was a side-quest, but it still connects to the game, and to Sora, especifically.

Other than Naminé, there's also Roxas and Sora.

I wish they interacted more, or a scene where Roxas helps Sora battle, at least freakin' talk and make the insecurities and confusions clear. I know the two as individuals talked of each other, but it still didn't...fulfill.

All we had that was eye to eye confrontation is that battle, which Sora didn't even know it was Roxas, and the end, but even that was little, as he was talking along with Naminé. Hell, I'm sure Sora still didn't grasp exactly what was going on. Kairi had spent a small time with Naminé when she rescued her, and the blond probably explained it to her, but Sora, as always, remained in the dark about what was happening around him. Which was why he was like "WTH?" when Naminé disappeared into Kairi, while the girl herself remained calm and reached out for Naminé's hand as if she knew.

There could have been a bonding moment between the Somebody and Nobody, and know where they stand, and it would have helped Roxas accept his fate more, all the while, making Sora aware of the truth.

I don't know. Things like that irk me for a reason.
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