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So... Who's 'not' looking forward to BBS? [Aka. Are you wary of its hype?]

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Bronze Member
Nov 29, 2008
I am sure that I will be content with this game. I;m actually gonna enjoy this no matter anyone elses opinionson it.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
BS. Days was a sack of shit the entire game was *Lets kill heartless YAY!!!!* with a bit of a mentally unstable Kairi rip off thrown in.
I love when people voice their oppions as fact. :D
I thought, as well as many others that Days had a much deeper level of character development than KH2. And although Kairi and Xion look similar, they are IN FACT very different characters, In all aspects of their personality. Xion has no direct connection to Kairi, only what she has through sora.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Windsor Ontario. Don't ever visit XD
days had much mroe feeling, the dialog appeared real and the gameplay was challenging.

sure kh2 took longer, but some areas were just boring

i agree. i really liked KH2 but i have to agree that the plot lacked a lot of feeling. it also lacked a lot of suspense. because they decided to introduce org 13 early in the story it was already established that they were the main bad guys from the beginning. yes they had maleficent and pete stirring up trouble but no one(not even sora) thought that they were going to be a threat. they were just place holders till the org became more active. one could argue that KH did the same thing(place holder villains) but, the difference was when Asod was reveled to be the main villain it was a surprise; i think most people assumed "ansem" was dead or at least didn't suspect him to be the hooded man seen in the beginning. what really bothered me though was that when the org did become more active in the second half they still weren't doing much. there should have been a lot more confrontation.

since i ranted so much on that i wont bother going into how i felt they handled the SRK. long story short i didn't like it.

days on the other hand kept me guessing for a large part of the story. i had guessed the ending since they begin foreshadowing it relatively early. but i think knowing the ending ahead of time made it more exciting because you weren't sure how all of the pieces were going to fall into place.

the plot of birth by sleep looks pretty exciting so far from what i have seen since there are a lot of hints as to how it may end but they are also very vague and will probably keep us guessing. i really like the idea of a three perspective story but when i saw terra fighting the magic mirror in the commercial i have begun to worry about how they are going to handle it.

as i have said in an earlier post this game could be awesome or terrible depending on how they do this.

wow i talk a lot. im really sorry guys lol


Bronze Member
Dec 20, 2007
Athens, Greece
KH is meant to be a crossover of Disney and the FF series and yet there's no FF character in Days, what does that tell you?

aren't all the new characters considered "spawns" of the Final Fantasy franchise? after all nomura created most of the more popular FF characters (cloud, sephiroth). plus, they all have that FF feeling on them (hair, facial characteristics etc) that resemble the FF style

*Spoiler* (If you haven't played)
And finally I felt like I didn't get to spend as much time with Xion as I should have in the story to make the ending a lot sadder.
I mean I did cry, but only the first time, now when I watch that scene, I feel nothing for her.

when, isn't the first time the most important one? i didn't cry, but i was really moved by her death..


Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
I love when people voice their oppions as fact. :D
I thought, as well as many others that Days had a much deeper level of character development than KH2. And although Kairi and Xion look similar, they are IN FACT very different characters, In all aspects of their personality. Xion has no direct connection to Kairi, only what she has through sora.


Is the central conflict of the trio, pits two best freinds against one another, gets kidnapped,forces the main character to chase after her= Kairi ripoff.


New member
Nov 28, 2009

Is the central conflict of the trio, pits two best freinds against one another, gets kidnapped,forces the main character to chase after her= Kairi ripoff.
Really? I'd say the central conflict in between the trio would be their own actions against one another, Axel desperately trying to save both of them, hurting each of of them in the process. Roxas's ignorance which hurts everyone in the trio, and Xion's knowing that she must die, and convincing herself and the others that it is for the best. THe conflict between the three of them is most prominate in their own attempts to save eachother.
Xion wasn't really kidnapped. She went missing, mostly on her own will. Riku certainly didn't hold her captive. Just virtually push her to suiside.


Waiting on FF XV and KH3 :D
Oct 5, 2009
Los Angeles
Really? I'd say the central conflict in between the trio would be their own actions against one another, Axel desperately trying to save both of them, hurting each of of them in the process. Roxas's ignorance which hurts everyone in the trio, and Xion's knowing that she must die, and convincing herself and the others that it is for the best. THe conflict between the three of them is most prominate in their own attempts to save eachother.
Xion wasn't really kidnapped. She went missing, mostly on her own will. Riku certainly didn't hold her captive. Just virtually push her to suiside.

1. Xion related.]

2. Xion related

3. Saving Xion

4.Apparently Xion thought the whole world revovled around her= Kairi.

Pretty much most of those reasons are because of Xion A.K.A Kairi rip off.:lol:


New member
Dec 8, 2009
the reasons i'm getting this game is to fill up the missing space and something do to and play my beloved series

i don't care the only things it need to have is good story and not some easy shit like kh2


New member
Nov 28, 2009
1. Xion related.]

2. Xion related

3. Saving Xion

4.Apparently Xion thought the whole world revovled around her= Kairi.

Pretty much most of those reasons are because of Xion A.K.A Kairi rip off.:lol:
Xion related? why did you say that twice...and numbered?
Xion wasn't one who needed saving. Xion needed to die. Everyone knew this, even Roxas at the very end. Not because they wanted her to die, but because she needed to die.
Kairi was a happy lucky little girl, she still is. No harm EVER came to Kairi, she had two of her best friend/love interest fighting for her. Her personality is light and a bit sarcastic at points, but in a playful way. She never intended to harm anyone, ever...really. She has a heart of pure light
Xion is a clone made by Vexen. She has no heart. Her two "best friends" who are incapible of caring at all for her...but fight for the illusion of friendship, one of them tries to kill her, and the other suceeds. All the while, as I've said, she is being pushed by strangers who she has never met (riku, DiZ, Namine) to sacrifice her life for someone she doesn't even know. She does because she sees Roxas, collaspsing from the inside out because of her. She does because she is far more nobel than her age, and certainly more than kairi, she sacrifices herself to save everyone. She doesn't believe the world revolves around her, and I'm betting she wished that so many lives did not hang on her death or ceasing to exist. She is a very logical, softspoken "person" and is horribly treated.

Black Rose Witch

Dec 8, 2008
BBS is going to PWN, It might be the first game i can easily say is better than KH1. BBS IS GONNA BE AMAZING!

Chrono Mizaki

Aug 19, 2008
Bradford, England
relax man, that's what a forum's all about! :wink:

You mean, a topic that has my passion, my sweat, my blood and my love... as I write a few paragraphs, explaining my love for the series... that turns into a fest filled with members posting in their worse spelling/grammar and their opinions not equal to mine.

...Actually, that's pretty much what a forum is about.

I still hate you all for it though.


Bronze Member
Dec 20, 2007
Athens, Greece
You mean, a topic that has my passion, my sweat, my blood and my love... as I write a few paragraphs, explaining my love for the series... that turns into a fest filled with members posting in their worse spelling/grammar and their opinions not equal to mine.

...Actually, that's pretty much what a forum is about.

I still hate you all for it though.

hahaha! you got a rep for that post though! :wink:
*rep given*


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
I find it strange every time I see you make a topic Chrono I always get all excited. But anyway,

What really annoyed me thus far in Birth by Sleep is the amount of stupid ideas I've witnessed. I mean, really, vehicles-esque Keyblades?

Ehhh, I was sort of a fan of the idea until I realized what they were riding was Keyblades. I thought they were what Riku and Sora used in the Xemnas Dragon fight back in KH2. I mean, I'm probably going to enjoy flying with the Keyblade everywhere (knowing me) it's just the concept was sort of... kind of fanfic-ish. Like as much as I liked Xion, bringing in a fourteenth member was a bit like a fanfic.

Also, the story and hints sound a bit pants so far, and Terra's side of the story just sounds like "What it would've been like if you had the option to play as Riku in KH1".

As much as it seems to be like that, I think I actually wouldn't mind playing like that. Though Terra meeting up with every. Single. Disney Villain. May get old after awhile. I find it strange that all of them are only drawn to him, and he's drawn to them. Personally if they wanted to make Terra go down the path of darkness I think they should have had it where Vanitas and MX drove him mad more and more as the game went on. Or something other than meeting with Disney Villains and doing their chores for clues on MX & Vanitas.

The gameplay I'm very wary of, as it may be like COM's deck system, but I bet it will be dumbed down and resort to button mashing at some point.

Actually, if it is like CoM, I may get into it, seeing as how my ultimate favorite of the KH series was CoM. Although if everything is a button masher again and not timed button presses, I may be upset. Although I do think it's going to be fairly easy since Nomura said awhile back TAV were overpowered, and the fact that he wanted to make the game enjoyable for everyone (which means it'll be easy).

Or maybe I love the series a lot because of my nostalgia with KH1 and Chain of Memories, which I loved when I was young.

I have to agree, KH1 and CoM were by far the best of the series, but maybe that's because it seemed like the quality started going downhill when they did KH2. Or maybe because the fact they're taking all the easy routes and just not even really trying anymore. Although, I am still looking forward to BbS redeeming the quality of the series.


Damn, aren't you guys overreacting?
Audo and Chrono I mean.
No one's asking you to like it.
There will be hype. There's hype for everything. The Twilight fandom which I greatly dislike continuously has hype for books that turn out to be shit.
I just honestly don't see why the hype needs to turn you into giant squids of anger.
BbS might suck, it might be good.
The way I see it, KH1 is really not that good and the games after it are really not that much worse, if not better. Most people here just played KH1 as innocent kids where every game seems incredible and the plot really touched you because you were the age group it was aimed for. The fact that you still choose to be fans is great and all, but you're pretty much complaining that a series has been pretty much doing the same for a few years, and you just grew out of it, it didn't get any worse or anything.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that if you don't want to like it, don't like it, no one's forcing you to go on KHInsider and talk about kingdom hearts related things all day. If you're here, you're here about either BBS or Days, everyone pretty much stopped talking about everything else. Seeing as you're disappointed with Days, too, I don't get why you're here :X
So basically you're asking for the hype by coming here and then what you do is come here and complain about it.
This section of the forum, specifically, is designed FOR the hype. It's meant to see what's coming up and discuss it. So yeah, I just find it completely pointless that you feel the need to come HERE to complain about it, when no one's forcing you to do so.

//if this post was found offensive in any way I apologize, that was not my intention at all.
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