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Skippable worlds



Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
That place. The place with the thing.
Have you ever done a playthrough of KH1 or KH2 where you deliberately skipped all of the optional world visits?

I’d imagine doing such a run would make the game a whole lot more challenging; skipping worlds would make the difficulty spike much sooner than intended.

I remember way back when I played through KH2 for the first time, I did the first Agrabah visit and then, just to change things up, skipped out on Halloween Town and Pride Lands to go straight for the second Twilight Town visit. I inevitably had an insanely difficult time there, and decided to go back and do HT and PL before moving onto Hollow Bastion.

iirc, these are potentially skippable worlds/visits in both games.

Hundred Acre Wood is skippable in both games. In KH2, you’ll at least be forced to do the first visit that establishes the Pooh amnesia plotline, and also unlocks the summons, but the rest is optional.

In KH1, the worlds that I definitely know are skippable are either Atlantica or Halloween Town (as in, it’s compulsory to play at least one of them in order to unlock Neverland).

I also know you can, at least initially, skip Monstro; running into him in the Gummi Ship and being swallowed up is unavoidable, but you can easily leave and continue onward without engaging with the story if you want to. Leaving it until after Neverland will even unlock alternate Riku scenes (a really cool detail that I wish they’d do in current games). I don’t know if it’s possible to clear the main story without visiting it though.

In KH2, Atlantica is entirely skippable, as are Agrabah and Halloween Town (again, completing at least one of them is compulsory) and Pride Lands, as well as the final Hollow Bastion/Space Paranoids visits.


The Cleric of Flamesgrace
Oct 2, 2012
Kakariko Village
If I remember correctly KH1 Atlantica is skippable, or at least the keyhole is. My first playthrough of that game I remember I couldn't figure out the whole "swim against the current" section to get to the shipwreck area, so I ended up leaving and going to Neverland instead.

And the part in the End of the World with the World Terminus sections, you have to clear the rooms to proceed if you do not have the keyholes locked, but can run past of you do. So theoretically more of the keyholes should be skippable.


Well-known member
May 14, 2017
East Coast, USA
Have you ever done a playthrough of KH1 or KH2 where you deliberately skipped all of the optional world visits?

I’d imagine doing such a run would make the game a whole lot more challenging; skipping worlds would make the difficulty spike much sooner than intended.

I remember way back when I played through KH2 for the first time, I did the first Agrabah visit and then, just to change things up, skipped out on Halloween Town and Pride Lands to go straight for the second Twilight Town visit. I inevitably had an insanely difficult time there, and decided to go back and do HT and PL before moving onto Hollow Bastion.

iirc, these are potentially skippable worlds/visits in both games.

Hundred Acre Wood is skippable in both games. In KH2, you’ll at least be forced to do the first visit that establishes the Pooh amnesia plotline, and also unlocks the summons, but the rest is optional.

In KH1, the worlds that I definitely know are skippable are either Atlantica or Halloween Town (as in, it’s compulsory to play at least one of them in order to unlock Neverland).

I also know you can, at least initially, skip Monstro; running into him in the Gummi Ship and being swallowed up is unavoidable, but you can easily leave and continue onward without engaging with the story if you want to. Leaving it until after Neverland will even unlock alternate Riku scenes (a really cool detail that I wish they’d do in current games). I don’t know if it’s possible to clear the main story without visiting it though.

In KH2, Atlantica is entirely skippable, as are Agrabah and Halloween Town (again, completing at least one of them is compulsory) and Pride Lands, as well as the final Hollow Bastion/Space Paranoids visits.
It is impossible to not see Monstro once in the game, the game forces you to encounter him before Halloween Town/Atlantica. That being said, Atlantica, Halloween Town and Monstro are optional to a degree. In order to be elligible to go to Neverland, you have to beat two of the 3 worlds. (HT and Monstro, Atlantica and Monstro, or Halloween Town and Atlantica. Of course, doing this will make the enemies you fight in the world if you revisit after Kairis rescue tougher, even the bosses get more HP.
Fun Fact: If you do skip Halloween Town or Atlantica in KH 1, the fire that leads to that world will be a different color because you didn't seal the keyhole (it makes it purple, I think). Monstro is not included in this as it is not considered an actual world in the world terminius (It's a cetacean, not a planet).


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
I don't like skipping, but when KH1 was out and I played it around a 100x waiting on a sequel, I did try playing each of the optional worlds after HB to see what alternate scenes there might be or how tough the bosses would be in comparison. Ursula feels about as difficult as it is if you do them in order, but Oogie always seemed much more difficult than he was. I guess I always think of Oogie's fights as easy--but he can KO you pretty easily if you fight him post-HB instead. I always extinguish his two lanterns to make the fight more challenging (+ the extra EXP).
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Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I hate skipping worlds, so I never actually tried skipping any of the worlds. The most I do is change up the order that I visit. Most of the time I do Wonderland>Deep Jungle > Olympus, sometimes I try the other way around.

Now that I'm reading that the bosses will be harder, I may give that a try. It's just kind of weird for me to skip them. When I was younger I didn't even know you could skip them. Although I do remember one time in Monstro I accidentally left (trying to see if I could actually use the Gummiship to leave) and then instead of continuing to other worlds, I freaked out trying to find Monstro again to finish it. I was young and thought that if I skipped it, something would actually happen to Pinocchio.
Nov 28, 2008
I don't think this is really what you mean, but if you skip Wonderland and go right to Deep Jungle, you get a cool cutscene where Maleficent and co. have Snow White instead of Alice as you haven't been to Wonderland yet.

You do have to do Wonderland and Deep Jungle though before you can move on. Olympus is I believe totally optional...you can definitely put it off until Hollow Bastion at least.

You can save the Traverse Town Opposite Armor boss for later, but you'll eventually have to beat him.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
I don't think this is really what you mean, but if you skip Wonderland and go right to Deep Jungle, you get a cool cutscene where Maleficent and co. have Snow White instead of Alice as you haven't been to Wonderland yet.

You do have to do Wonderland and Deep Jungle though before you can move on. Olympus is I believe totally optional...you can definitely put it off until Hollow Bastion at least.

You can save the Traverse Town Opposite Armor boss for later, but you'll eventually have to beat him.
I'm wondering if you actually have to beat the Opposite Armor. My first time ever playing KH, I vaguely remember not knowing what to do/ignoring what the Final Fantasy characters say about the bell. I know Olympus I completed, but then never went back and beat the game. For the longest time as a kid I didn't even know it had a keyhole.


Well-known member
May 14, 2017
East Coast, USA
I hate skipping worlds, so I never actually tried skipping any of the worlds. The most I do is change up the order that I visit. Most of the time I do Wonderland>Deep Jungle > Olympus, sometimes I try the other way around.

Now that I'm reading that the bosses will be harder, I may give that a try. It's just kind of weird for me to skip them. When I was younger I didn't even know you could skip them. Although I do remember one time in Monstro I accidentally left (trying to see if I could actually use the Gummiship to leave) and then instead of continuing to other worlds, I freaked out trying to find Monstro again to finish it. I was young and thought that if I skipped it, something would actually happen to Pinocchio.
To be honest, I thought the same thing with Monstro as a kid. the chambers confused me and I ultimately thought about just leaving him in there