Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
ohh so sepherorth is thw one winged angel...i always thought it was cloud...i think they should rip off sephy's wing and give it to cloud....but on the topis sephy would win hes a bitch to finght in kh and finall after 2 years of trying to beat him...i beat hm..i alomost cried
I'd say Sephiroth, execpt I haven't really foght him all that much. I've the screenshots of what the EM could do. He seems a little tougher. So I'd say he could be Seph. It's a slim-to-none chance, but he could beat him.
em, he has way better move. just cause u fought seph and not em dosent mean em is rubbish. from just what ive heard he seems harder, ive got a mate with kh:fm and ive fought agaisnt him. hes harder than seph.