Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...
Best viewed, I dunno. You could just follow this link.
Also, I know it's Helvetica Neue. I'm sorry. At least not ALL of it's Helvetica, right? I have some Menlo in there (the 'happened' bit, for those of you that can't see the difference)
Helvetica gets a lot of hate for being 'bland' or (if you're a douche) a symbol of consumerism and the blandness associated with it being a non-humanist typeface.
I'll work on centering it (that seems to be half my issue with this stuff, I use grids for everything *but* that). Thanks for the comments, guys; I'll definitely play with the weight of each font a bit more.
Helvetica gets a lot of hate for being 'bland' or (if you're a douche) a symbol of consumerism and the blandness associated with it being a non-humanist typeface.