Hey, guys. I remember reading somewhere that BbS will be fully voiced, and not use text bubbles, unless it is one of those, "do you want to go now" and you choose yes or no. I'm hoping they don't use text bubbles; it would be awesome if everything was voiced. Then, if people choose to spoil the story for themselves, they get all of the story translated, and not just the cutscenes, like Days, where we barely knew the stories for the Disney worlds, even though there really was no story to tell, whereas the Disney worlds of BbS actually have an effect on the plot.
Just a question: did someone say that there will be no text bubbles, or is that just my imagination?
and, what are your thoughts? do you want the bubbles, or you don't?
Just a question: did someone say that there will be no text bubbles, or is that just my imagination?
and, what are your thoughts? do you want the bubbles, or you don't?