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Fanfiction ► Lovers

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New member
Feb 26, 2006
In my own lil world
Trunks-Thaddeus aka T
Blackest Night-Brian
shakes girl-shana

wats up to all my ppls dats reading dis story, well antyways i hope yall find it interesting cuz dis is my first fan fic.OH AND COMMENTS R ACCEPTED.~~**~~
~~**~ya gurl atl **~~**

Chapter 1: Da cruise ship awaits us:loveit:

A light brown headed gurl named Takari picks up the phone and dial her friends digits.It was always her, Denique,Angelica and Alexia hangin out.Angelica picks up da phone and asked "wats up gurl", Takari answers back, "nothin much watcha u up to?"Angelica calls Denique and Denique answers da phone, "hey shawty watcha doin,"while they were on da phone 3 way, Takari says guess wat "all her homegurls, wat?" I got us a free vacation on a cruise ship!All da gurls scream. I have to call da whole crew!, says Takari, fo sho'."

So Takari gets to work callin da whole crew and going shoppin wit erebody. At 12:00 noon erebody left to get on the ship. Da crew has planned to go to Hawaii for they're summer vacation.

Takari arrives at the ship wondering where erebody is. Takari wonders, "Hmm where the **** is erebody!". A guy in a blue shirt and blue jean shorts with black reeboks walks up. " About time u got here", Takari says. "well sorry im late", says Troy. "After all, late is fashionable", says Troy. "So where erebody else" Takari asks. " At McDonalds theyre on there way now", Troy answers. "ey do we get seperate rooms, cuz me and my gurl wanna have a room by ourselves?"says Troy. Takari laughs "yea yall get yall own room and hows ya gurl?"shes fine"says Troy. "I see erebody comin im gone cuss they a** out,but sinse u r my bro im gone let u and ya gurl slide." "yes!" Troy yells out im not gone get beat!"u gone get beat in a minute if u dont stop all dat dancing!" "wat i tell u about embarrasing me" Takari says. The crew arrives "where da h** yall been?"
At McDonalds "my favorite place to eat at," "Really"yells out Nate, bayb i will take u their anty time u want. "well Nate i can eat again on the ship, and dont u go wit shana?" says Takari. Anthony asks "i wonder why nobody like dat gurl shana" "Nate ey dont be talkin bout my gurl like dat!" Brian asks "so why da h** u tryin to flirt wit Takari?" Angelica says "dont nobody like dat trick shana, but lets get da f*** outta here be4 she get here!" Shana pulls up, "Denique to late yall da trick here". Nate "im gettin tired of yall talkin bout my gurl" Takari cuts him off and says "dont no body care about ya gurl but u, and i have a question" erebody "yea" Takari says "who da h*** invited shana?" Nate yells out "i did!" Anthony slaps Nate and says "i cant believe u told her about dis, this was suppose to be our time not yo time and da tricks!" Nate says "im sory yall" Takari says "its ok but u betta control ya gurl and betta keep her in control!" Takari says "OH! and is she starts wit me all h*** gone break loose!" Shana walks up and says "wats up all my fans" erebody turns around and walks toward the ship. Nate says "wats up baby, lets go" Takari says dis is gonna be a long trip, to be continued............

B-rad 1

New member
Nov 26, 2005
Its ok u can use me in your fan fic.:thumbup:

It sounds good so far
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New member
Jan 3, 2006
No man's land
Nice alt. Thanks for making my day on the whole shakes and shana thing. good fanfic atl. Thanks for making this, i appreciate it.

I'll coem up with some ideas tomorrow, it is too late right now.

B-rad 1

New member
Nov 26, 2005
You persuaded me. Ill try and write sumnthing sat or sunday. It wont be serious thou i only do funny. :laugh: <-------------diseased smile


New member
Jan 3, 2006
No man's land

A girl with tripp pants and a tank top on and a cd player playing the cd gazette:nil walks up to Nate and Shana. Nate has his arm around Shana and the girl rolls her eyes. Shakes sees the girl and says " Hey what's up Denique". Denique throws her earphones off her ears and leaves them around her neck and says" Oh hey, Nate". Denique whispers in Nate's ear "What the **** is Shana doing here?" Nate whispers back "settle down and say hello". Denique looks over Nate and waves to Shana with a fake smile. Denique whispers again " No, seriously" says Denique in a mocking way " Is she just saying goodbye to you before you leave or is she actually coming on the ship with us?" Nate says back to Denique" She is coming with us, I invited her" Denique looks at Nate and slaps him. Denique walks away and goes on to the ship. Nate whispers under his breath "****, that's teh second I've been slapped today". Shana asks " What?" and Nate just says "nothing". Nate and Shana approach the ship. Takari, Angelica, Alexia, and Denique areleaning against one of the railings of teh ship and talking about random stuff. T, Troy, Brian, and Anthony are sitting at a table.

to be continued..........


New member
Jan 3, 2006
No man's land
A girl with tripp pants and a tank top on and a cd player playing the cd gazette:nil walks up to Nate and Shana. Nate has his arm around Shana and the girl rolls her eyes. Shakes sees the girl and says " Hey what's up Denique". Denique throws her earphones off her ears and leaves them around her neck and says" Oh hey, Nate". Denique whispers in Nate's ear "What the **** is Shana doing here?" Nate whispers back "settle down and say hello". Denique looks over Nate and waves to Shana with a fake smile. Denique whispers again " No, seriously" says Denique in a mocking way " Is she just saying goodbye to you before you leave or is she actually coming on the ship with us?" Nate says" She is coming on the ship, I invited her". Denique slaps Nate and walks away. Nate whispers under his breath" ****, that is the second time I have been slapped today". Shana asks"what?". Nate just replies"oh, nothing.". Nate and Shana approach the ship. Takari, Angelica, Alexia, and Denique or leaning over a railing on the ship discussing random stuff. T, Troy, Brian, and Anthony are sitting at a table.

to be continued..........


New member
Apr 13, 2006
Is this all about me. I seem to be in alot of drama......atlgirlrep keep it up i want to read more and find out what happens to me.


New member
Feb 12, 2006
In the field of paper flowers.
Nice, Fan Fic. =D I like it so far. Keep it up. I want to read more. ^.^
Oh, and try to put more spaces. If you don't it kinda makes it sound hyper active. xD Also try to put more paragraphs not just one big one. That will help us read it a lot more easily. I still like it though. =D

B-rad 1

New member
Nov 26, 2005
Ok im seriously gonna suck at this but here it goes.

Nate and Shana soon board the ship holding hands and kissing each other, the others notice them comming and Denique says "This is really pissing me off are they gon be doing this whole trip?" Nate overhears and replies smartly "Yes we will". Denique mutters under her breath "Why'd she come in the first place, shes ruining everything for us."
The ship leaves and all the friends except Angelica, Shana, Brian and Takari procceed to there rooms to unpack. Angelica sits at a table reading her elle magazine while Brian and Takari are talking. Shana paces up and down on the deck viewing the scenery when suddenly she slips on a puddle of water. The three others laugh continuosly Takari whispers "Boy was that funny." Shana shouts " Is ANYONE gonna help me up."
"No!" the three scream in reply.Brian snickers saying "Wow you got so owned by that puddle!" Shana says frustrated " STHU your not helping"
Brian says " Ok now your being a drama queen get your ownself up". Hearing the shriek of help Nate runs in and comes to his gurls rescue.
"Thank you," says Shana "at least someone likes me" *The two hug and return to there room* Takari:This is possibly the most sickening trip yet.

.....to be continued.......
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Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2005
yo that was good atlgirl, but where was I in the story? lol XD
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