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Fanfiction ► Love in Darkness

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beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005

Good Chapter!!! Shawna's evil! i knew it...sort of...

*waits patiently for the next Chapter*

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Bleh... this chapter's very so-so.... short, a little mushiness, a little action, not really anything special about it... too much... I do explain the emotional thing though... since no one else decided to help... << lol..

Riku stepped backwards, protectively pulling Kyla closer. Her blue eyes filled with fear as she grabbed tightly onto his cloak.

Riku summoned Oblivion to his hand and Shawna laughed. “You can’t hurt me.”

“No, but I can hurt him.” Riku used one moment to let go of Kyla and charge Diz. The man put out his palm and a dark force of energy would have hit Riku head on, if not for his keyblade absorbing the attack. “You’re gonna have to do better than that,” Riku grinned.

“Then I will.” Diz put out both hands and twice as much energy shot out at Riku.

Kyla shrieked and collapsed to the ground, her hand over her heart.

“Kyla!” Riku cried, turning around, and being hit with the energy for failure to block it. Every piece of light left in his being seemed to fall apart and become hollow. He fell forward next to Kyla. Tears streaked her face in silent pain. Her eyes were squeezed shut, in an effort to block out her surroundings.

The darkness in Riku’s heart betrayed him, and it overwhelmed his entire being. Weakly he reached out to Kyla and grabbed her hand. “Hold on,” he mouthed. “Hold on.” With that, the room began to spin and Riku lost all consciousness of what was happening around him.

Jase suddenly ran towards the gummi ship. He switched on the engines and began to take off.

“Where’re you going?!” Sora yelled over the noise. “We’ve gotta go too!”

“I’ve gotta find Kyla,” he yelled back, raising the ship off the ground.

Twi-ty grabbed onto the edge of the wing as the ship levitated into the air. Pulling herself up, she slipped into the closing cockpit, barely. “What has to be done, will be done. I’m going to make sure of it,” she told Jase.

Sora held Kairi close as the dust swirled up and the ship disappeared into the sky, leaving Donald, Goofy, and King Mickey behind as well.

“Where are we going?” Twi-ty asked.

“Hollow Bastion,” Jase answered grimly.

“Why there?”

“Because that’s where she went the first time they wanted her, and that’s probably where she is now.”

Twi-ty nodded and sat next to him. “You pay attention to driving, and I’ll handle the heartless.” She took control of the lasers, destroying the enemy ships with excellent aim.

As soon as the ship landed, the two were out of the cockpit and heading into the castle within seconds of touching the landing gear on the ground. The Main Hall was empty enough; Jase ran through the castle, with Twi-ty just barely keeping up.

Jase stopped when they reached the Castle Chapel.

Twi-ty panted for breath. “How do you know where you’re going?” she managed, filling her lungs with oxygen.

“I’m just following the tug.” Jake summoned the little bit of magic he’d ever learned and blew a hole in the wall of the chapel. It opened up into another Lift Stop. Jase was off, just as strong as ever, while Twi-ty lagged behind.

“Where is it?” Riku heard a harsh voice ask. He slowly opened his eyes. Where was he? He was on his feet, sort of. A man in a black cloak similar to his own was holding him up, but keeping his arms twisted behind his back so he couldn’t move them. “Organization,” Riku thought, “but then what else—“ Riku glanced around. Kyla’s back was to him. She was being held by another Organization member. Unable to reach his blindfold, he closed his eyes and sniffed for Shawna and Diz. They were there alright, just out of his view, thanks to the Organization member and Kyla.

“Well, where is it?” repeated the man holding Kyla.

Riku reached out for his keyblade. It wasn’t there. Why couldn’t he—

“It’s right here,” answered Shawna.

Riku felt the tug of his keyblade. So she had it, did she? Squeezing his eyes shut, he desperately tried to bring it to his hand. It was so close... but something was holding it back.

He heard Shawna’s laugh. She walked towards him. “Well, it’s good to see you’re awake. In case you’re wondering, the Keyblade of Darkness is going to go to me when I want it. My heart is much darker than yours. Idiot.” He heard her chuckle and that only made him tense harder.

“That’s not it,” the man holding him said.

Shawna giggled again. “Yes, it’s it exactly.” She turned around and slashed the man holding Kyla. He vanished in a whirlwind of darkness as Kyla sank to her knees and stared at the floor.

Shawna was smirking at him over her shoulder now, or rather, at the man holding him. The Organization member faded, and Shawna straightened.

Riku lunged at Shawna and tried to grab the keyblade from her. She held it just out of his reach, almost tauntingly, as they tackled each other for the sword.

There was a loud crash at the door as Jase and Twi-ty entered. Diz was the only one who looked up. Quickly, he summoned several Heartless into the room. The heartless scrambled across Kyla, Shawna, and Riku, and began attacking Jase. Twi-ty was dragged to where Diz was standing.

“Let me go,” she muttered, kicking and punching the creatures, but it did little to no good.

Jase fought the creatures off with Oathkeeper, attempting to get to Kyla, but they just kept coming. For every step forward he took, he seemed to be forced two steps back. Eventually the Heartless had him out of the room. His fists could be heard banging on it, but the Heartless kept the doors closed tightly.

Several ties of darkness sprang up around Shawna and pulled Riku back, tying him against the wall.

Shawna stood up, breathing heavily. “That was tougher than I thought,” she muttered.

She tossed the keyblade to Diz and stood on the large heartless rug, so that Kyla, Twi-ty, and her were arranged into a triangle. To her surprise, weaves of darkness like the ones binding Riku tied her feet down and wrapped around her wrists, attaching them to her sides.


Diz walked over and placed the tip of Oblivion right on her heart.

“But you said even if it was used on the other—“

“Fool girl. The darkness in your heart makes you selfish. I knew there was no way you’d sacrifice yourself.”

Before Diz could plunge the blade into her heart, several members of the Organization sprang up. Two destroyed the Heartless in the room, while two more attacked Diz. The last two grabbed Shawna.

With Diz busy with a battle, the ties of darkness released Riku. He ran to Kyla. She seemed oblivious to his touch.

“Kyla?” he asked her, worried that her heart had been stolen. “No, they wouldn’t do that,” he told himself. He gently shook her, trying to get her to snap out of it. “Kyla?”

She slowly turned her head to look at him. Her eyes started to tear and she threw her arms around him, crying into his cloak.

Jase ran in, with no Heartless blocking the door. Within two seconds, he was next to Kyla and Riku.

“Is she okay?” he asked him.

“I-I think so,” Riku answered.

By this point Kyla was sobbing. “I can’t do it... I can’t go through with it.”

Riku looked to Jase for help.

“It’s alright,” he murmured softly. “You’ll work through it.”

Kyla, realizing her “brother” was in the room, left Riku and began to cry on Jase’s shoulder. “Don’t make me do it.”

“I can’t make you,” he told her softly, “but you’ll do what you need to when the time comes. You always have.”

Riku stood up. Diz had vanished, and the six Organization members were holding a very feisty and screaming Shawna in one place. Yes, it did take six to hold her still. Twi-ty was still trying to recover from her trek through the castle and her battle against the Heartless.

Riku tied his blindfold over his eyes. Diz was nowhere nearby, which Riku took as a good thing.

He took it off and Twi-ty said something to one of the Organization members. The man nodded, and the group faded with Shawna.

“Where’re they taking her?” he asked.

“Castle Oblivion. Naminé can keep an eye on her, and they can too, until Kyla and I are ready,” Twi-ty replied, only half-paying attention. “You’re the Prince of Darkness, aren’t you?”

Riku nodded.

She glanced at Kyla. “I bet it hurts a lot, knowing...”

Riku knew what she meant even if she didn’t voice it. “It does, but it’s not like either of us have a choice.”

Twi-ty gave him an encouraging smile.

He slightly narrowed his eyes. “Are you feeling okay? Before you were kinda... unemotional, but now you’re... not.”

Twi-ty shrugged. “I’m not so sure I understand it either. My heart may be taking in the feelings of those around me and sort of training me to use them. I’ve... never felt anything before, and now, I can feel everyone else’s emotions.”

“Sounds kinda weird.”

“Yeah, it kinda is.”

The two walked over to Jase, who was now standing. Kyla was now hanging onto his sleeve.

“Let’s get out of here before Diz gets back,” Jase said.

The other two nodded in agreement and went down the castle, at a much slower pace, which Twi-ty was grateful for.

“So what are we going to do now?” asked Riku as they got in the gummi ship.

“Well, first we’re going to pick the others up,” answered Jase. “Then we’ll lock more keyholes I guess.”

Kyla leaned her head against the window and watched the world disappear behind them as the gummi ship took off.

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Yeah.... Kyla's purposely annoying... I don't want her missed... but don't worry, her character's improving.... slightly. The next chapter's going to be a quick jump... quick jump... ^^
'Course right now, aboslutely no romance. Just a two second thing that'll develop the next chappy. Maybe you'll catch it, maybe you won't. Little in depth in Riku, and Jase still hates Riku... hehehehe....

Kairi came out of the kitchen with lemonade for herself and the other four. “So, did you guys do much at Castle Oblivion?”
“Besides climb all the way up to the top, talk to Naminé, go all the way back down, and kill Axel, no, nothing at all,” Sora answered.

Kairi giggled. “Well, that doesn’t sound like too much.”

Sora just sighed and took a big gulp of the lemonade.

Goofy, Donald, and Mickey all thanked Kairi for the refreshing drink, and Sora got a glare from Kairi that he wasn’t sure whether he deserved or not.

The stillness of the island was interrupted by the soft rumble of the gummi ship. No one felt like getting up, and Jase walked in with Kyla while Riku and Twi-ty followed close behind.

Kairi noticed Kyla hanging on Jase’s arm with disappointment. After the balcony scene, she was sure Riku and Kyla were finally together. Sora noticed her stare and playfully nudged her. She just gave him a look that just made him smile childishly. Kairi made a note then and there to kick Sora’s butt, after she hooked Kyla and Riku up.

“You’re back,” King Mickey commented, apparently surprised. “I thought—“

“Kyla’s not ready,” Jase answered.

The girl just stared at the ground solemnly.

“But what if I do it? Would it make a difference?” asked Twi-ty.

Jase looked at her as if she’d asked the stupidest question in the world. “Of course it would. The world’s need to be pure, not empty.”

“I thought they had to be balanced,” Twi-ty muttered.

“I have to admit,” added King Mickey, “it doesn’t make much sense. Why would you have to devote your life to protect her if you’re only going to destroy her?”

“Because that’s the way it is,” interrupted Kyla. “We didn’t get to make it that way, and it’s not our fault!” Anger and fear were in her eyes. Why did this have to be so difficult? Her eyes widened suddenly. She’d never been angry before. Did that mean something was wrong? She looked to her brother. “Jase...? I... just... I just yelled...”

He squeezed her shoulder. “I’m sure it’s fine. It has to be.”

“Yeah,” agreed Goofy, “Donald yells all the time.”

“I do not!” the duck shouted back.

Sora laughed. “Well, if we don’t really have anything to do, we should lock more keyholes, right?”

“I guess,” agreed Jase.

“Sweet.” Sora stood up. “Let’s go.”

“Where?” asked Goofy.

“Wherever I feel like.”

“Why do you get to pick?” Donald challenged.

“Because I’m the keyblade bearer.”

Jase snickered.

“Well this world’s still the present right now, so I get to pick.”

“Just let him pick,” Riku mumbled. “It’s the only way he’ll shut up.”

All nine of them trooped to the gummi ship, still not sure where to go. Sora was having a hard time deciding.

“Just pick already!” half the group shouted at him when they got in the cockpit. Which was everyone except Kyla, Riku, and Twi-ty.

“Fine, Atlantica.” Sora blurted out the first one that came to his mind.

Donald groaned. “That’s a lot of magic! I gotta transform everyone one of you...” He sighed and hung his head.

“Well where do you want to go?” Sora shot back defensively.

“We could compete at the Coliseum...” Donald sighed.

Sora’s eyes lit up. “Yeah!”

“So where are we going?” Jase asked. “Atlantica or the Coliseum?”

“I’m driving!” was the answer Jase got as Sora practically pushed him out of the seat.

Jase just went and sat in a corner. Kairi took a seat next to Sora, and the Mickey Mouse Gang took seats towards the back, while Twi-ty, Riku, and Kyla all decided to leave for separate bedrooms.

Jase understood the exhaustion of the three. He was as exhausted himself. Running through a castle, fighting heartless in vain, and pounding on a door that wouldn’t open weren’t exactly easy. King Mickey’s voice still echoed in his head. The mouse was the Prince of the In-between. He had to know that duty didn’t last forever.

For true light

To come undone

Then purity consumes

All are one

Jase sighed, the verses running through his brain. Branded into his mind to remember until the world was pure. It wasn’t too hard to understand. Light had to be sacrificed, come undone, so that the worlds would be one again. Kyla was pure, purity had to consume, so it was her sacrifice. End of story, no questions asked. It was what it was and it wasn’t their choice.

Kairi walking by interrupted his thoughts. She was walking towards the back room. He sighed at his paranoia. He didn’t know Kairi, and he didn’t trust her. Could he help not wanting another Shawna to turn the world to darkness? Anyone could be an enemy, and it was his duty to protect Kyla. Sighing, Jase let it go. Kairi was Sora’s girlfriend. Entirely trustworthy.

Kairi walked into Twi-ty’s room after being sure Kyla and Riku were both asleep.

The Elvin-cat girl rolled over upon her entry. “Did you have to pick my room? Kyla’s bed’s bigger.”

“I need to talk to you.” Kairi sat down on the edge of the bed.

“Why me?”

“’Cause I’m hoping that as a fellow girl you can help me out.”

“With what?”

“Kyla and Riku.”

Twi-ty groaned and shifted herself so she was lying her back. “They love each other, end of story.”

“Then why don’t they get together already?”

“Because she’s the Princess of Light, and he’s the Prince of Darkness. Not exactly your happy fairytale.”

“Well I want them to forget what they are.” Kairi sat down on the bed. “They like each other, a lot, and they’ve got to get closer. And I want your help.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Well, I came in here to make plans with you. There’s gotta be a way to get them together.”

Twi-ty closed her eyes in thought for a minute. “Coliseum’s a battle arena, right?”

Kairi shrugged.

“Maybe if we got them too... Never mind. Kyla wouldn’t fight.”

The brunette shook her head. “What if we found a way to get Riku to save Kyla’s life?”

“Again? That’d be the fourth time he’s attempted to keep her safe. Plus it would mean endangering Kyla.”

Kairi sighed. “There’s got to be a way.”

“Just let it go. We’ll figure something out eventually, but for now, can I sleep?”


“Trust me, they’re going to start making out any minute. Kyla just needs a push. And don’t you dare make it obvious.”

Kairi grinned on her way out as Twi-ty rolled over so her back was to the door.

“What were you back there for?” Sora asked as Kairi took her seat next to him again.

“Nothing,” she answered, a secretive smile on her face.

Sora raised an eyebrow then shrugged it off, focusing on the empty space ahead of them.

The drive was completely silent until Jase spoke up. “You know, it’s really quiet without Shawna in here.”

Everyone nodded or mumbled an agreement.

“I kinda miss her,” Goofy added.

“I would miss her,” Jase said, “but she did sorta hand Kyla over to the darkness.”

“She was annoying,” complained Donald.

“But she certainly made things fun,” Sora contradicted.

“Yeah, and she knew how to play cupid,” Kairi muttered, inaudibly under her breath.

Sora raised another eyebrow at her, but didn’t press it any further, as they were about to land and landing wasn’t his specialty.

In the three bedrooms, each ended up tumbling off the bed as the ship hit the sandy ground.

“Nice way to wake up,” Riku mumbled, rubbing the back of his head as he staggered into the main room.

Twi-ty wasn’t far behind with a muttering about being awakened rudely twice now.

Kyla was last, her eyes on the ground. She’d dreamed it again, and she recognized the voice this time. She looked at the owner of it as he stepped out of the cockpit with the others. His voice still echoed back in her mind. It was supposed to be me...

Shaking it out of her head, she followed the group into the Coliseum.

A soft breeze stirred some of the looser grains of sand out of place and settling them elsewhere when they grew a tiresome burden. Sora pushed open the giant doors to the entryway and found it filled with people. It was a little unnerving to see so many people and so many weapons in one place. Kyla took an extra step forward, closer to her brother—or was it Riku she was approaching? Not even she knew which—and Kairi latched on to Sora. Donald, Goofy, Sora, and Jase let their surprise show, but Riku, Twi-ty, and King Mickey’s faces remained as calm as ever, though Riku unconsciously readied his hand for Oblivion.

Making their way through the crowd, the group pushed through the crowd into the lobby. The small room was empty except for a tall, muscular man, and a short, lightly round, half-goat-half-man. The half-goat was tapping a hoof in frustration and staring at the ground.

He looked up at the group as they came in and relief and excitement spread across his face.

“Sora, the person I need to see! You must’ve heard, right?”

“Heard what?” the boy asked in surprise.

“The competition? The Keybearer Cup?”

The expression on Sora’s face said he clearly had not.

“It’s the latest competition. I promised the top fighters a battle with the keybearer, if they could get that high. I figured you’d show up, but you didn’t. So, I kinda had a problem on my hands. But you’re here now, so it’s fine. I’m sure you’ll want to rest before the competition, and your friends’ll compete—“

“I’m just here to seal the keyhole,” he interrupted.

“You have to compete!”

“You know Sora, we could use some down time,” Jase told him. “And I’d certainly like to have a good fight against something other than Heartless. Friendly competition’s always been fun.”

Sora looked at the rest of the group and sighed. “Alright, fine.”

“Now, you’re not all competing as a group, are you?” asked the taller man, finally acknowledging the nine.

Sora turned to him. “No, of course not. Who’s not competing?”

Kairi shook her head, “No thanks.”

Jase spoke for Kyla, saying she wasn’t competing. Everyone looked at Twi-ty.

“Hey, give me a sword and I’ll kick all your butts.” She folded her arms over her chest and stared right back with a defiant confidence.

The man smiled at her. “I’m not sure there’s a spare weapon around here you can use.”

“There’s one somewhere,” Phil contradicted. “Just got to find it. Now, Sora, are you will be competing alone, won’t you?”

“Do I have much of a choice?”

“No, not really. And you six, are you competing as one group?”

They looked at each other.

“We should split,” Jase suggested. He didn’t really want to fight alongside Riku; he’d much rather be against him.

King Mickey nodded in agreement. “I’ll fight with Donald and Goofy, and you three can be a group.”

Twi-ty smiled. “Perfectly fine by me.”

Jase almost let his annoyance show through. Almost.

“Alright, perfect. Now how many rooms do you need? Four?” asked Phil.

“We’ll stay in the gummi ship,” Sora said. “There’s no reason to take up any rooms here when we’ve got room enough.”

The entire group gaped at him. Some were surprised he was willing to cram into the gummi ship and others angry he’d turned the offer down.

“Alright, fine. I’ll go let the other competitors know that you’re here.” With Phil gone, the man sighed in relief.

“I thought he’d never shut up. Now, Sora, you want to introduce me to your friends?”

“Oh, right.” With the coming fight and Phil’s rapid talking, Sora’s brain hadn’t been functioning perfectly, or maybe it never was. “Hercules, meet Riku, Jase, King Mickey, Kyla, Kairi, and Twi-ty. Guys, this is Hercules, son of Zeus.”

“No titles for them, just me, huh?”

“You want to me give them all titles?” Sora scratched the back of his neck. “Riku, Prince of Darkness; Jase, Prince of Light; King Mickey, Prince of the In-between and King of Disney Kingdom; Kyla, Princess of Light; Kairi, my girlfriend,” Sora grinned at her, “and Twi-ty, Princess of the In-between.”

“Okay, no titles next time,” laughed Hercules. “Glad you could all make it here. It’s good to have our old champion back.” There was a twinkle in his blue eyes as he added, “Now we’ll see if you’ve gotten better or worse.”

“Definitely better,” answered Sora. Remembering what he came for, he looked back at the rest of the group, mainly Jase, Riku, and King Mickey. “You guys should probably leave while I’m locking the keyhole, just in case something were to happen, you know?”

Jase nodded and led Kyla out. Shrugging his shoulders, Riku followed close behind and Twi-ty tagged along with Kairi. King Mickey left Donald and Goofy to help Sora with the Trinity Push while following the group at a distance. All six climbed into the gummi ship, and the Kairi immediately claimed the largest bedroom for the girls.

Riku didn’t feel much like arguing with her. He sat in his usual corner of the cockpit, figuring he’d just lie down on two or three of the seats when sleep came. Surprise had been his first emotion that Sora and introduced him as the Prince of Darkness. How had Sora known? Maybe Jase mentioned being the Prince of Light to Sora, and maybe King Mickey had said something like that about the In-between before, but how did Sora know about him? He’d never made the comment. Only Shawna, Kyla, Twi-ty, Jase, and King Mickey knew who he really was. Shawna was the only one who might have said something, but Shawna had always been in his sight when she was there, except for before he’d arrived. But surely he’d never come up in casual conversation then, and she’d have to explain how she knew, surely getting her butt kicked for it. The others had enough common sense not to make a remark about it. Sora thought he was all that for being the Prince of the Present.

Riku gave a start. How did he know Sora was... maybe that was how Sora knew about him. But if Sora was the Prince of the Present, who was his princess? Maybe if he could recognize the Prince of the Present, it would be just as easy for a Princess to recognize another. Kairi. The name echoed in his mind as clear as anything he thought. At least Sora got his fairytale romance. The Prince and his Princess. Perfect... for them. He’d heard Mickey talk about Minnie often enough. If they weren’t married, they might as well have been. Jase had never mentioned another girl besides Kyla, who had been a sister to him his whole life, and Naminé, who really was his sister. Twi-ty had probably never met anyone who was anything other than a cat, who hated her, or an Elf, who wouldn’t accept her. Who did that leave? Just him, Kyla, and Shawna. Shawna was doomed to live without anyone. She was pure darkness. Humans were meant as creatures of light. Elves, the purest race of anything left, was a branch of human genetics. He chuckled at the thought of Shawna falling in love with a Heartless. So the Prince of Darkness and the Princess of Light were all that was left. And he was hopelessly in love with her. She’d told him she didn’t love him back, and since she was pure, that meant she couldn’t lie. He almost blamed himself for the whole thing. He was in idiot to even think it could possibly work out at all. Riku thought himself close to desperate after losing Kairi to Sora. He wasn’t jealous, not anymore. Kairi didn’t deserve him. Kyla didn’t for that matter, either. But he wasn’t desperate just yet. He’d know he was desperate for a girl when Shawna started to look appealing.

Sora walked in with Donald and Goofy not far behind him.

“Did you lock it?” Jase asked.

Sora rolled his eyes. “No, we just revealed it and watched darkness pour into, destroying the world. Of course we locked it!”

Jase bit his tongue to hold in a sharp reply.

The spiky-haired teen turned to Riku. “Hey, would you warm up with me? I wanna be at my best tomorrow. Makes it easier to be the best.”

Riku stood up, ignoring Sora’s childishly cocky smile. “Yeah, sure. Jase, do you want to practice with me? Maybe we can get Twi-ty a sword right now and learn some group combo attacks. It’d make it easier to win.”

Jase shrugged, “Let me know when Twi-ty gets a sword, and then I’ll think about it.”

Riku tightened his lips, but said nothing as he followed Sora to an empty plain of sand.

Kyla came out of the back, carrying a folded blanket.

Jase looked up at her. “Aren’t you sleeping in the bedroom?”

She shook her head. “I decided to sleep out here. More room. Do you guys have set beds yet?”

Jase gave a half-laugh. “I doubt it. I’m sure some of us will end up in the kitchen.”

Kyla nodded, and set to arranging the seats to her liking for a somewhat comfortable bed.

Twi-ty was only moments behind her, storming angrily out of the gummi ship towards the room where the rest of the heroes were. She hadn’t even noticed the two in the cockpit on her way out, and she didn’t see Riku and Sora practicing to her left either. Men and women alike parted for her as soon as they saw the anger flashing in her eyes. No one wanted to be hurt right before the tournament, and some weren’t sure if they wanted to fight her and her temper in the tournament, at least, they hoped she wasn’t even competing.

Twi-ty could’ve had to shove her way through a crowd for all she cared. Sleep on the floor? She was going to have a bed! She may not be a “Princess of Heart” or have any royal blood in her, but she was Elvin, and she did not like sleeping on the floor. Besides, she was the Princess of the In-between even if her blood wasn’t royal. She doubted Shawna and Kyla had royal blood. Kyla wasn’t even sleeping in the bedroom, let alone on the bed! It was the biggest bed in the gummi ship, easily could fit three, squeeze four, and Kairi wanted her on the floor! With an exasperated sigh, Twi-ty opened the doors of the Lobby. They slammed against the wall with such a loud crash, Phil almost fell off of the pedestal he was on.

“I want my sword,” she growled.

“Uh, right. Yeah,” Phil recovered quickly. “Uh, Herc, why don’t you find her one. I’m working on some stuff for tomorrow.”

“Sure,” Herc smiled. “So, got a particular fighting style? Strength you want amplified or anything?”

Twi-ty thought for a moment. “I prefer close contact. So, nothing too long, and something... personal.”

Hercules grinned. “We got just the thing.” He led her into the arena and over to a closet-like cupboard. He gave two small daggers to Twi-ty. “Keep these tucked on your person and flip ‘em out whenever you need them. Quite handy in a tight situation.”

Twi-ty’s lips curled into a wide smirk. “They’re perfect.”

“Alright, be careful with them. We don’t need too many injuries on our hands. See you in the competition tomorrow,” he called after her as she ran back towards the gummi ship.


beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005
woohoo! awesome Chapter! Jase pissed off at Riku XD

*waits patiently for next Chapter*

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
I never did get around to putting mushiness in this chapter.... there's a bit towards the end, and it's not much of a cliffhanger, but it seemed a nice stopping point.

Riku wiped the sweat from his face as he entered the gummi ship just in front of Sora.

Jase glanced up. “Twi-ty was looking for you,” he told Riku. “She wanted to practice with her new weapons.”

“What are they?”

Jase shrugged. “She didn’t say.”

“Well it’s too dark to practice now.” Riku stepped aside so Sora could reach the bedroom. “You knew where I was,” he growled as soon as the spiky-haired teen was out of earshot. “Why didn’t you tell her?”

“I didn’t know where you were exactly. I just told her you weren’t here.”

“And you didn’t come out to train with her? Why not?”

“Because she was looking for you.”

“Now we’ll probably lose the tournament tomorrow because we won’t be able to fight as a team.”

“Just chill, it’ll be fine.”

Riku sighed. He didn’t want to argue anyways.

Twi-ty staggered in, dripping with sweat. “Geez, that Leon fights hard.”

“Who were you fighting with?” Riku asked.

“Leon,” she answered, trying to catch her breath. “I couldn’t find you and wanted some practice.”

“You didn’t strain yourself or anything, did you? We can’t fight if you’re hurt.”

“A good night’s rest’ll do me some good. And some dinner. Do we have any food here?”

Jase shrugged again. “I don’t know. Sora’s gummi ship.”

Twi-ty sighed and walked towards the back of the ship.

Riku sagged into his corner-chair. “Just because we were destined to hate each other doesn’t mean we have to.”

Jase looked up sharply. “What do you mean?”

“The battle of light versus darkness has been going on forever. Naturally, the Princes of opposing sides would hate each other. But if you’re not hurting Shawna, I’m really not obligated to hate you, and you don’t have to hate me unless I’m harming Kyla, which I’m not.”

“Says who?”

“What are you talking about? I’d never hurt Kyla!”

“Exactly! That’s the problem! Don’t you get it? She doesn’t want your love! She promised herself years ago she wouldn’t let herself fall in love, or let anyone else fall in love with her. If that happens, it makes it that much harder on her to sacrifice herself.”

“Sacrifice herself? What are you talking about?”

“‘For true light

To come undone

Then purity consumes

All are one’

Kyla is purity. She has to come undone, be sacrificed, for the worlds to return to their original state.”

“What? But...”

“I guess I’m the only one to know that. Maybe because it’s my job to see that she completes her duty.” Jase stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Riku shook his head, clearing his thoughts. That wasn’t what he’d thought at all. That wasn’t even the prophecy he knew.

And so she will


The love of

Her perfect life

But that contradicted Jase’s prophecy. Kyla’s life was perfect, because she was perfect—in more ways than she knows—so she had to sacrifice the love of her life. That certainly didn’t work if Kyla never fell in love.

Riku ran a hand through his hair and walked towards the back, where King Mickey was. The mouse was sitting in the bedroom, discussing something with Donald and Goofy.

“Can I talk to you in private for a minute?” Riku asked him.

King Mickey was really the only person Riku could go to for advice. He was probably dead to the rest of his family, being gone for two years. Back then his older brother had been the only one he could go to, but he’d been away at college for three years now anyway. That was when he’d stepped up as the leader of their group. King Mickey had saved his life, even if they did get separated through it, and that had pretty much bonded them.

“Well, of course.” Mickey nodded to Donald and Goofy and they willingly stood outside. “What’s wrong?”

“Prophecies. Jase has a different one than me, and they contradict each other.”

“Do they? Because all three of us have different prophecies.”

“What about Sora?”

“The present decides for itself how it works.”

“But if all three of us have different prophecies, how does that work?”

“I don’t know, I never really thought much about it.”

“What is your prophecy?”

“‘Deep in darkness

Sleeps the light

Waiting for wrong

To give into right’”

“So... each prophecy is its own? And they have nothing to do with each other?”

“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”

“Why not?”

“Well, what’s the contradiction?”

“According to Jase’s prophecy, Kyla has to sacrifice herself. According to mine, she has to sacrifice m—“ Riku paused and coughed, “she has to sacrifice the love of her life.”

“What does Jase’s say?”

“‘For true light

To come undone

Purity consumes

All are one’

And mine’s—

And so she will


The love of

Her perfect life’”

“It doesn’t make much sense. I’m sure what needs to happen will happen when the time comes.”

“You’re probably right. Thanks for your help.” Riku walked back into the cockpit. That conversation had helped nothing at all. Well, now he knew all three prophecies. Or maybe Sora did have one... He’d figure that out later. Right now his stomach was loudly complaining for food. Walking into the kitchen, he found Kairi, Sora, Jase, Kyla, Twi-ty, Donald, and Goofy all moving about, grabbing what food they could. Riku shook his head and decided to come back later. Turning around, he bumped into King Mickey, who made a mad dash for the cabinets. With a sigh, Riku trudged into the cockpit.

Sora came out a few moments later with a sandwich half in his mouth and half in his hand.

“Sora, can we talk?” Riku asked.

“Yeah, sure.” Sora took a bite of the sandwich.

“It’s... kind of important.”

“Oh, okay.” Sora ignored the sandwich for a minute.

“When you got your keyblade... did you learn a prophecy or something with it?”

Sora thought for a minute. “You know... I just might... It’s... Let’s see... prophecy...

‘Deep in darkness

Sleeps the light

Waiting for wrong

To give into right

For true light

To come undone

Purity consumes

All are one

And so she did


The love of

Her perfect life

By the key

Of all kinds

To bring together

And to bind’

Sound about right?”

Riku took a deep breath. “Yeah... Thanks. That really helped.” He meant it this time. Riku played the words over in his mind. By the time Sora had vanished to get another sandwich, Riku had figured it out. He growled under his breath and slammed a fist into the wall next to him. And all this time they’d thought.... Riku stood up, his body tense and walked into the kitchen, hoping some food could soothe him. It was empty now, except for Sora fixing up another sandwich. Riku ignored him and grabbed a slice of bread, eating it dry. It did a little for his temper, not much, but a little.

He sat on the counter for a long time, in the empty kitchen, his brain racing. It must have been several hours later, but eventually, Jase came in with a blanket and pillow.

“Are you sleeping in here?” Jase asked him.

“What? Is it that late already?”

Jase nodded. “Yeah, I figured that you and Sora could bunk down in one room, I’d take the kitchen.”

“Oh... I’ll let you sleep in here then.” Riku walked out of the kitchen and into the cockpit. The entire ship was dark, so he had to feel his way down the hall and to his corner. The moonlight came in softly through the cockpit shield, making the room brighter than the rest of the ship. Riku looked down as soft breathing reached his ears and gulped as he recognized her. Kyla was already curled up and fast asleep. Bedroom with Sora—no, scratch that one—a kitchen with Jase, or cockpit with Kyla? Hard floor, or comfy chair? He sighed quietly and sat down in his corner, stretching his leg over the chairs. No matter how many times he closed his eyes, they always seemed to open back up to stare at Kyla. Gosh, she was beautiful with the moonlight hitting her that way. She almost glowed. Maybe she did, considering she was pure light.

Riku smacked his head against the wall. You can’t be with her! You guys can’t be together! Jase was half-right.

The noise seemed to disturb Kyla. A noise came from her throat and she clenched her fists. Riku held his breath, hoping he hadn’t woken her.

Kyla was in Hollow Bastion this time, but the atmosphere was still the same. She still felt lost and alone. Oathkeeper sat at her feet. She knelt down to pick it up, tears streaking her cheeks. After staring at it for a moment, she rested the point at her heart.

“Kyla, no!” she heard the same voice cry from behind her.

The tears came harder as she plunged the blade in. Just like before, there was no pain, except for in her emotions.

“Kyla!” she heard the boy scream for her. “It should’ve been me...” His last words hit her hard and she snapped up in the chair. Kyla saw Riku lounging in the corner and stifled a scream.

“What are you doing here?” she whispered, both angry and fearful.

“Sleeping, just like you. Well, I was trying to sleep. Then you woke up.”

“Why are you sleeping out here? I’m out here.”

“Well, first off, I didn’t want to share a room with Sora, second, your brother hates me and is sleeping on hard tile. I had originally planned to sleep out here before you did anyway.”

Kyla stared at him for a moment. They were on opposite sides of the room anyway. It didn’t matter that much.

“What do you really feel about me?”

Okay, it mattered a lot now. “Why do you want to know?”

“Because... you’re brother told me that you didn’t, and I wanted to know if that’s how you really feel.”

“I don’t.... want to love you. There, I said it. I do, but I don’t want to.”

“Why not?”

“Because.... I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Your brother has it wrong.”


“The prophecy, he was wrong.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Each Prince knows a different prophecy, all pieces of a whole prophecy. The Prince of the Present has all four fragments arranged together. Sora told me the whole thing. You’re not the sacrifice. I am.”



beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005
w00t!!!! AWESOME!!! talk about cliffhanger, that is something that should end with a "dun duun duuun!"

nice job though, can't wait for more!
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