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Fanfiction ► Love in Darkness

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angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Yes, I know, I'm so retarded. Like I actually expect people to read this... please. No one ever reads the newbie stories. ^^ But I like to post anyway. Well, I must be double retarded, making my first post be my first chapter, but I'm way to obsessed with fan fiction. So, if anyone really bothers, I'd like some constructive criticism. I do intend to write professionally someday.

Oh, yeah, the story. It's really a romance story. The main theme is about struggling with duty, destiny, and love. The three just don't seem to always agree. It is actually a Riku centered fic, though it will not seem that way at first. I'm sorry the beginnning's so rushed... I have a bit of an impatient streak and want to dive right into the juicy stuff, so, bear with me until then. ^^

Sora trudged down the road, his heart heavy. There was nothing that could lift his spirits right now. He felt the worst feeling of defeat ever. It wasn’t fair. Two years, and he still hadn’t found Riku. What was Kairi thinking? Had she forgotten him? Had she moved on already? The brown-haired boy’s spikes fell as he glanced at the tightly clutched charm in his hand.

“Whether you remember me or not, I will come back for you,” he whispered. He closed his blue eyes. “A promise is a promise.”

He glanced around. It was strange to be so alone. The streets were crowded with people, all heading for the town square. Usually he was with a friend or two, but now, he had to finish his journey alone. His closest traveling companions, Donald and Goofy, had said good-bye a few months ago after a short visit to Disney Castle. The King had returned and he no longer saw a need for them to search for Riku with Sora. Sora had asked where Riku was. The King was the last person to see Riku after all, but King Mickey did not know. The two had become separated in the darkness of Kingdom Hearts.

Sora sighed and leaned against a brick wall. He’d spent nearly a week in this town, resting up. Traveling wore you out after a while. So far, he had seen no sign of Riku. The setting sun gave the town an orange glow. What town, Sora hadn’t bothered to find out. But it was so familiar. It was the familiarity of it that kept him here. It resonated with his heart somehow. He had stayed, hoping it was the pull of his friendship with Riku. A week was starting to drown the hope, but it was all Sora had left, so he stayed.

Deciding to see what all the people were so excited about in the town square, he followed the crowd. It seemed that the whole town and at least two others were all gathered together in front of the big clock tower. The place reminded Sora a bit of Traverse Town, but there were several big differences. For instance, this world was in much more of a country-like setting where as Traverse Town was more like a small city.

From his position in the back, Sora could barely see what was happening. Vaguely, he made out four people sitting on the roof of the tower. They seemed to be each holding something up to the setting sun. Whatever it was, it sparkled in the fading sunlight.

As the boy glanced at the person sitting on the far right side of the roof, he felt a tug. Not like a tug on the sleeve of his vest or shirt, but a tug at his heart. Something was drawing him to that fourth person.

“Riku?” he whispered. Politely, he asked one of the men standing around him what exactly was going on and why this was so important.

The man grinned. “Traveler, eh? Well, you’re pretty lucky to be here. Every year, four kids are selected to hold the stones that protect our city. Sometimes the same four, sometimes not. But either way, on this day every year at sunset, the gems are removed from their stand, which is somewhat of a trophy. I’ve never actually seen it close up, but that’s a good way to describe it. Usually, the four kids are close friends. About every ten years or so the kids are complete strangers to one another. This year the kids were three best friends who grew up together. One’s a replacement since the original disappeared. Some o’ the folks around town were afraid the ceremony wouldn’t go through or that it won’t work since it’s not the original four.”

“Do they all live in the city?” Sora asked. Maybe Riku was the replacement…

“Of course! We’re not just gonna pick random travelers off the street, mind you. No, the kids are always bonded in someway. The stones select them, usually. If it’s the right kid, the right stone will glow. Kids from all over come and try and get picked. A lot get turned down, but they all come back the next year.”

“Who is it this year?”

“Well, from left to right, if memory serves, that the far one is Sean, then I’m pretty sure that the second one in is the replacement, Mat. Then it’s Lila and finally, on the far end, Jase.”

“Jase?” repeated Sora.

“Yeah, you know him?”

“I… I don’t think I do…. You mentioned the stones protect your city. What from?”

“From the Heartless. Half the town will tell you that’s a myth and that it really just helps us get along well and businesses prosper. But the other half knows the truth. There ain’t no better way to protect this town than from the Heartless. Not that I’ve ever met one, but I’m sure if I did I’d send its dark rear-end into next Tuesday!”

Sora glanced back up at the clock tower. The sun had set and three of the four gems glowed a pale white.

There were murmurs of confusion from the crowd. Mat’s gem wasn’t glowing. Still, the four kids carried on like it was not a problem and stood up. Sora continued to stare at the outlined figure of Jase. What was their connection? Somehow their destiny’s intertwined, he could sense that much, but how Sora was clueless. The “trophy” must have been passed back down the line because the three glowing gems were arranged in a pattern.

Figuring that was the end of the display, Sora walked towards the inn he was staying in. His heart seemed to sink as he turned his back to the clock tower. Shaking it off, he trudged back into the inn. It was still empty except for the person at the front desk. Heading into the dining area, Sora took a seat at a small table. Within a few minutes, the inn was as crowded as it had been before and the talk was all on the ceremony.

Sora glanced up as a boy with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes walked in. He scanned the dining area as if searching for someone. His eyes rested on Sora. They locked gazes for a moment.

Walking quickly, the boy headed towards Sora.

Sora remained seated and the two stared at each other, as if each were evaluating the other.

The blonde boy’s attire was pretty much a white. His pants were actually a very light khaki, but it was hard to tell the difference. He wore a black and white checkered wrist band and a black shirt. Over the shirt was a white vest with a red lined hood.

Sora’s costume contrasted greatly with a black vest, shorts, and shirt that were off-set with red and blue pouches for pockets. Yellow stripes cut through his black shorts and a silver crown dangled from his neck.

“Have we met?” Sora asked.

The other boy shook his head. “Doubt it. I’m Jase.”

Sora’s eyes nearly popped out. “Sora. You wanna sit?”

The boy nodded and took a seat across from Sora.

“You were in the ceremony, weren’t you?” Sora asked.

“Yeah. And you were watching. Tell me you felt it too.”

“Felt what?” Sora asked suspiciously.

“We’re connected. We have to be. Didn’t you feel the tug?”

Slowly, Sora moved his head up and down. “Two complete strangers and we’re connected. It’s only chance I happened to still be in this town.”

Jase shook his head in disagreement. “Nothing happens by chance. Why were you here?”

“I’m searching for a friend. Look, there’s gotta be something that connects us. I know a quieter place to talk.” Sora stood up and led Jase into a back alley. “What exactly happened when you were up there?”

“While I was looking across the crowd, I stopped on someone. I couldn’t make them out in the darkness. But it’s the same tug I’m feeling now. Something’s drawing us together.”

“Same thing here, ‘cept a guy told me who you were. So, we’re connected somehow, I get that, but why us?”

Jase shrugged. “We look alike.”

Before Sora could reply, a shadowy creature arose from the darkness of the night. Without thinking, Sora pulled out a silver and gold keyblade and hacked the small creature to pieces.

“Is that--?!” Jase exclaimed.

“Keyblade? Yeah, why?” Sora spun it around to show-off his skill.

Jase put his hand out and summoned a white one to his hand. Sora’s eyes widened in astonishment.

“But—you can’t have that!”

“Why not? I’ve had it for a few years now.”

Sora shook his head. “But, that’s mine!”

“What?! Yours is silver and gold. Mine’s white with blue and yellow.”

Quickly, Sora removed the silver Mickey Mouse shaped keychain and replaced it with a white flower identical to the one Jase had on his keyblade.

“You can change yours?!”

“Can’t you?”

Jase shook his head. “Mine’s the way it is. But where’d you get a charm like that?”

“It’s from back home,” Sora said softly. “Kairi gave it to me. It’s her lucky charm.”

Jase nodded understandingly.

“Wait a second! Aren’t those gem things supposed to protect the city from Heartless?”


“So, then what are the Heartless doing here?”

“That thing was a Heartless?!”

Sora quickly dashed into the street. “C’mon, there’s a ton more!”

The city was filled with shadowy creatures. Jase and Sora hacked at them relentlessly. Sora led the way back to the clock tower. The darkness was stronger here.

“We’ve gotta get help!” Jase cried.

“There’s no time!” Sora shouted back, pointing to the sky. Clouds had begun to roll in and a large black and red orb hung in the atmosphere.

“What is that?!”

Sora ran into the clock tower without answering. He ran towards a door he thought led to the basement. Opening it proved him wrong. An empty space met his eyes.

Jase came running in, out of breath. “That door’s supposed to be locked!”

“We’re too late. C’mon, we’ve gotta get out of here!” Sora grabbed Jase’s wrist and pulled him back towards the inn. Just before they reached it, Sora turned and dragged them into a gummi garage. It didn’t take long for Sora to locate his ship. Shoving Jase into the cockpit and then climbing in himself, he quickly flew it out of the garage and into the sky.

“Where are we going?! What’s happening?” exclaimed Jase.

“No time to explain. We’ve gotta get somewhere else fast.”

“My parent’s are gonna kill me!”

“You’re probably not gonna see them again for a very long time.”

“What?! Are you crazy?! That’s my home! I can’t just leave my friends behind!”

“You’re going to have to. Your home’s about to be destroyed.”


“The same thing happened to mine. Once the Heartless get in, they search for the heart of the world. When they find it, they destroy it, destroying the world. That orb in the sky was the heart of the world. And the door was the entrance to it.”

“So, I’ll never see home again?”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Sora replied. “There’s a possibility to restore it, but I’m not exactly sure how I did it the first time.”

“So we’re just gonna wander around space for now?”

“No, I know a place we can go for a while. Then we’ll figure out what to do from there.” Sora piloted the ship towards a city that looked similar to the one they had just come from.

“Where are we?” Jase asked. “Is this your home?”

“Closest thing to it,” Sora sighed. He landed the ship.

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Wow... I actually got a comment! Cool! That makes me feel special. ^^ Thanks.
Oooh.. .descriptions. Yeah, that's not my strongest point if I'm not in a poetic mood. But I am working on it. Honest. ^^

And since I have a wonderful habit of giving overviews of each chapter before posting it, (I like to build up a bit of suspense/intrigue) this is a rather short chapter, but a very informative one. In fact, you may not understand a lot of the stuff without reading this chapter so... lotta 411, small words.

Sora led Jase into the Third District.

After Kingdom Hearts had been sealed, there hadn’t been any Heartless in Traverse Town. It seemed so full of life. Much unlike the first time Sora had arrived. A small house was right by the entrance and Sora stepped inside. Aerith and Yuffie were talking in a corner. They looked surprised to see the boys.

“Sora?! Where in the world have you been?!” Yuffie rushed up and squeezed him. “You haven’t even stopped by to say hi!” The female ninja was abundant with energy. After she let go of Sora, she turned to Jase. “And who’s you’re friend?” She pulled on his cheeks, as if seeing if it were possible to get a smile out of him. The boy did look as if he hadn’t smiled in years. He backed away, slightly scared.

“Sora, who is she?” He glanced around uncomfortably.

“Don’t worry. Jase, this is Yuffie,” he indicated the girl with short black hair, “and Aerith.” The other girl had remained in the corner. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a braid, tied at the top with a pink bow. Brown bangs framed her face and slightly hid bright green eyes. Brown boots contrasted with her long, pink, button down jumper.

Yuffie’s outfit wasn’t much like one would expect from a ninja. She wore tight yellow shorts, a green tube-top with orange buckles for straps, and high, pale-yellow stockings underneath beige boots.

“Yuffie and Aerith, this is Jase. We just met.”

“Sora, you shouldn’t have brought him here,” Aerith said softly. “You know that it’s a part of your duty to protect the world order.”

“But I had to! His world was about to be destroyed by Heartless! We barely made it out alive!”

“Heartless!” cried Yuffie. She pulled a few ninja stars from a bag on her waist. “Where? I’ll show them what I’m made of.”

Aerith was much calmer about it than Yuffie. “Sora, the Heartless are gone.”

“No, they’re not! And he’s a keyblade bearer!”

The girls were both stunned at this news. Quickly, Aerith opened the door and ushered the boys into the Second District. In the waterway, they found Leon and Cloud training. The men cut their battle short and looked up as the four walked in.

“Sora?” Leon asked. “And who’s your friend?”

“Jase,” Sora answered.

“Jase is a keyblade bearer,” Aerith cut in tersely.

“There should only be one,” Cloud said softly.

“For every world.” Aerith held everyone’s attention now.

“You mean like, for Agrabah, and for Neverland, and stuff?!” Sora exclaimed.

The girl shook her head. “No. The second half of Ansem’s report. There was more to it than the thirteen pages you found. There’re four worlds. One of darkness, one of light, one of the world in-between, and the present world. You remember the story of how the world used to be pure light before darkness was born, right?”

Sora nodded.

“Because darkness was created in the world of light, it set everything off balance. The in-between world, the world of light, and the world of darkness merged to form the present world. It was only a theory, but apparently it was a true one. Sora, your keyblade represents the present world.”

“But then what about mine?” Jase asked, summoning his to his hand.

“Most likely the world of light, considering its color.”

Yuffie bent down and examined Jase’s keyblade. “Doesn’t Sora have one like this?”

“His is identical to mine,” Sora replied. “But he can’t change his blade. I can. Why is that?” The boy turned to Aerith.

“Because his is bound to the light. Yours is free to serve either light or darkness or the in-between.”

“What is the in-between?” asked Yuffie. “I mean, I know that there’s light and darkness, that makes sense, but what the heck is the in-between world?”

Cloud answered her. “The in-between world is a world of neither light nor darkness. It’s simply what it is. In-between the world of light and darkness, but being neither. It’s not half light or half darkness. It’s simply the in-between. It can serve neither light nor darkness and the ones born of it have neither light nor darkness in their hearts. It’s a barren land of nothing. Every being is an empty shell of what once was. They say that when you are born, whether your heart has been conceived of darkness or light, then another you is created as an opposite. It used to be a you in the world of light and a counter in the world of darkness. It created a balance between good and evil. When a heart was lost, a person’s shell was created in the world in-between. Until the worlds merged. Now, your shell exists somewhere in this universe. And your opposite is merely your counter. If your heart is three-quarters darkness, their heart is three-quarters light.”

Yuffie’s eyes were wide. Not only at the answer to her question, but also at the fact that Cloud had never said that much at once. In fact, he’d probably never said so much in his life.

Jase took it all in slowly. “Then what makes a keyblade light or dark? And how can you tell which world it serves?”

Aerith answered his. “Sealing a world’s keyhole with the keyblade of the present world merely locks out any sort of light or darkness from reaching the heart. The keyblade of light brings the entire world into the light, purifying it. The keyblade of darkness sends the world into shadow, and the keyblade of the in-between world makes it a part of the world in-between as Cloud explained.”

“Then we’re lucky the other keyblades haven’t been discovered yet, right?” Sora asked.

“Yes and no,” Leon answered. “For all we know, the wielder of any keyblade could have been sealing keyholes for years before now. We’ll be lucky if you’re the only one who’s been sealing.” He glanced at Jase. “What do you know about your keyblade?”

“Except for what I was just told,” the boy replied evasively, “nothing besides the fact that I can summon it at will and no one else can wield it. I hadn’t even left my world before tonight.”

Leon nodded. “That’s probably for the best. Stick with Sora; he’ll help you find its true power.”

“So what do we do now?” Sora muttered.

“You have to find the rest of the keyblades,” Aerith answered. “We can’t let the keyholes be sealed by any keyblade except your own. Otherwise the universe could become unbalanced. And if that were to happen…” The girl shook her head.

“But what about Riku?”

“Your friend can wait,” Leon answered. “The universe depends on you.”

“Again? But I made a promise to Kairi! I can’t break that!”

“Then put it on hold.”

“You can’t put a promise on hold! I have to find Riku!”

“Then look for him as you go, but you have a duty to do first, Keyblade Master.”

Sora sighed, knowing Leon was right. “Fine. We’ll leave right away. There shouldn’t be too many worlds open yet.”

Yuffie nodded. “We haven’t had anyone new here for a long time. I bet the Heartless are still trying to recover from the last time we kicked they’re butts!” She smiled and slammed a fist into her palm.

Sora walked out, his head down. Jase followed.

“Hey, who’s Riku?”

Sora sighed. “Riku was my best friend. We fought over everything. Even Kairi.” The boy glanced up at the stars. “After our island was destroyed, we were separated. Kairi’s heart was stolen by the Heartless. Both of us saw this as a chance to win her over. Riku chose the darkness and I chose the light. We even ended up fighting over the keyblade. In the end, Riku opened his heart to darkness. When I got to Kingdom Hearts, he was trapped inside. I had no choice but to seal him in it. I promised him I’d take care of Kairi. I promised Kairi I’d return her lucky charm and go back home. I still haven’t kept either promise yet. Kairi knows I have to find Riku first.” Sora looked back down at the ground. “I just wish everything could go back to the way it was before the Heartless ever came. Things could be so much different.” Shaking it off and brightening his mood, Sora led Jase back to the gummi ship. “C’mon, let’s go see my place. You can meet Kairi and I’ll seal the keyhole when we get there.”

Jase shrugged. “It’s as good a place as any to start.”

Sora and Jase hopped in the cockpit and headed for Destiny Islands.

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Wow, four comments. Gee, thanks a lot!

And in answer to your question, Winged Mirage, all humans are members of the present world, but previous members of the World of Light. And obviously, now they're light and dark because the introduced darkness to their world. Now, there is one character who will show up later on that was on equal terms with light and darkness. Now, every heart is created with an equal share of light and darkness. Depending on the person's actions and what they're taught, the light or darkness will increase. Of course, this rule doesn't apply to a select group of people, but we'll get into that later. (I can't give away a lot of the plot). But should someone be able to maintain an equal balance of light and darkness, then the light and darkness would , in the sense of each battling to rule the heart, would inevitably defeat each other, thus canceling any sort of good or evil in the heart, and making the person a member of the in-between. The present world is merely everything. It's all been thrown together with each side battling for control. And there are only so many who can set it in perfect balance again... Answer your question? Sorry the explanation was a tad long.

And now we meet three more people who will play a very important role in the story...

A girl with reddish-pink hair staggered down an open road. Grass surrounded her on either side, and beyond the grass were beaches. A small town stood just down the hill she was on. Cautiously, she walked into it. Several houses lined the path she walked on. Her white tank-top was dirtied and her short blue skirt was equally covered in dirt. He black boots were scuffed up and she carried a small white knapsack with brown straps. Warily, her blue eyes darted from building to building.

“Hey, Kairi!” a boy called. “Kairi!” he repeated.

The girl turned around to see who Kairi was and why she didn’t answer him. The boy ran towards her. When he came within a few yards of her, he stopped.

“You’re not Kairi.”

The girl shook her head. Her thin red hair blew across her face in a soft breeze.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. Where’re you from?”

“Twilight Town,” she said softly.

“Twilight Town… hey, you must be from another world! Sweet!” the boy exclaimed. “My name’s Tidus. C’mon, I’ll show you around!” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into one of the houses. “Hey, guys! Look, there’s a girl from another world here!” Two girls and a boy looked up. One of the girls looked strangely like the newcomer. Her hair had more of a brown tinge to it and was about the same length as the girl’s, but thicker. Her shirt was a collared tank-top and a blue tie offset her eyes. She had a short, blue plaid skirt, black shoes and navy blue socks that extended to her knees.

The other girl had brown hair that curled out at her shoulders. She wore an outfit identical to the first girl.

The boy had reddish-brown hair and wore a blue bandana. His shirt was just as white as the girls, but he left the buttons undone, apparently due to the heat.

Tidus looked different from them a good deal. He had blue eyes similar to the first girl’s, but unlike the other three, his hair was a spiky blonde. He also wore a uniform exactly like the boy’s, except he kept his navy blue slacks rolled up to make capris.

“Her name’s—“ Tidus stopped short and turned to the girl. “What is your name?”

“Kyla,” she said, barely above a whisper.

“Kyla, this is Kairi,” the girl with short brown hair and blue eyes, “Selphie,” the green-eyed girl, “and Wakka,” the boy. “Guys, this is Kyla. She’s from another world!”

“You said that already, silly,” Selphie giggled.

Kairi looked the girl up and down. “So what world are you from?”

“Twilight Town.”

“You mean you remember?!” Wakka exclaimed.

Kyla nodded slowly.

“Tell us about it!” Tidus said.

“Give her some space, guys,” Kairi pushed them aside. “She’s probably come a long way. She needs time to adjust.”

The three groaned.

“But what if she forgets?” Selphie asked.

“The only reason she’d forget is if she doesn’t remember now. And clearly she does. C’mon, you look about my size.” Kairi led Kyla across the path and helped her get cleaned up.

The girl’s new outfit was a red skirt and a cream colored tank top.

“Fits you perfectly,” Kairi said. “So you actually have stuff from your home?”

Kyla nodded, knowing Kairi was talking about her knapsack.

“Sure wish I could remember.” Kairi glanced out the window wistfully. “But I was too young. I don’t know much of my original home, but here is my home now. Do you mind if I look?” Kairi was pretty curious. She hadn’t gotten to see many worlds in the last adventure. She’d been to several, but it was just her shell that went and her heart was gone. Kairi opened the knapsack and the first thing she saw was a notebook. “Is this a journal?”

Kyla nodded.

“So I guess I shouldn’t look at it, huh?”

Kyla just shrugged. She didn’t appear to be a very talkative person.

Kairi dug through the bag and found a locket. “Hey, this is pretty!”

It was a heart shaped locket with a small gem in the middle that reflected the sunlight across the room.

There wasn’t much else in the bag, so Kairi replaced everything the way it was and gave Kyla the backpack.

“How’d you end up here?”

Kyla shrugged.

“You must have planned it if you have all this stuff. C’mon, gummi ship? What?”

Kyla spoke softly and slowly, with carefully chosen words. “Well, it was the night before I was supposed to go with Jase, Reiley, and Lila to the town square and—“

“Go on,” Kairi encouraged as she broke off.

“Well, every year there’s a ceremony to protect the city. I was one of the select four to hold the gems. The last thing I remember is walking home that night. I—I think there was a man in a black cloak. But otherwise I don’t know.”

A loud engine sound came from outside, interrupting Kyla’s story. Kairi cocked her head for a moment then dashed outside. “Sora!” Kyla picked up her backpack and slowly followed.

Kairi immediately spotted the gummi ship. “Sora? Riku?” The cockpit opened up and Sora jumped out.

“Kairi!” The two embraced. “Kairi, I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

They separated and Sora pulled Kairi’s charm out of his pocket. “I think it’s time I returned this.”

Kairi smiled and hugged him again.

But this time, Jase had climbed down from the cockpit. “Kyla?! What are you doing here?!”

“Jase?” she said, walking over. “Jase is it really you?”

“Kyla, what happened? Where have you been? We’ve all been worried sick!”

She hugged him. Tears streaked her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. I just—I don’t remember. I’m sorry.”

Jase stroked her hair. “It’s alright. It was my fault anyway, but everything’s okay now.”

Sora glanced up and saw them hugging. “Hey, who’s she?”

Kairi answered him. “She just came here today. She’s from another world. I guess his. Sora, where’s Riku?”

Sora’s joyful face suddenly turned sad and he looked at the ground. “I haven’t found him yet. I had to make sure you were safe.”

“Safe? From what?”

“Kairi, the Heartless are back.”

“What? But I thought—“

“I thought so too. But they destroyed Jase’s home, I guess that’s how Kyla got here.”

“Jase? So that’s his name? You two look alike.”

“Yeah, I know.”

The couple walked over to Jase, who still had a crying Kyla in his arms.

“What’s wrong with her?” Sora asked.

“I think she was probably a little scared. She’s never been anywhere but home before. And we’ve never been apart.”

“Never?” Kairi repeated.

“Well, before she was born, yeah. But since then we’ve pretty much been inseparable.”

“So, you’re going steady?” Sora queried.

Jase laughed. “We’re brother and sister.”

“Oh.” Sora’s face reddened.

Kairi giggled and rested her head on his shoulder. “I can’t believe we’ve been apart for so long.”

“Yeah, I know. C’mon, let’s head over to the secret place. I wanna seal the keyhole first.”

“Keyhole? Are you sure that’s where it is?”

“Pretty sure. That’s where the keyblade’s drawing me.”

“Alright, then.” Kairi led Sora, Kyla, and Jase down the shore.

After getting in the boat and across the water, Sora immediately went to the base of the large tree. He pulled out his keyblade and hacked away the vines. “Jase, I think it’d be best if you stay out here. Just to be safe.”

Jase nodded, understanding Sora was talking about the Keyblade of Light.

Kairi followed Sora in. “So that’s what you think the door is? The door to the heart of the world?”

Sora nodded. “Yup. And there’s only one way to find out for sure.”

When the tight tunnel opened up into a small cavern, the keyblade automatically appeared in Sora’s gloved hand. He aimed the tip for the center of the wooden, door-shaped, window-like thing in the rocks. A blue stream came from the end of the keyblade and went to the middle of a keyhole in the door outlined in yellow. There was a clicking sound like that of a door locking, and then the yellow and blue glows faded.

“That was easy,” he commented.

“Sora, when did you draw this?” Kairi had knelt down beside a picture etched in the rock.

“Well, when did you draw yours?” Sora knelt down beside her.

When the two were young, they had drawn pictures of each other. Sora had added a paupu fruit from him to Kairi a few years ago, the last day he was on the island, and Kairi had added another from her to him.

Paupu fruit were almost believed to be magical. If two people shared one, they became a part of each other’s lives for eternity. Some would say, the stronger friendship the friends had for each other, the stronger the bond.

“A few days after we were separated, I came down to the secret place and found what you had done. I hated being away from you,” Kairi answered.

“Well, it’s not happening again. Come with Jase and me.”

Kairi stood up in surprise. “What?”

Sora also rose. “I don’t want to leave you here alone. And then we can look for Riku together. C’mon Kairi, otherwise I’ll have to go without you.”

“But—Sora, things are—different now.” Kairi turned her head away from his gaze.

“Kairi, what are you talking about?”

“Sora, the school year’s starting back up. Selphie, Tidus, Wakka, and I are heading to a boarding school on the mainland. It’s too late to back out now.”

“Kairi, you have to come! I can’t leave you again!”

“I’m sorry, Sora. Look, find Riku, okay? I promise we’ll see each other again. Soon. It’d be better anyway, if the next time we met, we were all together again.” Kairi stepped closer to Sora and slipped her flower-shaped lucky charm into his hand. “Stay safe.” With a quick kiss, she started to head back out the tunnel. Sora followed after a moment.

“Ready to go?” Jase asked Sora.

The spiky-haired boy nodded and watched Kairi head back to the boat. Kyla and Jase followed Sora as he went after Kairi.

When the four reached the other island, Sora and Kairi said a few parting words before heading to the gummi ship.

Kyla and Jase climbed in and Sora soon did likewise. The boy hardly seemed to notice he had a new passenger. Without a word, he sat in the pilot’s seat and steered the gummi ship towards space.


A grassy field that stretched to the edge of the horizon and seemed to continue on from there blew slightly in a soft breeze. A path had been carved into the land. Two feet slowly walked along it. The black boots were attached to a boy in a black cloak. A hood shielded his face and prevented anyone from catching any distinguishable features.

The boy had gone no more than three more steps before another person in a black cloak identical to his own arose from the ground. This one was taller, presumably a man, and his face was completely shaded by the hood. With the boy, at least the lower half of his chin was still discernible in the darkness.

Stars twinkled overhead as the two stared each other down. Slowly the boy reached under his cloak and removed a sword shaped like a wing.

“Old habits die hard.”

The voice was not spoken. It merely seemed to appear in the boy’s mind, as if telepathically sent by the man. But he was not surprised in anyway. He only charged the man, sword ready to strike. Before any contact was made though, the boy was sent reeling backwards and landed on his behind by an invisible force.

“We’ll meet again, don’t worry.”

The cloaked man vanished into the night.

The boy’s hood had fallen back to reveal silver hair that hung just below where his eyes were and to his shoulders. His eyes were covered by a black blindfold. Quickly, he pulled the hood back up and continued his journey, at a faster pace this time.

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Gee... only one this time... oh well.

Yeah, this chapter wasn't one of my best. Quick, simple, and pretty much a space filler. Of course, the final battle is very important.

“It was so sweet! There were all these guys there, and we just kept fighting,” Sean stopped for a moment, “and we scared ‘em off! It was the coolest thing ever!”

Lila smiled at his enthusiasm.

“Boy, wish I could have been there,” Mat muttered.

“Well, Jase and I were the only ones, and there must have been at least fifty of the other guys! It was so wicked awesome! I did defeat most of them, though,” he added proudly.

Lila rolled her eyes and glanced at Jase who was sitting several feet away from them on his own. The boy stared down at his hands, clearly not paying attention to the conversation. Lila’s face turned to concern. “Jase, is something wrong?”

Jase’s eyes snapped open. He looked around, at first unaware of his surroundings. His sister sat to the right of him, looking out the glass window. Sora sat in front of him, landing the ship on what seemed to be a desert world.

“Any particular reason for stopping here?” Jase asked.

Sora shook his head. “I have an idea that Riku will head to Hollow Bastion if he can. I figure that we can just lock worlds as we go.”

Jase nodded. “Makes sense. So where are we?”


The three stepped out into the hot sand. Sora led the siblings into a small loft above the city. A large hole in the wall had been turned into a window that showed an amazing view of the palace.

Kyla’s blue eyes widened as she stepped toward it and stared in awe at the sight of golden towers and marble courts.

Sora glanced around. “I wonder where Aladdin is.”

As if in reply to his voiced thoughts a monkey’s screech was heard and the owner of the voice came scurrying through the room.

“Abu?” Sora cried as the creature began to scurry up Jase’s leg and onto his head. Sora was laughing now as Jase frantically tried to get the monkey off.

A slight smile touched Kyla’s lips, but nothing more.

Finally, the monkey jumped from Jase to Sora, who caught it in his arms. “Abu, how’ve you been, buddy? Where’s Aladdin?”

The monkey leapt to the floor and slid down a pole.

“C’mon!” Sora jumped down after it.

Jase shrugged and followed, making sure Kyla was with them.

Sora followed Abu through the streets of Agrabah to the castle. The monkey managed to slip through the half-open gates. With a little prying, Sora managed enough room for him, Kyla, and Jase. The three walked in.

A fountain stood in the center of the courtyard. Birds twittered and flew around, darting in and out of trees. Several paths wound through the garden. At the fountain was seated a young couple. Sora dashed over.


The boy sitting down looked up. “Sora!” he exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

“Just thought I’d come down for a visit. What’s up with Abu?”

Aladdin shook his head. “Rajah probably just scared him again.” He laughed softly as Abu ran to the edge of the fountain and began to jump and shriek. An orange, black-striped tiger stepped from the bushes and walked over to the girl.

“Oh, Rajah. Can’t you two get along?” she asked, stroking the tiger softly.

“Sora, what happened to Donald and Goofy?” Aladdin asked. “And who’re your new friends?”

“Donald and Goofy had to go back home,” Sora explained softly. “But this is Jase and Kyla. Jase and Kyla, meet Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, Abu, and I’m guessing Rajah.”

The tiger walked over to Kyla and nuzzled her. She smiled softly and scratched its ears.

“Aladdin, do you know where Carpet is?” Sora queried. “We’ve gotta get to the keyhole.”

Aladdin looked puzzled. “Yeah, over at my old place. At least, he should be there. But the keyhole’s already sealed.”

Jase shook his head. “They’ve been reopened. Heartless are back.”

“Great. Jasmine, I’m going with them.” Aladdin stood up. “C’mon, no Heartless are going to destroy Agrabah if I can help it.”

Jase turned to Kyla. “I’m not gonna let you get hurt. Stay here with Jasmine, alright? You should be safer here than with me.”

Kyla nodded. “I won’t go anywhere, I promise.”

Sora cringed slightly at that word. “C’mon, let’s go. The Heartless aren’t getting any weaker.”

The three boys dashed out of the courtyard and into the streets of Agrabah. Aladdin whistled sharply.

Sora and Jase yelped in surprise and covered their ears. A carpet of purple embroidered with gold flew down to them. Aladdin and Sora stepped on it while Jase stared.

“Get on,” Sora said, laughing. “It’s not gonna kill you.”

Cautiously, Jase stepped on it and sat next to Sora. His eyes widened even more as the carpet lifted them into the air.

Sora laughed again. “Never seen a flying carpet before?”

Jase stared at him like he was crazy.

By this time, the carpet had landed at a cave with an entrance shaped liked the head of a tiger. This time Jase’s stare was in awe. He followed Aladdin and Sora into the cave. Gold and jewels littered the floors and decorated the walls. His eyes roamed the caverns as he staggered in amazement after the other two. The three finally reached a room filled with so much treasure that anymore and the boys would have had hardly any space to walk. It was here Sora told Jase to wait outside. Once again, they couldn’t risk the Keyblade of Light unbalancing the universe.

“If the Heartless really are back,” Aladdin began as they walked in to the empty room, “then this is too easy. We haven’t seen a single one and we’re already at the keyhole.”

Before Sora could reply creatures like the ones from Twilight Town rose from the ground.

“Don’t jinx it!” Sora growled, summoning his keyblade.

Aladdin unsheathed a sword and began to hack at the creatures. The Heartless attacked relentlessly in return.

“Are they ever gonna stop?!” cried Aladdin as several jumped on him.

“Where’re they coming from?” Sora asked in reply.

The two continued the fight until the creatures finally disappeared. Sora’s breaths were heavy and exhaustion began to sweep over him. Pushing it aside, he walked up to the keyhole. He aimed the tip of the keyblade at the carved keyhole in the stone work of the circular room. A blue stream shot from the center but bounced back off of an invisible wall.

“What the--?”

Aladdin and Sora turned around at the sound of something exploding. A large, red, fiery genie arose from the stone floor. It transformed into a man.

“No way! But you should be—what about--?” Sora never managed to phrase his question right. Aladdin had already charged. “No, wait!”

Aladdin was sent flying by an invisible force into the wall.

“Did you really think a lamp could hold me forever? My freedom was wished just as easily as your genie’s was.”

“Jafar…” Aladdin groaned as he stood up.

Sora lowered himself into a fighter’s stance. “I took you down once, I can do it again!”

Jafar laughed and stepped aside to reveal Kyla and Jasmine held in a glowing red aura. Kyla seemed to stare at nothing as she simply waited, while Jasmine struggled as hard as she could, but to no avail.

Sora’s eyes narrowed as he charged, but froze in his tracks as Jasmine cried out in pain.

“Just one little squeeze is all it’ll take,” Jafar smirked.

Jase heard Jasmine scream and knew something was wrong. He ran in, despite knowing the risks of the keyblade.

“Jase!” Sora cried. “What are you doing?!”

Jase looked from Sora to Aladdin to Jafar and finally rested his eyes on Kyla. She had not screamed, but tears on her cheeks said it all. Jase growled and ran at Jafar, his keyblade ready.

“No, don’t!” Sora pulled Jase back. “You’ll only make it worse!”

Jase looked levelly at Sora. “I’m not going to lose her again.”

“What are—“

Jase never let Sora finish as he ran towards Jafar but was thrown back just as Aladdin had been.

Jafar’s laugh echoed in the room again.

Jase staggered to his feet. His breaths became heavy and anger filled his eyes. Despite the failure of his last attack, Jase charged again.

This time Jafar sent a blast of energy at the boy.

Sora watched, stunned as Jase summoned a second keyblade. This one was pure black, an obvious contrast from his other. The two swords crossed to make an x, shielding Jase from the attack. The energy seemed to absorb into the weapons.

Jafar’s eyes widened in surprise and then fear as Jase’s blades cut across his stomach. The attack broke Jafar’s concentration for a moment and freed Jasmine and Kyla. Jasmine ran to Aladdin, who was still struggling to stand. Jasmine ran to Aladdin, who was still struggling to stand while Kyla simply slumped to the floor.

Before Jafar could send another attack, Jase sent the dark keyblade straight through the sorcerer’s heart. A pool of blackness emitted from where the keyblade had struck and grew, consuming Jafar in the darkness. Soon, there was nothing left of Jafar except the golden, cobra-headed staff.

Jase ran to Kyla, who sat motionless on the ground. Her eyes remained locked on nothing.

“Kyla! Kyla, are you alright?! Don’t do this to me. Not now, not yet…”

Sora ran over. Kyla’s motionless figure had been so familiar too him. A closer look verified his thoughts. “She’s gone Jase. Her heart’s already been stolen.”

“She can’t be gone! Not yet!” Jase picked Kyla up. “She’ll be fine. She has to be.”

Sora sighed helplessly. Restoring a lost heart wasn’t very easy.

The boys walked over to Aladdin and Jasmine.

“You guys okay?” Sora asked.

“Fine,” Aladdin answered.

“You may wanna lock the keyhole now,” Jase interrupted.

“Oh, right.” Sora resummoned his keyblade and walked over to the keyhole, aiming the tip for the keyhole. This time the beam went straight through and locked the keyhole.

As if on cue, the carpet flew in and landed, ready for the group to climb aboard. It dropped Sora, Jase, and Kyla off at the gummi ship and then continued onto the palace.

Jase gently set Kyla down in the back of the gummi ship while Sora got in the driver’s seat.

“I’m telling you Jase, she’s gone.”

“She’s not! Not yet. She just can’t be.”

In response to Jase’s voice, Kyla’s eyelids seemed to flutter. She opened her eyes and looked at Jase.

Jase sighed gratefully and hugged her.

Kyla began to cry. “I was so close to the darkness. It was everywhere. There wasn’t any light. I can’t go back there. Not again.” She sobbed into Jase’s shirt.

“It’s alright. You’ll be fine,” comforted Jase.

Sora sighed and took off.
Last edited:

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
Kyla's heart almost fell into darkness. If you look back, you'll notice Jase repeating over and over "She can't be gone." Can't is the key word there. Why it can't we'll get into later...

This chapter is one of my favorites. My favorite world, Classic Disney movie, and it really was a lot of fun. The beginning is an important piece about Jase and his keyblades, and a hint to Kyla's secret...

“I never got to ask you,” Sora started, “what happened back with Jafar? How in the world did you get two keyblades?”

Jase glanced at Kyla, who was sleeping beside him. “I really don’t know for sure,” he said softly. “Back home, the day before we left, Kyla, Sean, and I were walking together. Before we knew it, these guys in black cloaks showed up. The three of us were separated.”

“How many guys were there?”

Jase shrugged. “A lot. Anyway, while we were separated, one kept telling me something about my destiny. I always knew Kyla was important, and so was the keyblade, but I never suspected I’d have an important role too. The guy had a black keyblade. Suddenly, it was mine. Then the guy said something about my paths crossing with ‘my counter.’ I guess he meant you. After that, I found Sean again. We never did find Kyla. I guess that’s how she ended up at your place.”

“Wait, you said Kyla was important? How so?” Sora landed the gummi ship.

“Where are we now?” asked Jase, changing the subject.

“Neverland.” Sora smiled. “You may wanna wake Kyla up for this one.”

Jase shrugged and lightly shook Kyla. “Hey, wake up. I’m not letting you outta my sight for a long while. Now c’mon. Sora thinks you’ll like this place anyway.”

Slowly Kyla opened her eyes and walked onto the island with Sora and Jase. Sora seemed puzzled.

“I haven’t been here before…”

“But then how’d you know it was here?” Jase asked.

“Well, I have been here , but not this part. I’ve only been on the ship and to the clock tower, but not the island part.”

“So we could be lost.”

“Hey, I know my way around an island. I grew up on one.” Sora led the group through bushes and trees and finally came to a lagoon. A single rock stood in the center of the small inlet and rock walls lined the sand where the horizon would be. A waterfall sent mist in the air, dampening the clothes of the three teenagers.

“Amazing,” Jase breathed.

A red tail fin flipped some water and then sank into the dark ocean.

“Did you see that?!” cried Sora.

Jase smiled. “Mermaids.”

“What about fish?”

“Fish aren’t that big, unless they’re whales. And then they’re usually bigger.”

“Oh… Hey, I was a merman once! Except I was half dolphin.”

“Really?” Jase clearly didn’t believe him.

“I was! It was awesome. You can breathe underwater and swimming is so easy!”

“If you were half dolphin, how come you didn’t need air still?”

Sora stopped to think. “I don’t know… maybe the spell made it possible.”

“I’m sure.”

“Look there it is again!”

This time the fin had been a green. After it, a girl’s head popped up. She had blonde hair and green eyes. Several more heads followed her. One had short black hair and dark brown eyes. Another’s hair was a silvery-white and her eyes were a soft blue. One with long brown hair and hazel eyes swam to the shore. She smiled at Jase.

“So, are you new around here?”

Jase grinned. “Well, sort of. I mean, not exactly.”

“He is, but I’m not,” Sora interrupted.

“Then how come I’ve never seen you before?” asked the blonde one. “You must be new. Otherwise, Peter would have mentioned you.”

“He hasn’t mentioned me?!” Sora cried. “After all I did for him, he doesn’t say anything about me?!”

“Well, who are you?”

“Sora. The one that found his girlfriend for him.”

“Oh, he did talk about you!” exclaimed the silver-haired one. “Except he said that he saved you.” She seemed genuinely confused.

Sora groaned in disbelief. “That’s messed up. I totally saved his butt.”

“What are you talking about? Hook had you on a plank and you would’ve been croc food if I hadn’t stepped in.” A boy with reddish-brown hair flew from the top of the waterfall and landed on the rock that jutted out from the water. He wore brown shoes and green tights; a green shirt that seemed ripped at the sleeves and bottom had a thin, brown belt around it. On the belt hung a small dagger. The boy also had a green, pointed cap with a red feather stuck in it.

Kyla’s eyes widened at the fact he had flown.

“What?! I jumped off that plank and flew! I had everything under control! You didn’t do anything!” Sora shouted.

“Are you kidding? Who saved Tink?” the boy asked.

“Who found Wendy?”

“Who kicked Hook’s butt to the crocodile?”

“I did!”

“No way, I did!”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”

The mermaids began to giggle and a small smile touched Kyla’s lips. Jase shook his head.

Sora crossed his arms in a huff. “I did and you know it.”

The boy looked about to argue back, but then took notice of the newcomers. “Who’re you?”

“Jase. And this is my sister Kyla.”

She smiled weakly in acknowledgement.

“Peter Pan. Any friend of Sora’s is a friend of mine.” He put two fingers in his mouth and whistled sharply. Jase cringed. He hated whistling.

A soft yellow glow flew towards Peter Pan. A small sound like that of a high pitched bell came from the glow. As it got closer, Jase and Kyla could make out the figure of a very tiny winged person.

“A fairy?” Jase asked incredulously.

“A pixie,” Peter Pan answered.

The pixie took one look at Kyla and flew around her, as if evaluating her. Kyla watched it, amazed. She actually looked happy. The pixie then flew back to Peter and gave Kyla an envious glare.

“Gee Tink, don’t you ever get tired of being jealous?” laughed Sora.

“Tink?” repeated Jase.

“It’s short for Tinkerbell,” Peter Pan told him.

“She’s real?” Kyla’s eyes were wide with amazement.

“Of course she is! How in the world did you get here if you don’t believe?”

“Believe in what?”

“Neverland, of course! You’ve sure got a lot to learn about this place.” Peter Pan shook his head.

The mermaids who had been staring at Peter, except for the brown-haired one who still had her eyes on Jase, all began to talk at once. They suddenly dove under the water.

Jase and Sora looked at Peter questioningly.

“Something’s up. Quick, back into the forest.”

Jase grabbed Kyla’s wrist and pulled her into the trees while Sora flew behind Peter to a hole in the rock wall and peered out. Peter placed a hand on his dagger, just in case.

A small rowboat floated by. On the prow stood Hook, with his clumsy first mate Smee at the oars. In the back sat a dark-skinned girl with dark hair dressed in an Indian costume.

“Tiger Lily!” Peter whispered.

“I thought we got rid of Hook!” Sora exclaimed as soon as the rowboat was out of sight.

“Well, he’s certainly a slippery one,” Peter sighed. “At least it doesn’t get any less fun to feed him to Croc. Now c’mon, we’ve gotta save Tiger Lily.”

“What about Jase and Kyla?”

“Aw, c’mon. We don’t need them. It’s more fun on our own.”

“But I can’t just leave them behind. Who is Tiger Lily anyway?”

“Indian princess. Now let’s follow them before they get too far away.”


“Fine, just do it fast!”

Sora quickly flew back to Jase and Kyla. “Guys, Captain Hook’s captured the Indian princess. We’ve gotta save her.”

Jase quickly glanced at Kyla. “I don’t want you anywhere near danger. Promise me you won’t leave the mermaids no matter what?”

She nodded. “I promise.”

Another pang of guilt shot through Sora. “Now let’s go, before they get too far. Tink! Give Jase a bit of pixie dust.”

The pixie flew around Jase and coated him in a glittery gold dust. The boy sneezed loudly.

“I must be allergic to this stuff!”

Sora grabbed Jase and pulled him into the sky. “Now c’mon!”

Kyla stood on the shore and watched Jase and Sora until they were just a speck in the sky. Then she sat down on the beach and watched Tink fly about the lagoon. The pixie left behind a fading trail of glitter wherever it flew. Tinkerbell suddenly changed her direction and flew over to Kyla. The fairy rested on the girl’s nose, causing her to stare cross-eyed at it. Kyla lifted her finger up and gently moved the fairy off her nose and onto her palm. Tink looked about in disdain about having been forcibly moved.

Kyla gently took her finger and began to feel her wings. Tink’s glare was full of hate and jealousy, yet the pixie remained still. Her blonde hair pulled was pulled back in a bun and she wore a strapless, bright green dress with a torn edge. She had tiny slippers and large, blue, almond-shaped eyes. Kyla’s eyes were wide with wonder at something so small that had such spunk and life. She moved her finger and giggled softly as she fluffed Tinkerbell’s bangs. The fairy placed her hands on her hips, but didn’t fly away.

“Teach me to fly,” Kyla whispered.

Tink cocked her head then fly around Kyla, doing exactly what she had done to Jase. Kyla spun around, catching the glitter in her hand. Her face seemed to glow with joy. When Tinkerbell stopped flying in circles and hovered in front of her, she closed her eyes and kicked off the ground, pushing into the air. A smile filled her face as she soared into the clouds. Tinkerbell flew alongside her. It seemed the pixie had put aside her jealousy and was enjoying Kyla as a friend.

When Kyla finally touched back down on the ground, the mermaids had resurfaced. Jumping back up, Kyla flew upward for a few feet and then dove down into the water. She hadn’t been so happy for a long time. As she broke the surface of the water, a cold sensation rushed over her. Her nerves tingled at the sudden change in temperature, but her eyes were still lit up with joy. She swam around for a short bit before her lungs cried for air. Half swimming-half flying, Kyla reached the sky. Dripping with water and laughing, she laid down on the beach. Laughing wasn’t new to her, but it wasn’t normal. Jase had given up trying to get her to smile a few years ago. With the pressure of her destiny, Kyla had never been very happy for very long. She really did enjoy Neverland. There was nothing to remind her of the future, or of life really. It was like one big, happy dream. One she never wanted to wake up from.

“Gee, that doesn’t look scary,” Sora said sarcastically as the three approached a large rock that had three main caverns. Two up top that looked like eyes and one where the tide entered that created a mouth.

“Skull Rock,” Peter Pan answered.

“Why are we here again?” Jase asked.

“Tiger Lily,” Sora repeated to him for about the fifth time.

“Quiet!” Peter commanded harshly as the three landed in one of the eyes and peered over the edge to where Hook had Tiger Lily. The Indian princess was sitting on a rock in the middle of the water, with the rising tide already up to her shoulders. “Alright,” he whispered. “You two distract Hook while I grab Tiger Lily. We’ve gotta save her before the tide comes in.”

Jase glanced to the entrance where the water could barely be seen rising. “Great, so we’re on a time schedule too.”

“How come we have to be the distraction?” argued Sora.

“Because,” was Peter’s only response. “Ready, go!” He pushed Sora and Jase over the edge of the cliff towards the water.

Captain Hook turned at the boys’ yell of surprise. They had managed to stop before hitting the water. Jase looked to see where Peter was, but the youth had vanished.

“So, the Keyblade Bearer’s returned, has he? Smee! Watch Tiger Lily while I teach these scurvy brats a lesson.”

“Yes, Cap’n,” replied Smee meekly.

Hook unsheathed his sword.

Sora sighed and summoned his keyblade; Jase called Oathkeeper.

“So we have two, do we?” Hook hopped from the boat to solid ground. “Why don’t you come down here and fight fair?”

Jase looked at Sora, who barreled straight towards Hook. Slightly confused, Jase just landed behind Hook while the pirate captain was busy with Sora. Using the flat end of his blade, he knocked Hook forward. After what happened to Jafar, he was rather afraid to do a direct attack. The blonde boy turned around to see where Tiger Lily was. It might be a good idea to distract Smee as well. The tide was pretty high by now, and the Indian princess was near under. The water was just under her nose. “Anytime now, Peter,” Jase thought. He glanced back at Sora. Sora seemed to have everything under control. Taking a deep breath, Jase flew for Tiger Lily and grabbed her out of the water. He flew back up to the eye. The girl had put her bound wrists around his neck for something to hold onto while they flew. Now she snuggled her face into his chest. Jase grinned. It wasn’t long before Peter flew up to Jase.

“What did you do? I was gonna save her!”

“Sorry, the tide was coming in. I did what I had to.”

Peter Pan sighed and flew down to help Sora.

Tiger Lily smiled and snuggled closer to Jase.

Peter skillfully blocked Hook’s long sword with his small dagger. Unfortunately, Hook had improved since their previous battle and soon had Peter Pan at the edge of his sword.

The normally cocky boy now looked near scared. Peter had a certain confidence that didn’t often leave, not even when he was at the point of death. Things were never hopeless for him. This time was no different. Being so caught up in defeating his rival, Hook had forgotten about Sora. The Keyblade Bearer rushed from behind the captain and knocked him into the water. Right next to the jaws of a green reptile. Shock and panic immediately filled Hook’s face. Smee quickly rowed the boat next to him and pulled him up. It didn’t take long for the crocodile to follow them out of the cave.

Sora smiled in victory and flew towards Jase; Peter Pan followed. The youth glowered at Jase. Jase looked back innocently. Tiger Lily just smiled and buried her face in Jase, making Peter Pan look even angrier.

Sora laughed. “C’mon, let’s get her home.”

The boys had just taken off and were only about a foot above the ground when Tinkerbell came barreling into Peter. She frantically motioned about something neither Sora nor Jase understood. Peter’s annoyed face turned grim.

“Tink says Kyla’s been kidnapped.”

“No… that can’t be! Who?” Jase cried.

“How can that be?” asked Sora. “Hook was here the whole time.”

Peter looked to Tink. “She says it wasn’t Hook. It was guys in black cloaks.”

“No!” shouted Jase. “Sora, we’ve gotta find her.”

“Hold up, we’ve got to find Riku too. And lock the keyholes,” Sora interrupted.

“You don’t get it! If we don’t find her, it could mean the end of life as we know it!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Remember when you asked me how Kyla was important? This is it! Her fate decides ours!”

“You gotta be kidding.”

Jase shook his head. “I wish I was.” He gave Tiger Lily to Peter Pan. “You can take her home. Sora, we’ve got to go now.”

“But what about the keyhole?”

“Tink’ll take you,” Peter answered.

Jase nodded at Sora and they followed Tinkerbell to the clock tower. Sora circled the tower to make sure that the times were all the same, and then aimed the keyhole at one of the faces. Apparently, it was the right one and a small keyhole appeared where the hour hand would be at two thirty. The same blue glow came from the keyblade and produced the same locking sound as with the others.

“Can we go now?” Jase was getting impatient.

Sora nodded. “Yeah. Thanks, Tink.”

The boys flew back to the gummi ship.

“Any ideas of where to look?” Sora asked.

“I’m not sure…” Jase paused for a moment. “Head due east.”


“Because that’s where my keyblades are drawing me.”

“Why isn’t mine?”

Jase shrugged. “I know Oathkeeper’s drawn to Kyla. Oblivion I can’t say the same for.”

“Well, then let’s see where we’ll end up.”
Sora ran a navigational check and then grinned. "Hollow Bastion, here we come!"

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
I know the chapters are coming fast, which is why this next one is short. But I want to leave you with something before I leave tomorrow for a three week vacation. I don't think I'll have internet access while I'm gone...

And it's not Tink... Tink started taking a liking to Kyla after awhile... But you're somewhat close on why Kyla's so important...

Kyla slowly opened her eyes. She was lying on a cold floor, with machinery working around her. As she stood up, she found a large, heart-shaped hole in the wall was blocked by an electric looking X and was filled with colors. There was no one around and she slowly stood up. She was actually on a platform with balconies that over looked a hall. There were stairs on either side of her that led into the hall. The hall was large. A huge tapestry lay on the floor, decorated with a Heartless symbol. Kyla noticed that two large double doors were blocking her exit. She turned around at the sound of footsteps. A man cloaked in red bandages walked towards her. Her eyes widened as she backed into the balcony.
“Are you ready to fulfill your destiny?” he asked her.
She shook her head in utter fear and disbelief. The man was getting a little too close for comfort. “Who are you?”
“I’m the one who’s going to help you destroy the universe.”
Kyla knew exactly what he was talking about. She looked behind her for an escape route. There was none. The ground was several feet down. She could jump, but it would hurt. When the man reached for a sword, Kyla knew she had no choice. She placed her hands on the railings and launched herself over as she had seen her brother do many times over their front porch. Of course, the floor was a lot farther than the ground had been and concrete hurt more than soft grass. After balancing herself and letting the shock wear off, she ran for the two doors. No amount of pushing, pulling, or banging could open them. By this time the man had come down the stairs and was approaching her more swiftly. She pressed herself against the door, eyes filled with panic. Before she could attempt another escape or try and fight back, a powerful blast of energy knocked the man off of his feet.
“Back away from her, Diz!”
Kyla looked towards her rescuer. A boy in a black, hooded cloak stepped out of the shadows. She couldn’t see his face save for the lower half. He reached under his cloak and pulled out a sword with a wing-shaped blade. Her first thought was a keyblade, but this was definitely different.
“What does she matter to you?” the Diz said, getting up. “Shouldn’t you be more concerned about your princess?”
“Each is worthless without the others.”
“Not entirely,” the man smiled.
Kyla could sense her rescuer tense as he charged Diz. A sharp slash across the chest with quick speed sent the man staggering. The boy regained his balance and then turned around.
“Better than I had expected. Well then, if you’re so sure they’re worthless alone, you can have her back.” A wave of his hand sent Kyla’s hand to her heart and she fell to the ground with a cry of pain. The boy ran to her side and helped her steady herself while Diz escaped through a black portal.
“What did he do?” she asked shakily.
“Sending darkness on a pure heart can disrupt the sense of balance that was achieved,” the boy replied in an even, calm voice. “You should know that purity isn’t balance on its own. It usually takes darkness. Not many can survive with a pure heart. Now let’s get out of here.” He helped Kyla to her feet and sent another blast of energy at the door. This energy was much more powerful and visible to the eye by a translucent shade of black.
The boy led her through the now open doors and several corridors until they reached the main hall.
“What’s your name?” Kyla managed to ask.
The boy hesitated. “I—just stick to your own business.”
“But how can I thank you if I don’t know your name?”
“With a ‘thank you,’” he replied simply. After opening two more doors into sunshine, he guided Kyla to a place where water cascaded down from sides and created a dense liquid thick enough to walk on without sinking.
She stared in amazement as her feet balanced on the water perfectly, creating ripples, and walked on the water. A sound of an engine humming made her look up. A gummi ship was landing. Kyla smiled softly as she recognized it to be Jase and Sora. The two boys hopped out, Jase first, who would have run right onto the water if he hadn’t seen the boy and Kyla. Sora came second, slower than Jase.
“Kyla!” cried Jase.
Kyla ran to him and squeezed him for comfort. “I don’t want to ever leave you again!” she said, the words muffled in his shirt.
Jase hugged her back. “This time I won’t let you out of my sight; not even when there’re others around.”
Sora glanced curiously at the cloaked boy. “Did you save her?”
“I guess you could say that.”
“Who are you?”
“A friend,” was the only reply before he slowly began to disappear into the air.
“Wait!” Sora cried.
Jase glanced down. Oblivion had automatically formed in his hand. “Weird,” he murmured to himself. No sooner had he sent it away, when a girl came running from the stone platforms and jumped to the ground.
“Did he leave?” she asked the three.
“You mean the guy in the black cloak?” Sora queried.
She nodded. “He’s supposed to protect me. I don’t know why in the world he would just leave me like this.” She crossed her arms in a huff. “Boys.”
Sora set his jaw at this comment. “Well, sorry we can’t help you. But we’ve got a friend to find.”
“Really?” the girl replied. “I do too! Maybe we could, you know, look together.”
“What’s your name,” Jase asked suspiciously.
“Shawna. You?”
“Jase, and my sister Kyla.”
“And I’m Sora,” the Keyblade Master answered slowly.
“So, could I go with you guys? I mean, it’d only be temporary, until I find my friends.”
“I don’t see why not,” began Sora. “I suppose we’d have to make room for you in the gummi ship. You might have to stand.”
“Oh, that’s fine. I really don’t care. I just need to find my friends.”
“Well, we’ve gotta search here for my friend first.”
“I’ll save you the trouble! I already looked everywhere and there’s no one here but me. Trust me, if there were, I wouldn’t leave them for a minute. I hate being alone. I’ve really gotta have someone with me. Being alone is just so scary. I absolutely detest being lonesome. It just bothers—“
“We get it,” Jase interrupted. “Sora, since Riku’s not here, is there somewhere else you want to search?”
Sora sighed and shook his head. “No. I really thought he’d be here. Oh, well. I guess we can just look somewhere else. Got anywhere in mind?” he asked Shawna.
“Nope. I’m completely lost!”
The cold metal pressed against Jase’s hand again. Oblivion had returned. Puzzlement etched into his face. Did it have something to do with Shawna? To his surprise, it wasn’t drawing towards her. He glanced up. Was the boy in the black cloak connected to Oblivion? If the boy had been here but left, it would explain why Oblivion’s pull had changed direction.
Jase turned to Sora. “Who or what ever it was that was drawing Oblivion’s left. Do you mind if we follow it? We don’t really have any other leads.”
Sora nodded. “But we should lock the keyhole here first.”
“You can’t do that,” Shawna interrupted. “You need the princesses to reveal it.”
“And if we already know where it is?”
“You still can’t. Because it’ll be sealed off from the keyblade. You have to have the princesses. If you don’t, it won’t work.”
“So, this place’ll be full of darkness until then?”
“I guess,” Shawna shrugged.
“Alright then, Shawna, hop in.” Sora climbed in the driver’s seat and revved up the engine. As soon as the cockpit closed, Sora took off.

angel princess

New member
Jun 14, 2005
You know the voice inside your head? The one with
So, to make up for my last short chapter, I have a quite long one. We meet another important character, actually two. But one we've met before...

“Where to, Jase?” Sora asked.

“North. And up a little.”

Sora grinned. He loved being pilot. It gave such a great feeling of control. Heartless ships were still in short supply as of now. The darkness was not yet very strong, so enemies ranked low and few.

Jase looked at Shawna. Actually looked at her. Her reddish-blonde hair hung below her waist. Her blue eyes that seemed to hold a ton of secrets were framed on the outer rims by bangs. Her shirt was a blue, leather tube top with a very low-cut V in the middle. Her skirt was the same color, predictably short, and black boots with blue soles rose just above her knees. Hanging from her neck was a necklace with a black, large, heart-shaped pendant on it. He knew she had some connection to Oblivion, but it didn’t draw him to her. She must be connected to the weilder.

The ship landed near a village with majestic towers and everything seemed like it belonged in a castle. The people were dressed royally. Either munny was in heavy supply here, or the people all were royalty. Everyone except Shawna gaped openly. She seemed very jumpy and twitchy about this place.

“Um, do we have to stay here? I really don’t like it. I don’t think my friends are here.”

“Sure,” Sora answered. “There’s probably another town we can search.”

Jase looked at Sora. “Oblivion’s drawing me deeper in. You guys go, I’ll catch up.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, but take good care of Kyla. She’s the only way I’d be able to find you guys again.”

“Are you sure?” Sora repeated, amazed Jase was letting Kyla out of his sight.

Jase nodded slowly. “Yeah, I’ve gotta know what’s pulling me.” He placed his hands firmly on Kyla’s shoulders. “Promise me you’ll stay with Sora? And don’t leave him no matter what, alright?”

She nodded. “I promise.”

Sora felt the familiar guilt trip shoot through him.

“Can we go now?” Shawna asked. “I am really not liking this place a bit.”

“Alright,” Sora replied. “C’mon, let’s go.” He led Kyla and Shawna outside the town and towards another. Shawna seemed much more at home in this dark village than the other. This one seemed empty. There were no people roaming the streets. A few shadows seemed to move.

Kyla bit her lip and moved closer to Sora, pinching the edge of his jacket. She did not like this place anymore than Shawna had liked the last one.

Sora noticed her agitation and gave her a reassuring smile. But this place even gave him the creeps. It almost reminded him of Halloween Town, but a lot darker and a lot more lifeless. When they reached the heart of the village, they caught their first glimpse of people. Well, if you could call them that. The inhabitants of this village looked a lot more like cats than people. They were dressed in rugged clothes, and fur covered their bodies. They had soft pink noses and long whiskers. A few wore hats that large, cat ears peeked out of. Each had a suspicious looking stare, like they couldn’t trust anyone; underneath that lay a stare that made them all look untrustworthy.

Rain began to drizzle on the group. In an attempt to stay dry, Sora cautiously led the girls into a building that looked like it could be a hotel. The inside proved him right, as a young girl, who looked no different from those outside, sat at the front desk.

“Good afternoon, welcome to The Ridgeway, and we are not responsible for anything you may have lost or stolen during your stay. And injuries occurred inside are not our responsibility, not to mention any accidental deaths.”

Sora blinked twice. “We’ll find another hotel...”

“Sorry, we’re the only one. So, I’m guessing two rooms?”

“Um... sure.”

Kyla moved even closer to Sora. She didn’t quite understand why they were giving Shawna what she wanted when she was the only one who liked this place. Kyla had really liked the last one. Reluctantly, she followed Sora and Shawna up the stairs to her room.

It didn’t take Jase long to realize this was an Elvin village. Everyone he saw had pointed ears, tall and thin, fair complexion, hair, and soft eyes. Even the conversations he had overheard were soft spoken. There was no mistaking it. As Oblivion drew him deeper into the city, clouds began to move in. The clouds were big, black, and sure to produce a heavy shower. He sighed, unable to shove aside his curiosity of Oblivion’s attraction. By the time the sun had set, the rain was coming down in torrents. Jase pulled up his collar and stepped into a shop for warmth. The Elvin shopkeeper smiled politely at him.

“Need a coat, young man?”

Jase realized he’d stepped into a clothing store. Nodding dumbly, he picked a full-length, hooded coat that would definitely keep him dry.

“You’re not Elvin, are you?” asked the shopkeeper.

Jase shook his head.

“Well, traveler, you’re welcome to have this one for free. Of course, I’ll have to charge you for anything else. I’ve gotta stay in business somehow.”

“No, I really don’t need anything else.”

“Well, then, there’s an inn down the road a ways back. Great fellow who runs it.”

“I’ll keep it in mind,” Jase said. He thanked the man for the cloak and pulled the hood up as he stepped into the heavy rain. It was now he realized he could no longer feel Kyla’s pull. He summoned Oathkeeper to his hand. There was nothing. This was something very new to him. He’d never lost Kyla’s pull before. Not even when she’d disappeared. She had always been there. Sometimes stronger than others, but now felt similar to when she had nearly lost her heart. Then the tug had just been very weak. He knew this couldn’t have happened. The Heartless weren’t in this world. She couldn’t have lost her heart. Somehow she had stumbled into darkness. But how was that possible?

Jase had been walking down the road, trying to sort this out. “Where is she?” he murmured. Now he had now way to get back to Sora. “Where’s Sora?” Where was Shawna? He suddenly felt alone. The tug of Oblivion grew strong and threw off his concentration.

Heartless arose from the wet ground, their beady eyes glowing a bright yellow. There were so many, he didn’t think he could handle them all. His only choice was to use Oblivion. Yanking the two keyblades out from beneath his coat, he began to hack at the Heartless. Oblivion’s pull led Jase to look up. Someone was standing on top of a building. Jase had no idea how they got there and couldn’t make any features out in the dark from that distance, but he was determined to figure out why Oblivion was drawn to this person. Jase wasn’t quite sure what happened, but his feet kicked off the ground and began to run up the side of the building. When he was about halfway up, the person above him jumped down. The tug of Oblivion was so strong that Jase let go of the weapon and it fell right into the other person’s hand. He caught sight of silver hair and a black blindfold.

There were still too many Heartless to fight with just one weapon. Jase skidded back down the side of the building, pulling another keyblade out. This one was gold with a silver colored handle. As the Heartless slowly began to vanish, the clouds parted. Jase looked up. A meteor shower was penetrating the world’s atmosphere. He now looked to the boy who had helped him fight off the Heartless. His hood was pulled back up over his face and he glanced to Jase.

“Never seen someone with three keyblades.”

Jase shrugged. “It happens. Who are you—Wait, aren’t you the guy that rescued my sister?”

“If you say so, yes.”

“Why? You don’t know her.”

“You don’t have to know someone to know what’s important about them. When you become nothing, you learn things you never knew before.”


“It’s a close enough description.”

“Why is Oblivion drawn to you? I always thought—“

“Because Oblivion is mine. It’s my keyblade I was born to wield, just as you’re destined to wield Oathkeeper.”

“But, what about this one?”

Jase held up the gold and silver one.

“Somehow, you’ve managed to reroute lost keyblades to your hand. Both Oblivion and that key were lost in darkness. Why they’d choose the Prince of Light to return to, I can’t say.”

“How’d you know that? No one knows but Kyla!”

“It’s not that hard. You wield Oathkeeper.”

“Yeah, but I had Oblivion and this other one.”

“The honest answer? I’m the Prince of Darkness.”

“But, shouldn’t you be siding with the darkness?” Jase gripped his keyblades tighter.

“Sorry, but if you’re looking for a fight, you can head elsewhere. Destiny may have chosen me to serve darkness, but my will serves the light.”

Jase’s face relaxed but his grip did not loosen. Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind he hadn’t thought of before. “How in the world can you see with a blindfold on?”

“I can smell the darkness, if you really want to know. Are we done with the twenty-one questions? Because I’d like to find Sora.”

“You know Sora?!”

“Sure, we’ll put it that way. Where is he?”

“I—I don’t know... I can’t feel Kyla anymore. Something’s happened to her...”

“Or she’s just lost in the darkness. I can find her.”

The boy slowly walked towards the gates of the village. It was still raining, and it was no better when they reached a neighboring village. This one was much darker than the Elvin village, but much more inhabited. Sure, it was raining, but shadows flitted by everywhere. Jase and the boy walked into what looked like a hotel. A girl with fair, Elvin skin, soft silvery hair, and black cat ears sat at the desk. She wore a black shirt that cut across her shoulders and had sleeves down to her elbows. Her skirt was a pure white and her nose was a soft pink with whiskers on either side. Finally, her eyes were.... Well, one was a greenish-blue, the other a yellowy-green. They freaked Jase out a bit.

“Can I help you?” she asked. Her voice was soft spoken, and Elvin trait, but it was a simple monotone, as if she really didn’t give a care in the world.

Jase forgot about the girl’s eyes for a moment. He could feel Kyla’s tug. Without a thought, he rushed up the stairs and pushed open one of the bedroom doors. There were several cries of surprise, and then constant chatter.

The boy downstairs began to walk towards the open door. Jase sat in the frame, Kyla in his arms. Shawna twitched upon the boy’s entrance. When Kyla finally glanced up, she immediately recognized the boy. Pulling away from Jase, she walked over to him.

“I never got to thank you properly, so, thank you.” Kyla gave the boy a slight nod.

“Alright, if you’re gonna keep showing up,” Sora began, “would you mind telling us who you are?”

The boy pulled his hood down and hesitated before removing the blindfold. Sora’s eyes popped out of his head. “Are you really—? How did—? When—?”

The boy grinned. “Yeah, I have no idea, and little over a year ago.”

Jase looked from Sora to the boy. “Who is he?”

“This is Riku.” Sora didn’t even give anyone a chance to react to this statement. “C’mon, we should head down to the gummi ship and back home.”

“Sora—“ Riku tried to interrupt.

“Kairi’ll be so excited to see us! We—“

“Sora,” Riku said a little louder. “Sora, things aren’t quite the same anymore. We can’t just head home. There—“

A scream from downstairs cut him off. The five ran down to see what happened. The Elvin-cat girl had been backed into a corner by Heartless. Sora and Riku pulled out their keyblades. Jase pulled Kyla closer to him while Shawna backed up the stairs.

There were too many Heartless for just Riku and Sora. “Jase, we need you!” shouted Sora.

“Stay safe,” he said to Kyla before pulling out Oathkeeper and jumping in the fight. The second Jase was in the middle of the creatures, several of them ran for Kyla. She shrieked and backed into a corner. Before the Heartless could attack her, a pool of darkness appeared beneath her. It tied down her ankles and slowly grew up her legs. Her face showed her terror.

Riku glanced over and saw her. He ran for her, hacking the Heartless left and right all the while. She was almost under by the time her reached her. “Quick, grab on!” He stuck his keyblade out. Desperately, she reached for it, catching the handle. Riku held on tightly just below the blade. The pull was suddenly very strong and yanked both girl and boy under.

“Kyla!” shouted Jase, reaching for Riku’s ankles and missing them by a split second. Jase pounded his fist into the floor. “I’ve gotta stop doing this to her.”

Sora had gone to the girl, who looked very afraid, even though the Heartless had vanished. Shawna had come down the stairs and was helping Sora.

“Hey, don’t worry. They didn’t get you,” she said in a voice so sweet it nearly made Sora’s stomach turn.

The girl looked shakily at Shawna. “You—Are you—?”

Shawna smiled. “Yeah, I am. And so was the girl who just vanished.” Shawna put down a hand and helped the girl up. “My name’s Shawna, what’s yours?”

“Cavi— Just call me Twi-ty.”


“It means half-breed.”


“You like repeating people, don’t you?” Sora interrupted.

“It’s alright,” Twi-ty replied. “I’m Elvin and cat. Unfortunately, the Elvin race is the next thing to pure. And the cat race is the next thing to perfect darkness. So, the Elvin race won’t accept me and the cats tease me about it all the time. Except it gets to more than teasing.” She rolled up a sleeve to show a purpling bruise and then rolled it back down.

“How terrible!” cried Shawna.

“You get used to it after a while.”

“You should come with us! We won’t tease you!”

“Shawna...” Sora cautioned.

“Oh, it’s fine!” exclaimed Shawna. “C’mon, you’ll have a blast!”

Twi-ty shrugged. “Alright, it can’t be any worse than here.”

Jase walked up, his eyes on the ground. “She’s gone.”

Sora took a deep breath. He’d just found Riku, only to lose him so soon. “If Riku’s with her, she should be fine.”

“I hope so.”

“Jase, meet Twi-ty. She’s gonna start traveling with us.”

“That’s great,” Jase answered Shawna. He didn’t understand how she could be so happy when both Kyla and Riku had vanished.

She looked puzzled. “We’ll find them. They couldn’t be too far off.”

“They can be anywhere! They could be millions of light years away, or just down the street!”

“Well, then let’s hope their down the street.” Shawna’s optimism bothered Jase. She was too cheerful for his taste. If you hope for too much, you’ll usually get let down.

Jase sighed. “At least I can still feel her. Sora, can we leave. Now?”

“Yeah, but we gotta stop in Traverse Town first for a bigger cockpit.”

“We don’t have time! We’ve gotta find her now! Who knows what could happen if we don’t!”

“We wouldn’t be able to fit her! We can barely fit four as it is. There’s no way we’d be able to fit all six.”

Jase hung his head in resignation. “Alright, fine. But get a faster engine while we’re at it.”

“If I have enough munny,” Sora responded, heading for the gummi ship.
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