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Fanfiction ► Lost Hearts

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Screw that action
May 8, 2006
In a movie theater no where near you
Hey...its been a while. Enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 31:

The Guardian

“This is for the ones I love. Problem is I don’t love.”

As Retribution walked, the more his thoughts grew. Retribution began to grow even darker on the inside. He felt disconnected from everything, he felt, free. It was dead silence; even Lia was quite, something rarely ever seen. Retribution tried to end the silence, but he couldn’t, and it bewildered him to no end. With freedom came guilt. But what did he have to be guilty of? He most definitely knew he didn’t care about anything he’s done. But the real question was, why did he feel free? Why would he feel free? He’s a spec among many in the universe, did he feel power? Was he arrogant?

“Guilt is caused through fear.” Retribution heard, stopping him in his tracks. Lia probably didn’t hear it, because she continued to walk, as if nothing had happened.

Lia finally came to a stop she turned back, looking at Retribution. “What's wrong, why did you stop? Something wrong?” She asked in a happy tone.

“Fear that a loved one will die!” The voice said again, still managing to avoid Lia’s ears.

“Nothing.” Retribution answered, starting to walk forward. As he did this Lia ran off. “What the!?” Retribution called in confusedly as he gave chase.

Lia, curved through a corner and into the trees. As Retribution got to where she appeared to have ran off too, but when he got there she was no where in sight. There was no more forest. It seemed to be an abandoned city, it looked to have a one point, been a busy place. Huge highways could be seen from afar. The city seemed sky-less though, only bright golden lights shining up from the seemingly dead city. Still, no sign of Lia.

“Nobody is left” The voice mocked, “No one left to pick up after you, or protect you. Do you even remember the past? Do you remember how you even got here? Of course you don’t, you probably blanked out after that incident at the mansion. You were framed of the Organization’s crimes and locked into that atrocious place for the criminals of the universe. Locked in place where weeks are translated in hours to kill off the criminals in quicker. You believe you were there for ten years when really, it was about three.”

Retribution wanted to move toward the voice, unfortunately, it seemed to have no origin, it came from everywhere. “Show yourself!” Retribution screamed in lunacy.

A large creature showed itself, and by the size of it, Retribution was amazed he hadn’t found it sooner. It seemed to be like a chameleon, its colors shifting into the environment. That couldn’t be the case, as the creatures body reverted to a gold and blue striped torso, legs, and arms, but is head stood out, it looked like a chameleon’s and it was dark orange. His torso was human shaped besides the claws at the ends of his arms and legs. It held something in its hands, it appered to have sting attached to it. “You know” It started. “You’re too easy to string along.” It said, holding its hand out, it had been sitting like it was on a floor.

“What is that?” Retribution rudely asked.

The creature slowly held out his hand, palm up, he then quickly flipped it so what was in his hand fell out. The thing seemed to be attached by strings. Retribution could barely see it, but then as he looked on, it all became clear to him. “Lia!?” Retribution cried.

“Yes.” The creature said slowly. “Do you understand now?” It mocked with an awkward smile on its face. Its huge mouth showing its fangs. It truly looked like a monster of some sort. “I am the so called guardian you’ve been looking for. And this is the girl you’d been ‘traveling’ with. Seriously, I never thought she’d be able to lead you all the way here so easily. With Infero’s help, you’ve completely lost since of time and more importantly your limits.”

The Guardian spoke what seemed to make no possible sense, but in reality, it made perfect since. Retribution’s stomach started to feel as if a bear was trying to claw its way out. Retribution felt weak, but his body felt if it had no limits. This in turn could lead to disasters. As it could force him to overcompensate and kill himself in the process of using magic, which he used quite frequently. “You cheap…” Retribution growled.

“I much prefer not to kill, as it goes against my name. I thought maybe-“The Guardian started, lifting his hand up, taking Lia; he appeared to be playing with her body, like she was some puppet. “You’d quit, and do some thing that won’t get you killed.”

“What did you with her?” Retribution yelled with growing impatience.

“Her who?” The Guardian played dumb.


“Oh her?” The Guardian said, holding Lia out towards him. “The puppet?”

“Grr, the person.” Retribution yelled, having enough of the Guardians sarcastic attitude; Retribution used fire magic towards his feet to create an explosion to launch himself at the Guardian at the heightened speed. The Guardian flicked Lia at Retribution as he flew towards him. Retribution curved out of the way of Lia; guilt ran through what was left of his heart. If there even was anything left. Retribution then quickly turned his attention back towards the Guardian; fire spurred out of his fist as it smashed into the head of the Guardian. “You’re made of steel!?” Retribution howled, his voice echoing through the city. The Guardian then plucked Retribution off of his head, balled him up in his hand; and after a second of enjoying Retribution’s muffled shrieking, flicked him out of his hand, sending him flying across the city. Retribution smashed into a building, but that wouldn’t stop him, he kept flying until he landed on top off another building, sliding the end off it and hitting air vent, almost destroying it. Retribution got up, he felt no pain, but he could tell his body was strained, as if he used all his power for something that should’ve been effort-less.

“I’ll still be willing to forgive and forget, if you turn back now. I’ll even give you back your little girlfriend, no strings attached.” The Guardian offered, some what mockingly.

“Over my dead body!” Retribution refused

“There will be a dead body.” The Guardian replied, modestly disappointed. Retribution lunged at the Guardian once again. But when he closed in, he used blizzard magic. It smashed into the Guardian. Mist was flung through the air, it completely clouded the sky. Retribution’s vision of the Guardian was gone, but he felt something; something terrible. Just then, he felt a colossal fist strike him from behind, and drive him down, into the ground. Retribution pushed up, trying to lift the fist off of him. As Retribution lifted the fist, he felt it come off of him. The air was still clouded with mist; Retribution couldn’t even see his hand in front of him.

“Did I do this much?” Retribution asked himself. “It was only meant to be regular magic.” The Guardian seemed to see through it all, he smashed his fist on top of Retribution, then immediately used electric magic. The Guardian felt as if he had hit nothing. He looked down to find the Retribution was gone. Retribution seemed to land on top of the Guardian, and used his most trusted magic, flare, a magic that can only be controlled by the thoughts in someone’s mind. Retribution smacked his hands on the top of the Guardian’s head and use flare, a bright light shined as the powerful magic struck the Guardian. As the light faded, so did the heavy mist Retribution once again, had lost track of the Guardian. “That thing is too big to be moving this fast. Where are you!?” Retribution demanded, expecting a quick counterstrike from the Guardian; Retribution leaped high into the pitch black sky. “Could it even be called a sky? It was more of roof; the light from the city seems to illuminate this place. Maybe at one point this place thrived.” Retribution thought to himself as he rose into the sky. The wind broke like glass as the Guardian threw his fist at Retribution. Retribution revolved in a circular method, evading the fist by an inch. The furious wind cut Retribution’s face, a light cut, but it felt like it was digging into Retribution’s face.

“Come on.” The Guardian teased. “With all those threats, I thought you’d be a challenge.” The Guardian effortlessly threw punches at Retribution for Retribution to dodge them. The Guardian didn’t take Retribution seriously at all; he hadn’t even used a fraction of his power, while Retribution was practically devouring his.

“You’d think with the lose of limits, I’d be doing more damage.” Retribution said to himself as he leaped out of the way of one of the Guardian fists. “But I seem to be doing less. Maybe one last try…” Retribution said as he leaped once again; he overshot the building he was on and accidentally, jumped off; smashing into the ground.
The Guardian plucked Retribution off the ground with two of his sharp claws. “This is the end.” The Guardian said he prepared to end Retribution.

“Not yet!” Retribution said as he smashed his fist against the Guardian’s, making his surprised fist lose grip of Retribution. “Ultima!” Retribution yelled, but the as the flare went up, it went out, the magic had failed.

“Good try.” The Guardian said as he smashed his slightly furious fist into Retribution.

“Is this the end?” Retribution ended, losing consciousness.

Silent Avera

Night Pirate Graphic Lemonade Maker
Apr 22, 2006
Somewhere only we know~
<3 Y'know, when Retribution first attacked the Guardian with fire - and I learned it was steel - I thought it's super effective!

I feel sorry for Retribution T.T...He reminds of Frankenstien when I read that book ^-^ Good chapter, now.......*waiting*.........*blink*.........<3


New member
May 13, 2007
the worst state to live in! (New Jersey)
can't wait for the next chapter!!
the way how some of his attacks failed and some worked while others were weaker and others stronger reminded me of the battle system of FF2 - the more you use a certain magic attack, the better and stronger it becomes, while the other magic attacks suffer from neglect, thus making them weaker
anywhoooo...what's retribution again? he seems like a nobody, but reminds a little of a heartless and then some things are entirely new. btw, sorry if this was already answered in an earlier chapter - it's been a LONG while and i'm too lazy to go back lmao


Screw that action
May 8, 2006
In a movie theater no where near you
^I never thought you'd want this story to end Rynxeh.

Chapter 32


“Through, loneliness, sadness, through sadness, hatred, through hatred, truth. Through happiness, stupidity, through stupidity, love, through love, lies. Only one can live within, because only a liar can believe they’re right.”

Retribution felt his pain shake off, he felt as if he could control himself again. His pain faded. He lifted his arm to see why the magic failed; it was compressed. “Still alive?” The Guardian said in tiresome. “Why don’t you just give up? Your magic failure is a sign. You can still leave this battle alive.”

“I was never going to die.” Retribution said with pride. “And in actuality, magic never fails.” Retribution stated as he snapped his right index finger with his left middle finger, making a slashing movement. His two fingers burning as the hard friction exploded between them making a large snapping noise.

“And…what was that? The Guardian asked in confusion. Not even an answer could’ve prepared him for what was next. A vivid turquoise light burned out from the side of him, it spread around him. The Guardian had no time to defend himself as the magic incinerated him. The magic light, blocked all vision, but as it receded, the Guardian was the first thing you could see, little by little, was the Guardian. Both of his large arms were holding the side of his face. The right side of his face appeared to be destroyed. Or maybe, there was something beneath it. There appeared to be a rough, lizard like skin beneath metal that Retribution originally thought was his head. Although, he seemed to not be in pain, but he seemed to be fighting himself. He arms began to pull at the metal on his head, the metal slowly bent but, then, it broke. His lizard like face truly shown, the strips on his body seemed to fade, show a giant yellow, blood shot eye on his chest, its pupil was blue. Its skin was dark green, and the ends of its claws on its arms and legs were made of a turquoise crystal.

“Dragonface.” Retribution smirked.

“The failure of magic through under use can be compressed and controlled much easier, and through a load snapping noise can be released and amplified for even better use. Crackling, that’s my technique. How do you know it?” Dragonface asked.

“They teach to the top wizards in the world, people who supposedly proven to be pure of heart.” Retribution explained. “A lot of your techniques are taught quite frequently. But only to those who vow to never use them for evil, I’d seen it so many times it and studied it to the point I realized there was no real secret to it. That’s the only one I know though, I could pass get in to any class to learn it though; they kept saying they could see the darkness within.”

“So they lock me up for my intelligence then use it for themselves? Those swine.” Dragonface said, growing angry.
“Sadly, they use to teach that you were an evil sorcerer who only wanted to cause harm. So you were locked away. They eventually stopped teaching about you, and people began to forget. But I didn’t.” Retribution continued.

“Yes, I was evil. I was treated like trash all my life. But I vowed one day, I would prove the world. I would have revenge. But I grew to be gigantic, and many though I was treat so I was cast out. You see, this body is no magic, I was born a Dragon. But I acted as a normal person, I even used magic to look like one, but that wasn’t enough, people wanted me dead. And for no apparent reason. Like the wise man said, people are evil, and will do anything to vent their thirst for blood. I would be cast out into nature, but to my size, I looked like a moving mountain. Neither me nor the forest lived in were in harm, and that how, in that solitude, I learned the secrets of life, how to reach within and use my magic, to its full potential. On a day of festival, or as you would call it, high school reunion, everyone, I ever hated was there I used my magic to cause a deep spell over them that no one could negate, because no one knew even hat it was. InnerGravi as I call it, it crushed their insides slowly, and left them there to die, no one could heal it, no one could escape. As the slow but painful death took its toll, I gathered the forests energy and created a bouquet of feathers, phoenix downs, that I laid upon the people. Meaning every time they died, they would be revived, to go through the same pain again. I did this myself, so they could see; see the cause to their demise. But it wouldn’t go unintended. The greatest of them all, arrived late as I turned to leave. Sensing that I had something to do with the crime, he placed a dark spell over me, one that would paralyze my body and my mind. He had blacksmith created a armor, which encased with his magic would have me to be good person who would protect any land, as its duty as a dragon. And he them banished me to this realm, where stayed. Under the armors control I would work to develop myself physically to hopingly make me forget my magic, but as you can see. It failed, and in the end, it caused me to now only and better magician, but to also be better physically. You have my thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” The astonished Retribution said. “But where will go now?”

“I’m not sure.” Dragonface started slowly. “I’m at a lose…” Dragonface wondered, placing his hand under his chin.

Elsewhere, at another time and place.

Tai had her hands clutched against Blaine’s ankles. Tai was trying his hardest to make him go downstairs.

“C’mon kid!” Tai exclaimed

“Never!” Blaine refused.

“You have to face her sometime!” Tai remarked as she began to lean her whole body back.

“You can’t make me.” Blaine replied as he held to the wooden beam that stood from her bed. Blaine didn’t want to go downstairs, he knew who was down there and was determined not to talk to them. He had run away when Tai tried to force him to go downstairs. His body began to become irritated; her body weight began to become a little too much. “You need to go on a diet!”

“I’m not heavy.” Tai said as Blaine’s hands released the beam, “You’re just weak.” Tai’s face grew angry as she held him up by his right ankle. He’d begun to try and use his hands to crawl away. “I said go!” Tai yelled as she kneed him in his stomach. Blain could be heard grouping in pain he flew off and hit the stairs, the proceeding to slide down slowly. As Blaine reached the bottom, his body feeling trampled and wrecked, he opening his eyes to see a terrible creature. It seemed a blur, but was real, all Blaine could feel was fear, it ran up his spine. Blaine felt his lungs scream, but he heard no noise.

“Mother!!!” Blaine voiced.

“Mmm? You want your mommy?” Blaine heard faintly. “Are you okay?” The voice grew softer. Blaine began to open his eyes. He saw Tai’s illustrious face. Almost as loving as a mother’s. “Kid? Child. Blaine.”

“I’m not a kid; I’m older than I look.” Blaine tried to shrug.

“I think the paint is getting to you; you should rest.” Tai said. She appeared to be holding him in her arms. Blaine had passed out on the roof. Luckily, she had been on deck at the time. She laid him down on a soft bed. Blaine couldn’t even tell where he was. “Rest easy.”

Blaine grabbed on to her pants as she walked out. He noticed they were baggy, like work pants. He felt so out of it that the texture made him wonder. Tai sat down on the bed next him. “What's going on?” Blaine said feeling his breath drain away from him.

Silent Avera

Night Pirate Graphic Lemonade Maker
Apr 22, 2006
Somewhere only we know~
*_* A dragon charaacter, this has become my favorite chappie now (even though Range is not in it) - I love dragons! >w<

And that InnerGravi magic is wicked >;3

Nice acein, sorry it took so long for me to get here -_-
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