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Fanfiction ► Left Behind

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beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005
yea next Ch, Mickey's gonna piss off Riku...and yes Sora is Mr. Point-Out-the-Obvious-A-Lot. for some reason, i like writing him as someone who is partially retarded:D. you think he would remember Riku's voice.....oh well.


beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005
srry i haven't posted in a while....i've been busy. Anyaway, here's Chapter 3.

Chapter 3: Everyone Has Their Secrets…

[3rd person]

Sora, followed by Naminé, Hakumei, and Riku walked slowly into the throne room of Disney Castle. Everyone except Riku looked around in wonder at the white marble walls and the crimson tapestries that hung from the ceiling. A long red and black carpet ran from the door to a large gold throne at the end of the room. Sora smiled as he saw the King on the throne, with his friends Donald and Goofy standing at King Mickey’s side.

“Sora!” Donald and Goofy cried out in unison. Mickey nodded and Donald and Goofy ran to greet their friend. Sora jumped and they exchanged greetings. Naminé looked back at Riku, only to find his head turned to the side, looking away from Sora’s reunion and the King.

“So, Sora. What brings you to the castle?” Mickey asked from his throne. The small group walked up closer to the throne as Mickey asked the question.

“Your Majesty…” Sora began.

“Please, please. Call me Mickey.” The King interrupted and laughed.

“No problem Your- I mean, Mickey.” Sora said, smiling. Hakumei and Naminé felt pretty awkward standing in front of His Majesty. Hakumei shuffled his feet, staring at the floor; while Naminé looked back at Riku, to see him standing directly behind her and Hakumei, as if he was trying his best to not be seen.

“You see, the world, Twilight Town….it was umm….” Sora tried his best to find the right words.

“Destroyed? I know.” Mickey replied gravely. Sora was taken aback, and the expression on his face showed it. “When you’re King, you find out things like that pretty quickly.” Mickey explained when he saw Sora’s face. “And I also know how it was destro-” Mickey stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Hakumei and Naminé.

“Who are they?” Mickey inquired.

“Oh, this is Hakumei and Naminé.” Sora replied He decided not to mention that Riku was directly behind them. He could tell Riku was already uncomfortable around here, and he didn’t want to make Riku more stressed out.

“I see, it’s nice to meet you.” Mickey said, nodding. He leaned to the left a little and smiled when he noticed Riku. “I thought I saw something there. Riku? Is that you?” Mickey asked. Riku sighed and walked up next to Sora, pulling down his hood on the way. “I haven’t seen you in so long! How have you been?” Mickey asked. Sora wasn’t sure if he sensed a bit of sarcasm in that question. He was surprised that Mickey didn’t ask about Riku’s blindfold, though.

“Fine.” Riku replied simply. Silence followed his answer.

Geez, I could cut the tension in this room with the Keyblade….hehe Sora thought, and smiled.

“So, Mickey, what were you saying before?” Sora broke the silence.

“Oh, yes, yes; Twilight Town. It was indeed destroyed by the Heartless.” The King responded.

“There was different Heartless there too… they were stronger then the ones-”

“Neo Shadows.” Riku interrupted Sora’s explanation.

“I see. Well, as I think you know, the Heartless were brought to Twilight Town.” Mickey said.

“Well, yes…we don’t know who did it though…” Sora replied, scratching the back of his head in the process.

“Well, I do.” Mickey replied. Sora looked up at Mickey expectantly. “The person who destroyed Twilight Town is actually in this room.” Mickey continued. Hakumei and Naminé looked around and Sora had a look of puzzlement on his face. Riku’s face, on the other hand, was expressionless.

“Umm…..I don’t see anyone….” Sora whispered. Mickey sighed.

“I’m obviously not making myself clear enough. The person who brought the Heartless to Twilight Town is in this room, and this person is standing right in front of me.” As he said this, he looked at the person standing in front of him; his eyes fell upon Riku. The rest of the group looked at him and the room became silent.

“Me?” Riku asked in disbelief.

“Yes, you, Riku.” Mickey replied evenly. Sora’s eyes widened for a moment. His mind reeled. Riku?! Destroy Twilight Town? No way…that’s not possible!....is it? Doubts flew threw his head as the silenced continued. Naminé grabbed Hakumei’s hand and gripped it tightly in hers.

“Let me make sure I’m hearing this correctly. Are you suggesting that I destroyed Twilight Town?” Riku asked as evenly as he could; but Sora could sense his voice falter slightly, or was it deeper than that?

“I’m not suggesting it; I’m stating it as a fact.” Mickey replied, nodding.

“You can’t be serious!” Riku retorted, his voice rising. “I didn’t destroy that world! The Heartless did!”

“And who brought the Heartless here? You.” Mickey responded.

“I can’t believe you would think that! You never did trust me! That’s why I left you in Kingdom Hearts! We didn’t get separated; I wasn’t kidnapped; I ditched you! You always felt that I never left the darkness! I always felt that you were keeping an eye on me; that you would become tense when I walked in the room! You always thought that I would just stab you when you weren’t looking! And when I tried to tell you that I rejected the darkness, you would keep and even CLOSER eye on me! So, I ditched you!” Riku snapped. Sora could see that his hands were clenched into fists and his knuckles were white. Mickey seemed partially taken aback by Riku’s explanation.

“You are right; I did keep my eye on you.” Mickey replied calmly.

“I knew it! You ignorant mouse! Why-” Riku began before he was interrupted by Goofy.

“Hey! Don’t talk to the King like that!” He interrupted.

“Shut it!” Riku snapped and turned to face Goofy. Sora felt an odd force and suddenly, Goofy grabbed his mouth, trying to pry it open.

“What are you doing, you big palooka?!” Donald asked impatiently. Goofy just made some humming sounds, and continued to try to open his snout. Sora looked at Goofy in shock and confusion, and then turned his glance to Riku; he was grinning.

Mickey stood up, “Riku! Let him go!” Riku turned abruptly, and Goofy’s mouth opened instantly. There was a deadly silence as Mickey stared at Riku, and Sora assumed that Riku was staring back. So many thoughts were running through his head. Riku and Mickey began to argue, again; and Naminé was now crying on Hakumei’s shoulder. Sora was a little puzzled at Naminé’s tears. Why is she crying? Yeah, this is stressful, but it’s not enough to cry over….is it? He thought as he watched her mutter something to Hakumei. Riku and Mickey’s argument had heated up to the point where both of them were yelling at each other. Sora didn’t know what to do. He was starting to get a headache, with Naminé crying, Hakumei trying his best to comfort her, and Mickey and Riku arguing. Before Sora could think of anything to do, he felt his fist collide with the side of Riku’s face.

Silence filled the room as Riku fell to the floor with a thump that echoed throughout the room. Sora’s eyes widened as he realized what he had just done. Naminé had stopped crying and was staring with her mouth partially open. Even Mickey seemed taken aback at Sora’s action. Riku rolled over onto his back and stared at Sora for a couple of seconds; obviously shocked as well.

“Fine, I can see I’m not wanted here. I never thought I was anyway.” Riku said calmly as he got up and wiped his cloak. He turned and walked towards the doors of the throne room.

“Riku! Wait!” Sora called after him. But Riku just continued walking until he was out the door. Sora began to run to the door, until Mickey stopped him.

“Sora, I need to tell you something important first…” Mickey said. Sora stopped and turned around to face the King.

“But…..Riku…..” He replied.

“I’ll go and see if he’s ok!” Naminé blurted out. Everyone turned to face her in surprise. She hadn’t said a word since they had walked in the castle.

“Umm……ok” Sora replied hesitantly. Naminé nodded and ran through the door that Riku had just passed through.


Naminé walked around through the castle, trying to find her way out. Great….I’m lost… she thought as she walked through the white halls. She heard something coming down the halls, and hoped that it would be Riku. But she sighed when she saw some of the brooms walking around the corner. She wondered if they would take her outside.

“Excuse me….” She said quietly. One of the brooms stopped walking and faced her. She decided to continue, “I was wondering, could you umm…..could you take me to the Keyblade Master’s gummi ship, outside?” She asked slowly. The broom bowed and started walking in the opposite direction. She chose to follow the broom, and as she walked behind it, she saw plenty of other brooms walking through the halls. She came to the conclusion that these must be the workers of the castle. I wonder how the King got these brooms to move around she thought as she walked.

The broom led her to the entrance doors and bowed again before leaving. She nodded and walked through the door. The gummi ship was positioned a couple of yards away; and as Naminé walked towards it, she saw through the windows that the lights were off. She wondered if Riku was even in there, but she decided to check anyway. Naminé walked up to the door of the ship and opened it, to find the inside dark. She walked in slowly, a small barb of fear forming in her heart.

“…….hello?” She said quietly. She walked to the middle of the room and looked around. There was no sign of anyone being here. She suddenly heard the door to the back cabin open up and she yelped in fright. She turned to face the door and sighed in relief as Riku’s head peeked out through the door.

“Naminé?” He asked. “What are you doing here?” She just stared at him. His whole head was soaking wet, but that’s not what she was staring at. Riku wasn’t wearing his blindfold. She had not seen his blinded eyes before. His head turned to her and all she could do was stare into his eyes. They used to be an aqua blue, but now they seemed to have lost their color, and turned to an ice blue. The pupils seemed to have a film over them, making them look a light grey. Naminé thought she saw a yellow tinge to the iris, too. They didn’t move; they didn’t blink. She stared at his eyes in partial fear. Something about them scared her, but she couldn’t place it. “What? Am I scaring you that much?” Riku said, grinning.

How did he know that I am afraid? Can he read my mind? As that thought passed through Naminé’s head, she immediately cleared her mind.

“Are you ok?” Riku asked.

NO! You’re scaring me witless! Naminé screamed in her head. “I’m fine….just fine.” She said instead. She knew that he thought she was lying. She immediately changed the subject. “What did you do? Stuff your head in the sink?”

He smiled. “More or less, yeah. I really just sprayed my head with the hose outside; I thought it would take my mind off things…” He answered. She couldn’t help but giggle. But she immediately stopped when she met his eyes again. He sighed, and flipped the light switch, lighting up the room. Her eyes followed him as he walked. “Sorry if I’m freaking you out.” He said calmly after he flipped the switch.

“Don’t be sorry. It’s nothing.” She said and looked away.

“It’s my eyes, isn’t it?” He asked quietly. She nodded slowly. “I usually leave my blindfold on, but I didn’t want it to get wet, and I thought I was going to be alone for a while.” He added. Naminé only nodded again.

“Do you…do you want to be able to see again?” She asked hesitantly. Riku seemed a little taken aback at this question.

“Yeah, I guess. But I’m used to it by now. Why?” He replied suspiciously.

“Because…. I can give you your sight back.” She said slowly. Riku’s eyes seemed to widen at this.

“How?” He replied as evenly as he could.

“It’s a long story…” She said.

“Well, we seem to have time.” Riku replied, smiling. Naminé sighed, and then began.

“I haven’t been very truthful with all of you. I’m a….a witch. I’ve had these powers since I was little. But I never told anyone because people believe that my powers are dark. I am of darkness, but I want to follow the light. When you found me, I felt that you were the same. I could feel the darkness in you….but I knew you weren’t evil. There was never anyone who was like me. I never knew anyone that was the same. Hakumei didn’t even know about my powers. But like I was saying, I can heal your eyes. But if you don’t want me to, I understand…” She finished with a sigh. Riku was speechless. Naminé a witch? He never would have guessed. But she knew what he was going through. He was of the darkness, but his will followed the light. Finally, he found someone who understood him.

“If you could, I mean, you would do that for me?” He said, his voice trembling slightly. She nodded, and gestured for him to come closer. He walked up to her and she immediately wrapped her arms around his waist. He was a little shocked at this but didn’t move.

“I just want to warn you, it might sting a little bit.” She said her head on his chest. He merely nodded at her warning. Naminé closed her eyes and focused on Riku’s life energy. She felt it and grabbed it with her mind; Riku felt an odd tingling sensation. She took the energy and diverted it to his eyes to heal them. She let go of his energy as it healed them. She opened her own eyes and felt him wince. She looked up at Riku and saw his eyes were closed. “Riku?” Naminé said and poked him on the shoulder. She backed up a little and he rubbed his eyes with his hands. He opened them slowly and blinked repeatedly. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Naminé looked at his eyes to find them no longer ice-blue. They had now turned back to their normal aqua blue, and his pupils were clear. She smiled and he looked around.

“I can see…..hmm….. I thought this ship was bigger.” He said, and Naminé giggled. “I don’t know how I could thank you.” He continued and scratched the back of his head.

“There is one thing you could do for me.” She replied. “Don’t tell anyone about my powers. I would rather keep it between us. Please?” He smiled and nodded. “Thank you so much!” She jumped for joy and ran to hug him. Once more, Riku was a little shocked but he stayed in place as she hugged him. He blushed slightly, but she didn’t seem to notice. “I’m glad I found someone who understands what I’m going through.” She said and sighed. Riku only nodded, and smiled. He was glad that he found someone too.



New member
Jun 24, 2005
In a state between obsessive compulsive impulses a
I've been pondering the whole "Hakumei sounds girlish thing," and the only thing that comes to mind as a huge change in plot with that is if he just came out said somthing about how he's actually a girl and how he/she was madly in love with Sora, Riku, and/or Namine. But that seems just a bit too obvious yet strange so I'm putting that out of the whole picture.

Knowing your dreams, DR, someones going to get eaten by a giant potato or something. Maximus will probably pop up somewhere and get killed. -.-;;

But the story's progressing nicely, though I think you're putting plot events to closely together. I mean, his eyes got healed far too quickly in my opinion. Eh, I'll keep literary critiques for later, though.


beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005

i named HIM that for a reason.....i'll give u a hint....his name is Japanese.

and no one is gonna get eaten by a potato.... but that would be funny......


New member
Jun 24, 2005
In a state between obsessive compulsive impulses a
Ah well, I was looking forward to the giant potato. What can I say? I got used to your dreams. Yet you haven't said anything about Maximus getting killed. I mean, that's always been a staple of most of your dreams. I still think you'll put him in at the very end and kill him.

Speaking of Maximus, has he been on recently? Really, do either of you even check your e-mails? I've sent you one and Maximus a couple...No reply, too. I feel so alone.


VERY VERY good so far... UPDATE!!!!!! >_<;

I loathe anticipation... >_<;


beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005
thank you! :D

srry i haven't been updating...i've been kinda busy with stuff.....but im doing my best to finish up the next Ch! i will update as soon as i can!


beginning and end
Jun 22, 2005
im almost done with the next Chapter, just putting the finishing touches.

oh and also, a few friends of mine will make appearences in the story.
most of them know who they are *cough**cough*Kairikitten and maximus*cough**cough*, but that's later in the story..... not the next Chapter :D
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