Of all days to be inside dashing about over paperwork. Sighing softly the male looked across the papers littering the large oval desk. Oh how horrible being in charge could be. Glancing to the clock warily Riku jerked in shock. He had been present in the room for three hours. Three long hours of sorting through threats, suggestions, and propositions that were to be forwarded to the King.
"I give up today..."
Voice soft and weary the sixteen-year-old stood, chair scratching the floor with a hissing noise. This surprised him, causing the sleep to disappear from his eyes momentarily. Soon it returned however, hands draping and clamping behind his back. Riku pushed the door open, eyes scanning up and down the large hall. First he caught sight of the King discussing business no doubt with a man a bit taller than himself.
'Always busy...'
He thought this to himself, slipping through the door with no noise. Next, further down the hall, the disappearance of a patch of brown hair intrigued him. What was the Prince playing at? Honestly not letting someone know where he was going, or better yet not taking someone with him.
Passing the King he nodded softly, muttering a small 'Good Day' and 'Excuse me' while doing so. Flashing a small smile the man that had been speaking with the King, Riku avoided eyes he didn't want to be halted in his new task. Rounding the corner abruptly the silver headed male stopped, pale eyes gracing the form of the boy.
"Looking for anything in particular?"
Stepping forwards he stopped short beside Sora, eyes fixed ahead and on the rows of hedges outlining the small garden. Finally he looked to the younger boy, smiling softly.
"Or perhaps it is that your room has actually gotten boring after all this time?"
This escaped in a question, features reassuring this fact.
Pang, Pang, Pang. The sound of metal being beaten escaped through the open shed facing a street. Such a busy day it was indeed. Eyes narrowing the female glared at the crop of Horseshoes she had been making. Honestly...Horseshoes! Her work diminished to furnishing the feet of animals!
Shoving the reddened piece of ore into a bucket of water it cooled instantly, steam rising from the bucket. Tossing it to the ever-growing pile to her left Aya growled. Horseshoes!
Grabbing yet another piece of the metal she shoved it into the open fire, waiting as it heated. It was then her eyes shifted about, catching the color of the sky. It was cloudy - rainy looking today. Much like most days actually in this town - more or less this Kingdom. A deafening crack caused her to jerk back to reality and remove the shoe in progress from the fire. Small hand grasping the hammer the loud sound of Panging began once more.
She had to admit, she couldn't think about anything but the task at hand with this noise. Maybe that was why she took up this profession? She herself was still unsure.
"Well...I suppose Horses have to have shoes just like everyone else..."
Now she was beginning to think of the advantage of this job...she liked animals after all; no need to complain.
Maybe it was the fact it was the same task over and over and over again. Or maybe not. She had done a task repetitively many times before...so maybe it was just today. Placing the shoe into the bucket she let it cool before placing it with it's brothers. After this Aya paused, stepping to the edge of the shed and looking to the sky once more...maybe it was just the day. Wiping her brow the black headed female turned, sashaying to a chair and sinking into it.
Plenty of things to look over, orders to organize.