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Kingdom Hearts II: Reverse

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Feb 23, 2006
Kingdom Hearts II:
Okay...imagine Kingdom Hearts Two, twisted. For example: Roxas, is still his original cold hearted self. Castle Oblivion...turned out different. Sora's still asleep, but the Orginization XIII, has it's ranks full. In fact, aside from the thirteen, new members have joined. Three, hidden in the shadows, above Xemnas. Several more, in lower ranks.

As for the keybladers, after Ansem's defeat, keybladers started to appear, everywhere. Believed to be a result of Kingdom Heart's short time of being open, Keybladers, both light and dark, are now appearing.​

So...RUles: Standard roleplaying Forum rules.
PLEASE do not make a template if you're going to abandon this rp, before it starts, or shortly after. Try to post at least once a week. Put: "Reverse, Rebirth" over your template, or you will not be accepted.
You can be an existing charector, or make your own.
Required: Sora, Roxas (That's me) Namine, Kairi, Axel, Riku. We also need more orginazation mambers, as well as 1-3 members above Xemnas.

Age: (14-19)
Drive forms:
Extra stuff:

I'm Roxas, I'll post my template after someone joins.
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Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
Reverse, Rebirth

Name: Braxyn

Title: The Twilight Wielder

Age: 26 (that should be an okay age for the Organization)

Gender: Male

Rank: #1, the true Superior of the Organization

Element: Twilight, but also a mixture of Light and Darkness.


Allumer: A long rod, made of the finest yew. It is blessed with the power of Light, and is capable of shooting forth powerful beams of it, which can hurt and blind enemies greatly. It is also a powerful melee weapon.

Mörker: A long and sharp spear, also made out of the finest yew. It is almost completely similar to Allumer, but has been blessed with the power of Darkness, and is capable of summoning Heartless and hurting people by cursing them with Darkness.

Penombra: A huge sword, made of dull silver. Combining the power of Mörker and Allumer, this is the ultimate weapon of Twilight. It can cut almost anything in two, and can reflect pretty much everything. Penombra can also shrink and grow bigger in different situations. It can form great and powerful Nobodies as well.

Appearance: Braxyn's face has never been seen by any members of the Organization. He wears the standard dark grey trench coat of the Organization, and is extremely muscular. He is also very tall, and probably taller than any other members.

Personality: Braxyn is very mysterious and hardly seen, but when he is found, he is cruel to everyone. No one has ever known his kindness, and no one knows if he ever had any.

Bio: Though Braxyn doesn't let on of his former self, there is some things known. He was the first one to figure out how to control Nobodies and Heartless, and he did it with great ease. They served at his every whim, and he soon planned to take over the various planets in the galaxy. But, unfortunately, he was betrayed by his own minions. The Heartless and Nobodies worked together to take his heart and rid him from the world.

Darkness took him away, into the nether. But, suddenly, he was reborn. He became a nobody, but retained his physical form. He knew what had happened, and found others who experienced the same effects. He banned them together, to form a great Organization, which would continue to get members and grow, and eventually take over the universe. The others had a lust for power like Braxyn, which he used to his advantage.

But the rest of the Organization wanted something else, as well: a heart. Braxyn knew where his heart was, and he followed it. It was in the hand of a Heartless: A Darkside. They fought for the great heart, for many days, both extremely stubborn. Braxyn won, and took his heart. It came back into him, but nothing happened. About a month later, he noticed that he could control Darkness and Light, besides Twilight. He was able to manipulate them to his will, and it made him all-powerful. He did not let on that he had found his heart and not turned back into his original self to the rest of the Organization, for they would disband and leave him alone. So very alone.
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~{Mindless Insanity}~

When all else fails!
May 29, 2006
In a nameless city deluged by continuous rain...wh
"Reverse, Rebirth





element:Anti(Everything you are is made not true, and everything you aren't is made true)


Dark Pistol
A pistol that is as dark as the night itsself. It has a seemingly endless suply of bullets and can not be destroyed. It does not take any energy to summon unless you are going to turn it into a blade, which is very powerful but he doesn't do often because it takes up so much energy. It also has a very sharp point above the end of the of the barrel, extenting a little bit out.

Knives of the Krous's
Knives that he found one day when he was searching through his parents attic. They are eqipped to him right away and don't have to be summoned. These blades make you faster and like a ninja. Wich is why Mesisea always moves so fast in battle.

Sword of the Krous's
A sword he found when his house was burned down and desecrated to make more room for building manegmants. He picked up the sword swearing that he would take his revege on all of the things in the worlds that are living. It is summoned since It was there not for real but through someone talking to him to revenge them. It makes him a little bit slower but so powerful that it is best to use magic when fighting him.

Apperance:He has hazel eyes, one of the only traits that he kept. His face developed a cruel look that people(even in the organization)are kinda scared of his presence(except for Xigbar and the superior who isn't afraid of any of the members)he has pitch black medium hair that goes down to his neck and he is 6.1 feet tall. He wears a regular organization coat.

Personality:Is very cold around most people. He treats them like they never exsited and if smoething pisses him off he'll try to hurt them in anyway possible. He has lots of mixed emotions, for someone with no heart. Sometimes he thinks about the quisetion that maybe that they don't have hearts, because they say and think they don't, and maybe they are non-excistent because thay are denying the fact that they are real. But he is mostly(except towards Xigbar who he is okay with)cold and brutaly.

Bio:Born on December something, he can't remeber the date. His originaly name was Mesisea Krous and was considered to be one of the richest familys in Twilight Town. They lived ina expansive house that no one else could ever but very close to the clock tower. He lived a happy live with his mom and dad and brother Janstilla. But one day something horribley wrong went wrong. Something that would change his view of live for ever.

He was forced to watch as his family was killed by some murderers. He just stood ther in horror as one of them held him by the shoulder, laughing at what they were doing. Mesisea wasn't killed for unknown reasons. He was left in the mansion alone.

He was put in a orphanege and was kept there for a year unitl he was thriteen and he watched his house get burned down by some workermen. Mesisea walked into the ashs of the house and saw a glowing sword. It was what would start his journey to become a nobody.

He slaughtered all of the chiledren at the orphange, along with the people that ran it. After that act he killed a family, but, it never became known through the world. Soon after commiting these teribble acts he did he had lost his heart, but his was so storng that he became a nobody, that was able to retain his human form.

After that he joined the organization and joined there ranks. But fought up to the rank of number two in it. He likes the idea that he is number two and therefore can order most members around but feels out of place among them. He is the youngest, except for Zexion who is a year younger them him, an feels like they only have him is because of that he is terrific at fighting, a storng member. He feels like he is only needed, for a use of...a him being a weapon.

Edit:Ummmm, Prince Riku. I said I was a strong memeber. Look again. And the Anti element. Does it really matter. This isn't supposed to be real life, hell, should I just put matter as my element. Would that make you feel better oh person who didn't create this rp
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Prince Riku

New member
Nov 8, 2005
Across The Valley Of No Where..By The Mountain Of
*Cough cough.*Yeah umm..theannoyingthing you cant be the strongest member of the Organization with out proof of fighting everyone.Plus, Anti isnt an element.It is more of a matter.A matter that does things to the human body causing it to shift up and change.

Reverse Birth

Name:Sky Ortiz
Ten Commandments-A silver broad sword of many forms.The sword is extremely light for Sky yet heavy for others.Only certain forms add weight to the sword.
Drive forms:
Rage-Rage is just a burst of power in which Ten Commandments becomes Malfur, the wind blade allowing him to move extremely fast.
Primal-Being a half wolf demon, his body is completely control by his human side.But when in Primal is wolf side takes over.Allowing him double the speed and attack.
Mar-One of the acients souls held inside his body.Mar is more of a nice guy but when he must, he can kill with just hands.He also knowns many magic spells.
Dark-The other soul held inside Sky.Dark is more of a weaponry type of guy ranging for guns to swords.
Appearance:-Sig just no wings.-
Personality:Usually calm and care-free.But when in some fights he gets tough and cocky.
Bio:A man of not so many words.He died in a fight with the heartless and Nobodies a few years back.But for some reason he was brought back.The lady, Athar, which brought him back said he was needed for something.There he got his weapon.He also lost part of him self.Being somewhat of a nice person, when dieing something left his body.A nobody.The nobody was named Xit and is mortal enemies with Sky.
Extra stuff:Sky carries a black bunny on his shoulder which uses his magic.


Name:Xit The Dream Eater
Dream Eater-The complete opposite of the Ten Commandments.This sword has everything the TCM has and more.But He dosent use it much.The more Xit uses it the more it eats away at the soul of Sky.With out Sky alive, Xit can not live.
Drive forms:
Primal-Being a half wolf demon, his body is completely control by his human side.But when in Primal is wolf side takes over.Allowing him double the speed and attack.
Appearance:Hasnt really been seen.He is somewhat new the ranks.
Personality:Care free and calm.
Bio:...Only thing known is thet he contain emense power, and is from Sky.
Extra stuff:
Athar once met Xit, but Xit is no normal Unknown.He was a legend.Upon the souls held up inside Sky, Xit is his own."A white bunny sits upon the shoulder of a man in black.Come forth and unleash your power upon the world.Crush it, and bring it back from its ashes as your own."Was the legend.

Black Fighter

New member
Jul 18, 2006
At the door to Kingdom Hearts!
(I agree with what Prince Riku said)

Reverse, Rebirth

Name: Xallen

Title:The Heartless Manipulator

Number: 3

Element: Heart

Appearence: Xallen's face is usually concealed by the darkness of his traditional Organization cloak. However, underneath his hood hides neck length silver hair, dull yet smooth as it hangs motionlessly over his forehead. His blank white eyes are sharp and full of superiority, yet still no trace of arrogance or overconfidence is seen within them. His skin is average, not pale nor tan, and his lips seem to reflect his calm and empty personality, never smirking with pride, or frowning with dissapointment.

Personality: Xallen personality is strange. Usually he his calm and moodless, a constant reminder that he utterly lacks a heart. However, when it comes to fighting, his personality is ranged, emotions seeming to almost come willingly instead of being forced and faked. At times he seems to hunger, not for food, but for a heart, and can be completely unreasonable and irrational when he does. Because of Xallen's unique abilites regarding his element, he his constantly reminded what it feels like to have a heart, and when it fades, his hunger to truly aquire one grows even more.

Bio:Xallen has little memory of being a somebody, but his craving to be one is extreme. He hated the day he became a Nobody, and holds the same attitude towards his life as one. The emotions that came so easily before were now forever lost to him, and this realization developed his ever growing hunger to obtain a heart, to be able to feel emotion again. . His hunger and rage are supreme to all others, and his power is feared amongst the other empty ones, and in rumors that have slipped out. He thinks low of the inabitants of the worlds, and believes their only use is to fill their hearts with rage, and allow them to be easily collected to form Kingdom Hearts.
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serious at least all of the time
Apr 12, 2005
I'll be Namine =]

I'm not sure if I need a template, but I'll post one just in case x.x.

Reverse, Rebirth
Name: Namine
Age: (14-19)15
Gender: Female
Weapons: No weapons...just a pencil and sketch book
Drive forms: none
Appearance: i'll post a pic in a sec...
Personality: Good natured, Namine is a bit of a loner, but kind to those around her.
Bio: (from wikipedia...x.x)

A mysterious young girl, Naminé has the ability to change memories by rearranging them and creating new links between them. Her ability derives from her unique birth. Because of her unusual powers, both DiZ, agents of the Organization and herself refer to Naminé as a witch.

She was forced by Marluxia to rearrange Sora's memories after he loses them upon entering Castle Oblivion. Being passive and timid, she takes the abuse Marluxia and Larxene heap upon her. After meeting Sora, Naminé appears to become less timid and afraid, seeming more willing to act upon what she believes is right.
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New member
Jan 24, 2006
At home
Reverse Rebirth


Name: Kairi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Weapons: Keyblade

Drive forms:

Guard -

It's almost like an entire sheild surrounds Kairi.


She has red hair that goes down a little past her shoulders and blue eyes. Most of the time, Kairi wears a pink, white, and black dress with white shoes.


She's kind and caring, but not afraid to stand up for her or her friends. Even though sometimes Kairi might hold back, she's brave. She's also a little talkative and bubbly, but is serious when she needs to be.


As far back as she can remember, she's lived on Destiny Islands. She knew that she came from Hollow Bastion, but she really can't remember it.

After many things happened and she was seperated from her two best friends, Sora and Riku, she decided to wait on the island -- but not for long.

All of a sudden, she received a Keyblade. She decided that with this Keyblade, she would search the worlds for her two friends.

Extra stuff:

I'll finish my template in a second or tomorrow, if that is alright with you, okay?


Okay, I've got most of it, but I'll add the details and Drive Forms tomorrow as I don't have much time.


I think I've got all of my template. I'll put more up if I can think of anything else.
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Feb 23, 2006
Woah...Thanks for joining, everyone!

Because I have to follow my own rules: Reverse Rebirth


Name: Roxas

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Number: XIII

Weapons: Keyblades (Mostly uses Oathkeeper, Oblivion, and the Kingdom Key)

Drive forms:
Chaos: All black, like Anti. Very powerful, allowing full use of the darkness.
Valor+: Red clothes. Resembels Sora's, has more power, and causes Roxas to lost all controll.
Wisdom+: Blue clothes, can float and allows dark magic to shoot from the keyblade like bullets.
Final/Death: Depends on Roxas' mood...If he's angry, you get Death, causing black colthes, with white markings. The keyblades fuse into a sort of sythe, like Marluxia's. If he's actually fighting for someone, or a good cause, white cloths, black markings, free floating keyblades, and enormous power.



Personality: Sense this is the original Roxas, cold hearted, cruel...and is searching for the reason he exists. (As in...ummm...why he has the keyblade and stuff) He doesn't seem to value his life.

Bio: (Same as most of what I just typed, I'll revel more later, in the rp)

Extra stuff: Theme song: Simple and CLean, Rock Remix
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Souretsu Gear

Nostalgia Tripping
Jan 15, 2005
Reverse, Rebirth



Age: 15


-Twilight's edge:Just a giant sword that is very light to wield only to those who know how to heavyblade

-Twin Fangs of the void: These twin blades are no ordinary weapons. It throws away all emotions besides rage. It will give the user a heartless personality.

Drive forms:
--Epitaph form-a form granting Kaito to use his scythe with great skill. Heavy gold-black armor will appear on him and he is heavily defensed.

--Wave form-A form which uses duel-wield heavy blades(you can say somewhat valor) and can be devastating when preforming the ability Kuroi tenshou.

-[Wave 2-second part of Wave form. A bit stronger but lowers in speed just to higher retaliation
-[Final Wave-strongest form of the wave

--Breakwater-This form mostly depends on Kaito's speed. The weapons he can use is are only the twin fangs.


Personality:He is a lighthearted, carefree, outgoing kind of person. He always love to turn his problems into somewhat "Games" that interests him. Although he seems lighthearted, inside he has a pented up grudge against the heartless. He is not the kind of person to get mad more or less. He is very upbeat and courages and tactical.

Bio:Sometime when he was young, his parents seemed to disappear. He did have a sister but she left. Later on in life, he has been doing odd jobs to earn a living just to get some food. Life has been rough since he had no friends. Whenever he tries to talk to someone, they always walk away. The only time people are in contact with him was during competitions. He had no friends until then. A girl named Hakuto walked up to him and greeted Kaito with a fullheart. She became friends with him and told him stories of the worlds. When it was time she left only leaving Kaito a note with nothing on it. Up until now, he is more outgoing kind of person ever since he met her and hopes to meet her again.

Extra stuff:
--Kuroi tenshou(Dark Skyshock)~A dark energy projectile attack. It always curves towards the side. Mid-ranged.

still somemore to come.......I think.
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Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
OCC: Erm, could we start soon? Also, twilight_dragon, that "ALL DELETE" ability is a bit godmodding... could you change it perhaps? And Black Fighter needs to change his rank, because #3 is already taken by theannoyingthing.


Feb 23, 2006
OoC: We'll start as soon as we get the other required people. (Axel, Sora, Riku) I dissagger with some of the things that have been said. Anti is a valid element in my opinion. Please, if it's not godmodding, don't....worry about stuff like that.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
In the ghetto… seriously.
((Can I please join?))

“Reverse Rebirth”

Name: Axel
Age: ?
Gender: male

Two red and white chakrams
The ability to wield the element of fire

(I decided to describe him)
Axel is a rather thin man with an hourglass shaped figure. His emerald eyes are surrounded by a dark line, along with two dark markings below them, his long spiked red hair which sticks out, his skin glows with what seems to be a light tan. His normal dress consists of: long black hooded leather coat adorned with several metallic ornaments, and black boots.

Axel is a fiery, cunning, alluring man with a cutting, sarcastic, menacing and somehow witty persona. For such a conniving man he formed a friendship with another organization member. But when the time comes his behavior changes into, menacing, and malevolent, he will do what ever it takes to get what he wants, no matter who he hurts.

((From Wikipedia))
((From what I can remember))
Axel is the number eight member of the organization. He had formed a relationship with another organization member.
I’ll probably add more stuff as the story progresses since the whole storyline has changed.


Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
Age: (14-19)17
Drive forms:None
Appearance:Long silvery white hair that stops in the middle of his sholder blades(You all know how his clothes look,I can't really describe them.)
Personality:Tends to judge himself far too harshly due to his past but always comes through for his friends. He can be a bit harsh but he almost always means well.
Bio:Born and raised on the Destiny Islands he was taken by the darkness to realize his dreams. He later realized that after he was separated from his friends that Kairi has lost her heart and searched for it in his own distinct way with the aid of the Darkness. He then became controled by the Heartless of Xehenort who called himself Ansem. He was later locked in Kingdom Hearts with King Mickey and found a way out into the worl of the Nobodies. He fought a man named Roxas as a resort to awaken Sora but all was in vain since he was defeated.
Extra stuff:Abilities: Dark Aura( A rapid shot of dark energy)
Dark Shield( A shield made of Dark energy)

Doctor Manhattan

Right Click, Save As
Dec 5, 2005
San Diego, California
OOC:you know,roxas wasn't bad,he was just not his nice self to his enemies,but hey,who is?
"reverse rebirth"
Name:Arox Hikaru
Codename:Master of Destiny
Weapons:two chakrams,one gold and one silver
Organization element:Time(with limited ability's to be explained/gained in the story)

Personality:Arox is laid back,cocky,and lazy,but he has his serious moments.He is very loyal,willing to die for his mission.Loves to pull jokes and pranks.
Bio:Arox joined the organization when he was eight after they discovered his powers.He is very lazy,always getting in trouble for not doing this,or not stopping the heartless from doing this.He has gained some friends in the Organization XIII,mainly Axel and Roxas.His powers are useful to the organization and to himself.The organization is his life,he dosent know what would happen without them.
Extra stuff:All organization members,watch out.
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Aucune Raison

Apr 18, 2006
600 A.D.
OCC: You guys, try to look at other people's templates to make sure they didn't already take a rank. Mastersepiroth, #3 is already taken, please choose another rank.


Apr 30, 2005
Ultra-Tech Facilities
"Reverse, Rebirth"
OOC: You don't mind if I'm Sora.

Name: Sora
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Weapon: The standard Keyblade
Appearance: Sora
Drive forms- (click the names)
Valor: Combining his powers with Goofy, Sora is granted the ability to wield two keyblades. His speed increases as well as strength but doesn't use magic.
Wisdom: Combining his powers with Donald, Sora uses magic to defeat his enemies. Only relies on magic, not physical attacks.
Master: Combining with both Donald and Goofy, Sora is allowed to wield two Keyblades. Not only does he use physical attacks but he can also use magic to defeat his foes.
Final: Sora's ultimate and most powerful form. Though, it is not known how he receives this form, he uses his mind to control both of his Keyblades which float in his hands. He also uses devastating magic.
Anti: Another hidden form. In order for Sora to use this form, he must take a certain amount of hits from a Heartless. Once he is, he becomes a Heartless himself and uses his quick speed and brutal strength to take out his enemies.
Personality: Sora is very caring especially for his friends Riku and Kairi. Seeing how he matured over the years, he is mostly serious on his journey to find his friends as well as King Mickey. But aside from that, he is also easy to get along with.
Bio: Sora always went to Destiny Islands with his friends Riku and Kairi. But that soon changed when a storm had hit. After meeting Riku, who was suddendly taken away by darkness, he had a weapon in his hand. A weapon known as the Keyblade. Quickly, he made his way into the Secret Cave where he found Kairi. Once the door had opened, she was blown right into him but also seemed to disappear as well. When the island was on the verge of non-existence, Sora was confronted by a large beast called Darkside. The fight was tough but he manage to defeat the beast but was sucked into a portal that led him to a different world.

Waking up in Traverse Town, Sora met up with Donald and Goofy as well as Leon and the gang. That's where his journey began. Sora, Donald, and Goofy embarked on a long journey to many different worlds to seal all the Keyholes as well as stopping a man named Ansem while at the same time, find Riku, Kairi, and King Mickey. However, once they had reached Hollow Bastion, it was revealed that Riku was the original Keyblade wielder instead but wasn't anymore when he had given into the darkness. It was also revealed that Kairi's heart was in Sora the entire time along with Ansem taking over Riku. After a few battles, the three went to the End of the World where the final battle with Ansem took place. Defeating him, all the worlds returned to their normal state, which also meant that Destiny Islands returned as well. But Sora still had something to do. He saw Kairi, promising her that he would come to her one day before being seperated.

While walking through the plains at night, Sora was confronted by a man in a black cloak before being taken to Castle Oblivion. There, the man turned out to be Axel who told him that he had to use a special deck of cards. In these cards were Sora's memories and he was able to go back into them. After another long journey and defeating a few members of the Organization, Sora, Donald, and Goofy were placed in capsules where they were put to sleep. Now a year has past and the three have yet to awake.
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