GAHHHHH holy fuc!ing shi$...I'm gettin so po'ed of the lack of info!!!! The last freakin time we got a single scan was on the 26th. It's been 2 weeks already and still nothing...ahhhhh. Now memebers will be making stupid and random threads. Nomura where in the hell is the info!??? It's like he stopped workin on the games.....
...what if KH is nothing but a dream in Sora's or someone else's head?.
I'm sure that Sony's gonna make a lot money when it comes close to the release of the games, or even starting now. So this is gonna be a game where you can play as one of the three Chasers right? Cause it said on KHI that there would be three ...ugh i forgot the word.
I could have swore i read that it will be like CoM where u have to pick what u have to do, but instead of cards for it, instead you'll pick commands u want in ur command list before a battle and the will show up on ur command list