(sorry about posting even though I'm not an official helper, but I feel like helping =P)
I know how you feel with showing work!!!
Jeez... 8+ steps my but. Why do I have to waste my time when I could do it with 5 steps less, and only have those 2 other steps to remind me where I'm at if need be?
Anyways, just show the work. To me, showing work is like doing homework. I have to put up with it.
You want motivation? Start doing well and you get better grades, putting you in higher classes. Higher classes means more of a challenge. More of a challenge means you get more involved. More involvement means better grades. ad infintum.
Kind of like this:
my lack of motivation leads to bad grades, my bad grades lead to easy highschool classes, my easy highschool classes lead to an even greater lack of motivation, ad infinitum.
except you have to give it that umph to get it started.
As for homework, do it after school. Force yourself until you do it out of habit.
I find myself doing it at 5 in the morning because I have bad habbits. Try not to be like me; I won't learn my lesson until I find myself unable to do it in the morning anymore (I usually do the majority before bed though...).
School is a pain in the ass. You know it.
Spending time with friends (when you get the chance) does make it easier tho. Find more time to spend with friends.
Hope I've been helpful, somewhat.