ffs man, DiZ is twilight, he runs the org which is twilight too.
angel riku angel said:Wasn't the only reason Sora came back was becaused he sacrificed himself? everyone else that fell to the heartless were either attacked or went willingly.
To me, if the Org. were all shells, then that means that they must've been attacked/willingly went with the heartless...it happened to Riku right?
But then again, if Riku came back, he would have to be twilight...it would be impossible to go form darkness to light and have no thoughts of your past. I think the question is if Riku and Sora could come back, could Ansem - and is he the Red Enigma. But if this is true, then all the past enemies should be able to come back as well o.0 ouch, my head hurts...
yea u pretty much did except 4 1 thing and dats #4Nemesis said:Im gonna list the answers.. because i can lol
1. Sora came back because of Kairi's love for him. if Kairi wasn't there.. he would be gone.. that simple.
2. The Org seems like they are all shells because of somthing that Axel says in COM "We have no one to be.. yet we are" or somthing along those lines( the accutal quote is byond me at this moment) that sounds exactly like what Ansem report 13 says is a None existant one, or a shell, as they are really the same thing.
3.Just because Riku came back.. doesnt mean he is twilight. he was never taken by the heartless. It seems that the heartless will only take you if you think you cant be taken. When Riku gave his heart for power, the darkness gave him power, but didnt take him yet. It probably would have if Ansem didnt step in when he did.
4. Ansem being the Red Enigma(aka DIZ)? well.. it could be true... but the only real thing we have to prove it that i know of is the fact he has Ansem's eye. Im gonna go on a limb and say no.. but i could be wrong.
5. Not all the enemies are coming back.. mostly cause they opened their hearts to far.. Hades wasnt ever acctually taken(hes the only one) Jafar wasnt either.. he was turned into a Genie and beaten that way. Ogie Boogie? well.. i cant say i know why he is back... probably the fact that as long as people can be scared.. he will never truly go away. it takes a special heart to survive a plunge in the darkness..
and.. i think i hit them all.
RikuHeroOfDark said:yea u pretty much did except 4 1 thing and dats #4
diz is ansem den he isnt ansem
diz is ansems shell dat he los wen he plungd in2 darkness
diz look exactly like ansem except for he has all those red bandages on
diz is twilight as is ery shell
ansem=heart and diz=soul and body=shell
so intern as ery1 in CoM was sayin diz is ansem and den he isnt ansem
now my proof da ansem reports......wen mickey says he remembas diz (in kh ansem met mickey wen he was full heart and shell)........CoM..........kh1.......and da trailas
S King said:Well, if you think about it, the only Disney villians that Sora actually killed, is Maleficient (sp?)
Jafar - sealed in the lamp
Hades - you beat him in the Hades Cup but didn't destroy him
Oogie Boogie - he was cut to pieces, but a KH2 trailer shows him
Ursula (sp?) - dissapeared in the black cloud, but not confirmed to be dead
Captain Hook - you last see him swimming from that croc
And of course Maleficient - destroyed by Sora.
And we already know that Jafar, Hades and Oogie Boogie will be in KH2. "Who else?" I wonder.
Oathkeeper_Riku said:dude u all got no lives who really gives a shit?!?