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In BBS what did you think of this cutscene?

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New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
So in my PSP version of BBS (because I'm busy getting EVERYTHING for KHII) I looked back at my Trinity Archives in theater mode and looked at Aqua's story mode on the Castle of Dreams where the Duke or whatever he's called runs off saying Cinderella is in trouble. Aqua goes there only to find her on the ground almost about to be burned. Aqua covers her and then we go to Lady Tremaine and the stepsisters. She says, "This is what happens when you go against my wishes." (the pumpkin unversed that they create with their emotions throws a fire? Pumpkin in the air that ultimately falls on the ground where the villains are and all you see is flame coming upwards and hear their screaming as they burn. Aqua and Cinderella look almost in horror as they watch them burn. She tells her to leave as she fights the Cursed Coach (the boss unversed). After watching this I thought to myself, "Wow I can tell BBS is really dark compared to past games." This was my first impression when I first saw this cutscene, your thoughts/first impression when seeing this cutscene?


Flesh by mother, soul by father
Sep 22, 2009
My first thought was: "No Aqua, it wasn't their darkness that destroyed them, I'm pretty sure it was a bomb."

It terms of the story being darker, I still stand by what I've said in the past and I don't think BbS is significantly that much darker than its predecessors. It's just more "explicit". Almost all the KH games have some sort of terrible, horrible things going on in various degrees in the background, BbS was just the first to bring them to the forefront as much as it did. KH1 for instance kept a lot of its dubious on goings in the Ansem Reports and hinted at things without outright showing them. BbS just went ahead and showed you those things.


Feb 4, 2011
My first thought was: "No Aqua, it wasn't their darkness that destroyed them, I'm pretty sure it was a bomb."

It terms of the story being darker, I still stand by what I've said in the past and I don't think BbS is significantly that much darker than its predecessors. It's just more "explicit". Almost all the KH games have some sort of terrible, horrible things going on in various degrees in the background, BbS was just the first to bring them to the forefront as much as it did. KH1 for instance kept a lot of its dubious on goings in the Ansem Reports and hinted at things without outright showing them. BbS just went ahead and showed you those things.

Like when Braig plays with his Red Ryder Air Rifle- err, fights Terra. that was quite a bit more graphic than I expected. although tbh I didn't notice it my first playthrough, because they did a good job of making the blood look exactly like the Darkness attack, so I thought it was residual darkness from the attack the first time around.


New member
May 25, 2013
My first thought was: "No Aqua, it wasn't their darkness that destroyed them, I'm pretty sure it was a bomb."

It terms of the story being darker, I still stand by what I've said in the past and I don't think BbS is significantly that much darker than its predecessors. It's just more "explicit". Almost all the KH games have some sort of terrible, horrible things going on in various degrees in the background, BbS was just the first to bring them to the forefront as much as it did. KH1 for instance kept a lot of its dubious on goings in the Ansem Reports and hinted at things without outright showing them. BbS just went ahead and showed you those things.
Well sure. All the same, what defines a story are the parts of the world you shine a light on. Even most picturesque settings logically have plenty of sadness, if people live and die like in our world. What makes those settings picturesque is the fact that we never focus on that sadness.


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
Ah I see, you all make sense and I see your points, especially on the one where these dark things are hinted at rather than being shown. In a sense it's still just as dark but you don't see them. Yes BBS really did show you those things now that I think about it.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Dead in a gorge.
...It's just more "explicit". Almost all the KH games have some sort of terrible, horrible things going on in various degrees in the background, BbS was just the first to bring them to the forefront as much as it did. KH1 for instance kept a lot of its dubious on goings in the Ansem Reports and hinted at things without outright showing them. BbS just went ahead and showed you those things.

Its definitely much darker because it shows all of the torment the protagonists go through as it's happening. Not in conversations or readings, but right in your face. And seeing it happen leaves much less room for interpretation than the latter which cuts you a little deeper than other games.

It had been a good 4 years since I last played the game on its original console but replaying in the fm version was a little shocking.
I'd say it's one of the darkest games in the series, along with days.

IN terms of that particular cut scene, i thought it was good use of the disney villain to bring the boss about and still pay a little homage to the original cinderella story.
Except instead of being blinded they were incinerated but whatever.


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
Its definitely much darker because it shows all of the torment the protagonists go through as it's happening. Not in conversations or readings, but right in your face. And seeing it happen leaves much less room for interpretation than the latter which cuts you a little deeper than other games.

It had been a good 4 years since I last played the game on its original console but replaying in the fm version was a little shocking.
I'd say it's one of the darkest games in the series, along with days.

IN terms of that particular cut scene, i thought it was good use of the disney villain to bring the boss about and still pay a little homage to the original cinderella story.
Except instead of being blinded they were incinerated but whatever.

Yeah I agree that BBS is much dark in contrast to past installments for the fact that either 1.) darkness or evil wins this time in a sorrowful and dark way because Xehanort uses Terra as his new vessel for 10+ years, has Ventus in a deep sleep or coma for 10+ years, and has Aqua locked away remaining in the RoD for 10+ years and she sacrificed herself for only Terra only for Xehanort to use his new vessel to cause havoc upon the several worlds. Or 2.) No one wins, almost as if it's a tie because the forces of light are sealed for those ten+ years while the forces of Darkness, Vanitas was destroyed and Xehanort in Terra's body had his plan delayed for a long time. Take it like this, either darkness prevailed and we saw the fates of three youth damaged by the ambitions of Xehanort or no one won at all in the end. Still, that's pretty dark if you ask me.

Seeing the villains in the Castle of Dreams burn and hearing their screams left me like: :O
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New member
Nov 6, 2014
Sometimes Destiny Islands. other times Twilight to
Master_Aqua;6246097]Yeah I agree that BBS is much dark in contrast to past installments for the fact that either 1.) darkness or evil wins this time in a sorrowful and dark way because Xehanort uses Terra as his new vessel for 10+ years, has Ventus in a deep sleep or coma for 10+ years, and has Aqua locked away remaining in the RoD for 10+ years and she sacrificed herself for only Terra only for Xehanort to use his new vessel to cause havoc upon the several worlds. Or 2.) No one wins, almost as if it's a tie because the forces of light are sealed for those ten+ years while the forces of Darkness, Vanitas was destroyed and Xehanort in Terra's body had his plan delayed for a long time. Take it like this, either darkness prevailed and we saw the fates of three youth damaged by the ambitions of Xehanort or no one won at all in the end. Still, that's pretty dark if you ask me.

Seeing the villains in the Castle of Dreams burn and hearing their screams left me like: :O

I couldn't have said it better myself! I can't believe Aqua saved Xehanort so he could go and his horrible schemes! What were you thinking Aqua!?


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
Well tbh I was only trying to save Terra not Xehanort, I didn't know things like this would go down outside of my presence >_>. I only saw a friend, not a foe :|......
Lol but honestly I think she really only did that because she only saw Terra, her friend. She says, "The darkness can't have you!" Xehanort was already in darkness so I assume she was referring to saving Terra not Xehanort. I mean it's not like she would know Xehanort would cause such damage everywhere and even if she was fully aware that she was saving Xehanort, a dangerous man, I still think that she would save the possessed Terra because Terra was still there and if she didn't and only cared for herself, she'd look like a complete ***hole lol. I mean only thinking for herself is not an example of a true keyblade master like she was taught to be and she has proven she is a true master by putting others before herself. But I'm still going with the whole, "Terra is my friend and he's still there, I can't let him be engulfed by darkness!" thing.

But I understand what you were trying to say because her actions, even if she did it unknowingly, really did backfire in one of the worst possible ways :(. It had some serious consequences.

EDIT: Oh okay maybe I should've waited for you to finish :/ hehe.


New member
May 25, 2013
Terra seemed to be fighting back pretty well at the time. Aqua presumably assumed he'd be able to break free from Xehanort's control. And abandoning a friend isn't something you do lightly.


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
Terra seemed to be fighting back pretty well at the time. Aqua presumably assumed he'd be able to break free from Xehanort's control. And abandoning a friend isn't something you do lightly.

Yeah I agree with the peat that she thought he could break free since at the moment it seemed possible. And the part about abandoning a friend is something I was also trying to say that she wouldn't do it and put her friend before herself, as a keyblade master she was taught like that. Leaving Terra behind would make her look bad and would hurt her badly.

Face My Fears

She's not an "it"!
Apr 9, 2007
Well that was intense, but hearing Maleficent scream "hell" at Aqua or The Queen ask Terra to "kill" Snow White seemed more dark to me.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
It surprised me, tbh. Just because that film really has no violence, unlike most of Disney's other films with princess characters (Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, etc. all have violent endings), and I'm surprised Disney allowed it actually.

I don't think BbS is darker than the other games, it just has angsty music playing in the background all the time like in Days. If what happens is any different than Maleficent and co. having destroyed the universe in KH1, it's only because Xehanort's comeuppance and TAV's revival were saved for KH3 rather than being shown at the end. They aren't any different though--all problems will be magically wiped away just like all the worlds are restored at the end of KH1.

Well that was intense, but hearing Maleficent scream "hell" at Aqua or The Queen ask Terra to "kill" Snow White seemed more dark to me.

These are in the movies themselves? :confused: Unless you mean you're surprised they weren't censored clean, sort of how the Hydra has smoke rather than blood in KH2?


Active member
Feb 7, 2009
Korrasami Is Canon
I was pretty damn surprised seeing those three get burned by their own Unversed. And the Queen flat out telling Terra to kill Snow White was also a jolt to the stomach, but that was in the original film too. Birth by Sleep definitely felt pretty heavy compared to past installments, but as said, even the first game had some pretty dark motifs. The first time I played through Dive to the Heart I was terrified, and was very tense making my way through even some parts of Agrabah.


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
Oh yeah I totally understand and what you said about dark moments in past installments is true and people have stated that rather than being shown it is hinted at or just told. Still that is dark. Though I really felt how dark BBS is because of these cutscenes and the ending ;_;. Really got me. Dive to the Heart was pretty intense, can't forget that :O.


New member
Nov 6, 2014
Sometimes Destiny Islands. other times Twilight to
Eel 639 said:
Well that was intense, but hearing Maleficent scream "hell" at Aqua or The Queen ask Terra to "kill" Snow White seemed more dark to me.
I was disappointed to hear Maleficent say that! Not right for kingdom hearts. It does seem darker than the other titles in other ways too.
That is probably because Master Xehanort introduces himself for the fist time in BBS. It's the first game with him in it. Not just a nobody or a heartless. So I think they wanted it to seem darker. That's a hint of what the third is gonna be like! 13 Xehanort's is too many!

(Reply to MasterAqua). Yeah. I could see why Aqua chose to save Terra instead of herself. She had very little time to think about what she was doing, or how to save both of them. She just didn't want Terra to be trapped there. She would never be able to save him then! And it was very unselfish of her. So you can't blame her for releasing Xehanort in the world.

Look on the bright side though! Since she's been trapped in the realm of darkness for 10+ years... She didn't have to see all the things Terra-nort did! So she won't be disappointed any more than she already is!


New member
Jan 7, 2015
Realm of Darkness, unfortunately.
I wasn't really disappointed hearing her say that just bright me to react like, "Wow an intense fight is coming with powers of Hell, let's do this *again inserts serious face*". I was also like, "So wait, we have the Realm of Light, Darkness, and now the Nether realm?" (<----- Mortal Kombat? Lol jk but it's just a reference hehe :|). I laughed when you said "13 Xehanort's is too many!" XD. Too true.

Yeah so you see, it really is understandable why she did what she did trapping herself to save a friend. Also how would she know the consequences of her actions? She did it unknowingly but still..... not really her fault.

But Aqua will must likely find out what Terra-Nort did and feel really bad, possibly making her think she's to blame for all of this? Maybe, yes?..... No?
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