So in my PSP version of BBS (because I'm busy getting EVERYTHING for KHII) I looked back at my Trinity Archives in theater mode and looked at Aqua's story mode on the Castle of Dreams where the Duke or whatever he's called runs off saying Cinderella is in trouble. Aqua goes there only to find her on the ground almost about to be burned. Aqua covers her and then we go to Lady Tremaine and the stepsisters. She says, "This is what happens when you go against my wishes." (the pumpkin unversed that they create with their emotions throws a fire? Pumpkin in the air that ultimately falls on the ground where the villains are and all you see is flame coming upwards and hear their screaming as they burn. Aqua and Cinderella look almost in horror as they watch them burn. She tells her to leave as she fights the Cursed Coach (the boss unversed). After watching this I thought to myself, "Wow I can tell BBS is really dark compared to past games." This was my first impression when I first saw this cutscene, your thoughts/first impression when seeing this cutscene?