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i have 2 question..

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New member
Oct 22, 2005
Nomura's call, my friend.

I think that the only two Org. members that might actually come back as whole people in KH3 are Xemnas and Axel. Xemnas because he's an incarnation of Xehanort and Axel because... well, I can see Nomura buckling under the mere pressure of fans.

eh i think we will end up seeing Axel's heartless somewhere =D

Captain Yoyo

New member
Jan 31, 2009
Not Where Your Looking
That depends on whether or not we defeated their Heartless. We may have defeated them, we may not have.
yes but to make yourself a nobody, one must have a slightly strong heart, to become a special nobody like the organization one must have a very strong heart, but when creating a hearless the weaker the hearts lite/ strenghth is, the little er the heartless, so like sora, the organizations heartless were most likely just shadows, or neo-shadows.

Think Demyx returned to normal and became the fourth Jonas Brother?

god no , anything but the jonas brothers....
......even demyx isnt that G@y.

no effence to jonas brother lovers.


New member
Oct 22, 2005
yes but to make yourself a nobody, one must have a slightly strong heart, to become a special nobody like the organization one must have a very strong heart, but when creating a hearless the weaker the hearts lite/ strenghth is, the little er the heartless, so like sora, the organizations heartless were most likely just shadows, or neo-shadows..

no nobodies are created when any heart is swallowed by darkness and turned into a heartless =p, they are just remaining parts left behind by the heart so to speak, but the stronger the heart the stronger the nobody i think thats how it goes anyway


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
yes but to make yourself a nobody, one must have a slightly strong heart, to become a special nobody like the organization one must have a very strong heart, but when creating a hearless the weaker the hearts lite/ strenghth is, the little er the heartless, so like sora, the organizations heartless were most likely just shadows, or neo-shadows.

It probably differed, considering what level of darkness they had in their hearts.

Demyx, for example, doesn't seem like he would have had that much darkness in his heart. So his Heartless is likely to have been something weak, like a Shadow. Possibly a Blue Rhapsody (that's the name of it, right?)

Whereas Marluxia probably has a far greater amount of darkness and would have a much stronger Heartless, such as a Neo Shadow.

god no , anything but the jonas brothers....
......even demyx isnt that G@y.

Demyx isn't gay. >:I How can a Nobody, having no heart and thus no emotions, possibly be of any sexuality? It can't.

You're all just jealous of his hair.

no nobodies are created when any heart is swallowed by darkness and turned into a heartless =p, they are just remaining parts left behind by the heart so to speak, but the stronger the heart the stronger the nobody i think thats how it goes anyway

No. Otherwise we'd have a billion Nobodies running around, and we don't.

Nobodies are created when a Heart of exceptional strength/strong will casts off its body to become a Heartless. Not just any Heart will do.

Most of the time, when a weak Heart becomes a Heartless, the body and soul simply disappear into darkness, only to reunite with its heart when the Heartless gets defeated.


Who in face are you?!
Jan 24, 2009
It probably differed, considering what level of darkness they had in their hearts.

Demyx, for example, doesn't seem like he would have had that much darkness in his heart. So his Heartless is likely to have been something weak, like a Shadow. Possibly a Blue Rhapsody (that's the name of it, right?)

Whereas Marluxia probably has a far greater amount of darkness and would have a much stronger Heartless, such as a Neo Shadow.

Demyx isn't gay. >:I How can a Nobody, having no heart and thus no emotions, possibly be of any sexuality? It can't.

You're all just jealous of his hair.

I don't like mullets. Also, Marluxia was probably a pink darkside if you ask me. And his somebody was probably a chick. Also, Ziz thought up an interesting knickname for Demyx's Somebody...Demy Lovota!


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008

I hate all the generalizing people do to characters. I really do. So what, Marluxia has pink hair. That supposedly makes him girly. Oh, just forget about the giant scythe and the incredibly deep voice he has in the Japanese version. Oh no, just because of his hair color he is automatically gay and he is automatically not considered a man. Because he's really the first character, the first guy character to exist that has pink hair.

Fairy Tail - Natsu. Natsu has pink hair. Do people call him girly? Not that I've heard of.
One Piece - Coby. Coby has pink hair. Do people call him girly? Not that I've heard of.

So why is it that Marluxia, with his pink hair, is considered effeminate? When he is anything but? Xigbar is swishy with his movements, for crying out loud! /rant

Captain Yoyo

New member
Jan 31, 2009
Not Where Your Looking

I hate all the generalizing people do to characters. I really do. So what, Marluxia has pink hair. That supposedly makes him girly. Oh, just forget about the giant scythe and the incredibly deep voice he has in the Japanese version. Oh no, just because of his hair color he is automatically gay and he is automatically not considered a man. Because he's really the first character, the first guy character to exist that has pink hair.

Fairy Tail - Natsu. Natsu has pink hair. Do people call him girly? Not that I've heard of.
One Piece - Coby. Coby has pink hair. Do people call him girly? Not that I've heard of.

So why is it that Marluxia, with his pink hair, is considered effeminate? When he is anything but? Xigbar is swishy with his movements, for crying out loud! /rant

im with you, what did he ever do to you?
maybe he had really bright blonde hair , then he cut his head in a fight and his hair stained pink, never thought of that did you bullies.
so think before you bully him next time.


New member
Oct 22, 2005

I hate all the generalizing people do to characters. I really do. So what, Marluxia has pink hair. That supposedly makes him girly. Oh, just forget about the giant scythe and the incredibly deep voice he has in the Japanese version. Oh no, just because of his hair color he is automatically gay and he is automatically not considered a man. Because he's really the first character, the first guy character to exist that has pink hair.

Fairy Tail - Natsu. Natsu has pink hair. Do people call him girly? Not that I've heard of.
One Piece - Coby. Coby has pink hair. Do people call him girly? Not that I've heard of.

So why is it that Marluxia, with his pink hair, is considered effeminate? When he is anything but? Xigbar is swishy with his movements, for crying out loud! /rant

i do agree, i don't think he is girly either, nor gay
its just how he is..
you can't give a dude flower pedals and give him red hair=D doesn't go, the pink hair and his flowers match well


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
You all do realize that sakura petals, the ones always floating around Marluxia whenever he removes his hood or summons his scythe, are a symbol of death in Japan, right? :v


New member
Oct 22, 2005
You all do realize that sakura petals, the ones always floating around Marluxia whenever he removes his hood or summons his scythe, are a symbol of death in Japan, right? :v

ha actually yes i do seein on how i lived in japan for a year and a half =)
and Byakuga from Bleach uses them as well
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