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Fanfiction ► I Don't Know

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New member
Aug 8, 2005
look behind you
If you only like reading fics about Kingdom Hearts......IMMEDIATELY stop reading this.This story has NOTHING about it and has NO relation to it.

Thanks to my friends:Sora Game Pro,Hilary Duff,Atnihs,Ayame,rikusgal,Setharoth,and a bunch of other people who aren't even members of this site

Chatper One:Remember

Everything around Andrew was on fire.The only smell that one could be able to sniff in there was the horrible,suffocating smoke.The only noises to be heard were the bullets being fired through the window,the screams of every one,and the crackling of the burning inferno.
Michelle looks at Andrew and says,"What do we do Andrew?"
Every one that was still alive had a look of fear and terror spread across their face.Not a single hint of courage or hope was to be found.Even Logan looked slightly wide-eyed.Andrew would tell them what his answer was,but it would break their hearts.'Just don't tell them.'He thought to himself,but he couldn't keep it in his mouth much longer.
Luc looks at Andrew with rage and yells,"We don't have much TIME LEFT Andrew!!!"
Andrew couldn't resist that look.He was just too competitive.So he stares back at Luc with an emotionless face and says in a cold voice,"I don't know."
Everything went white.A scream pierced the air,and then nothing,nothing but bright,blinding white.The white turned to black,and Andrew couldn't remember what just happened,but he wasn't trying to remember that.He was trying to remember what had happened that night before dawn broke.
Every one was so happy and joyful.Katie was dancing in the center of the crowd alone,and Andres was dancing with Heidi,to the music that Ayame had brought to the party.
'Why were they celebrating?'Andrew thought.'Oh yeah,it was New Year's Eve.Just three more hours till it was 2006.Or was it because we finally caught Luc?It took forever to just find him,and where am I here?Oh wait,I was in my office.'
Andrew's thoughts carried him back to his office.He was sitting behind his desk,and across from him was his psychiatrist,Michelle,and her assisstant,Jake.She was talking to him about why he was so depressed about how his team died on a mission 3 years ago.
"So that's why I think you stayed here,at this old,run-down precint instead of taking the job offering at the new one down in Stockton."Michelle said in a business-like tone.
Andrew just smirked at her.'Maybe she's right.'He thought.He kept looking at her with rude looking eyes and that horrifying smirk.'But why is she wearing that sexy-looking dress to an appointment of hers?'
He adjusted himself in his seat,and then said in a tough and rude voice,"You know,I think you didn't come here to just talk to me about my problems.I think you came down here to try and f*** me."He continued smirking at her after he finished what he was saying.
Michelle looked at Andrew in disbelief.Jake looked back and forth between Andrew's smirking face and Michelle's disgusted look.He didn't know what to say.
Michelle grabs a hold of herself,adjusts her skirt,and says in a calm voice that was steadily getting louder,"So,you think I just came down here to f*** you?"
Andrew,still smirking,just nodded slowly.
"Oh no no no no nooooooo.I probably did just come here to f*** you and not because you SCHEDULED for me to come down here today,at 8:30 P.M.No,it's definitely not THAT!!!"
Andrew licks his lips and asks,"Maybe,but why are you wearing a dress like that?I only see woman wearing that kind of thing when they're trying to seduce some one into f***ing them."
Andrew and Michelle just sit there staring at each other.Jake looking back and forth between them.Andrew breaks the silence by scooting back,and opening a drawer,and taking out a small bottle.He examines it,then pops open the lid.He faces the hole torward his hand,shakes it,and takes the two pills that fall out.Andrew puts the bottle back in it's place,closes the drawer,and swallows the pills.
Michelle finally pushes the chair back and says in a voice just near a yell,"Yeah,I'm definitely not wearing this dress because I'm going to a New Year's party today!"
With that said,Michelle walks over to the door and beckons Jake over.Jake opens the door and waits for Michelle to step through.With one last glare at Andrew,she leaves.Andrew follows,but only to go downstairs where every one else was.
"Hey every one!How's it going on down here?!"Andrew says slightly louder than the music so he could be heard.
Logan gets up off his chair,throws Andrew a cold beer,and says,"It's fine down here captain.Except outside.It's a blizzard out there.No one's gonna be leaving here any time soon."
He motions at Michelle who was standing near the door and looking outside.
Andrew struts over and says in an annoying voice,"That blizzard isn't gonna stop.you know that right?"
Michelle turns around with an almost sad look on her face and says,"It's alright.The place I was going to any way was like an hour away."
She sets off into the small crowd torward the bathroom.Andrew looks around for a place to sit,or at least some one to dance with.He sees Ayame standing alone with a cup in her hand.Andrew starts off torwards her,but Andres's voice stops him.
"Every one,I have an announcement to make."Every one stops doing what they were doing,and looks at Andres."I wish a Happy New Year to all of you,and.........boy this is tough......well I'm retiring after our next mission."
Logan looks at him in disbelief and says,"What the hell?But you're only 37!"
Andres looks at Logan and says,"Yes yes,I know,but I don't think that being a cop is the thing for me.Nor any other job.I just found out that I have a slight mutation......all my bones aren't able to reproduce bone cells,and they're going to be broken,permanently,if they break even once."
Andrew takes a drink of his beer and says,"Sounds like a good enough reason for me.Have a nice life when you retire."
Every one continues partying,without knowing the worst to come.Down below,the full cells weren't buzzing as much.Not now at least.A dirty thug is trying to get the attention of a convic in the cell next to his.
"Psst.Hey Luc,come one,talk to me,Daniel.I'm your buddy right?C'mon,I got a joke for ya.Luc,LUC!Don't make me call you 'the name.'I know how annoyed you get when some one calls you that."says Daniel.
Luc acts like he didn't hear anything,and so he continues working on a crossword puzzle in his lap.He is wearing a black suit with dark purple pinstripes.His shoes are very shiny and fancy,as if he had them just polished.
Daniel looks at Luc very meanly and says,"Come on,talk to me Luke Skywalker!!"
Quick as a flash,Luc gets off his chair and starts strangling Daniel.
"I'm sorry,I didn't quite get that.Who were you talking to?"growled Luc in a deep,menacing voice.
Daniel apologizes in a wheezy voice while being strangled,so Luc stops,and goes back to working on his crossword puzzle.He glares at Daniel every time he finds out where a word goes.
Outside in the snow,two crooks with rifles are running torward the door to the cells.They are wearing ski masks,snow coats,and black boots.One of them takes out a lock pick and inserts it into the lock.He fumbles around with it for a while,but he succeeds and opens the door.The other mystery man walks in quietly,gun ready to fire,into the cell room.Daniel sees them and yells for help.His yell wakes up Jessee and Smiley.They see the men too and start yelling as well.Luc just continues working his crossword puzzle.
Luc orders Andres and Logan to go down to see what's going on.They walk down into the cell room.Luc hears gunshots,then sees Logan and Andres running back torwards him.
Logan looks at him apologetically and says,"We have a problem."
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New member
Aug 8, 2005
look behind you
to Sue's question:What other kind of job works at a precint except cops and stuff? and to SPG:GOD DAMN IT I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE CALL ME THAT!!
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