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How did you fall in love with Kingdom Hearts?

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Apr 11, 2015
Well, it was 2012 when I was 9-10 years old.
My big sister always told me to play Kingdom Hearts when I was 8 or 9. When I finally started it, I just watched the intro and played Dive to the Heart a little. Then my friend came to ask me to go outside and then I went there and forgot the game. About a year later (when I was 9-10) I remembered the game and my sister told me to play it and then I played it... I became kind of obsessed with it? :D

DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
My first game was CoM for the GBA, it was the only game I could afford to buy at that time and I wanted it really really badly, together with a Legend of Zelda limited edition GBA. I knew about Kingdom Hearts before, but only a little, I thought it must be cool to play in Disney worlds and meet FF characters too, plus I wanted to try KH because the artworks looked awesome. Com impressed me so much, it made best use of the GBA's features, simply all buttons mattered and were useful, I couldn't believe a game for the GBA could be that fun to play. Not to mention the story, the curiosity awakened those days is still strong and vivid inside me now (thank you, KH, for your complicated lovely plot that never gets me bored ♥ or gives me clear answers...)
oh, and one more thing: Reverse/Rebirth. Totally didn't expect that. It was the best thing that could happen in the game. I adored Riku's part!

and that was only the beginning...


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
I was four years old, my sisters pooled their money together when KH was new from WalMart and it captivated me. All of the beloved characters, the keyblade concept was really kind of awesome, I thought cloud strife was badass, the feeling of mystery and exploration was indescribable, I was impressed by giant bosses and at the same time intimidated at that young age, and since then classical instruments, anime, action RPGs and Disney resonated with me in an unspeakable way.

of course I got older, not as much into that weaboo shit (<3 ily guys), Disney is almost a different Disney than what I grew up with, I think cloud strife is an emo bitch thirsty for sephiroth, and big bosses just mean more visible weak points, but I enjoy fast-paced rpg games, get down when I hear a cello/piano in music and a keyblade would be pretty cool AND handy to have irl.

we're all older than we were, and might not feel the same, but that franchise is forever a part of us all, *corny Haley Joel osment voice* and it connects our hearts.

and III's release is a bittersweet victory and inside joke only our generation will understand.


Haddyn Slayer
Feb 23, 2011
The "Disney's Secret Lab" commercials that they aired for the first game (I was nine back then... Wow. I'm SO old now).

The moment that they said something along the lines of "it's like you're controlling the Disney movies!" in it, my sister and I were instantly sold.

The funny thing is we'd never even really played video games before, either. But we both begged our parents for a PS2 and the game that entire year, and they finally gave in and got us both for Christmas.

And then when we ended up booting the game--and they had the awesome opening song, the Dive to the Heart segment, etc. (things we'd never experienced in a game EVER, or had even dreamed they were capable of)--it wallowed our lives for the time being.

And I, at least, have never looked back since then. And I still love the series that much to this day:)

And here's the video, for anyone curious about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uMMKDd1Fr0
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New member
Apr 13, 2015
I remember seeing a commercial for the first KH game years ago at someone my mother knows around 2002 and I was surprised at first. I was like "What the hey?! A game that features Disney characters with anime characters what is this?" It got my attention for sure and while I'm late at playing the games since I've started to play them through the PS3 remixes I was still immersed into it's universe and it's characters by how it was able to mix characters and elements from two different companies that you wouldn't think would merge together yet manages to do it so amazingly.

Goron Link

New member
Mar 18, 2015
My brother got the first game for Christmas when I was 9 because he was a big Final Fantasy fan. He told me I might like it because it had Disney films in it but I was going through a phase where I thought Disney was lame and for four year olds. Needless to say, I tried it out and have been hooked ever since.


She Shoots for the Stars
Nov 11, 2014
Somewhere east of Atlanta, GA
My brothers got the KH games for PS2 when they came out. I was all cool! disney and FF! Tried to play KH1 as I recall, didn't get very far. I kept up with the story however. Fast forward to year before last.. I got 'Neko to build me a PC that could handle modern games; discovered emulators for PS and PS2, was like wow, cool. Now I don't have to go argue over the fatty PS2.

So I decided to play those games again. Got though the vanilla, got Re:Com as one of the first games I got for my 3DS, I'm still stuck there to this day sadly (ouch). I had nagged 'Neko to try to get BBS since he was the one with the system, but he didn't (I guess he's kh'ed out).

A lot of stuff happened, including both my grandma (That..didn't affect me too much..she was nasty) and my mom dying, then Neko loaned me his PS3. I got the collections, and as folks know, been catching up ever since so I'll be ready for KH3. Working on scraping together the money for a PS4 now.


Active member
Feb 7, 2009
Korrasami Is Canon
As a kid, I was taken by the last commercial on the Mickey's House of Villains VHS - none other than Kingdom Hearts. I knew nothing about it, but it seemed epic and had a bunch of Disney characters. Unfortunately, I only had a PS1 at the time, and I wouldn't get a PS2 until years later, and by then I'd mostly forgotten my desire to get KH1. I would see ads and commercials for it here and there.

In 2007, I was in a Lion King craze (my favorite movie of all-time), and I learned that not only was it in Kingdom Hearts, but so was Chernabog, my all-time favorite Disney Villain besides Scar. That fall, I had the option to buy either 1 or 2. Though I learned Lion King was only in 2, I figured it'd be best to start from the beginning. So I bought 1, began to play it.

Maybe it was my overactive kid imagination, but I always got so wrapped up in universes in a movie or show or game. Whenever I start a game I usually feel like I'm on the verge of something big. Whether it was collecting the crystals in Crash Bandicoot: Warped; collecting the Time Gem in Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters, or even skating through the Elephant Graveyard in Disney's Skate Adventure, I would get hooked and get emotionally involved in it. When I read the manual for Kingdom Hearts, I knew, then more than ever, that this was going to be big. How serious this game apparently was, even just from the lyrics to Simple and Clean in the back of it, with the image of Sora looking into the distance on the beach. And even from the commercial on the House of Villains VHS.

Then I started the game, and read the opening letter from Kairi on the opening cinematic. Wow, I thought, this is deep. Then the rest of the cinematic played with that epic orchestral version of Hikari. I was speechless. I thought, "How did I find this game?" Then I began. The Dive to the Heart was haunting, moreso than any game I'd ever played. I'd spent my childhood till then playing silly games or fun games with moments of gravity. This one, I quickly realized, was not my typical kind of game. I grew fearful of the Heartless almost immediately. The attack on Destiny Islands, Sora being separated from his family and friends, and the glow of the Heartless' eyes as you struggled in vain to attack them really shook me up. Then going to Traverse Town, and learning this was happening to the entire universe, and my beloved Disney characters. And the paranoia that came from being attacked at any time, and the even worse paranoia from when a special Heartless would spawn and I wouldn't be attacked by generics.

I had to save the worlds, I thought. I had to stop the darkness and Maleficent. And so I went to each world, haunted by the threat of the darkness in every world except Olympus (likely because there were no Heartless there). But every single world, from Agrabah to Halloweentown, I felt like time was of the essence. I had to save the worlds, and I had to survive countless Heartless attacks. Agrabah, Wonderland, and Deep Jungle were the scariest Disney worlds to me, for whatever reason. Hundred Acre Wood also haunted me because there were thankfully no Heartless there, and it was so quiet despite being so whimsical and cheerful. I wished I could stay forever in the blissful storybook, but I had to keep going, otherwise Pooh and friends would find themselves attacked by Heartless one day.

Then space got more ominous as I got to Hollow Bastion. I felt betrayed by Donald and Goofy, and was floored when Ansem revealed himself, and then horrified when Sora sacrificed himself. With the final keyhole unlocked, the second visit to Traverse Town and then visiting Wonderland and the cards made it clear how bad things were getting, as well as that last meeting with the princesses.

After defeating the Behemoth, then came the descent to End of the World, the bright berg shining through the almost complete darkness. I didn't feel comforted by EOTW's light, though, since I knew I'd just entered the place of nightmares, the heart of darkness. I went through the place, worn down by the Invisibles and Angel Stars, knowing I could be walking in the remnants of Pride Rock or Bambi's thicket. Fragments of Sorrow did nothing to alleviate my fears. And the place was just nightmarish. The quiet of the colorful canyon, and of Gate to the Dark before you stepped outside. And the darkness outside the World Terminus pillars. The pillar of fire that led to the Heartless machine, and then that ominous message which name dropped Kingdom Hearts. I had never felt so, well, scared, of a game.

Then came the brutal battle with Chernabog, who was the surefire sign that I was in the absolute deepest pit of the Kingdom Hearts universe. And the long, desperate fight in Linked Worlds, and that oh-so scary Final Rest. I didn't know what awaited me - the black text box even spooked me, for crying out loud - but I braced myself and found Destiny Islands. And then the battle with Ansem, to save everyone, began.

And I was cast into the Realm of Darkness, and separated from Donald and Goofy. Guardando nel Buio really hammered it home how epic of a battle I was in, for the fate of everything and everyone. Saving Donald and Goofy from the pits of darkness was relieving. Then came the glimpse of what really awaited beyond the door to Kingdom Hearts - those blueish neon gray things still stick with me today. And then seeing King Mickey and Riku sacrifice themselves, jeez. And finally being separated by Kairi as Simple and Clean played, making it truly feel like a tragic ending despite my victory over Ansem.

The lyrics of Simple and Clean were like nothing I'd ever listened to. "Hold me, whatever lies beyond this morning is a little later on. Regardless of warning the future doesn't scare me at all. Nothing's like before." Wow. Just wow. And it was absolutely right.

At that time, when I finished Kingdom Hearts, I was starting middle school and entering a new, more mature phase of my life. And Simple and Clean was right. "Nothing's like before", and I had to face the future. And what a way to do it, with a haunting, but beautiful and epic battle with the forces of darkness.

So yeah. I was definitely hyped for whatever came next. However, I'd only end up getting II next, and watching Sora's story from Re:COM on YouTube. Then playing it in the fall of 2008 when it came to America.

Long story short; I was hooked because of the epic scope of the first game from the very first commercials, and it came at a time of great change in my life, so it's always stuck with me ever since, and I can't wait for what's next. Even if III won't come out till 2030.


New member
Mar 2, 2015
I remember being really young when KH1 just sort of appeared (like all other great games) in my PS2 (again, I was young so I don't remember how it got there). I played it (terribly but ok for a four year old) and I immediately fell in love when I realized it was based around disney. The other games weren't out yet so it wasn't as big as it is now. I had no idea how major it would get, but ever since I played it for the first time, it became my all time favorite game. At one point, it was my life (it still kind of is). :)


New member
Nov 6, 2014
The first time I played Kingdom Hearts was on my God-sister's PS2. I have very vague memories of it since I was young but I remeber it was my favorite game that she had. Years later when Im in middle school I visit their house and start rummaging through her ps2 games and find the KH1 case. At that point I had forgotton all about KH and as soon as I saw that game case I got really into it again. Unfortunately she had lent the disc to someone who never returned it. Then, since I had an orginal ds as a hand me down from the same god sister, I managed to get a copy of 358 days. Growing up my mom disaproved with video games(yet spent all her time playing bejewled -_-) so I never was able to get a ps2 until last year.

Anyways at that point I was hooked once more and as I played through Days I had vague recolections of KH1 but I could never remember anything fully. This is why I love Days so mich even though everyone hates on the combat and mission system. It has gameplay unique from all the other KH games and its fun to pick up and play once in a while.

After that I started looking at PS2 Emulators. At that point the devolpment of pcsx2 was just starting so I soon forgot. Then I managed to get a used psp for like 20 bucks from some kid at school( looking back it was probably stolen) and I would borrow my friends copy of BBS. I didnt understand the story at all since I couldnt remeber what happened in KH1 and Days makes no sense without playing kh2 afterwards. BBs became my favorite as I had never played a game quite like it before. I had always been two or three years behind all my friends when it came to video games and just internet activities due to my childhood so BBS looked amazing to me.

Fast Foward to today, I still dont have a ps3 and definetly wont be getting a ps4 anytime soon so whatever. The aforementioned ps2 emulator let me play KH2FM with an english patch so I didnt miss out on anything and KH3 wont be coming out unil mankind figures out how to travel through hyperspace, the realize thats a waste of time and then invent the improbability drive, so I dont need to worry about that either.

I think the one thing that hooked me to this game was the Kingdom Key. Idk why but I love that thing so freakin much
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