The Collaborating Troupe of Idealists and Partners,
Nebula Zero
and myself, as well as helpers,
KHFanatic4565, in forces due to Zetsumi’s return, proudly present...
The start of an epic. The jump into evolution. We present...
[h e r o e s]: initial reality
What is evolution? A question not specifically answered. A simple dictionary would detail evolution as 'a process of gradual, peaceful, progressive change or development, as in social or economic structure or institutions.' Years of theories and studies of evolution prove to be true; though, one stood out in the many. A geneticist once described evolution as a means for survival, a genetic push into the next steps of future humanity. He believed that in recent days, ordinary people had adapted, evolved; became an example of evolution.
Had he truly been a madman? In truth, his theories proved entirely correct. Throughout the entirety of the world, a vast amount of people had reported strange... occurrences. The world had been furthered into the evolutionary chain; but at what cost? Without knowledge on how to control these powers, many find themselves lost, confused, afraid. Evolution is not what it has seemed to be; the process was not gradual, nor is it peaceful. Our initial reality has been shattered by the science of evolution; and for that, many do not understand their powers. Will answers outweigh their fear of revealing their true identity? If so, I must show them they must not be afraid. They must come out of the darkness, to light.
As you might realize, this is a returning tribute to [Zetsumi], one of the most distinguished roleplayers of KHI whom we all know and love. Also, you might notice, this is a possible remake to his unfortunate ill-fated roleplay, {Heroes}, which was inspired by the show, 'Heroes'.
The method of joining is simple; PM me your aspired character's template, and I'll see to it a prompt answer of acceptance or rejection is given. If you protest to any of my judgements or actions, please do not hesitate to speak with me through PM. Do not, I repeat, do not post in this thread with any template without my approval. If you do, unintentionally or otherwise, you will be immediately rejected and be asked to leave the thread promptly.
Now, here is the little detail about powers. Like Zet's rules, I will only allow powers of the mental variety. Be creative and make your own power; if need be, consult me about a power you want that might seem a little bit out of the guidelines. However, since this is a real life-based roleplay, I discourage powers of the supernatural variety [i.e. teh godes Kali gave me pwer after I destroyed warriors!!oneone11]. There is also a restrict on certain powers, regarding:
- Telekinesis. This power is really overused. I won't allow anyone to have it, unless you consult me with a reasonable.. excuse. 'i want teh power!11onenone!!!' won't cut it as an excuse, either.
- Pyrokinesis, hydrokinesis, electrokinesis, aerokinesis, geokinesis [fire, water, thunder, air, earth]. These are common too. Though they are acceptable in this roleplay, I don't want this to become a repetitive choice.
This roleplay will not extend to ten pages, and as such, I want those pages to be filled with the story of our ordinary heroes, instead of meaningless OOC. So no posting until I say it is acceptable. The reason of its ten page mark is that I hope to make this a series roleplay; this is only but a chapter of the stories I have invented in my head.
The rules of the actual roleplay are parallel to others; no god-modding, no powerplaying. The password is 'initial reality.' Just like that. Put it somewhere inconspicuous, and DO NOT underline or bold it to make me see it. I will look to find it. Literacy is not an option; you either have it, or you don't. Sorry to be mean or anything, but texting-like posts and lacking of grammar and punctuation will result in your eventual leave of this thread. I'm sorry; this is not a newbie-educational roleplay. No machine-gunning, and no deaths of any characters unless the character's maker allows so. Activeness is also an integral key to success, as well as cohesion; keep EVERYONE involved. Don't leave someone out, there's always a way to include someone.
The premise of the story is simple; ordinary people discover things out of the ordinary; able to shift reality, able to levitate in mid-air, able to manipulate the weather. With these powers, they find themselves confused, lost, or maybe just the opposite; determined, happy, grateful. However, it all comes to this; there is a catastrophe coming, one that will decimate millions of lives. Will these people bond together to stop this event? It's all up to you.
Also, as a sidenote; there is two groups of 'heroes' in different places, each containing four people in it. Each group will govern its own location and interact with each other in some way. Should 3/4 of the group wish to switch locations entirely, they may do so, with supervising consent from one of our collaborators. These various groups will meet up at the end of the chapter to unite in a circumstance revealed in the journal entry opening above. This roleplay is also separate in reality from the Heroes world, meaning there is no Nathan and Peter Petrelli, Claire Bennet, The Haitian or Mohinder Suresh. This is a completely new world. =]
The names of these groups have no difference to your character or its powers; it is merely a way to distinguish a group from one another. At each of your beginning posts, put your name and the place you are at, to keep with the style of Heroes. An example is:
Christian Ordelas
Manhattan, New York
Followed with a post. This keeps things in order as well as differentiating from diverse locations.
= Washington D.C.
- Atlas Adonis/ Empathic Transference [Nebula Zero/ Forever Lost]
- Craig Moore Jr. / Geokinesis [D2L]
- Adam Son / Photon Manipulation [cyberseraph]
- Vincent James / Extra-sensory perception [lionheart06]
- [possible pending spot for BO_dbl._sizzle]
= Chicago, IL (Illinois)
- Christian Ordelas / Life [Crisis Break/Absolution_Fear]
- James Mathews / Forcefields [Evarae]
- Rachel Tennons / Shapeshifting [Ultima Keyblade]
- Ken Ferristein / Organic Manipulation [Zabazu]
- [possible pending spot for sh281]
UNSUB [Note that characters in 'UNSUB' can move freely throughout location from the start of the roleplay. Characters placed here are either untemplated, integral to a plot arc, or Zets himself.]
= ??? (Anywhere)
- ??? / ??? [Zetsumi]
I have no intention of testing your literacy by expecting you to write million-word biographies and adequate personalities. All you have to do is elaborate on this simple profile and post at least two paragraphs in length for posts. Here is the basic template that you have to PM to me:
//name] [Self-explanatory]
//age] [18-30 preferred]
//gender] [Male or female]
//power] [Elaborate on the power's uses, limits, and all its aspects. This is the only thing that requires you to use literacy]
//personality] [More than four sentences. Okay, this is the second literate thing]
//appearance] [Psh, sue me for three literate things. Picture and description, or description.]
//occupation] [Student of Union Wells High School? Manager of Primatech Paper Company? Unemployed?]
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