why does everybody love halo.what is so different hat it has that no other shooter has...nothing.some mite say sheild grenade.yeah the only thing new with that is its a grenade.timespliters has a gun that sheilds you.oh but that aint full body sheild...fine...devil may cry 3.when you beat cerberus and dante gets his ice nunchucks you can have ice suround you and you cant get hurt.halo is just another shooter.oh.the stationary gun that you can carry with you.sorry,nothing new.call of duty 3.you get an mg you can set it up in a bunker,or on sandbags,whatever.i think if you want a good game.go with killzone.people think its a halo clone.all i can say to that is l-o-l.killzones enemies arent retarded.they aim they hide they are actualy dificult.you cant just run in weird directions to get away.you have to use skill.dont even say gears of war.i beat that at my friends house in an 1 hour.killzone is much better.for those of you who love halo and are mad.get over it.