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Fanfiction ► .Hack//E.P.//vol. 1 legacy

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New member
Nov 5, 2007
Ep. 5-Friends
Chapter 3/7-Shoot N'Slash and a little magic!

"Why am i much stronger?,nevermind, i'll just beat this thing up!," Rika said, he launched an attack directly at the jellybean but his attacks don't seem to hurt it, "What the hell?," Rika said, the jellybean then rolled up and cahnged to a Spike Ball, it attacked Rika continously
"Aaarrghhh!," Rika said, he was badly injured.
"Epitaph...," someone said, he battled the JB until it was weakened, "Data Drain!," the JB figure was then deleted, Rika got up, the face of who helped him looked familiar, but he didn't talk because he was injured.
"Ui Repth!," Xugoh casted a spell to heal Rika, but when that was happening the one who helped Rika was gone, " Thanks again, Xugoh!," Rika said to Xugoh looking much better, TLK and N0thing then stared at Rika looking very confused and scared, both of them then shaked their heads and gained control.

"let's not talk about that thing, let's just continue with Quest!," TLK said.
" Yep...what he said!," N0thing agreed, "Okay, but...how about you Xugoh?," Rika asked to Xugoh,
"would you like to come?," Rika added.
"Well....okay!," Xugoh then came with our group, they ventured thru the area and beated every monster's on the field, after that they saw a hill that the GunFly and BladeMammoth are on.
" There they are!," Rika said, "Ready?," N0thing asked.
" Oh, yeah!," TLK and Xugoh said, the team opened the battle with the 2 bosses.
" Hey, Rika...do you know how to use an awakening?," TLK asked, " Nope," Rika said.
" First we need to fill up the Awakening gauge while battling by using arts, magic, Rengeki or some strong attacks," N0thing said.
"And on my calculation...the Gunfly can only be hurt by using Magic and Steam Guns
and the Blademammoth can only be affected with Blades and Big Blades," Xugoh said.

"Let's go!!!," Rika said, they beaten up the 2 bosses, after that they filled up the awakening.
" Ready?...1....2....3...AWAKENING!!!," TLK launched the Beast Awakening
" I feel much stronger and faster!," Rika said, glowing in Red
" That's what a beast awakening does!," N0thing said to Rika, " OH YEAH!!," Xugoh shouted looking really ready, the monsters look very scared of our heroes power, they have beaten the 2 bosses and gain the Blade Tusk, the Fly Gun and Wing Staff.
" Yeah!," Rika said he raised his hand on victory, they got out of the area and came to the quest shop and met with the Guy who needed the 3 weapons.
"Hey here's your weapons!," Rika said giving the weapon to the guy.
" No thanks!, I already have one....someone gave some to me first so...you can keep it!," The guy said, after that the guy walked away
("Oh man!, No money!,") Rika said to himself, "anyway guys....these weapons are yours now!," Rika said.
"Really, thanks!," TLK, N0thing and Xugoh said at the same time, after that they both said goodbye's
and logged out......

In another area:
" He has become stronger......he needs to know now what those things are.....,"


New member
Nov 5, 2007
cool chapter! so did i appear already? :)...and if i did , does that mean i was the guy that helped rika and knew him but the others didn't?

you mean....Xugoh?
you're name didn't appear in this chapter but....later

EDIT:If i have more than 1000 views....i'll present a secret Ep. before vol.2
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New member
Nov 5, 2007
Ep. 5-Friends
Chapter 4/7- Who should I trust?

Next day after doing a hard quest.................
Rika got up,stretched his arms and said"Aaaahhhhhhh! morning already?, well i gotta go down and eat!," .
He finished his breakfast and logged-in to "The World", he saw 3 messages on his Inbox, one from Zelfar, 1 from TLK and 1 from CC corporation, "3 messages huh?," Rika said, he opened his message from CC corp. telling him that the Mecha Grunty quest has started again, "Interesting!," Rika said, he opened the one from TLK telling him thank you for helping with the quest and giving him the weapon.
And last but not least Zelfar's message......
The letter:
"You may have battled some jellybean figures back then, they are called.....AIDA
these things mess up the world, if you let your guard down they manipulate you like puppets
they have weird power.....Heine is their leader.....he is called the "AIDA God", Heine has picked
you as one of the member of Chaos 8....if all of you are at the highest level and summoned your Epitaph's
he will come back again and cause a Network Crisis....come to the Shadow @Home"
Rika has now known the truth about everything......he came to @Home of Zelfar's and opened the door to the Serpent of Lore

"Rika.....we have been.....expecting you," Zelfar standed infront of a Large Screen, Rika looked of Amazement of the area, he loooked at the side and saw Orlax,Valsad,Alreit,and Naiz
"What do you want!?," Rika asked.
" Rika don't go with the Chaos8.....after heine is revived.....another network crisis will happen.
Electricity will be gone, Cars breaking down....everybody that is using electricity in that day will manipulated by Heine," Zelfar replied looking really serious, after Rika could speak he was teleported outside and he saw the leader of Chaos8.
"Strange that Zelfar is, don't you think so Rika?," the leader said.
"The leader of Chaos8!," Rika said, Rika looked very scared
"Rika.....don't you want to revive back sister?...if you join us you can revive her,
and maybe some of your wishes will be true, think about it," " the leader said, after that Zelfar's gang came and made the leader go away.
"Get out now!!," Orlax said, the other's took their weapons up, the leader looked very angry and came away.
Rika looked very angry, he walked around Icheon Maine thinking and he said:
"Grrr......what should I do?,"

To be continued.....................
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