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Gods of Anicent Lore

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Guerriero Crepuscolare
Jul 23, 2004
Middle of nowhere New England
Gods have been worshiped since the dawn of time. Their inate beings and fantasic abilities inspired many to work, such as produce poetry and sometimes even commit suicide. Gods and Godesses are cruel yet compassionate. Depending upon their stories, each god is depicted a different way. After the tale of the Trojan war, the idea of the Gods and Godesses started to fade into myths. Farther and father they became legends within time. Soon the gods and the goddesses decided they needed to become known again.

Though this time the world had changed too much. The gods had come down to earth and figured out they had been in hiding for way too long. To get rule over this world; brute force wouldnt work this time. They had lost the ideas and hearts of poets, now they look for the hearts of men and women who sing. The goddess' are becoming more and more jealous the more they stay on earth.

They had to become, live, breathe, eat and even dream like these mortal people. They had to actually be like them to rule over them in time. Cities are no longer safe and the wisest people know that the stars have become unaligned and out of balance. That only happens when emence power has come to earth. But no one listens to them. What do they know?


-You can either be human or A god. If you want to be a God, You Must Contact me first.
-(Do NOT post here unless I verify you.)
-Have fun
-No futuristic Weapons Or Time Travel
-No killing other characters unless consulting with me first. And the other person...You intend to kill >>
-Be literate even if I am not.
-No power playing
-No god modding
-Be unique
-Romance is encouraged
-Don't join unless you are going to stick around.
-No spamming
-pm me if you have a specific spirit of a god or goddess that you want

The list: This is the list of people who dont need my permission.
Blackest Night
Ultima Keyblade


*Poseidon --- Who Am I?

*Bast ---stickxkeyblade
*Psyche --- Obliviongirl13

*If you need information on the God/Goddess, Contact me or Morph


Human Name:
Original Name:
Specialty Weapon:
Folklore:** YOU Must Read the Folklore. If You need help, Ask me.

---------Likely to change***

Human Name: Liona Atropine

Original Name: Persephone (Per zeph phony)

Age: 1094 years old. *looks 20

Specialty Weapon: She weilds a silver wire, much like the ninja's did in early days. It was a present from Zeus. She also weilds a very ornate but strong and unbreakable Scythe that she always used to carry around. Now she can not and she has left that at home.

Folklore: I was going to copy it...but You have to read it. It gives alot of insite and It is the Background to my character.

Personality: After being abducted by Hades she fought her way through him and finally parted ways. Now was a new age and her new unbriddledness made it hard for men to catch her now. She has a dark yet undenyable attraction, and she lures men. Most called her Lust in old Roman tales. Many still do.

Appearance: *Comming Soon*
Other: She has now many tattoo's all over her and ear peircings. Trying to fit in ya?
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New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
Woot! Lookout foolish mortals, Bast is here to make a scene! XD

Human Name: Sarah Douglas
Original Name: Bast
Age: 22 (although she's really older than dirt.)
Specialty Weapon: She doesn't use a weapon, but she possesses super-strength and flexibility. She also has many traits similar to cats: good balance, heightened senses, and she almost always lands on her feet.
Folklore: Bast is originally from Egyptian mythology, but was later adopted by the Greeks too (except under a different name). There are many different interpretations of her that have shown up throughout the ages, including but not limited to a Solar Deity, Lady of Flame, Eye of Ra, Goddess of the Moon, a God of Embalming and Perfume, Domestic (and/or wild) Cat God, and a Goddess associated with children, fertility, and love. Click here for the Wikipedia article. (Wiki is my best friend!)
Personality:She's a bit self-centered, but otherwise a pretty decent woman. She's had trouble trying to adjust to the human world--I mean, she used to be worshiped whenever she so much as looked in the direction of Lower Egypt, and now?--but she's getting better. She's got a natural motherly sort of personality, and likes to kick back and have a good time every once in a while. She's especially fond of children and cats.
Appearance: Something like this.
She sometimes has a hard time convincing people that she's 22.
Other: It should be mentioned that she has a strong dislike of swimming. Her favorite things about the human world are coffee, videogames, and cheesy romance novels.
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Who Am I?

New member
Oct 27, 2004
Human Name: Justinian Goldman
Original Name: Poseidon (poh-sahyd-n)
Age: Thousands of years old. (25, human years; he doesn't look it though)
Speciality Weapon: A powerful golden trident. Unfortunately, due to it's massive size he cannot carry it around without looking too suspicious; he leaves it at home and uses his fists instead.
Folklore: There is a lot to know about Poseidon so I'll just post the wiki link:
Personality: An angry god, Poseidon can be easily offended and goes to extreme measures to get his 'revenge'. Right now, he despises the life of a human being, considering them to be somewhat weak.
At times, Poseidon is a cruel and cold being but every once in a while he can be protective and kind. As a human, he spends a lot of his time looking around for attractive women. He has been quite successful so far.
Appearance: http://www.blizzard-art.com/img/cai/Man.jpg
Other: He enjoys scuba-diving, water-skiing and sky diving (which he has done only once). He loves the taste of sea water (ugh XD). He also enjoys getting extremely drunk every once in a while.

(Is it good enough? If not, I'd glady edit it.)



The Silent warrior
Dec 28, 2005
Human Name:Zex
Original Name:Taranis
Age:23(real age: 1000000)
Specialty Weapon:His own fist
Folklore:In Celtic mythology Taranis was the god of thunder worshipped in Gaul and Britain and mentioned, along with Esus and Toutatis, by the Roman poet Lucan in his epic poem Pharsalia as a Celtic deity to whom sacrificial offerings were made.[1] He was associated, as was the cyclops Brontes (‘thunder’) in Greek mythology, with the wheel and may have received human sacrifices. Many representations of a bearded god with a thunderbolt in one hand and a wheel in the other have been recovered from Gaul, where this deity apparently came to be syncretised with Jupiter.[2] He is likely connected with the Anglo-Saxon god Þunor, the Norse Thor, Ambisagrus, the Irish Tuireann and the Culdee saint Taran. The name Taranis has not yet been recovered from Gaulish inscriptions, but similar variants have, such as Taranucno-, Taranuo-, and Taraino-,
Personality:He is cocky,and he get's easily mad.he misses the life as god but he does like being a human.He sometimes gets bored and starts to get in fights with other people for no reason so he can be a bully sometimes.He always does what he thinks is right and he always rushes into a fight without thinking mostly because he know's he will win.
Other:He lives in the country because he like the peace and quite.He spends most of his time staring out into the fields and cooking
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