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Fanfiction ► Finding the true King of Games...

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The Full Lotus
Jun 12, 2005
Nice story, I just read the whole thing. I was going to make something like this one day but decided not to plus yours would have been way better than mine. Kaiba vs. Zane should be win, if they duel.


A.K.A. Jemxas
May 24, 2004
Maple Shade: A small town in NJ
awsome. I am glad that chazz won the duel. i was chanting chazz it up myself. I am hoping for that Pegasus makes it to the top 8. Hmm If he dueled Crawler then he could make it to the top 8. Joey should face Syrus


Multi-Demension King
Sep 20, 2005
Azoroth, and a few more
Anywho, lets start the final duel of the round!

Chapter 13: The opening round finishes
"All right, time to end this first round!" The announcer boomed over the speakers. "By simple process of elimination, the final duel will be between Marik Istar and Layman Banner."
Marik got to his feet and strapped on his disk. "I guess I finally get a chance to play...."
Banner smiled. "This will be a great honor! I get to face Marik, the runner-up of Battle City." They both stepped onto the stage and readied their disk. "Let's Duel!"

"I'll start." Marik drew. "I summon Vamperic Leech to the field!" The creepy snail arose (300/1500?). "Now, I can attack you directly with this now, even though you haven't had a turn yet." The leech jumped into the air and lowered Banner to 3700 LP.
"That's not fair!" Jaden called out.
"Then I'll discard a card to switch it to defense mode. That's it for me."
Banner grinned. "Not bad. My turn!" He drew. "I activate my Chaos Distill." A large metal pot arose on Banner's field. "Now, every time e a card goes to the grave, it is removed for play instead. Then I'll activate these three cards, Steel Lamp, Tin Spell Circle, and Silver Key. Now I can special summon Salamandra the Steel, Aetos the Tin and Moonface the Silver." The three alchemy beast arose (500/500). "Now, my beast can attack you directly, so go!" The three jumped over the leech and lowered Marik to 2500 LP. "Then 1 facedown to end my turn."

Marik drew. "I sac my leech for Legendary Fiend!" The leech vanished to be replaced by a large purple fiend (1500/1700). "Now, take out Moonface!" The fiend fired a dark blast, destroying Moonface and lowering Banner to 2700. "Then a facedown to end my turn."
Banner drew. "I activate Lead Compass, this lets me play Leon the Lead, yet another one of my Alchemy Beast!" A lion like beast arose (500/500). "Now, my beast, attack his LP again!" The three fired a blast, lowering Marik to 1000 LP. "Then I activate Black Process Neglecto. Since I have no hand, I can kill all my Alchemy Beast to draw 2 cards for each, so that is 6 cards for me." The monsters vanished as Banner picked up 6 cards. "Then I activate Bronze Scale and Mercury Hourglass, to summon Ouroboros the Bronze and Echeneis the Mercury on defense mode." The two arose in defense (500/500). "Then a facedown and that is all."

Marik gritted his teeth. "You're getting really annoying...." Marik drew. "First, my Fiend’s effect activates, so it gains 700 attack point. Then I summon Bowgadian in attack mode!" The green-covered Eye ball with a bow arose. (1300/1000). "Now, you two, wipe out his creatures!" The large one fired a dark blast while the green shot an arrow, destroying the two. "That's all."
"My turn!" Banner drew. "I activate White Process Abado! Now, I can special summon my Golden Homunculus!" The large golden figure arose (1500/1500).
"What is that?" Marik gasped.
"My Homunculus gains 300 ATK and DEF boost for each of my cards removed from play, and since my Chaos Distill has removed them all, he gains a total of 2700 ATK!" Then Homunculus rose to 4200. "Now, attack his Bowgadian! End this duel!"
Marik smiled. "Not so fast! I'll use my Mirror Force. Now, you lose your monster." The attack reflected off a barrier an flew back at the golden golem.
"Not if I use my Inter Matter Transporter. It warps my monster out of play for a turn, and when he returns, he gets 300 more attack by his effect." The monster vanished as the force was about to hit it. "Then, I'll end my turn." The large being returned at 4500.

Marik closed his eyes and drew. "First, my Bowgadian deals 600 to you and my fiend raises 700." Banner lowered to 2100 LP as Legendary Fiend rose to 2900. "Then I play Premature Burial!"
Banner smiled. "What? If you don't remember, we both don't have an monsters in our grave."
Marik laughed. "I guess you don't remember when I discarded for my Vamperic Leech. So, for the cost of 800 LP, I revive Juregado." The dark creature arose (1700/1300) as Marik dropped to 200 LP. "Now, I sac him to play Great Maju Garzett!" The hero vanished as the large fiend arose (3400/0). "You see, my new monster has twice the attack of the sacrificed."
"So what? It's still not big enough."
"It will once I play Gift of the Martyr." Marik smiled. I sacrifice. Bowgadian to make my monster into a 4700 this turn!" The Bow vanished as the beast increased. "Attack the Homunculus with Sludge Regurgitate!" The beast opened it's mouth and fired, destroying the Homunculus and lowering Banner to 1900 LP. "Now, Fiend, finish him!" The large beast nailed Banner, lowering him to 0.

"And the winner, Marik Istar! And that is Round 1. See you tomorrow for Round 2." The announcer spoke one last time before it clicked off.
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Multi-Demension King
Sep 20, 2005
Azoroth, and a few more
I like Peagusus too, but he doesn't face Crawler next round......
If anyone is impatant, take the winners of last round, in order, and place them in the next round 1 by 1, and you'll see the next pairings.....


A.K.A. Jemxas
May 24, 2004
Maple Shade: A small town in NJ
I hate you Jackson. How dare you have Pegasus compete in a duel that he has no chance of winning. Go ahead and start your next chapters but I won't enjoy reading them now that I know that Pegasus won't win


Multi-Demension King
Sep 20, 2005
Azoroth, and a few more
If not them, it would be someone else. I bet more people would get eqully mad if it was Joey or Chazz or someone like that. Plus, it'll give Jaden a little more inititive to win if Cyrus loses.
I'll think it over, but I may be able to keep it relitivly the same, but bump up Peagusus.


Multi-Demension King
Sep 20, 2005
Azoroth, and a few more
Okay, but watch how close it gets!

Chapter 14: The second round Begins.
As the duelist awoke the next morning and drifted into the main hall, everyone was psyched for the next duels. Then, a cloaked figure walked out among them. “Hello Duelist, and welcome to Round 2. Today’s opening Duel will be done between Yugi Moto and Syrus Trusdale.”
Syrus began to cry. “Oh no, I’m gonna lose…..”
Jaden patted him on the back. “Good luck, Sy!”
Tyranno nodded. “Yah! Chin up, solider”
Yugi walked onto the stage. “Pharaoh,” The spirit of Atem appeared beside him. What is it, Yugi? The spirit said. “Let me duel him alone. He would feel more confident and duel better if you just let me face him.” Very well. Atem’s spirit vanished.
Syrus composed himself and walked onto the stage. “All right, let’s duel!” The two’s duel disc lit up.

Syrus called out. “I’ll go first!” He drew. “I’ll play Drilloid in attack mode!” The large drill-nosed machine arose (1600/1600). Then 1 facedown and I’ll end my turn.”
“Not bad.” Yugi smiled as he drew. “I’ll play Beta the Magnet Warrior!” The yellow magnet arose (1700/1500). “Beta, attack!” The magnet warrior began it’s charge.
“I’ll activate my trap, Super Charge, so I get to draw 2 cards!” Syrus picked up his cards as Drilliod was destroyed and he went down to 3900 LP.
“Then I’m done!”

Syrus drew. “I activate Polymerization, so I fuse the Ambulanceroid and Rescueroid in my hand to create Ambulance Rescueroid!” A large red trunk arose on Syrus‘s field. (2300/1800). “Now, Ambulance Rescueroid, attack his magnet warrior!” The trunk ran up and nailed Beta, destroying it and lowering Yugi to 3400. “Then 1 facedown and I‘m done.”
Yugi drew. “I’ll lay a monster in defense, 1 facedown and end my turn.”

Syrus began to smile. “Then I’ll play Decoyroid!” A small little car rode up (300/500). “Now, Ambulance Rescueroid, attack!” The facedown critter died with a shriek.
“You just activated my Sangan’s effect, so I can add Gamma to my hand.” Yugi looked threw his deck and put Gamma into his hand.
“Now, Decoyroid, attack his LP.” Decoyroid honked its horn as it ran up and nailed Yugi, lowering him to 3100. “I’m done.”
Yugi drew. “I play Monster Reincarnation. By discarding my Summon Skull, I can add Alpha back to my hand. Then I’ll play Monster Reborn, to revive my Summon Skull!” The large fiend arose (2500/1200). “Now, Summon Skull, take out that Ambulance Reascueroid with Lighting Strike!” The fiend generated a static bolt and nailed poor Decoyroid, lowering Syrus to 1700 LP.
Syrus grinned. “I guess you didn’t know about Decoyroid’s effect. It takes all attacks directed at me and my monsters. I’ll activate Cyber Summon Blaster. Now, whenever I special summon a machine, you lose 300 LP! Then, my Ambulance Rescueroid’s special ability activates. Now, my Decoyroid is returned to my field.” The little car returned in defense mode. “Now Blaster, fire!” The trap charged up a bolt and zapped Yugi, lowering him to 2800 LP.
“I’m done then.”

Syrus drew. “Sweet. I’ll play Defusion, so now my Ambulance Rescueroid splits back into it’s two pieces, Ambulanceroid and Rescueroid.” The two machines arose in defense mode (1600/1800) (300/1200). “This activates my Blaster 2 more times!” Yugi dropped to 2200 LP. “Then a facedown to end my turn”
Yugi drew. “I’ll activate Brain Control. Now, I lose 800 to take control of your Rescueroid.” Yugi’s LP lowered to 1400 as the machine was placed on his field. “Then I sacrifice it to play Catapult Turtle!” The large green turtle arose (1000/2000). Catapult Turtle, attack his Decoyroid!” The turtle fired a small ball of energy, destroying the car. “Summon Skull, nail that Ambulanceroid!” The skull fired another bolt, electrifying the ambulance.
“Then, I’ll activate my Catapult’s special effect. I’ll launch off my skull to deal half it’s attack directly to your LP.” Summon Skull got onto the turtle’s back and was shot off like a rocket toward Syrus.
“Not so fast! I activate Mirror Damage, so you take the same amount of effect damage I do while this is out.” A large mirror rose in front of Syrus, and the blast recoiled and hit Yugi. Syrus dropped to 950, while Yugi dropped to 150 LP.
Yugi sighed. “Then a facedown card to end my turn.”

Syrus drew. “I’ll play Cycleroid in attack mode.” The little bicycle arose (800/1200). “Not that he’s staying. I’ll play Quick Summon, witch allows me to perform another normal summon, so I’ll sacrifice my Cycleroid for UFOroid.” The bike vanished to be replaced by a flying machine (1200/1200). “Now, UFOroid, attack his turtle!” The Roid began it’s charge. “Awesome, I beat Yugi!”
“Not necessarily. I activate Emergency Previsions. Now, I sac my other Spell to gain 1000 LP.” Yugi’s LP rose to 1150. The turtle was destroyed, lowering Yugi to 950.
“Then I’m done.”
Yugi drew his card. “I play Pot of Greed to draw 2 cards.” He picked up his cards. “Now, I sacrifice Alpha, Beta, and Gamma from my hand to special summon my Valkerion, the Magna Warrior!” The large metallic magnet man arose (3500/3850).
“NO!” Syrus gasped.
“Now, Valkerion, attack UFOroid!” The magnetic man created a large sword and slashed the machine, lowering Syrus to 0.

“And the winner, Yugi Moto!” The hooded figure called out.
Jaden ran up to Syrus. “You okay, Sy?”
Syrus smiled up at Jaden. “Yah, that was awesome.”
Yugi walked up to Syrus and they shook hands.
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