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Help/Support ► everyone HATES me!!!

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lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
It sort of is when you have nearly no contact with other kids your age

Because being homeschooled means you can't leave your house at all, right?

Obviously you're not going to be forced into contact with other people your age, but minimal effort would yield quite a bit of social interaction.


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
It's called "Going outside and playing with the neighborhood kids."

Go outside and find someone your age just doing something outside, walk up to them randomly, and say "Hey we should be friends, I'm gonna hang out with you now"

I'm sure that'll work out just swimmingly.


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
Go outside and find someone your age just doing something outside, walk up to them randomly, and say "Hey we should be friends, I'm gonna hang out with you now"

I'm sure that'll work out just swimmingly.

Because there are no other ways to meet someone, right.

There are plenty of extracurricular activities offered by park districts, churches, etc.

What if your parents dont let you, or there arent any kids?

a: You have shitty parents.
b: Poor unlucky you then.


was twohearts
Feb 12, 2006
killin meh some zomies
everyone in class makes fun of me at school, they just never stop, if i tell the teacher, they'll all make fun of me even more, or else i'll get moved down a class

story of my life. anyways heres some stuff first make GOOD comebackes to them to humilate them. i sorta hope they do it enough to push you over the edge (like they did me) be and either beat them up or something and also if your ina big school stay away or sabatoge them try to get then pick on you in where a teacher is and they do it in front of them and get caught im not to sure how i got out of it. i dont know if your school does this but when someone gets in a fight if the person your fighting hits 4 times and you dont do anything after they hits you 4 times you can beat them to the ground and not get into trouble.

Well THeres the more *brutal*l way so to speak hres a more *nicer* way to do it well obviosly a bully is just someone that has there own problems just tryin to hide there by pikng on other people.either ask them why they do it ? or find out what there problem is.

Some of these may work but you have to be willing to do since your shy(like i am) youll problaby have a nervous breakdown before you do it and FORCE your self to move to even get close to then but its your choice.

PS-this is the most ive written in a post lol:thumbup:


lately, lovely
Mar 17, 2007
story of my life. anyways heres some stuff first make GOOD comebackes to them to humilate them.

You'll most likely be laughed at and ridiculed more. No bully appreciates wit.

i sorta hope they do it enough to push you over the edge (like they did me) be and either beat them up or something

Enjoy your disciplinary action and probable suspension.

try to get then pick on you in where a teacher is and they do it in front of them and get caught im not to sure how i got out of it.

They'll only hate you more later, and might learn subtlety.

i dont know if your school does this but when someone gets in a fight if the person your fighting hits 4 times and you dont do anything after they hits you 4 times you can beat them to the ground and not get into trouble.


Well THeres the more *brutal*l way so to speak hres a more *nicer* way to do it well obviosly a bully is just someone that has there own problems just tryin to hide there by pikng on other people.either ask them why they do it ? or find out what there problem is.

Once again, you're going to be laughed at, and only make yourself look worse to them.


Armchair Administrator
Jun 9, 2005
Because there are no other ways to meet someone, right.

There are plenty of extracurricular activities offered by park districts, churches, etc.

The fact that you have to go out of your way to join extracurricular activities, clubs, groups, church, in order to have a semblance of making friends, shows that Homeschooling is hardly a social-ready environment rich with the ability to still make and maintain friends when not in the school system. The school system readily provides the environment for you to be near hundreds of kids your age to find people with similar interests and personalities to make friends with, Homeschooling makes that an exceedingly more difficult process that in most cases doesn't lead to equivalent social activities or number of friends at all.
May 17, 2007
The fact that you have to go out of your way to join extracurricular activities, clubs, groups, church, in order to have a semblance of making friends, shows that Homeschooling is hardly a social-ready environment rich with the ability to still make and maintain friends when not in the school system. The school system readily provides the environment for you to be near hundreds of kids your age to find people with similar interests and personalities to make friends with, Homeschooling makes that an exceedingly more difficult process that in most cases doesn't lead to equivalent social activities or number of friends at all.

Also, many people find the social aspects of school to be the best.

Or, I do.

Oh course, education's important, and the social environment makes it even better.


New member
Sep 4, 2007
Wherever you want me to be
This whole topic is a great one to descuss with KHI...I have learned they help with problem,have these people have helped meand most of there advice works. Some of the guys on here are real jerk's and if you can tell who they are try not to follow there advice.
Anyway back to the main topic. I have been through (and still am) the same thing.My advice is this next summer try to change the things you dislike about yourself and by the time school starts you should have less people picking on you.Plus If you go into High School you will have a whole nother school to make friends with.
Good luck.
Mar 29, 2007
where all surrounding chaos stands still
everyone in class makes fun of me at school, they just never stop, if i tell the teacher, they'll all make fun of me even more, or else i'll get moved down a class

ignore them. if you let it show that they're bothering you and making you upset, they'll keep coming at you. if you ignore them, they'll keep trying, but when they realize it isn't affecting you, they'll stop.

trust me, I've been in similar situations ^^ ignoring them is the best thing you can do.


Mar 19, 2008
in a world of despair
everyone in class makes fun of me at school, they just never stop, if i tell the teacher, they'll all make fun of me even more, or else i'll get moved down a class

thats something alot of people go through, and each passing year, it could feel even worse,

i suggest you lower your standards, at least they dont do any physical obuse. from there, i would say they pick on you with words because they dont have anything else,

but if its something like physical obuse, i suggest you actually tell your teacher or an administrator. a little bullying becomes something serious then tell someone right away, one of them will get in trouble and the rest will back off.

but if its bullying like i think you are describing, then its something anyone can handle. i bet now that u let it all out u will start to feel better.

Reika Noko

Forever lurking
Sep 26, 2008
everyone in class makes fun of me at school, they just never stop, if i tell the teacher, they'll all make fun of me even more, or else i'll get moved down a class
I have the same problem. Except that I don't really tell the teachers and the teachers love me, actually. That's a serious (and somewhat common) problem you have there if the teachers aren't doing anything.

But of course, you shouldn't trust your school to help you fix the problem. Even if they do do anything about it, the situation will only get worse, to an extent though. It matters on what the school board actually does specifically that the problem either stops or lessens. That doesn't happen much in real life because you need proof. Either sides trying to defend them selves would go out of their way to lie and make it plausible. And even if you do win, the recovery will be a long one. It'll be gone one day. Then some idiot eventually brings it up again after a walk down memory lane and the whole fiasco starts again.

So in your case right now, when you tell your teachers, they laugh at you and threaten to move you down a class? Now that's one harsh school staff. And if you tried the principal and failed, only thing to do now is either fight "the man" through many trials (figuratively and literally if you make it that far) or run away by asking your parents to move somewhere else to a place where you might make you feel comfortable. Once you tell them what your problem is. Maybe you could also ask your parents for advice? If you did and failed then do the former of either latter above and ask if you could move...or better yet, transfer to another school. If all else fails, homeschool. If that doesn't work out then you're left with no other option left than to go back to square one, cope with it, and hope for the better.

It would be very pitiful if you're left with staying with the problem. So, there must be a road of driving into success if you're forced to "hope for the better." My family tells me to make people more and more impressed with me to have them stop "hurting the kid with a high reputation to avoid looking bad and like an asshole." So basically, do the things that will make you look better than everyone else. Grades, awards, contests, etc., whatever will make them say "wow" about you rather than making them insult you for your "lack of ability" which they don't even know you actually do have. And that happens all the time. With the quiet ones...that don't give people a presentation of what they can do while being independent. But there's always the option of telling someone off if you know how to avoid a big fight that might follow.

Whatever helps you, I hope you'll get better with this problem. You have my support. And whoever is here to help you out as well. :)


Aug 28, 2006
Killing is easy once you forget the taste of sugar
The fact that you have to go out of your way to join extracurricular activities, clubs, groups, church, in order to have a semblance of making friends, shows that Homeschooling is hardly a social-ready environment rich with the ability to still make and maintain friends when not in the school system. The school system readily provides the environment for you to be near hundreds of kids your age to find people with similar interests and personalities to make friends with, Homeschooling makes that an exceedingly more difficult process that in most cases doesn't lead to equivalent social activities or number of friends at all.
I'm plenty busy throughout the week, and have plenty of friends I talk to daily and meet up with regularly, and I'm homeschooled. It gives me more time to be with friends, honestly.

Then again, I'm highly active in activities at my church, so I'm always around my closest friends and doing the things I love.

There are plenty of kids in the public school system that aren't exactly the best influence or the people I want to get close to.
Anyway, that's just me.

So, my advice, is this.

Those brutes can't show respect and kindness to you? Show them what it's like. I'm not saying let yourself get beat up, but always speak with sincerity and respect. For one, that will show them what they are missing as a part of themselves, and what you yourself have and can show them.

If they really can't leave you alone, go speak to the principal. Trust me, it will get resolved VERY quickly. They're just stupid teenagers. They don't rule your life unless you let them. They all have a mommy or daddy they go home to and they all have alone time in their rooms where they ponder the misery of their own lives. They're humans, not supernatural torture devices.

Tell the principal that you are getting physically and verbally abused, and tell him/her who. If that doesn't resolve anything, there's gotta be a cop somewhere on your campus. Tell him what's going on, because frankly, the way they have treated you is illegal. You could press charges if you want to.

Nothing stops a stupid teenager in his tracks quicker than some juvy-time and a huge fine his parents make him pay.

There might be a period of more teasing, or ganging up on by their friends, but don't take it seriously. Like I said, they're just dumb kids who don't understand what they are doing. If anyone else starts a problem with you, go to your parents, their parents, the principal, the police, anyone. There are so many people who can help and WILL help. Eventually, people will get the idea that if they mess with you, their butt will get kicked out of school, and I can guarantee you will be left alone. If all goes wrong and people try to go after you, just play it safe and have your parents pick you up from school, don't walk home, and be sure to report to adults what other kids are bothering you.

It's better for both the school and you that kids like that don't remain there anyway.

Just my advice, though.
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you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
*hugs* That really sounds terrible. I've only read through about 4 pages of this, but I can get what's going on.

Well, my advice on the matter is the same as what most people have been saying: Get some self-confidence.

I am curious about one thing though: How do you present yourself?

Do you present yourself as a slob? As a nerd? (And I mean you no offense.) Just tell me how do you present yourself.

Honestly, I used to present myself as a quirky sort-of smart girl. I still do. I didn't get bullied, really, because my classmates knew how much more intelligent I was compared to them and that I was able to help them in class. :> (Yes, I'm sounding a bit arrogant and such, but that's what's happened to me.)

If you present yourself as a meek, mousy little girl who will submit to them when they start picking on her, then try presenting yourself differently.

Stand up to the kids that bully you and tell them to shut up. Tell them that you don't want to hear anymore of their bullshit and you're not going to take it anymore. (Well, don't use these exact words, but you catch my drift.)

Also, find out what they're making fun of.

If it's your hair, get a haircut. Find something cute that works with your hair and even dye it, if you feel like it. You won't believe how many people will start gushing at you if you walk in with a completely different hairstyle.

If it's your clothes, find out what specifically is wrong with them. Are they too immature? Are they too small? Are they too revealing and your body just isn't made for them? (Once again, no offence, but I hope you understand what I mean when I say that.) Find out what's wrong with your clothes and when you do, go up to your mom and say, "Mom, I need some new clothes." Buy something that looks cute and works, but above all, it's something you like.

If it's the way you talk, try to fix it. One of my biggest flaws is that I use big words around my classmates without meaning to and they all just get confused.

Honestly, the worst thing you can do is try to insult them back. Especially if you're not prepared. If someone calls you a name, act like you didn't hear it and then look at them and say, "Oh? What was that? I wasn't paying attention to your pointless rambles..." Or just say anything along those lines to appear like what they're saying to you doesn't bother you at all.

Also, try making some new friends. If you're a loner at your school, look around lunchtime or whatever and try to find someone else who's all alone and go talk to them. Try joining some clubs at your school that you're interested in. If it's drawing, join Art Club. If it's acting, try to get into Drama. If one of your biggest issues is socializing, try to fix that. Practice talking to people, even if it's only online.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm sorry if this is confusing or contradictory or anything of the sort. And if you need someone to talk to, remember that you have friends on here who'll listen to you. :>


you look atrocious
May 17, 2008
Oh, right, I forgot to mention something.

If it's physical abuse, GO TO AN ADMINISTRATOR OF THE SCHOOL RIGHT AWAY. A teacher, a principal, it doesn't matter, you go to them and you tell them exactly what happened.

For name calling and such, they can't do much, but if those kids are physically abusing you, you could get them suspended.

Also, tell your parents about it. Even if sometimes your parents may seem unreliable and you're unsure if you should talk to them, you should. Your parents worry about you day and night and if you're being bullied, you should tell them.

But, yeah, if those kids are pushing you into lockers and such, you should go to someone, an adult, and tell them right away.

And it's not bad to be friends with members of the football team either. :>
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