Ok kids, short update.
Chapter 4
“Get away from me,” I said through gritted teeth.
“Surely you don’t mean that, sweetheart,” he said, sounding hurt.
“Why wouldn’t I?” I turned around, almost falling over, and glared at him.
Hadyn looked the same as he did a year ago.
The wavy red hair and empty smile were unchanged and his leering gray eyes focused on me. How could I have ever liked this guy?
“I saw you with him today. Someone actually wants to hold your hand now I guess,” he taunted. “Although, I can tell you like him and it won’t be long before he tries to sleep with you. That’s all he wants anyway.”
“And how do you know this,” I snapped, my temper rising so fast I could not help but raise my voice.
“You don’t know? My oh my, Sophia! It’s a known fact that most guys would do anything to have you. Same goes for Annette. You two are what is most desirable.” Haydn slid closer to me and reached for my hand.
I stepped back. “That doesn’t mean anything. He’s different, I can tell.”
“No he’s not. He’s a guy who would like nothing more than to get you a lone and break your lovely heart.”
I lost it. Completely. Without a thought, I snatched up my glass, filled with whatever I had been drinking for the last hour or so, and with all the strength I could muster, threw it at the slimeball. Because I have such awful aim, the glass sailed past Haydn, although he did get a face full of carbonated alcohol. The glass, however, shattered when it made contact with a stranger’s head.
“Who threw that,” shouted the stranger.
I made to shrink behind Haydn, but he disappeared into the riotous crowd. Meanwhile, about five people pointed in my general direction. The only person close to me was Annette and she was clearly too drunk to pick anything up, much less throw something.
The man strode over to the bouncer and tore him away from Klaus and Kian’s roulette game and marched him over to me; Klaus and Kian in hot pursuit.
“She’s trying to start a fight.” The man practically spit the words at me.
“Why would I want to start a fight?” I may be drunk and furious at Haydn, but I’ll be damned if I get thrown out of here without an honorable argument.
“Why don’t you tell me,” he fired back.
“Will you just look at this tiny little thing? She can’t hurt a fly,” Klaus said in a positively giddy voice.
“She’s only the sweetest girl on Earth,” Kian said in the same manner. What is with these two?
“Says you,” the stranger snapped.
“Timmy! You will solve this problem because it is your job.” Kian threw his lanky arms into the air as he addressed the bouncer.
“Capital idea, Kian! Well Timmy, what do you think?” Klaus asked Timmy the bouncer.
“You kids get yourselves out of here. Now,” Timmy barked at us. “Round up the rest of your friends and take your shindig somewhere else.”
This was not what I wanted to happen. I wanted to win my honorable argument! Stupid boys.
“What was that all about? You didn’t even give me a chance to put up a fantastic argument,” I whined to the twins.
“You need to get home straight away! Your true love is coming to see you, remember?” Kian took hold on my arm and led me towards the door, picking up a sobbing Annette along the way.
“Soapy, Dante hates me! I just know it!” She sounds like a babbling brook.
“Shut it, ok?” I suddenly felt sick. I had forgotten about Dakirai.
“But I love him,” she wailed.
I sighed and shook free of Kian’s grip. Tonight pretty much sucked.
Verrry short chapter.
The next one shall be longer