How many times did you see the decline of video game series again?
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphone!
The earth started shaking. Something yellow started to come out of the town entrance. No, around a thousand things yellow! It was... the bananaphone!
"Holy..." Started Ned.
Everyone was quiet for a minute, then...
"RUN!" Shouted Riku, pushing a button on the driver's panel.
"Eject, eject!" Shouted Sora. He was shot out of his seat while the robot was running.
"Wait for me!" He screamed, and he ran. Like a little girl.
Mario entered the scene, with Luigi, Wario and Yoshi.
"Mama-mia, I told you I'd be back." He said. As Sora was climbing back into the robot, Mario clicked his fingers. The bananaphones surrounded the robot, until a certain thing turned the tables...
"Get them!" Shouted Squall, jumping out from a balcony, with Yuffie, Aeris and Cloud following him. They all were equipped with flamethrowers.
"Eat flames, assholes!" Shouted Cloud, burning Luigi.
"OHMYGODIMONFIRE!" He shouted. (And yes, I love decline too!
"You'll pay for that!" Shouted Mario, signalling Wario to spray him.
"Now, Sora!" Shouted Riku, signalling to a button. Sora pressed it, and a gun popped out, shooting a minature A-bomb.
"Run!" Shouted Kairi, grabbing the controls and steering them towards a back alley for cover.
"What the hell is going on here?" Shouted the mayor, stepping out of his office. A blast of black smoke followed.
"Grrr..." He said, stepping back inside.
Everybody covered their ears.
Everybody ducked.
Everybody put on a helmet.
Everybody looked round to see what was happening...
Why is it taking so long?
The blast was like a volcano eruption, melting the banana phones to a wirey, yellow, magma.
"Oh, for..." Started Mario, stepping out of the town's entrance, his comrades following.
Everybody cheered.
"We won!" Shouted Ned.
"Not for long...." Said the mayor, stepping out of his office. "I knew this would come in handy once," He said, pulling out a remote. "Oh, and did I forget to mention, once I press this, it blows up the whole town, so I suggest you clear off!"
Everybody backed off a while, except for a certain little primate, who thought he could be a big man...
"Monkey, NO!" Shouted Donald.
"Gawrsh, isn't he stupid?" Said Goofy.
"Says you." Replied Donald.
The monkey jumped up and pressed the button. A flag rose out of the clock tower.
"BANG." It said.
"Very funny," Said Sora, stepping out of the Robot. "You know what, if that had been.."
"Holy %$^&!" Shouted Ned.
"Stop saying that, it's making the writer look like a retard!" Shouted Kairi.
"Lucky for you, that only blew up the wasteland that the heartless live in." Said the mayor.
"BITCH!" Shouted Ned, pulling out his gun, and pointing it at the mayor's head.
"Now Ned, don't do anything rash..." Said the mayor.
"How do you know my name?" Said Ned, astonished.
"Your master never told you who you're father was did he?"
"What master? Anyway, it can't be true!"
"Ned.... I am you're father!"
DUN DUN DUN! The mayor is Ned's father! And Sora needs to scratch his butt...
Sorry, I just needed to put it in
A: Ned kills the mayor.
B: Ned lets him go.
Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphone!
The earth started shaking. Something yellow started to come out of the town entrance. No, around a thousand things yellow! It was... the bananaphone!
"Holy..." Started Ned.
Everyone was quiet for a minute, then...
"RUN!" Shouted Riku, pushing a button on the driver's panel.
"Eject, eject!" Shouted Sora. He was shot out of his seat while the robot was running.
"Wait for me!" He screamed, and he ran. Like a little girl.
Mario entered the scene, with Luigi, Wario and Yoshi.
"Mama-mia, I told you I'd be back." He said. As Sora was climbing back into the robot, Mario clicked his fingers. The bananaphones surrounded the robot, until a certain thing turned the tables...
"Get them!" Shouted Squall, jumping out from a balcony, with Yuffie, Aeris and Cloud following him. They all were equipped with flamethrowers.
"Eat flames, assholes!" Shouted Cloud, burning Luigi.
"OHMYGODIMONFIRE!" He shouted. (And yes, I love decline too!
"You'll pay for that!" Shouted Mario, signalling Wario to spray him.
"Now, Sora!" Shouted Riku, signalling to a button. Sora pressed it, and a gun popped out, shooting a minature A-bomb.
"Run!" Shouted Kairi, grabbing the controls and steering them towards a back alley for cover.
"What the hell is going on here?" Shouted the mayor, stepping out of his office. A blast of black smoke followed.
"Grrr..." He said, stepping back inside.
Everybody covered their ears.
Everybody ducked.
Everybody put on a helmet.
Everybody looked round to see what was happening...
Why is it taking so long?
The blast was like a volcano eruption, melting the banana phones to a wirey, yellow, magma.
"Oh, for..." Started Mario, stepping out of the town's entrance, his comrades following.
Everybody cheered.
"We won!" Shouted Ned.
"Not for long...." Said the mayor, stepping out of his office. "I knew this would come in handy once," He said, pulling out a remote. "Oh, and did I forget to mention, once I press this, it blows up the whole town, so I suggest you clear off!"
Everybody backed off a while, except for a certain little primate, who thought he could be a big man...
"Monkey, NO!" Shouted Donald.
"Gawrsh, isn't he stupid?" Said Goofy.
"Says you." Replied Donald.
The monkey jumped up and pressed the button. A flag rose out of the clock tower.
"BANG." It said.
"Very funny," Said Sora, stepping out of the Robot. "You know what, if that had been.."
"Holy %$^&!" Shouted Ned.
"Stop saying that, it's making the writer look like a retard!" Shouted Kairi.
"Lucky for you, that only blew up the wasteland that the heartless live in." Said the mayor.
"BITCH!" Shouted Ned, pulling out his gun, and pointing it at the mayor's head.
"Now Ned, don't do anything rash..." Said the mayor.
"How do you know my name?" Said Ned, astonished.
"Your master never told you who you're father was did he?"
"What master? Anyway, it can't be true!"
"Ned.... I am you're father!"
DUN DUN DUN! The mayor is Ned's father! And Sora needs to scratch his butt...
Sorry, I just needed to put it in
A: Ned kills the mayor.
B: Ned lets him go.