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Fanfiction ► chasing you

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Riku of Darkness

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Loved it!! but the flashback...sorry...but it just makes Roxas seem like a wuss...its just as fun playin on your own than with someone else..but ya...would you guys go comment my new fanfic..i dont wanna seem like a complete loser...the link is in my sig...thanks!! and good job Namine...keep it up!!:thumbsup: :thumbup:


The Show Must Go On
May 31, 2006
its such a good fic so far, princess namine! i like it alot, so make sure you write more soon, okay? and i'll be here to comment! yay! *fangirl dance*


Apr 21, 2005
Wow. This is undeniably the worst concievable idea for a fiction ever, to say nothing of the poor quality of the writing itself, and a sad attempt at low-brow humour.

princess namine

New member
Dec 20, 2006
Wow. This is undeniably the worst concievable idea for a fiction ever, to say nothing of the poor quality of the writing itself, and a sad attempt at low-brow humour.

Well if you don't like it then go away...

For people who do what to read here's the next chapter..
Disclaimer sorry: I do not own these IM names, Username, Story mentioned, websites or the song. They are made up IM names, name of a friend, another friend's story and the song belongs to Jesse McCartney thank you.

Chapter 6 : Broken part 1

For the rest of the flight, Namine listened to her Ipod. One of her favorite songs were playing.

I love this song. It's like he's speaking to me...

Take me on a journey
I've been thinking lately
I could use
A little time alone with you

She remembered when she first listened to the song.

--- Flashback---

Namine was texting Zoe, who was in her hometown, Peridote Metropolis, about the usual stuff they always talk about.

Zoey101: I'm so bored here. I watched movies on youtube. Went to a baseball game. Heck, I read Hearts of Twlight on KHinsider.com. The only thing I found funny in there was `princessofhearts.

Snow143: Have you tried listening to your mp3 player?

Zoey101: Can't. Left it at home.

Snow143: That sucks.

Zoey101: Yeah I know.

Snow143: So...

Zoey101: Hey I have this new song!

Snow143: What is it?

Zoey101: Right where you want me by some guy name Jesse, I think.

Snow143: Sounds cool, send it to me.

Zoey101: Okay

Zoey101 sending Snow143 music file...

Downloading file...

File downloaded.

Namine quickly clicked on the file. Music beamed out of her computer.

---End Flashback---

Namine found that she felled asleep on the plane. The plane slowly descended to the ground. Namine and her father got off the plane and found their bags. They walked into the lobby and was greeted by 2 young girls. One was about 18 with short black hair and steel metal eyes. The other had long black hair and hazelnut green eyes and was about 15. Both wore a black t - shirt and white shorts.

"Yuffie, Eve, how are you?"

"Okay Namie. Hey Uncle Ansem."

"Hello Yuffina and Genieve."

Why does he call them by their real names?

"Well, we better get going."Namine went with Yuffie and Eve to Yuffie's condo while her father went to Yuffie and Eve's Mom and Step-Dad's home. Yuffie parked her car and used the elevator to get to her condo. Inside the place was a voilet living room with 2 couches and an arm chair. In front of them was a plasma t.v. and a 360 with a wii. In the back was a small kitchen with a bathroom next to it. To the right of the living room was three white doors. Each had a letter on it. From left to right the letters wre Y.E.N for Yuffie, Eve, and Namine. Then Yuffie asked Namine a question,

"Namine, do you have any boyfriends?" Namine was confused about why she asked.

"No, I just broke up with my boyfriend,Wyatt. Why?"

"Because someone sent a boquet of flowers." As she said this she pulled out a bunch of red roses.

"And there's a card." She handed Namine the roses and the card. Namine quickly opened the card.
She read it aloud," Dear Namine, I'm sorry about what happened last week. Now I see that I was being Idiotic and Self - center. I really care about you and love you. I used your favorite flower as a way to make you forgive me. So please come back!

Love, Wyatt"

"So Namine, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to let him burn in hell, Eve." She dropped the flowers into the garbage.

"The asshole doesn't know that my favorite flower are white lillys."


"Anyways, I met this new guy..."

"Okay spill!"

"Well he's cute, handsome, and really nice."

"What does he look like?"

"He's blonde, has amazing blue eyes, and a cute smile."

"Oh he sounds perfect for you."

"Yeah I know but I don't know his name..."

"That's too bad."

"Yeah I know. I think I'll go lay down." Namine walked to the door and opened it. After she walked in and shut the door, she laid down on her bed thinking.

When everybody goes to sleep I'll pack my stuff and go to the concert. No one will notice I'm gone.

I feel broken not knowing his name.
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The Show Must Go On
May 31, 2006
Ooo, 'tis a very good chapter, dear! I liked it a lot, and I can't wait until you get to the actiony parts! Yay!
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