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BHKs Awakening and Sora

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anyone but me

New member
Aug 3, 2005
Do you think BHKs Awakening is going to have an effect on Sora? Since it is confirmed that BHK is playable, and it is highly speculated that the tutorial for KH2 will be BHK's awakening and possible all of twilight town, will the choices you make for BHK effect Sora do you think? Like, in KH, Sora had to choose sword, shield, or rod and which to give up.. and then he had to answer questions to figure out the pace of the game.. so do you think in BHKs awakening, when we play that, it effects Sora? And this is all under the assumption we play as BHK for his awakening.


New member
Aug 4, 2005
well just 2 let u know i am more than sure bhk is playable in awakening........ sum1 posted sumthing about this way earlier........ i will be back with the stuff they said......


New member
Jun 12, 2005
Destiny Island
well i already read in an interview..and i'll find it if u want..that its gonna be a tutorial in twilight town and u get 2 see a little of it not a whole lot....maybe it does affect sora u never know

anyone but me

New member
Aug 3, 2005
Sora_aroS said:
well i already read in an interview..and i'll find it if u want..that its gonna be a tutorial in twilight town and u get 2 see a little of it not a whole lot....maybe it does affect sora u never know
it has been confirmed that BHK is playable during his awakening?? I thought it was just confirmed that he was playable.. anyway, yea, so do you think that the choices we make while playing with him during the awakening affect Sora.. that would be the only way to pull off what they did last game.. or do you think they scrapped the idea of customizing at the begining of the game?

EDIT: yea, can you provide a link to that interview


New member
Aug 4, 2005
ok then well anyway here's the stuff i found it was posted by RikostheSavior, unfortunately the kid was burned 2 the xtreme 4 this but i believe he is right and it sounds like something square enix would do and the pictur of axel that kh2.co.uk has posted up of him jumping down from a building seems 2 match with this if u think about it

RikostheSavior's post in Official BHK Topic Reborn page 90 (i think)

I know I shouldn't be posting any of this....And I might get banned or something for it.....And don't quote me on any of this....But from my sources, I think I have found out what happens in the begining of KH2. Also, after I post this, I will post something else that might give people something to think about.

MAJOR MAJOR SPOLIER: If you don't want to know then don't read and go to the bottom.

The game starts out with Sora, floating in his pod. The same as in KH:CoM. It's like, the exact same scene almost...the Graphics are still exactly the same. It shows him floating in the pod, then it draws out, showing the entire room that he is in. After a while, the screen gets grainy like a movie on a projector, and words scroll up the screen slowly. Those words recap all of KH1, and KH:CoM. Luckily, you CAN skip them (although you cannot skip any other cutscenes unless you have seen them once. Or at least not any other ones I've experienced).

After the recap, it shows a FMV(!!) of two guys in hoods...Mickey and another one (it is probably Riku!). They are walking up to the Organization hideout in the woods outside of Twilight Town. Mickey looks up to Riku, and then the gates open. They both walk in, and then the camera pans up into the sky and you can see a very big portion of Twilight Town from a 3/4 perspective, even the Station (which is somewhere in the middle). Then, the camera pans up again and you can see the sun setting and it says "Kingdom Hearts II" in golden letters, flying torwards the screen.

The FMV is continuing, but music starts up...its the Planit B Hikari remix from the beginning of KH1. It shows three kids running down the street from a bird's eye view, they are all three of blonde's friends. The camera pans up and over and you can see a man standing on top of a building, a man in a black robe...and then his hood blows off and you can see that it's Axel! Axel in full 3D FMV!! It shows Axel running along the roofs while the kids are running along the street. It has a close up of Axel's mouth, and you can see a slight grin.

Next it shows Namine in Castle Oblivion, sitting in a white room (not the memory pod room), drawing. She draws a picture that looks like Blonde. She then takes a picture that she drew of Sora and puts them next to eachother. Her eyes grow a little wide.

After that, it goes back to Axel. He jumps off of the roof and lands in front of the kids running along the street. The music stops, and Axel speaks.

"Don't go to your friend, not now."

He then makes a wall of Fire that blocks them, and the screen blacks out.

The FMV stops, and it shows Blonde in in-game graphics falling from the blackness, and landing on one of the columns like Sora did in his awakening...except instead of doves flying out from the pillar, doves fly INTO the pillar and make the picture of the princess. A voice comes into Blonde's mind...

"Your time has come...to awaken the power hidden inside your heart"

the voice then tells you how to do stuff, pretty much the same as KH1, except for a few differences.

1. Instead of fighitng shadows, you fight Dusk. The voice (king mickey's voice?? I dunno) says "You are an anomaly. You are an existence that shouldn't be. You are an existence that lives in perfect harmony. Will you fight this balance, or will you accept it?". It says this before you fight the Dusk. The Dusk overwhelm you, and a white hole opens up below you and you fall through it.

2. There is training for Reaction Commands against Dusk.

Then, you fight the Nobody. The voice says "Is this what you will become? Will you choose light, darkness, or neither? Show me your power".

The giant Nobody is pretty hard. Instead of standing still, he does all these backflips and stuff. And his hands can stretch and hit you from almost anywhere. Luckily, besides flipping, he is pretty slow to attack. When he attacks you with his scarf like thing, the pointy tips at the end can go into the ground and you can run up and hit his face like Darkside.

Okay...now after that "awakening" sequence, Blonde wakes up. He is sleeping on a bench below a windowsill which is holding a Flowerpot, in an alleyway which is lit with twilight and has a orange-brick street. He wakes up to see Axel looking down on him.

"Aha...I knew you would be up soon."

Blonde jumps up and pushes Axel away.

"You're from...The XIII Organization! What do you want with me?!"

"Boy...The Organization exists only to discover the mysteries of the heart. Your heart is still maturing. At this point, it is going through it's biggest growth. I have come to observe it."

Go away! I don't want to get involved with you people!"

Axel then takes a step back.

"I didn't hurt your friends. I just kept them back. But you, on the other hand..."

Blonde gets nervous, and tries to run, but Axel makes a wall of fire.

"I must test you now. Y'know...you really do look like him"

Axel pulls out his wind-fire wheels, and a Keyblade materializes in BHK's hand. Blonde looks at it in amazement.

"You should know how to wield that. It was your destiny, after all. Wield it against me!"

The screen flashes white, and a "Nobody" symbol flies up into the screen and the battle begins. Axel is very easy. About as easy as "Twilightside" the huge Nobody. (that isn't his actual name). He only has a few moves. One where he throws one of his wheel at you, one where he rushes at you and tries to combo you with his wheels, and one where he shoots off a very slow fireball. The move where he throws his wheel has a reaction move you can do where you duck under it, and when he does his fireball move you can do a reaction move (it's harder to do a reaction move to this one, it's about as hard as trying to whack Wakka's balls back at him) where you can whack a fireball back at him.

After fighting him in the twilight Street, Axel backs away.

After fighting him in the twilight Street, Axel backs away.

"Hah. Pretty good." Axel says, before backing away and dissapearing in a dark mist.

BHK looks at the keyblade in amazement, before it dissapears from his hands.

After the Keyblade dissapears from his hands, Blonde's friends run up to him.

"What happened?" The girl asked him, "That member of the XIII Organization...what was he doing to you?"

"Yeah, you don't wanna get mixed up with them." the slim tall boy says.

Blonde explains how he had a weird dream, then got an odd weapon called a keyblade. He tries to summon it, but he can't. He wonders why he can't do it. They dismiss it as nothing. Blonde doesn't dismiss it as easilly but still gives it up. His friends tell him to meet them at the Station. Now you get to roam through Twilight Town.

Now. let me tell you something...Twilight Town is HUGE. There are five main areas of Twilight Town: South Twilight Town, North Twilight Town, West Twilight Town, East Twilight Town, and Twilight Station. There are little stations in the other four sectors besides Twilight Station, but they just contain little trains that take you to the other sectors and not a train that takes you to other worlds.

After walking up the alleyway a little bit, I get to a main road where old-timey cars (some look like Model Ts) are driving. After following the side of the road east a bit, I got to one of the mini-stations and rode it to Twilight Station. I met up with Blonde's friends and they each had a little statue-trophy thing. They say that the statues have shiny things on them that are actually candy, and can be picked off and eaten. Blonde grabs one and they all go to the top of the Station. They all pick theirs off and let the sunlight reflect off of them before eating them.

Blonde and his friends talk to eachother. Blonde says that he's been feeling kind of weird lately, especially with the stuff with the keyblade happening. His friends tell him not to worry about that...what he should be worried about is the XIII Organization. They say that they probably live somewhere in Twilight Town but nobody knows for sure. Blonde looks worried and says he's going home to go to bed.

It shows Blonde in his room, with drapes covering the window only allowing the red tint of the Twilight Sky to somewhat appear in his room. He then starts to have another dream, like the awakening...but this one doesn't seem as real.

He sees a place, with Palmtrees. And sand. And an ocean. He then sees a girl with Red Hair.

"What is this place..." he wonders, "I don't remember it...but I can feel it. It feels...familliar".

Okay. You can control Blonde in his dream about DI. It's the same Destiny Island that was in KH1, but now you can look off into the horizon and see another island. It's also Twilight on the island.

Nobody pop up from the ground. Dusk to be specific, and try and attack you. This part reminds me of the beginning of KH1...because no matter how many Dusk you attack, you cannot kill them all. They keep on coming. You gotta go to the Secret Place. After going in there, the door that was in there is open. You gotta walk in, and then there are stairs that to up and spiral. After going up those steps, you arrive at a flat white surface in a black abyss. Then, something comes out of the white surface. Twilightside (the giant Nobody) is back! He isn't much harder, but you gotta still be on your toes, he is pretty agile.

After killing him, the white surface in the black abyss becomes the Memory Pod room in Castle Oblivion. He sees someone in the pod, and in his mind a name passes through...


Now forget what I just told you and now lets focus on Riku, Kairi, and Sora. But first, let's focus on what a N.E.O. is. Since I'm pretty sure we all know what they are, so I won't bother to explain. Now since N.E.O's are basically a shadow of the person they once were, wouldn't it be safe to assume that Riku, Sora, and Kairi have a N.E.O somewhere? We already know that Namine is Kairi's shadow so wouldn't it make the least bit sense if BHK were Sora's shadow? And don't quote me on this...But couldn't it make some sense if Axel were Riku's shadow?...Also, this could explain Sora's new duds..(I also have that part of the storyline but I won't share it because it is VERY important to the storyline.). In the game after Sora became the Heartless then became a human again, It never really stated after that if Sora got his heart back or anything. (I also have the second reason to why his clothes are black. Just PM me if you want to know.)...Plus, if you compare BHK, Axel, and Namine, to their originals, and think about CoM, you might figure out something.

(P.S., Axel already stated that he himself was a Nobody and nobodies could possibly be N.E.O's of other people that got destroyed or something. And also, compare the eye and hair color from the N.E.O's to the originals. And no. I don't think it could be a coincidence.)

anyone but me

New member
Aug 3, 2005
iholdthekeys said:
ok then well anyway here's the stuff i found it was posted by RikostheSavior, unfortunately the kid was burned 2 the xtreme 4 this but i believe he is right and it sounds like something square enix would do and the pictur of axel that kh2.co.uk has posted up of him jumping down from a building seems 2 match with this if u think about it

RikostheSavior's post in Official BHK Topic Reborn page 90 (i think)

I know I shouldn't be posting any of this....And I might get banned or something for it.....And don't quote me on any of this....But from my sources, I think I have found out what happens in the begining of KH2. Also, after I post this, I will post something else that might give people something to think about.

MAJOR MAJOR SPOLIER: If you don't want to know then don't read and go to the bottom.

The game starts out with Sora, floating in his pod. The same as in KH:CoM. It's like, the exact same scene almost...the Graphics are still exactly the same. It shows him floating in the pod, then it draws out, showing the entire room that he is in. After a while, the screen gets grainy like a movie on a projector, and words scroll up the screen slowly. Those words recap all of KH1, and KH:CoM. Luckily, you CAN skip them (although you cannot skip any other cutscenes unless you have seen them once. Or at least not any other ones I've experienced).

After the recap, it shows a FMV(!!) of two guys in hoods...Mickey and another one (it is probably Riku!). They are walking up to the Organization hideout in the woods outside of Twilight Town. Mickey looks up to Riku, and then the gates open. They both walk in, and then the camera pans up into the sky and you can see a very big portion of Twilight Town from a 3/4 perspective, even the Station (which is somewhere in the middle). Then, the camera pans up again and you can see the sun setting and it says "Kingdom Hearts II" in golden letters, flying torwards the screen.

The FMV is continuing, but music starts up...its the Planit B Hikari remix from the beginning of KH1. It shows three kids running down the street from a bird's eye view, they are all three of blonde's friends. The camera pans up and over and you can see a man standing on top of a building, a man in a black robe...and then his hood blows off and you can see that it's Axel! Axel in full 3D FMV!! It shows Axel running along the roofs while the kids are running along the street. It has a close up of Axel's mouth, and you can see a slight grin.

Next it shows Namine in Castle Oblivion, sitting in a white room (not the memory pod room), drawing. She draws a picture that looks like Blonde. She then takes a picture that she drew of Sora and puts them next to eachother. Her eyes grow a little wide.

After that, it goes back to Axel. He jumps off of the roof and lands in front of the kids running along the street. The music stops, and Axel speaks.

"Don't go to your friend, not now."

He then makes a wall of Fire that blocks them, and the screen blacks out.

The FMV stops, and it shows Blonde in in-game graphics falling from the blackness, and landing on one of the columns like Sora did in his awakening...except instead of doves flying out from the pillar, doves fly INTO the pillar and make the picture of the princess. A voice comes into Blonde's mind...

"Your time has come...to awaken the power hidden inside your heart"

the voice then tells you how to do stuff, pretty much the same as KH1, except for a few differences.

1. Instead of fighitng shadows, you fight Dusk. The voice (king mickey's voice?? I dunno) says "You are an anomaly. You are an existence that shouldn't be. You are an existence that lives in perfect harmony. Will you fight this balance, or will you accept it?". It says this before you fight the Dusk. The Dusk overwhelm you, and a white hole opens up below you and you fall through it.

2. There is training for Reaction Commands against Dusk.

Then, you fight the Nobody. The voice says "Is this what you will become? Will you choose light, darkness, or neither? Show me your power".

The giant Nobody is pretty hard. Instead of standing still, he does all these backflips and stuff. And his hands can stretch and hit you from almost anywhere. Luckily, besides flipping, he is pretty slow to attack. When he attacks you with his scarf like thing, the pointy tips at the end can go into the ground and you can run up and hit his face like Darkside.

Okay...now after that "awakening" sequence, Blonde wakes up. He is sleeping on a bench below a windowsill which is holding a Flowerpot, in an alleyway which is lit with twilight and has a orange-brick street. He wakes up to see Axel looking down on him.

"Aha...I knew you would be up soon."

Blonde jumps up and pushes Axel away.

"You're from...The XIII Organization! What do you want with me?!"

"Boy...The Organization exists only to discover the mysteries of the heart. Your heart is still maturing. At this point, it is going through it's biggest growth. I have come to observe it."

Go away! I don't want to get involved with you people!"

Axel then takes a step back.

"I didn't hurt your friends. I just kept them back. But you, on the other hand..."

Blonde gets nervous, and tries to run, but Axel makes a wall of fire.

"I must test you now. Y'know...you really do look like him"

Axel pulls out his wind-fire wheels, and a Keyblade materializes in BHK's hand. Blonde looks at it in amazement.

"You should know how to wield that. It was your destiny, after all. Wield it against me!"

The screen flashes white, and a "Nobody" symbol flies up into the screen and the battle begins. Axel is very easy. About as easy as "Twilightside" the huge Nobody. (that isn't his actual name). He only has a few moves. One where he throws one of his wheel at you, one where he rushes at you and tries to combo you with his wheels, and one where he shoots off a very slow fireball. The move where he throws his wheel has a reaction move you can do where you duck under it, and when he does his fireball move you can do a reaction move (it's harder to do a reaction move to this one, it's about as hard as trying to whack Wakka's balls back at him) where you can whack a fireball back at him.

After fighting him in the twilight Street, Axel backs away.

After fighting him in the twilight Street, Axel backs away.

"Hah. Pretty good." Axel says, before backing away and dissapearing in a dark mist.

BHK looks at the keyblade in amazement, before it dissapears from his hands.

After the Keyblade dissapears from his hands, Blonde's friends run up to him.

"What happened?" The girl asked him, "That member of the XIII Organization...what was he doing to you?"

"Yeah, you don't wanna get mixed up with them." the slim tall boy says.

Blonde explains how he had a weird dream, then got an odd weapon called a keyblade. He tries to summon it, but he can't. He wonders why he can't do it. They dismiss it as nothing. Blonde doesn't dismiss it as easilly but still gives it up. His friends tell him to meet them at the Station. Now you get to roam through Twilight Town.

Now. let me tell you something...Twilight Town is HUGE. There are five main areas of Twilight Town: South Twilight Town, North Twilight Town, West Twilight Town, East Twilight Town, and Twilight Station. There are little stations in the other four sectors besides Twilight Station, but they just contain little trains that take you to the other sectors and not a train that takes you to other worlds.

After walking up the alleyway a little bit, I get to a main road where old-timey cars (some look like Model Ts) are driving. After following the side of the road east a bit, I got to one of the mini-stations and rode it to Twilight Station. I met up with Blonde's friends and they each had a little statue-trophy thing. They say that the statues have shiny things on them that are actually candy, and can be picked off and eaten. Blonde grabs one and they all go to the top of the Station. They all pick theirs off and let the sunlight reflect off of them before eating them.

Blonde and his friends talk to eachother. Blonde says that he's been feeling kind of weird lately, especially with the stuff with the keyblade happening. His friends tell him not to worry about that...what he should be worried about is the XIII Organization. They say that they probably live somewhere in Twilight Town but nobody knows for sure. Blonde looks worried and says he's going home to go to bed.

It shows Blonde in his room, with drapes covering the window only allowing the red tint of the Twilight Sky to somewhat appear in his room. He then starts to have another dream, like the awakening...but this one doesn't seem as real.

He sees a place, with Palmtrees. And sand. And an ocean. He then sees a girl with Red Hair.

"What is this place..." he wonders, "I don't remember it...but I can feel it. It feels...familliar".

Okay. You can control Blonde in his dream about DI. It's the same Destiny Island that was in KH1, but now you can look off into the horizon and see another island. It's also Twilight on the island.

Nobody pop up from the ground. Dusk to be specific, and try and attack you. This part reminds me of the beginning of KH1...because no matter how many Dusk you attack, you cannot kill them all. They keep on coming. You gotta go to the Secret Place. After going in there, the door that was in there is open. You gotta walk in, and then there are stairs that to up and spiral. After going up those steps, you arrive at a flat white surface in a black abyss. Then, something comes out of the white surface. Twilightside (the giant Nobody) is back! He isn't much harder, but you gotta still be on your toes, he is pretty agile.

After killing him, the white surface in the black abyss becomes the Memory Pod room in Castle Oblivion. He sees someone in the pod, and in his mind a name passes through...


Now forget what I just told you and now lets focus on Riku, Kairi, and Sora. But first, let's focus on what a N.E.O. is. Since I'm pretty sure we all know what they are, so I won't bother to explain. Now since N.E.O's are basically a shadow of the person they once were, wouldn't it be safe to assume that Riku, Sora, and Kairi have a N.E.O somewhere? We already know that Namine is Kairi's shadow so wouldn't it make the least bit sense if BHK were Sora's shadow? And don't quote me on this...But couldn't it make some sense if Axel were Riku's shadow?...Also, this could explain Sora's new duds..(I also have that part of the storyline but I won't share it because it is VERY important to the storyline.). In the game after Sora became the Heartless then became a human again, It never really stated after that if Sora got his heart back or anything. (I also have the second reason to why his clothes are black. Just PM me if you want to know.)...Plus, if you compare BHK, Axel, and Namine, to their originals, and think about CoM, you might figure out something.

(P.S., Axel already stated that he himself was a Nobody and nobodies could possibly be N.E.O's of other people that got destroyed or something. And also, compare the eye and hair color from the N.E.O's to the originals. And no. I don't think it could be a coincidence.)

i thought a neo was the same thing as a nobody.. i put that in my dictionary, and i also made a thread about it just to make sure and the answers i got were all that they were the same thing.. anyway, i didn't read the whole middle thing.. i read the first paragraph, and then i was scared that if it was real i wouldn't want to know it.. lol, but whre are you getting that info from?

and Namine is Kairi's shadow METAPHORICALLY.. Namine did not mean it literally


New member
Aug 4, 2005
yes, but as you can see it does sound very convincing and true in fact i will repost parts of it where we now have video footage/pictures of it


New member
Aug 4, 2005
notice all the stuff this kid posted matches up with info that we've gotten in the past like 3-4 weeks

Next it shows Namine in Castle Oblivion, sitting in a white room (not the memory pod room), drawing. She draws a picture that looks like Blonde. She then takes a picture that she drew of Sora and puts them next to eachother. Her eyes grow a little wide.

in this part i don't think we've seen it or had a picture of it but i think sum1 mentioned this in the new hush-hush trailer that hasn't been released on the net yet.........

After that, it goes back to Axel. He jumps off of the roof and lands in front of the kids running along the street. The music stops, and Axel speaks.

remember that picture that was just released like last week........ hmmmm interesting right

I met up with Blonde's friends and they each had a little statue-trophy thing. They say that the statues have shiny things on them that are actually candy, and can be picked off and eaten. Blonde grabs one and they all go to the top of the Station. They all pick theirs off and let the sunlight reflect off of them before eating them.

hmmmmmmmm...... haven't ppl translated and proven that it was actually candy........

Blonde explains how he had a weird dream, then got an odd weapon called a keyblade. He tries to summon it, but he can't. He wonders why he can't do it. They dismiss it as nothing. Blonde doesn't dismiss it as easilly but still gives it up.

hmmmmm......... this might explain why BHK looks at his hands in the trailer so weird in that room with his friends

Now forget what I just told you and now lets focus on Riku, Kairi, and Sora. But first, let's focus on what a N.E.O. is. Since I'm pretty sure we all know what they are, so I won't bother to explain. Now since N.E.O's are basically a shadow of the person they once were, wouldn't it be safe to assume that Riku, Sora, and Kairi have a N.E.O somewhere? We already know that Namine is Kairi's shadow so wouldn't it make the least bit sense if BHK were Sora's shadow? And don't quote me on this...But couldn't it make some sense if Axel were Riku's shadow?...Also, this could explain Sora's new duds..(I also have that part of the storyline but I won't share it because it is VERY important to the storyline.). In the game after Sora became the Heartless then became a human again, It never really stated after that if Sora got his heart back or anything. (I also have the second reason to why his clothes are black. Just PM me if you want to know.)...Plus, if you compare BHK, Axel, and Namine, to their originals, and think about CoM, you might figure out something.

(P.S., Axel already stated that he himself was a Nobody and nobodies could possibly be N.E.O's of other people that got destroyed or something. And also, compare the eye and hair color from the N.E.O's to the originals. And no. I don't think it could be a coincidence.)

as for all that i just think it was garbage theories he was trying to make from the actual info he found and stuff that was going on in the BHK thread

edited: so that what i put on here made sense

anyone but me

New member
Aug 3, 2005
wow.. who wrote this stuff. and where did he get any proof for his theories?? or is this your theory... and was this really posted before the videos and screenshots came out.. and read my above post to see what i have to say on your sidenote at the bottom


New member
Aug 4, 2005
ok here we go

06-01-2005, 12:38 PM Post #1791

that is definitely way before any of the info we got now........... i'm telling you i think this kid had the beginning of kh2 hardcore here and every1, even the mods burned him badly.......

and no this is not my theory and it is not his theory.............. he sumhow had an underground connection and found this all out......... if you go to page 90 of the Official BHK Topic and you keep on reading you will find out a little more stuff but this right here is the main enchalada

anyone but me

New member
Aug 3, 2005
iholdthekeys said:
ok here we go

06-01-2005, 12:38 PM Post #1791

that is definitely way before any of the info we got now........... i'm telling you i think this kid had the beginning of kh2 hardcore here and every1, even the mods burned him badly.......

and no this is not my theory and it is not his theory.............. he sumhow had an underground connection and found this all out......... if you go to page 90 of the Official BHK Topic and you keep on reading you will find out a little more stuff but this right here is the main enchalada
well, i gained the courage and i read it.. but i don't think it is correct.. it is very strange that it fits to the screenshots and videos.. but if you say that he is 'part of an underground thing' or whatever, then he couldve gotten those ahead of tiem and just developed a theory.. because i don't thnk that is what really happens.. seems too.. i don't know.. not SEish

EDIT: oh, and a remix of Simple and Clean would not be playing.. Passion, the new theme song, would be playing


New member
Aug 4, 2005
well to me it seems "SEish"............. and i think it is more than a coincidence that he posted all this way b4 we had screenshots/trailers/translations of ne of this........... and that the screenshots/trailers/translations fit in2 everything

EDIT: i agree that some parts like the theme song don't sound right, but I think that this kid somehow played a rough draft demo version of the game

anyone but me

New member
Aug 3, 2005
iholdthekeys said:
well to me it seems "SEish"............. and i think it is more than a coincidence that he posted all this way b4 we had screenshots/trailers/translations of ne of this........... and that the screenshots/trailers/translations fit in2 everything

EDIT: i agree that some parts like the theme song don't sound right, but I think that this kid somehow played a rough draft demo version of the game
can you post the other stuff you said you would PM me... or just PM me it, whatever you want..


New member
Aug 4, 2005

Now forget what I just told you and now lets focus on Riku, Kairi, and Sora. But first, let's focus on what a N.E.O. is. Since I'm pretty sure we all know what they are, so I won't bother to explain. Now since N.E.O's are basically a shadow of the person they once were, wouldn't it be safe to assume that Riku, Sora, and Kairi have a N.E.O somewhere? We already know that Namine is Kairi's shadow so wouldn't it make the least bit sense if BHK were Sora's shadow? And don't quote me on this...But couldn't it make some sense if Axel were Riku's shadow?...Also, this could explain Sora's new duds..(I also have that part of the storyline but I won't share it because it is VERY important to the storyline.). In the game after Sora became the Heartless then became a human again, It never really stated after that if Sora got his heart back or anything. (I also have the second reason to why his clothes are black. Just PM me if you want to know.)...Plus, if you compare BHK, Axel, and Namine, to their originals, and think about CoM, you might figure out something.

(P.S., Axel already stated that he himself was a Nobody and nobodies could possibly be N.E.O's of other people that got destroyed or something. And also, compare the eye and hair color from the N.E.O's to the originals. And no. I don't think it could be a coincidence.)

RikostheSavior posted that......... so you would have to PM him............ not me......... and like i said........ if you go to the Official BHK Topic Reborn and you go to the 90th page and keep reading on you will see the other stuff he posted as well


New member
Aug 4, 2005
ok i got a lil more stuff from this kid that i ripped off the BHK topic... everything after this is all RikostheSavior's stuff..........

Hmm...Since none of you will believe my little "beginning" sequence I posted, I take it you all have read seen the picture where BHK tried to slash DiZ? Well if you have then read this and maybe this will change your minds. Also, it has SOME part of Blond talking to Namine. (I know some of you will say this is fake but I don't really care.)

Scene Preview: Namine and Castle Oblivion:

The scene turns to Namine and Blonde, sitting at a table. Blonde asks Namine who she is, and Namine says she is a girl with the power to manipulate memories, and she has been given the duty to oversee Sora's memory recovery. She then goes on to note that Sora has since left Caslte Oblivion, though.

Hearing that, a look of worry passes by Blonde's face.

"Where was Sora sleeping at, to regain his memories?"

Namine points him in the right direction, and Blonde runs for the Memory Pod room.

When he gets there, he sees DiZ.

"It's you!" Blonde yells, "What do you want from me!?"

"You have come here to enquire about Sora...Did you not?"

Blonde hastily withdraws his Kingdom Key and rushes at DiZ. The Kingdom Key passes through him, leaving not so much as a scratch. Blonde tries to swipe at him a few more times, and still nothing. He gets angry and lets out a yell, making white and black electricity emminate around him. The Oathkeeper and Oblivion form in his hands. DiZ warps away to the other side of the room.

DiZ starts to speak.

"Fine then. I'll make you a deal. We will fight. If you win, I'll tell you my name. If I win, you tell me your name."

"You told me your name! It's DiZ!" Blonde yells.

"Sorry, but that is not my real name. Will you take care to tell me YOUR real name as well?"

A giant Nobody symbol flashes on the screen, and the battle against DiZ begins.

When the battle with DiZ begins, you will notice something. You cannot harm him. If you try to hit him, your keyblades just go right through him. Plus, DiZ doesn't even try and attack you really. He just slowly "floats" around the room (it looks like he's sliding around the floor). He's constantly staring at you. Once you "hit" him enough times, he says something along the lines of "That is enough". It's very calm, though. Oh, DiZ's voice...Sounds exactly like Ansem's would if it was always calm sounding.

After he speaks, he starts to glow, and gold and black lights start to whirl around him. He then releases this power and it automatically kills you.

Blonde is laying on the floor...exausted. DiZ walks up to him, and looks down on him.

"You remember our deal...can you tell me your name?"

Blonde sits up slowly, and then starts to stand.

"My name...is..."

DiZ stares at him intently.

"My name is...*****."

DiZ looks away quickly. Like he is hiding the look on his face.

"I told you...tell me your REAL name."

***** gets angry, and yells at DiZ.

"That IS my real name...That is my only name that I know of!"

DiZ starts to walk away.

"Perhaps...your heart is not yet strong enough. Perhaps, the balance in your heart isn't balanced at all. Perhaps your part in the plan is meaningless after all...Perhaps HIS part is the only part needed."

DiZ walks away torwards the door out of the pod room. When he reaches the doorway, he stops and looks torwards ***** out of the corner of his eye. ***** then takes a step torwards DiZ.

"I have to ask you something...Something that Isn't easy to ask."

A smirk appears on DiZ's face.

"Ask away, dear boy".

ok now i'm bak......... don't you think this ties in with that part of the trailer in jp05 where we see bhk and namine talking and when bhk tries to slash DiZ


New member
Aug 4, 2005
well 4 me 2 tell u the truth, this kid posted all this stuff in the beginning of june......... and we are just getting translations/screenshots/trailers of some of the things he mentioined b4.............. so like i said i think he played a rough demo version of the game which would explain why passion did not play in the beginning cuz it wasn't finished yet
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